HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 61-1912 I '- CENTi~AL i~E, coi~D$ / O~ IN~ ~0. ~t O~IN~CE DEFINING T~ BOU~ARIES O~ DIVISIO~I ST~ET ~ EST~LISHING ELEVATIONS 0N DIVISIO~ ST~',T BMT~ ?.~{M NORT~~ LI~ OF G~ A~E ~ T~ SOUTH LII~ The Board of Trustees of the City of South S~ Francisco do ordain as follows: Section 1. The boundary lines of Division Street shall be the boundary lines for said street on the ~'~ap of South S~ Francisco, Plat~ No.1, filed in the office of the County ~corder of San ~ateo County, at Redwood City California, and recorded ~arch 1, 1892, in ~ap Book 2, page 52 of the records of said county. Section 2.The ~vest cur~ line of Division Street shall be line parallel to the west boundary line of said street distance of twelve (12) feet therefrom; the east curb line of Division Street shall be a line parallel to the east boundary line of said street ~t ~{ distance of t'~eive ~12) feet therefrom. Section 5. All t~he official elevations herein mentioned are taken %vith reference to the City Base ~d are above said City Base. Section 4.The official elevations of the intersection of the north line of Grand Avenue and Division Street are hereby fixed as follo,~s: At ~ point fo~ed by the intersection of the north line of Grand Avenue with ~he ~est curb line of Division Street seventeen ~d three tenths (17.5) feet; at a point fo~ed by the intersection of the north line of Grand Avenue with the east curb line of Division Street seventeen and three tenths (17.S) feet. Section 5. The official elevations of the intersection of ~iller Avenue with Division Street are hereby fixed as follows: At a point fo~ed by the intersection of the sou~th line of ~glller Avenue ~vith the west cur~ line of Division Street nineteen and eight tenths (19.8) feet; at a point fo~ed by the intersection of the south line of Miller Avenue produced with the east curb line of Division Street nineteen and eight tenths (19.8) feet; at ~ point formed by the intersection of t?~e north line of ~il- let Avenue with the west curb line of Division Street twenty an'~ five tenths (20.5) feet; at a point formed by the intersection of the north line of ~iller Avenue with the east curb line of Division S~'e~ ~wen~y (20) Feeb. Sectio~ 6. The o~ficial eleva%,ions of the intersection of Lux Avenue wi~h Division Street are hereby fixed as follows: At a point formed by the intersection of the south line of Lux Avenue with the west curb line of Division Street nineteen six tenths (19.6) feet; at a point formed by the intersection of the south line of Lux Avenue produced with the east curb line of Division Street nineteen and two tenths (l'P.2) feet; at a point formed by the intersection of the north line of Lu~ Avenue with the west curb line of Division Street nineteen and five tenths (19.5) feet; at a point formed by the intersection of the north line of Lux Avenue produced with the east curb line of Division Street nineteen and one tenth (19.1) f~et. Section ?. The official elevations of the intersection C~lifornia Avenue with Division Street are he~-eby fixed as fol- lows: At a point formed by the intersection of the ~ou~h line of Cmlifornia Avenue with the west curb line of Division Street eighteen ~18) feet; a~ a poinE formed by the intel'sec,,ion o~ ~o,~h line of California Avenue with the east curb line of Divi- sion Street seventeen and five tenths (17.5) feet; at a point fo~rmed by the intersec~ion of the north line of California Ave- nue with the west curb line of Division Street seventeen and five tenths (17.~) feet; at a point formed by the intersection of ~he not,th line of California Avenue with the e~st curb line of Division Street seventeen (l?) f~et. Section 8. The o~ficial elevations of the intersection of Pine Avenue with Division Street are hereby fixed as follows: At a point formed by the intersection of the south line of Pine Avenue with the west curb line of Division Street nineteen and nine tenths (19.9) feet; at a point formed by the intersection of the south line of Pine Avenue produced with the east curb line of Division Street nineteen and four tent,hs (19.4) feat; at a point formed by the intersection of the north line of Pine Ave- nue with the west curb line of Division Stre~t twenty and three tenths (20.3) feet; at a point formed by the intersection of the north line of Pine Aven~e produced with the east curb line of Division Street nineteen and eight, tenths (19.8) feet. Section 9. The official elevations of the intersection of Armour Avenue with the Division Street are hereby fixed as fol- lows: At a point~.ormed by the intersection of the south line of Armour Avenue with the west curb line of Division Street twenty- t~o (22) feet; at a point formed by the intersectio~ of the nor%h curb line of Armour Avenue with the with the ~est curb line of Division Street produced t~enty-two and two tenths (22.2) feet; at a point formed by the intersection of the north curb line of Armour Avenue with the east our].~ line of Division Street twenty- one and five tenths (21.5) feet. Section 1C.~The shape of the cross section and the eleva- tions thereof shall be fixed at the time when the street is im- proved, depending upon the material used fo~ p~ving, Section il. The longitudinal slope or grade of said stmeet shall be on straight lines connecting the points where the ele- vations are fixed as provided by this ordinance. Section 12. This ordinance shall be published once in "The }]nterprtse'~ a weekly newspaper printed, published and circulated in said City of South S~n Francisco and shall take effect and be in fo,'ce from and ~after the date of its passage. Passed and adopted as an ordinance of the City of South San wrancisco at a regular meeting of the Board of Trdstees of the City of South San Francisco thi's ~_~day of ~~_, 1912, by the folP6~in~ ~ote~ ~ . ~ Absent, T r ~ s %.~~-~ ~_~i ~~~~ App roved: of the City of South San ~rancisco. Attest: ~ Clerk.