HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 Ch 1_Introduction DEIR 10 12 18 (2).pdf1. Introduction
Chapter 1, Introduction, presents a summary of the 201 Haskins Way Project (project), outlines the
purpose of this Environmental Impact Report (EIR), summarizes the environmental review process, and
describes the organization of the EIR.
1.1 Project Summary
The project site is part of the City of South San Francisco's (City's) "East of 101" planning area, bounded
by the San Francisco Bay on the east and U.S. 101 and railway lines on the west. The project site is
composed of eight parcels encompassing approximately 18.2 acres of land bounded by East Grand
Avenue to the north, Haskins Way to the west, San Francisco Bay to the south, and a recycling center and
the Genentech campus to the east. Six of the parcels have trucking, warehouse, and distribution uses, one
is used for parking, and one has office /research and development (R &D) use.
The proposed project would involve rezoning seven parcels from the Mixed Industrial (MI) district to a
Business Technology Park (BTP) district and one parcel from the Business Commercial (BC) district to
the BTP district. The project would allow development at a floor area ratio (FAR) of 1.0 or a total of
approximately 677,600 gross square feet (gsf) of new BTP office use. It is assumed that the additional
office/R &D space would be built out in two phases. Alexandria Real Estate Equities (ARE) is proposing a
specific development application for the proposed Phase 1 area site plan; however, currently there is no
site - specific development program proposed for the Phase 2 area. For the purposes of analysis under the
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), this EIR assumes the project would be constructed in two
phases with the proposed Phase 1 site plan and a conceptual Phase 2 development for buildout of the
project site.
In the Phase 1 area, ARE would construct 336,368 gsf of new BTP office use on 201 Haskins Way and
400 -450 East Jamie Court. The Phase 1 project would demolish a 24,075 -gsf building at 201 Haskins
Way which previously contained a light industrial trucking use, and construct a new 311,368 -gsf office
building (201 Haskins Way Building) with a 63- foot -tall, three -story wing and a 95- foot -tall, five -story
wing; a 720 - stall, five -level parking structure (up to 48 feet in height); and 183 surface parking spaces. At
400 -450 East Jamie Court, ARE would construct an approximately 25,000 -gsf, two -story addition to the
existing western building. Construction in the Phase 1 area would begin in 2019 and occur over
approximately 18 months, for anticipated completion in 2021.
The Phase 2 area includes two additional parcels along Haskins Way, two additional parcels along East
Jamie Court, two parcels along East Grand Avenue, and additional development on the 400 -450 East
Jamie Court parcel (also in the Phase 1 area). At this time, no specific development in the Phase 2 area is
proposed. Development of Phase 2 would require subsequent project -level site design.
The proposed rezoning of the parcels in the Phase 2 area would allow the existing uses to continue
indefinitely and would allow redevelopment at 1.0 FAR in accordance with the BTP rezoning. The
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1. Introduction
Phase 2 project rezoning would allow up to a total of 341,232 gsf of new BTP office use on 101 and 151
Haskins Way, 410 and 430 East Grand Avenue, 451 East Jamie Court, and an unaddressed parcel at
Assessor's Parcel Number (APN) 015- 102 -290. Five of the parcels contain five existing one- to two -story
light industrial buildings totaling approximately 157,995 gsf that would be removed. A portion of the 451
East Jamie Court parcel and APN 015- 102 -290 contain a parking lot that would be removed. The EIR
evaluates the impacts of development of the maximum 341,232 gsf of new BTP use. For illustrative
purposes, the EIR identifies a conceptual Phase 2 area development plan that would include construction
of a new 256,232 -gsf three- and five -story office building (East Grand Building) of up to 95 feet in
height. In addition, in the conceptual plan, the parking garage would be expanded to two parcels to the
east at 451 East Jamie Court (APN 015- 102 -240 and APN 015- 102 -290) to accommodate a total of 1,060
stalls (340 additional stalls), and a total of 243 additional surface parking stalls would be constructed (see
Figure 3.7: Conceptual Project Site Plan — Project Buildout, in Chapter 3, Project Description,
p. 3.26). It is uncertain when or if such development for the Phase 2 area would occur or whether it would
occur as a single redevelopment of all Phase 2 parcels together, or as individual development projects on
one or more Phase 2 area parcels. To provide a conservative analysis of construction impacts in the EIR,
it is assumed that construction in the Phase 2 area would commence in 2021 (immediately after
completion of construction in the Phase 1 area) and would occur over an 18 -month period.
Phase 2 of the project would also allow future development potential at 400 -450 East Jamie Court based
on the remaining balance of FAR- defined square footage after implementation of the planned
approximately 25,000 -gsf building addition to 400 -450 East Jamie Court that would occur in the Phase 1
area. It is assumed that the BTP use developed at 400 -450 East Jamie Court during Phase 2 would result
in up to 85,000 gsf of development.
1.2 Purpose of this Draft EIR
This EIR has been prepared by the South San Francisco Planning Division in the City of South San
Francisco, the Lead Agency for the proposed project, in compliance with the provisions of CEQA and the
CEQA Guidelines (California Public Resources Code Section 21000 et seq., and California Code of
Regulations Title 14, Section 15000 et seq., "CEQA Guidelines "). The lead agency is the public agency
that has the principal responsibility for carrying out or approving a project.
As stated in CEQA Guidelines Section 15121(a), an EIR is an informational document intended to inform
public agency decision - makers and the public of the significant environmental effects of a project,
identify possible ways to minimize the significant effects, and describe reasonable alternatives to the
project. This EIR assesses potentially significant impacts as defined in CEQA Guidelines Section 15382
as substantial, or potentially substantial, adverse changes in any of the physical conditions within the area
affected by the project including land, air, water, minerals, flora, fauna, ambient noise, and objects of
historic or aesthetic significance.
The degree of specificity required in an EIR should "correspond to the degree of specificity involved in
the underlying activity which is described in the EIR" (CEQA Guidelines Section 15146). Pursuant to
CEQA Guidelines Section 15161, this is a project -level EIR, defined as an EIR that examines the physical
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1. Introduction
environmental impacts of a specific development project. As stated above, the EIR analyzes a specific
Phase 1 area development plan and a conceptual Phase 2 area development plan.
Before any discretionary project approvals may be granted for the proposed project, the South San
Francisco City Council must certify that the EIR was completed in compliance with CEQA, that the
decision - making body reviewed and considered the information in the final EIR, and that the EIR reflects
the City's independent judgement and analysis. EIR adequacy is defined in CEQA Guidelines Section
15151, which states "[a]n EIR should be prepared with a sufficient degree of analysis to provide decision -
makers with information which enables them to make a decision which intelligently takes account of
environmental consequences."
CEQA requires that public agencies not approve projects until all feasible means available have been
employed to substantially lessen the significant environmental effects of such projects. City decision -
makers will use the certified EIR, along with other information and public processes, to determine
whether to approve, modify, or disapprove the proposed project, and to require any feasible mitigation
measures as conditions of project approval.
1.3 Environmental Review Process
The environmental review process for the proposed project includes a number of steps: publication and
circulation of a Notice of Preparation (NOP) for public comment, publication of a Draft EIR for public
review and comment, preparation and publication of responses to public and agency comments on the
Draft EIR, and certification of the Final EIR. These steps are described below.
1.3.1 Notice of Preparation
The City of South San Francisco Planning Division of the Economic and Community Development
Department (Planning Division), issued an NOP of an EIR for the proposed 201 Haskins Way Project on
April 18, 2018, in compliance with Title 14, Sections 15082(a), 15103, and 15375 of the California Code
of Regulations (CCR). The NOP review period commenced on April 18, 2018, and concluded on May 18,
2018, and a scoping meeting was held on May 3, 2018. No commenters spoke at the meeting. The
Planning Division received four comment letters from interested parties during the public review and
comment period. The Planning Division has considered the comments made by the public in preparation
of the Draft EIR for the proposed project. Comments on the NOP raised the following issues:
Transportation and Circulation
• Compliance with the San Mateo County Congestion Management Program (CMP) Traffic Impact
Analysis (TIA) Policy and Land Use Guidelines as provided by the City /County Association of
Governments (C /CAG), including preparation of a forecast and discussion of the expected
impacts of the project on the Congestion Management Program roadway network, the immediate
project area, and other areas.
• Project - related traffic generation and mitigation measures should the project generate a net of 100
or more peak -hour trips on the CMP roadway network. Inclusion of potential mitigation strategies
documented in the C /CAG Land Use Guidelines policy such as reducing project scope, building
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1. Introduction
roadway and /or transit improvements, collecting traffic mitigation fees, and requiring project
sponsors to implement Transportation Demand Management (TDM) programs.
