HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 57-1912 N ~ N L A A~
................ The Board of ,T~mtees of t~e Cit~ of South San Francieco
do ordain as foltows~
Section 1.The ~ounda~ lines of S~ Bruno Road shall be the
bou~d.~ry lines for said street o~ road as designated and delin-
eated on the ~ap of South San ~rmncisco~Pl~t ~;o.1, filed in the
office of the Cownty ~corder of San ~.~ateo County, at Re~od City,
C~lifornia, and recorded ~farch l, 1892, in ~ap Book ~o.2, page
~2 of the records ef said county.
Section 2. The. east c~b line of San Bruno Head shall be
line parallel to the east boundary line of San Bruno Road at a
distance of ~welve (12) feet the~eOrom; the we~t c~rb line of
San Bruno tioad shall be a·iine parallel to the west boun'da~
line of S~ Bruno Road and a~ a dis~tance of Twelve (12) feet
the ~ef rom.
Section ~. All th~-~offiCi~I~Va~Ious herein'mediUm'ice'ed are
taken wibh refer~nce ~o the City Base and are abo~ the said
City }~se.
Section ~. The officiz~l ~lev~tion of a point i~ t~e
curb iLue~ of San Bruno ]Qo~d two hundred and one (~2~01) feet north
of ~he north lime of Grand Avenue is twenty-four and ten hun-
dredths (2~.10) feet; the official elevation of a point in the
west curb line of San Bruno Road two hu~ndred ~-md one (20i)
north of ~he north line of Grand Avenue is twenty-four and ten
hundredths (2~.10) feet.
Section 5. The official elevations of the intersection of
?iller Avenue with San ~rumo Hoad are he~eby fixed as follows:
At z~ point foxed bj~ the in~e~seo~Lon oS t~,? ~?~ ii~e of ~ilt,r
Avenue with the west cdrb line of San ~Sru~o Ro~ twenty-five
f~st: at a point formed by the fn:2ersec2ion o£ the south llne o£
Miller Avenue with the east curb li~e of San Bruno Road twenty-
four and seven tenths (24.7) feet; at a point formed by the in-
tersection of, the. north line of ~iller Avenue with the w~st curb
line of San Bruno,~i~ad,~twe~,ty~five' (25)ffeet; at a point formed
by the intersection of the north line of ~iller Avenue with the
east curb line of San Bruno Road twenty-four and seven tenths
(24,7) feet.
Section 6. The of Cicial elevations of the intersection of
Lux. Avenue with San Bruno Road are hereby fixed as follows:
At a point formed by the intersection of the so~th line of Lux
Avenue with the west curb lime of San ]~runo Road twenty-two and
four tent.Rs (2~.4) feet;~at a poin.t formed by the intersection
of the south line of Lux Avenue with the eaat curb line of San
Bruno Road twenty,-one and nine tenths (21.9) feet; at a point
formed by the intersection of the north line of Lux Avenue with
the west cu~b line of San l~runo Head twenty-one and nine tenths
(21,9) feet; at a point formed by the intersection of the north
line of. Lux Average with the east curb line of San ~Vtruno Road
twenty-one and seven tenths (21.7) feet.
Section 7, The official elevations of the intersection of
California Avenue with San Bruno Head are hereby fixed as follows:
At a point formed by the intersectio~ of the so-~th line of Cali-
fornia Avenue with the west Curb line of San Dr~no Hoad twenty-
two (22) feet; at a point formed by the intersection of the south
line of California Avenue with the east curb line of San
Ro~-~d t'~nty'-~ne -~?~'~ ~-~.ve t, ent~:~_~ (21.5) feet; at a point formed
by tn_, intersection . ' ' of the north line of
California Avenue with the west curb line of San Bruno Road Twen-
ty-two and fou-r tenths (22.4) feet; at a point formed by the
tersection of the north line of California Avenue with the east
curb line of Sa~ Bruno t~oad twenty-two (22) feet.
Section 8. The official elevations of the intersection of
Pine Avenue with San Bruno Road are hereby fixed as follows: At
a point formed by' the introspection of th.e scut~ lir, e cf Vine
Avenue with the west curb line of San Bruno Road twenty-five and
four tenths (25.4) feet; at a point formed by the intersection
of the ~uth line of Pine Avem~e with the east curb line of San
Bruno Road twenty-four and six tenths (24.6) feet; at a point
formed by the intersection of ~e-north line of Dine Aven,]e
the west curb line of San Bruno Head twenty-five and seven tenths
(25.7) feet; at a point formed by the intersection of the north
line of Pine Avenue with %he east curb t~ne of S~ Bruno Road
~wenty-five and five tenths (25.5) feet.
Section 9. The official elevation of a point on the east
curb line of San Bru~o Road two hundred and seven%3~ (o~)~, feet
north..of t~e nor~ line of Pine Avenue is twenty-eight and one
tenth (28.1) feet; the of'~'icial elevation of a point on the west
curb lit',e of San }~runo t~oad two hundred and sew::nty (270) feet .
perth of the north line of ~ine A~enue is ~went~-eight' and
tenth (28.1) feet.
Section 10. The official elevation of the intersection of
the south lime of A~our Avenue ~ith the west curb li~e of San
Bruno Road is twenty-eight and six tenths (29.C) feet; the of-Fi-
civil el,wiu~on of the [nt~ra, ection of the soutY.~ line of A~our
Avenue wit]~, t?ae east curb line of San Bruno Road is twenty-cight
and one tenth (28 1) feet
Section 11. ~he shade of the cross section and the eleva-
tions thereof shall be fixed at the time when the street is im-
proved, depending upon the, material used for p~ving.
Section 12. The longitudinal slo~e or gra,~e of said street
or road shall be on straight lines connecting the ~oints where
the elevations are fixed as provided by this ordinance.
Section 13. This ordinance shall be published once in "The
Ente r~rise"
, a weekly news~aper printed, published and circulated
in the City of South San ~rancisco and shall take e~'fect and be
in force from and after the date of its passage.
Introduced this ~--~-'day of July, 1912.
Passed and adopted as an urdin~:r,ce o~' L'.~.~ Cil:'.y
San Francisco at ~ regular meeting of the Board of T~s~ee8
the City of San ~ra~cisco this day of
191~, by the following voteN
.......... ~ ......~... ~ ........................
~Noes, Trustees ~~-- ~ ~' ' ~ '
App roved: