HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 59-1912 ~icensing and ~egu~ai~ ing ~h~ ~f~c,
an~ disposing of pi.rit~us, ,malt and e~nted liquors
/.~o~ .~ a~ixture /~hereof, in the ~ity ~f South S~ ~ra~isco,
~? The B~a~ ( Trustees ~f t~J Ci~.~ S~ut~ S~n ~ran~
de ordain as fcll~ws:
Section 1. it is hereb~ declared and made unlawful
pers~, persons, fi~ er ce~oratio~ tc keep within the City
South San Francisc~ any saloon, bar, stere, dram-shop, tippling
place, stand, ~r.any other place where spirituous, ~alt or fer-
mented liquor ~r wine, or any ~ixture thereof, is sold, witheut
~ving the license therefor i~ this ordinance provided, and by
~his ordinance required.
~ection 2. It is her~b~ declared to be, and is ~ereby made
unlawful f~r ~ny per3on, ~ersons, fi~E or co~cration tG sell
within the Cit~ of South S~ Francisco, an~ spirituous, malt
fermented liquors, or wine, cr ~ny ~d~ixture thereof, without
having ~he lice~se therefor in this ordinance provided, ~nd by
th~.3 ordinance required: and the giving or furnishing of
riotous, ~lt, or fermented liquor, or wine, or ~ny
thereof, ~o an~ person in co~ecticn with the sale of any other
article, ~nd ~ a p~rt of the ~e ~rans~ction, sh~l~ constitute,
~der ~he provisions off ~hi~ ordinance, a s~le of ~uch ~piri~uous~
m~l~ or fe~en~ed liquor, or wine, or' the admixture thereof,
given ~r f~rnished.
2~cti~n ~. ~1 licen~e~ shall be D~i~ ~or in adva~me,
lawful mo~y of th~ United ~t~, ~ ~be ~?~r~hal ~f the City
~u~h S~n Francisco.
Section 4.The lice~se her~in required mu~t be procured from
th~ Clerk of the City ~f S~u~h ~n Vr~n. ci~co, ~nd pa~ent
lice~se t~x mu~t be ~de to the ~rsh~l of the City
San Wranciaco, before the co~encement of ~the business herein
..;,, -~e.:-~on 5. A separate pemis~ion and license, unaer
sep~ra:e place of, busine'ss, '~d such 'pe'::~'i'ss:ion',an~::l~c~'ee,; s~ll
~t~rlze .the party ~ed.in Such license-to run or condue.t.~
~ ,--Sect~ion 6...No t:ieens..e issued umder the p~ovisio~s'of th~s
ordinance shall ~e..assi6nable or~.tra~sferrab~e,-or authoriz'~'an~
person.,~persons, fiFm or co~oration, other' than is
ed, to.do business, or authorize business to be done, at any
other place-or .building than the place.'or bu~'lding
specified .therein. Eve~' ~icense issued under 'the provisions
this .ordinance shall speoif~ .by n~e the person, persens,
or co~oratiQn, to whom it is issued, and the paTti, cular place
and buildin~ in which %he business for which it is iSSued iS
be carried on, and also' the da~e of its issuance, the
which it is issued and a description of the business to be e'arri- ':~
e~ on thereunder. Said license shall also contain as part %here-
Of the following stipulation, ~o-wit..~ "This license
received and accepted subject ~o all the terms and gond-ttions
of Ordinance No.~_ of the City of South San ~rancisco', '
Board of Trustees, which ap¢llcatfcn must be accompanied by
under which it is issued'". 8aid stipulation must be signed bY'the
person, Persons, firm or corporation named ~'n such license before
~ny business is ~uthor~zed to be done under said license. ~aid
license shall a% all times be kept comspicuously posted up in
the place of business specified therein, and shall not be valid,
nor any liquor sold thereunder, unless so kept posted up.
Section 7. The 5~arshal of the City of mouth San ~rancisco
is hereby authorized, required and directed to collect a~l licen-
ses and all sums of money herein 'mentioned, and provided for in
this ordinance. It is also hereby made the duty of said ~.~arshal
to cause criminal complaints to be filed against all persons,
fi~vns or corporations, violating any of the provisions of this
Section 8. ~o license required by this ordinance shall be
issued by the Clerk or ~arshal to any person, persons, firm or
corporation, or, if so issued, shall be valid for any purpose
unless such person, persons, firm or corporation shall have been
first granted a permit bY the Board of Truste~:s of said City
of South San ]~rancisco to obt~in the license required by this
ordinance, and such permit must be in force and unrevoked at
the time of the issuing of every license.
No permit to obtain the license required by any of the pro-
visions of this ordinance shall be gran~.ed by the Board of Trus-
tees of said City of South San Francisco, or if so granted, shall
be valid for an[~ purpose, unless the following conditicns have
been complied with, to-~.~.~it: Each applic~tnt for a license shall
f~le with the Clerk of the City' of South San ?rancisco, at least.
five days prior to any regular 'meeting of the Board of Trustees
of said city, at which s~id ap~,~licant desires to be he~zrd, a
written application to said Bo~rd of Trustees for a permit to
obtain the license herein required, which s~tid application shall
state and set forth: Pirst:-- The name and residence of the per-
· son or persons, .a~ of each member of ~he firm~ ami of each dir-
e~ch of ~id per~en~ ~$ been a resident of the City of South
8~ Fr~cisco. ~d t~t said person or person, and ~ach member
~- of said fi~. ~d each director of sai~ co.oration, ts either
a native born or ~turallzed citizen of the United States. or
. ts a ~eident ~nd freeholder within ~e City of South S~ ~r~-
ctaco ~d has declared hie or her intention, beffore ~e ~eventh
k d~ of ~tcbcr, l~12,to become a citizen of t~o.e Un:[~;~ States.
~1~ Second:,-~e clmss of license and place ~d building in
~ which the business is to be conducted.
Third:-- ~at said applicant has not, nor has ~y ~er of
said applicant fi~, nor a~ director of said applicant corpor-
~'~ ation, ',ithin two years prior to the date of m~ing said app-
lication, been refused a pe~it by said Board of Trustees, nor
has had a~ license ~voked by said Board within said time.
Fourth:-- Said applic~t or applicants shall also execute
and file a bond in the penal s~ of One Thousand (10~) Dollars,
with two or more sureties and payable to the City of South San
Francisco; and the sureties shall accompa~ said bond With ~
affidavit that they are each residents and freeholders within
the Co~ty of S~ ~ateo, State of California, and are each worth
the s~ specifi~ fn said .bond over and above all their jus2
debts and liabilit..ies, e. xcl~ive of p~operty exempt from execu-
tion. No personal surety shall be acceptable on such bond who
has already become liable upon three bonds executed for similar
pu~oses. A~ co,oration such as mentioned in Section Ten Hun-
dred and Fifty-six (1056) of the Code of Civil Procedure of the
State of Califo~ia may become sole surety upon such bond. Said
bond shall be conditioned that said applicant or applicants shall
~d will conduct the business for which a pe~it and license are
somght, in a quiet, orderly and reputable manner, and shall not
and will not pe~it a~ disturbance of the public peace, orde~
o~ decom.m~, by a~ noisy, riotous, or disorderly conduct on the
premises; and shall not and will not sell, give aw~ or fu~ish
· ~, s~ny spirituous, malt Or fermented liquor, or wine, or any admix-
ture thereof, or permit the same to be done, to any intoxicated
person, or to an~c.minor under the age of eighteen (18) years,
or to any habitual drunkard, or to any person to whom said spoil-
cant or applicants may be forbidden to sell by written notice
made by the husband, wife, parent, child over twelve (12) years
of age, brother, .sister, guardian, ward over twelve (12) years
of age, or employer of such person; and shall not,and will not,
permit any intoxicated person, or habitual drunkard, or minor
under the age of eighteen (18) years to be, or remain in or
about the room in which said business is conducted, and shall
not, and will nov,, sell, give away or furnish to any person any
spirituous, mal~, or ferm. ented liquor, or wine, or any admixture
thereof, or permit the same to be ~ne, between the hour of ele-
ven o'clock p. m. and the hour of five o'clock a. ~. of the
following day'; and shall not,and will not, permit any dancing
in his, their or its place of ~:usi~ess, or in any place connected
therewith or formin£~ ~ part thereof or annexed, thereto; and. shall!
and will, obey and abide by the te~r~ of this ordinance, and all
laws and ordinance~ ~ow in force, or which may he~'eafter be en-
acted, regulating places of business where spirituous, malt, or
fermented liquor, or ~ine, or any admixture thereof, is sold,
given away cr furnished.
