HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 58-1912 OBDINAMC~ ~. An ord!nan.¢e~.repeal~ng O~rdinaltcel'~.4~ of the City of ~8~uth ..... 8a~ ~fancisoo, entitled "An 0rdin~noe L~oens~n~ an~ the Traffic, Vending and Disposing of Spirituous, Malt, and Fer- mented Liqours ~A~.Wines, or any Admixture thereof, in the 0ity of~"South San Prancisco" , passed and adopted November 2, 1908; and Ordinance Nc.il of the City of South San Francisco, entitle~ "An Ordinance to ~end Section N~ber Twenty-three (25) of Ordi- nance ~umber ~our (4) of the City of South San Francisco, enti- tled, 'An Ordinance Licensing and Regulating the TrafFic, Vending and Disposing of Spirituous, ~alt and ~e~ented Liquors and Wines, or any Admixture the~of, in the City of Mouth S~ ~ran- cisco: passed and adopted November 2, 1908;' pas~ed and adopted December 28, 1908; and Ordinance ~,7o.25 of the Citj of South Prancisco, entitled "An Ordinance to Amend Subdivision ~our (4) of Section Number ~ight (8) of, c~d also ~o add a new section to, Ordinance Number Four of the City of South Man Francisco, entJ~ ' ' ·" - q~ Vending ~d T~isposing of Spirituous, ;~alt and ~ermented Liquors and Wines, or any Admixture bhereo, f, in the City of ~outh San ~ran- cisccJ passed and adopted Afore'tuber 2, 1907:' passed ~d adopted June 21, 190f)- [%nd Ordinance ]~. 55 of the City of South San Francisco, entitled "An 0rdin~r~ce tg Au~e~,'.~3 c,~2biu,,~. .. ...... v',-~b~r. Twelve (12) of Ordinance T~[um]oer ~.~,~]r' (.i) of ~he City of ~o o uth San cisco, entibied 'An Ordinance Licensing' t~d kegul~tinK the Traf- ~' it ~.~d ~er~eoted Li~u- ic, Vendir.~g t~nd 7>is]:~&sing of SpiriLuu't~a, t~.e it~ of South ors t~nd :~rir;es, or t.~nj, Admixture ther'eo~, in h Si.tn ~rar~cisco: pa:ssed and adopted 2.Yovem!~er 2~ 190.9~' passed and a,~opted Julj, 2~, 191t0-, add 0rdin~nce ~to. 40 of Cie City of San 7rancisco,emtitied "An Ordinance to .irnen,~ Secticr ~u~ber 1~, of Ore,narco ,,~u,,bel' ~, of the City of ~outb San ~rarci,-,co, ert~- tied 'Ap Ordinance Licensing' arid ke~ulati~-~:-t~,e'~'~ 'Pra?f'ic Di.s~osing of Sgir~.tuous, ?..~alt anteater'.ted LiQuors and '"ines, or ~n3 Admixture t>~e~'eof~ in t]~e Cit2, of ~cuth Ean ~rancisoo: passed and adopted November 2, 1908|' pa:::;sed and adopted Deceml~r 12, 19i0; and Ordinance No. 55 of the City' of South San ~r'ancisco~ entitled"An ordinance amending Section Eleven of Ordinance ~o.4 of the City of south S;~n ~r,~,,cisco, entitled 'An Ordinance Licen- sir~g and ~egulating the Traffic, Wending a~d Disposing of SPirit- uous, ~.~alt and Wemented Liquors and ~Fines, or any Admixture mthereof, in the City of ~outb' San Francisco~ passed ~d adopted ....... "passed ~d adopted ,July 8, 19~o '~he [Board of ~rustees of the City of 2out]% 2a.~ mrar, cis~o do ord;~in as follows: Section t. Or~-linance ffumber mo~r,(4) of t~ e City oF South San ~'rancisco, entitled "An 0rdJnance Licensir. Cj and Regula%in~ the Tra"fl~c, Vendf. nE a~d r'ispcsi~f; of Spirituous, ~'alt and Vet- me,ted Liquors and ~Fines, or any Admixture thereof, in the City of gouth, San ~r~tncisco~' ,,.