HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 62-1913 ORDI~,JA.C~ N
An ordinance fixing and es[ablishing ~at~r ra~es wichita
the limit~ of the City of SoutTr~ San' ~anc' r' for tl~ fiscal
The Board of Trust, ens of the City of~'So~th g~ mranci~co
do ordain a~ follows:
~ec~ion 1 The monthly rate~ of compensation to be charged
or collected by any person, firm or corporation supplying water
t~ th~ i.~:~ha~itants of said city, or to Firms or corporations
t:~e~'ein, or to the said
p.lrpo~e~, f~r tv~ year com~mncing .Tuly 1St, 1913, and ending
,Tune 30th, 1914, are he~aT~y fi~ea as
Sectio~ 2. General monthly rates for '~ater served through
meters sh~-~i.[ be at the r~te of twenty-three (23) cent~ ~r hun-
dre~t cui~ic Feet, provided t)~ th~ c.~c~,rge ~or se~vir~ water
through ,.~ meter s'~ali not be les~s then one dollar ~er month for
any service conr~ection.
Section 3. ~ater ~pplied otherw~,se than thro'~[~h meters
~.a~til ~e furnished at meter rates for the ~o~lnt esti~nate'~ to
S~ct]o~ 4. T'~,~ charge ~;q~ general momthl~r water rate~ for
~vater :]sed for stre~t sprinkling, or for ~ener.a1.~ '~uraoses~- by
said city ~hall be at the rate oF eight (8) cents per hundred
cubic fe~t.
~ectio~ 5. '~eter fates shal, be payable at the end of each
Sactio~ 5. ~ere ~eters are used, ail bills or receipts for
2-h~payment of ~aid rates or cnaroes shall have v(~!~em thereon
the meter readings for which s~%id charMes are ~ade.
Section 7. This ordinamce shall be published once im "The
Enterprise~' a weekly newspaper pri~te~, an~ oublished i~ the
City of South SaR wranci,~co, and sha~l take effect a~d be in
force on t,~e first ,'l~ty 0f J~.ly, 1913.
Introduced this /~day of :~ebruary, 1913.
Passed and adopted as an ordina~ce of the City of 2outh
San ~rancisco, at ~ regular meeting of the Board o~esof ~
the City of South San mrancisco, this~day
19].3, by the
Absent, ~ rustees
gp,~roved th~s~/~. day of
At test · ~*~ranc isco.