Section 9. Any person or persons, may' aDd, ear at the meeting
of said Board of Trustees at which any ap].~lmcation is to be
n .... rd, and file a protest against, and be heard in opposition
to the granting of a pemit for a license to any appl~.c~nt.
Section 10. The t0ond in Section eight of this ordinance
shaJl be s~bject to the approval or rejection of the Board of
Trustees; and upon appi~ow~l of ~..~ch bond, the Board of Tru,stees
s~,ll consider said application, and any protest which may have
been filed, and if said Board shall find that said apr, llcant is
a fit and proper person to carry on said business, and that the
carrying on of said business, at the place where the same is to
be carried on, will not be prejudicial to the public good, peace~
or morals,said Boar,~ mall, by resolution,grant the required per-
mit; provided, however, that no permit shall be granted, to any
person, persons, firm, or corporation who previously had~ a permit
under this ordinance, and which permit had, within two years
prior thereto been revoked; nor to any firm or corporation, any
member or director of which had a permit, and which permit had,
within two years prior to said hearing of said application,been
revoked; nor to any person, persons, firm,or corporation, unless
such person, or each member of such firm, or each director of
such corporation, is either a native born or naturalized citizen
of the United States;or is a resident and freeholder within the
City of South San Francisco and has declared his or her inten-
tion,before the seventh day of October, 1912,to become a citizen
of the United States;and said Board of Trustees shall have ab-
solute discretion to grant or deny any application.
Section ll. A permit under this ordinance shall specify the
class of license to be issued thereunder, and shall be good only
for the person, firm, or corporation named therein, and for the
particular place and business,and class of business specified
in such permit; and such permit shall be granted semiannually.
Any permit granted between the first day of Yanuary and the thir-
tieth day of June of any year shall expire on the thirtieth
day of ~une next following the date of its grant; any permit
granted between the first day of Yuly and the thirty-first day
of December of any year shall expire on the thirtY-first day of
December next following the date of its gran%.; it being the in-
tention that all permits granted under the terms of this ordi-
nance shall terminate semiannually with the close of the months
of Yune and December. Any holder of such a permit, in seeking
a permit for the ensuing half-year, must file an application
therefor, as hereinbefore provided, at least five days before
the date at which the same is to be heard and considered by the
Board of Trustees, which application must be accompanied by a
bond as in the case of the original application, as hereinbefore
mentioned and provided. Anyone objecting to the granting of such
permit may appear at the hearing of said application and protest~
as hereinbefore pruv.t.~.ed.
Section 12. Licenses to be issued hereunder shall be of two
classes: "Class A" and "Class B". A "Class A" license will au-
thcrize the s~le of spirituous, malt or fe~ented liquors, or
wi~es, oN any a~ikture thereof, to be drmnk on the premises
~here .~old or othe~ise, in accord~nce with the '~'.erms of ~his
ordinance, in open receptacles or otherwise, and in quantities
less than a pint or otherwise. A "Class B" liquor license will
a~thorize the sale of spirituous, malt or fe~ented liquors, or
wines, or any a~ixture thereof ~t a restaurant, and in open re-
ceptacles, containing not over a pint, or in unopen or ~nbroken
~'ec~pt~acles containing not over a quart, and from the stock or
su~pply'of spirituous, malt, oF fermented liquors, or wines, or
any ad~nixture thereof kept on the premises for which snch license
is i~ued, and to be drunk
meals served tlnereo~, costing (exclusive of such spirituous,malt,
0r fermented liquors, or wines, or any admixture thereof) not
less than t'.,venty-five (25) cents. Such l~.cense will. ~ot anthor-
ize the mai~t, er'~a~ce of a bar, nor the brin~ling i~ ii,!~or~ from
· ~(~jol~ing premises, nor the sale of any spirituo'~s, malt, or fer-
mented liquors, or wines, or a~y admixture thereo~ other than