~a:~' sed and ~dopted ~ovemLer 2, 190~; Ordinance ~u'mber Fleven (il) of ~h.e Cit~, of Sour}% San mrancisco, entitled "An Ordinance to Amer]d Section ~rumber T'~'e :] '. ./- t? re e (25) of Ord~r, ance ~,fum':~er ?our (-i) of the City of South San ~'rancisco, entitled_ 'An Ordinance Llber;sir;g and Re~ulatimg the Traffic, Ven- dinS and ~)isposin~ of Spirituous~ '~alt ~nd ~'erpler~%ed Liquor~'~ and Wines, or atnB? Adroixture the,'e~.f, in the City o: :~.~ ~ SaD ' p;~ssed and ~dopted November 2, .... , CiSCO~ T,ecen~e~ 1902' ~,~nd Ordinamce Number m Cit. 'of Sou%b San :~rancisc~, entitled "An Ordinance to Amend Subdivision ~o,~r' (4) of Section ~,~i, ~}_t'~ (8) o~, and also to a:~d a new sectio~ to, Ordinance ~,u:moer ~'cur (.) of the C~.ty oe South San 7F'a~cisco, entitled 'An Ordinance Licensing,' and ~ef~ulat~np' tRe ?tar'ftc, VendinE and n' ' .. me~3ted Liquors and ~Vi~es, or any Admixture thereof, iu the City' of South San mranciscc: passed and adopted ~,fovember 2, and Adopted YUne 21,. 1909; and 0rdi~a~ce,,:¥umber tobit%y-five '(55) of: the City of South San ~*r~mcisco, entitled "An Ordinance to Amend Section Twelve (t2~ o~ O~-¢~rarme ~1 ur~ber City of South San Wrancisco, entitled. 'An Ordinance Licensing and Regulating~. ~ the Traf~'ic, Vending and ~isposing. of .Spirituous, .~¢alt and Fermented Liqu.ors and Wines, or any Admixture thereof, in the City' of South San ~rancisco: passed, and"adopted ~¢ovember 2, 1902~ passed ,~nd adopted .Tuly 25, 1~10' and 0rd~nance Number Forty (40) of the~~ City of 9outh San mrancisco, entitled "An Ordinance to ~end SectiSn ~mber 18, of 0rdinarce ~[umber 4, of the City of 20uth san Wrancisco, entitled 'An Ordinance Licensfng ~d Regulati~ the,Wraffic, Ver~di~g and Disposin~ of Spirituous, ~.'alt and ~e~ented Liquors and Wines, or any Admixt~re thereof, in the Cit.,/ of Sot~th San ~rancisco~ passed a-tnd ~o~ted ~{ovember 2, 1902~ passed and adopted ~ecember 12, 1910; and Ordinance N,~mber ~ifty-six (5~]) of the o~uta San W~cisco,entitled "An ordinance ar~endinf,: Section ~leven of Ordinance ,~o..~ of the City vf ~outh Sm ?rancisco, ertitled 'An Ordinance Licensi~ and ]xegulatin~ the ~raff&ic, Vel]din? and T~is~oSi~l~ of BIl~irituous, ?alt and Wera]ented Liquors% and '~ines, or any Admixt~re the~'eof, in ~e City o~ 2~utl'~ San w~ancisco~pa~;sed and adopted ~fovember 2, 1:~0.., pa~:s~'~d adopted ,T~ly 8, 1912, are hereby repealed. ' Section 2. This ordinance shall be oublis~'~ed once in "The Fnte~r~'' a we~:kly ~ewspaper $~ri~'~d, p~.olis~ed and circulated in the City of So~th~'-an Pra~cisco, and shall take in force from and after the fir~t d~TMon' of Janu~ry, 1913. Passed and adopted as an ordinance of the City of South San ~,~rancisco at a regular meetirJg of the Board of Trustees of ~ ' ~~~~~ ............................................ ..... of the City, of South Attest: ~~, .