with the service in a restaurant of meals in which there is a
bona fide delivery and consu~ptio~ of food ~it)! st~ch ii~tu, ors or
wines, and for which food, exclusive of the sp~.rituous, ~alt or
fermented liquors, or win. e~, or ~ny admixture timber'eof, there must
be a bona fide charge of not less than.t'~enty-five (25) cents
for each person served. A "Cla~s ~" li~tuor license ?zill not au-
thorize the sale of spirituous, malt, or fer~uented liquors, or
wines, or any admixture thereof, in f~ny ]:~oL~i, or i~ ~:tn2z place
designated as a restaurant, such place being a part of a hotel,
or in any place in connection with which sleeping rooms are let
for hire, or in any place having any communication or connection
wi~h ~ny ho~el or with any place where sleeping rooms are let
for hire, nor in any other place, except it be conducted exclu-
sively as a restaurant. - ~
Section 13. Any person, persons, finn, or corporation to
whom a permit has been granted and a license is:;~e~! under i;he
hero,is of this ordinance, who does not comduct the business for
which such permit and license bare been granted and issued, in
a quiet, orderly and reputable manner, or who pe~its dancing
in his, their, or its place of business, or bar-room, or in any
room connected therewith or forming a part thereof or annexed
thereto, or who allo~vs or pe~it:~~on~,~ disturb~nce~_'~ the 'public
pe~ce, order or decorum by ~ny noisy, riotous or disorderly con-
duct on the premises; or who sells, gives away or furnishes,any
spirituous, m~lt, or fermented liquors, or wines, or any a~ix-
ture thereof, or pe~its the s~me to be ~one, to any intoxicated
person, or to any minor under the age of ezgnt..en (19) years,
or to ~ny habitual drunkard; or who penuits any intoxicated per-
son, or 'minor under the age of ' '~
e~g..teen (18) years or any h~bit-
ual drunkard to be or remain in or ~bout '.~ ro~}m ~r]~ which said
business is conducted; or who sells, gives away or furnishes any
spirituous, real* or fermented liquors, or wines, or :~ny ad?,ix-
ture thereof, or pe~its the s~e to be done, at such place of
business between the ho~r o-~ el~ven o'clock p. m., and the hour
of fi~e o'cloc~ ~. m. of the following day (without having first
obt~ined ~he special pe~nit to keep open between such hours, as
hereinafter provided);, or who sh[~ll not abide by all the laws
and ordinances now in force, or which ma~y i~ereafter be enacted,
regulating f~laces of business whe~'~e spirituous, ma]t, or fermen-
ted liquor's, or vzine:~, or any ~lr~ixbur-e ;~}"~er'eof, are sold, given
aw~y or furnished; sh~ll forfeit all permits and licenses there-
tofore granted or issued to said person, persons, firm, or cor-
poration, under the provisions of this ordinance; and shall also
forfeit to said City of South San Francisco the full amount 'of
the bond r'equired to be given to said City of South San Francis-
co, pursuant to the provisions of this ordinance; or such sum,
part of the whole ~enal sum af such bon~, as may be determined
upOn by said l$oard of Trustees, pursuant to the te~s of Sect~ion
14 of this ordinance.
Section 14. It sha].[ be the duty of the '~arshal of the City
of Mouth San Francisco, and he is hereby directed to file with
the Clerk o~ the City of South San Wrancisco,a complaint against
any person,persons,fib,,or corporation,w.ao he ~a,~ rea~ 'to ~e-
ii~v~,i~ g~.i~.y og any of the ~cts., or re,elects, specified in
Section 115 of this ordinarce;or of any violatior of any of the
provisions of this ordiDance.Such complaint may,ho~.vever,be made
by any resident or citizen of said City' of South San
S~O~ c~.~?~?i~nt ~'~ust state the facts a].le~ed to constitute a
breach of this ordiDance:the n~me of the person,persons~firm or
corporation offending and the date oF dates on which they occur-
red. Upon such complaint being filed, with said Clerk,he shall ~t
o:~ca prep~tre a copy thereof,~cetner: with a notice to sai~t per-
son,persons,firm, or corporation,directing said person,per~o¥]s,
'C[,~;.~],or corporation to appear before said }~oard,at its next reg-
ular session and 'meeting following the date of the service of
said notice,to show ca~se,why' said cermit and license should not
~be revoked:and said co~v.~ of sai~. aomplaint_ . ~-~ud s~i,.~ aot.~c~e
F~';'~with be served upon said person,persons,finn, or corporation
by the ~arshai of said City, bY delivering7 the sa~e to said person,
persons,fi~,oz corporation at the place where said business is
transacted:or if said person,or said member of said 'Fi~n, or
director of said corporation,be not found at the place where said
business is transacted; then by leaving the s~e with so~e per-
son in charge of said place of business: or, if no such person
be found thee'eat, then ~ ~
o~ ~:osting such copy of said complaint
and notice on the front door of said place of business. The Mar-
shal shall report to the Board of Trustees the date when, ~nd
the method by which said papers were served. The Board of Trus-
tees shall, if possible, investiga~e said complaint, at the 'next
regular meeting of said Board after the service of said complaint
and notice: and not later than the second regular meeting of said
BOard su,bsequent to the service of the same. If, said Board of
Trustees, or a majority of the members thereof, shall find that
the complaint is well founded, and.the charges made therein are
true, said Board shall so declare by resolution, and shall by
a resolution duly passed by a -majority of said Board revoke the
permit held by said person, persons, firm, or corporation, and
shall revoke all licenses issued to and held by said person, per-
sons, firm, or corporation under this ordinance, and said licen-
ses shall thenceforth be without force or e[fect. Said ~oard
s?aall by the s~ne resolution, or 1~,~ ~ ~el~:-~-r-,.~te ~esol~tLon, de-
clare the bond required by and given under the provisions of
this ordinance, or such sum or amount, part of the whole penal
sum of said bond, forfeited to said City of South San ~'rancisco,
as in the ~u~dgment of ~id Board shall seem proper; and shall
direct that suit be brought o~ said bon~, in the na~ne of the
City of Sout?~ San ?r~:~,ci~co, to recover t]'~e amount so declared
Section 15. The rate of license fee under this ordinance
shall be and is as follows:
a. Each holder of a permit for, or license under a "Class
A" license, shall pay therefor, in advance, a license t~× or £ee
of 0ue H~mtred (10~''~,) Dollars per quarter year of three months.
b. Each holder of a permit for, or license ~mder a "Class
B" license, shall pay therefor, in advance, a license tax or fee
of Eighteen Dollars and Seventy-five cents (~18.75) per quarter
velar of tar~e months
Section 16.No permi% or license shall be issued to any per-
son, persons, firm, or corporation, which will authorize any
son, persons, firm, or corporation, doing business under the
te~s of this ordinance, to keep open such place of business, or
any rooms used in connection the~',i~h, or ~s p~rt thereof, or
to sell, ~iYe ~v&y, or to furnish, ~ny spirituous, m~lt, or fer-
mented liquors, or wines, or. any a~ixture the~of, between the
hour of eleven o'cloc~ p. ~. of ~ny night, and the hour of five
o'cloc~ ~. ~n. of the next d~; or to mllo~ or permit ~ny person,
ur p~rso~ i~ ~ ~r rem~.~in ;~n or about said place of business,
or in any rooms used in connection therewith, or as part thereof,
between said hours; or to allow or permit any light, or lights,
in or about said place of business, or in any room used in con-
nection there~vith, or as part thereo.[, bet~,~een said hours: and
each and every' 7:erson, firth or~ corporation, to whom a pe~it and
licertse ~,.r,~ issued u~der this ordinance, bjr the acce[otance of
such pe~it and license, agrees that he will close his place of
business at s~id hour of eleven o'clock p. m. of each and every
night, and all rooms used in connection therewith, or as Part
· ~hereuf tn~t~ ~e ~ri]~ keep said place of business, a~d r~ll rooms
used tn connection therev;ith, or as part thereof, closed from
said hour of eleven o'clock p.m. until the hour of five o'clock
~.m. of ~he following day; that he will not sell, nor .:vermi~
}ye sol~, ~tn2r sl~i~'.~(;~.~.~., ~3, ~aalt' Jr fer~nented liquors, or wines, or
an~' admixture there~f~ in, on or ~o~ut said plaice of business~
bet'~een said hours; that he ?;itl exain~uish at the hour of eleven
o'clock p.m. of e~ch ~n~% ever?,' night, all li6~%ts in and about
said ?lace uf business, ~nd in ~11 to&ms, used. in conne ~tton
thece~vith, or as part ahereof, and tha~ he ~ill keep such li~hts
ex~in~.~.~'..ed_ [~'~til t}'~e ho~]r of five o'clock ~.m. of ~he next day;
~t he :~hall not and will not pe~it or allo~ any person~ or
persons~ to be or remain in or aLout said place of business, or
to be or remain in any room used in connection there~it?;, or ~
p~rt ~hereo~F, between said hours; and that any failure to close
said place of bUsimess and premises at the hour herein specified,
and any failure to keep the same closed as herein required, and
as agreed by said license holder; and any' failure to extinguish
s~id lights as hereinbefore required, and any failure to keep
· said place of business free and clear of any and all persons' be-
t~n said hours, shall be deemed sufficient ground for the re-
vocation by said Board of Trustees of any and all licenses issued
~der the provisions of ~his ordinance; PrOvided, however, that
one light, arranged in such ma~er that it will ill~.~mine t~e in-
terior of ~uch place and premises, and pe~it the same to be in-
spected from the street, may be kept lit and burning as a pro-
tec%ion to said premises, between said. hours, and not otherwise;~
and provided,further, that a "~-~peci~l PeN~]it and License" may be
issued ~or the purpose of keeping open any place of business
licensed under this ordinance, between said hours of eleven
o'clock p. m. and five o'clock a.m., as follows: any holder of
a licesse desiring to keep his ~lace open betwe~n said hours,
must file with the Clerk of said City an application for such
Special Permit ~nd License, no'~ less th~n forty-eight hours be-
fore the night on which he de~ires to keep his place of business
open, and deposit with such application ~he sum of Two Dollars
and wifty cents; such application shall state the re~son why
said applicant desires to obtain said~Speci~l Pe~i~ ~]~ Lice~se;
said Clerk sh~ll forthwith preser~t said a?plication to the Presi-
dent of ~he Yoard of T~stees for his approval; or, in his ab-
sence, to three members of the Board of T~stee~, who shall en-
d. orse thereon his, or their ap;~roval or rejection; if approved,
s~id Clerk ~hatl issue such Special Pe~it and License, which
shall, be good only for the night For which it is issued and which
must be ~oosted up conspicuously in the place of busimess for
which it is issued; and shall pay over said sum of T~O ~ollars
and ?ifty cents to the ~farshal of said City, who shall account
therefor as for other p~blic mo~ey. Not more th~n twelve special
pemits shall be granted to the holder of any regular pe~it
and license during any one fiscal year. In case said special
pemit be not granted, said sum of Two Dollars and Fifty cents
shall be returned to the applicant.
Section 17. No person, persons, f~rm, or corporation engaged
~ carrying on the business of selling dry goods, cc hacd~,v~ce,
or groceries, or fruit, or bread, or other provisions shall be
grant:ed a permit and license under the te~s of Zhis ordinance,
unles~-~ it i0e 'to sell, give ~way or furnish spirituous, ~alt or
fermented liqt~or~, or wines, or a:%~ admixt,3re [;?aer~f iu
~ther :~ui~iding entirely ~isti~ct an~ separate from, and not com-
municating with the plaice ~,,Vhere, and in which, such business of
selling dry goods, or hard~are, or ~roceries, or fruit, or brea~,
or other provisions, is car,'led on, or if t~ 'the sa~e building,
then only in a room which is separated by partitions at least
three (Z) inches thic~, extendi~f from the floor to the ceiling,
with ~o opening or means of entrance or co~m~nicatio~ betwe,~
the ~o~.~ in which such selling, giving away or furnishin~ sDi-
rituous, ~alt or fermented liq~or, or wines, or any ad~ixture
lin~;] of dry goods, or hardware, or g~oceries, or fruit,
or other provisions is carr'~ea on, so that ~, is necessary to go
into the public street before one place ca~ be entered upon leav-
ing the other.
Section 18. The person, persons, firm, or corporation to
whom a pe~nit and license shall be granted under the t~:~s of
a~al~y operate, manage a~d control the
business of selling spirit~ous, malt a~d fermented liquors, or
wines, or any admixture -thereof, exclusively 2or his, their or
its own use and benefit. If said Board of Trustees shall find,
upon investiEation, ~.h~%~. ~he per,son, persons, firm, or corpor-
ation holding an3 license issued pursuant to this ordinance do
not ~ctually manaKe and control said business authorized by said
permi~ and license exclusively for his, their or its cE use and
benefit, said Board shall forthwith revoke said. license.
Section 19. It is further ordained tba% no sale of spiri-
tuous, m~it or fermented ]i,luors~ or '.~ines, or any a~mixture
thereof, shall be made %o any person whose wife, husband, parent,
child over t~etve (12) years of age, brother, sister, guardian,
ward. over twelve (12) years of aFe, or employer of such person
shall b~J ~.~;ri'h~arl ~-l~,~.~ce f,~r'L~id suc]~ sales. It shall be the duty
of the Board ~ Trustecs to i~ediately revoke the license of
anjr person, persons, firm, or corporation making such sale in
violation of t~is section.
Section 20. No legally licensed pha~acist shall be
cd ~;o obtain t]%e l:armit and license in this ordinance l:rovided.
Any legally licensed pha~acist may sell spirituous, m;:~lt or fer-
~'nted liquors, or wines, or any admixture thereof, for medici-
nal purposes, only on the prescription of a duly' licensed physi-
cian, which prescription shall be prese~ed by the vendor and
pasted in a book and shall be but once filled, and that on~ly
t?~:e ~1~.y ~}'~en dated and given, which book shall be kept in the
same room where the business of selling drugs is carried om and
shall be open to public inspection. Such liquors and wines, or
any admixture thereof, so sold shall not be drunk u'po'n' the pre-
mi~3~'~ ?;h~rv~ :soi~t., or in any outbuilding, yard, booth appertain-
lng thereto, or connected therewith, except when such physician
prescribes it to be used upon such premises tn case of an acci-
dent; and provided further that such prescription shall not. be
given unless the physician is satisfied that the liquor to be
furnished is necessary for the health of the i~er~son fur whelm
i~ prescribed, Which fact must be stated in the
section 21. If any person, firm or corporation, to whom a
permit has been granted and a ,license issued, desires a change
of location of his place of business mentioned in his permit
and license, said person firm or corporation shall file with the
Clerk his applica.tlon for' such change, together with the 'consent
of the surety or sureties upon his bond that such change tomy be
made, and that said bond shall apply to and cover said new lo-
cation'. The Board of Trustees shaJ] fix a day for hear~.ng said
application for said change, when protes~.s may be presented
against said change., For good cause shown, said Board may by re-
solution permit said change to be made.
Section 22.. Every person, firm or corporation requir~.d by
this ordinance to take out a license, or to obtain a permit, who
fails, neglects or refuses to take out such license, or to obtain
a permit; or who c~rries on, or who attempts to car~'y on, any
business for which said permit or a license is required by this
ordinance, without such perm%it and lice~se, shall ~e liable to
the City of South San Francisco for the amount of the licerse
tax on such business; and the Board of Trustees may direct suit
in behalf of and in the name of said City of South San Francisco,
as plaintiff', to be brought for the recover;~ of such license
tax: and in such case the Marshal or Clerk of said City of South
San Fra.~cisco may make the necessary-.affidavit for and a writ of
attaclqment may' issue without any bond being; given on behalf of
the plaintif?.
Section 23. F~very' person, firm or cora-,oration who shall, in
the City of South S~n Wranci.~co, keep or assist in keeping, any
saloon, bar, store, dramshop, tip]oling place, stand, or other
place where spirituous, malt or fermented liquors, or wines, or
any admixture thereof, are sold, given away or furnished, with-
out having first procured the permit and. license req~%~.re~, thence-
for by this ordinance; or ~ho shall sell, give away or furnish,
within the City of South San Francisco, any spirituous, malt, or
fermented liquors, or wine, or any admixture thereof, without
having first procured such permit and license; or who shall ViC'-
late any of the provisions of this ordinance, shall be guilty of
a misdemeanor; and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished
by a fine of not less than One H~ndred (100) Dollars, and not
more than Three Hundred (300) Dollars; or by imprisonment not
exceeding three (3) months, or by both such fine and imprison-
Section 24. The ~.~ar~hal and Clerk of the City of South' Ban
Francisco shall each receive for his respective services in is. "'
suing licenses and collecting the license tax herein provided
for the sum of ~ifty (50) cents per quarter-year for each appli-
cant to whom a permit for a license is granted, and said sum
shall be paid by the City of South San Francisco out of the
general fund.
Section 25. This ordinance shall be published ones in "~'he
~nterprise~ a weekly newspaper printed, published and circulated
in the City of South San Francisco, and shall take effect and
be in force from and after the first day of ,Ta~uary, 1913.
Introduced this ~day of October, 1912.
Passed and adopted as an ordinance of the City of South
San Francisco at a regular meeting of the Board _of Tr}.~s/~/ of
of th~ C~ty' of