• C /CAG consultation regarding the scope and parameters of the analysis, and C /CAG review and
comment on the TIA, EIR and TDM plan.
• Project - related construction traffic impacts on the existing 451 East Jamie Court uses, and
mitigation measures to minimize construction traffic during construction of the 201 Haskins Way
Building and parking garage.
• Traffic and circulation impacts on Haskins Way, East Grand Avenue, Littlefield Avenue, and the
northbound U.S. 101 on -ramp from East Grand Avenue during p.m. peak hours as a result of
operation of the project, and mitigation measures to improve traffic and circulation.
• Analysis of implementing a TDM program as mitigation for vehicle miles traveled impacts,
including design features, programs, and monitoring.
• Cumulative regional transportation impacts and mitigation through fair share contributions
toward multi -modal and regional transit improvements.
• Project - related impacts on transit, pedestrians, bicycles, and disabled travelers, including analysis
of mitigation for increased VMT, and design features that encourage the use of alternative
transportation modes including transit and shuttles, such as improvements to shelters or benches,
as well as pedestrian and bicycle design features.
Project Description
• Confirmation of where the project would occur within the San Francisco Bay (Bay) or the San
Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC) 100 -foot shoreline
jurisdictional band.
• Confirmation of the proposed public access to the Bay Trail and Bay shoreline per existing
BCDC permits on -site and BCDC public access requirements.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
• Analysis of implementing a TDM program as mitigation for greenhouse gas emission impacts,
including design features, programs, and monitoring.
• Project- related construction noise impacts on the existing 451 East Jamie Court uses and
mitigation measures to minimize construction noise during construction of the 201 Haskins Way
Building and parking garage.
Land Use
• Project- related impacts on the continuation of existing business operations of parcels within the
project site, including future property and building maintenance under the proposed rezoning.
• Project- related impacts on the potential for future development of parcels in the Phase 2 area as
separate and individual parcels in compliance with the proposed rezoning, and the implications of
development alternatives for each parcel not currently owned by the developer.
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1. Introduction
• Project - related impacts on shoreline access due to an increased on -site worker population, and
whether the proposed public access areas would be adequate to accommodate these additional
users, in recognition of existing BCDC permits and BCDC public access requirements.
• Project - related impacts on scenic views of the Bay in consideration of the height of the proposed
buildings and parking structure.
• Project - related shadow on the existing 451 East Jamie Court Building and existing and planned
roof solar photovoltaic systems.
• Project- related impacts on existing wind hazards and whether the project includes mitigation
measures to reduce project- related wind impacts.
Hydrology and Water Quality
• Whether project impacts related to sea level rise would occur on transportation facilities in the
project area due to higher water levels, including increased erosion, changing environmental
characteristics that affect material durability, increased groundwater levels, change in sediment
movement along shorelines, and soil pore pressure at dikes and levees on which transportation
facilities are constructed.
1.3.2 Draft Environmental Impact Report
This Draft EIR has been prepared on behalf of the City of South San Francisco, the Lead Agency, in
accordance with CEQA. It provides an analysis of the physical environmental impacts of construction and
operation of the proposed project, and the project's contribution to the environmental impacts from
foreseeable cumulative development in the project site vicinity and the City as a whole. It considers all
environmental topic areas in Appendix G of the CEQA Guidelines and takes into consideration NOP
Copies of the Draft EIR, all documents referenced in this Draft EIR, and the distribution list for the Draft
EIR are available at the Planning Counter, South San Francisco Planning Division, 315 Maple Avenue,
South San Francisco, CA 94080. The Draft EIR is also available for viewing or downloading at
www.ssf.net/ceqadocuments under 201 Haskins Way. You may also request that a copy be sent to you by
calling (650) 877 -8535 or emailing Ryan Wassum, at Ryan.Wassum @ssf.net.
The City, on October 12, 2018, filed a Notice of Completion (NOC) with the State Clearinghouse,
indicating that this Draft EIR has been completed and is available for review and comment. This Draft
EIR will be available for review by the public and interested parties, agencies, and organizations for a
review period of at least 45 days, as required by California law. Pursuant to state law (Public Resources
Code Section 21091(d)(3)) the City will accept email comments in lieu of mailed or hand - delivered
comments; however, reviewers are encouraged to follow up any email comments with letters. Reviewers
should focus on the document's adequacy in identifying and analyzing the proposed project's significant
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1. Introduction
effects on the environment and ways in which the significant effects of the proposed project might be
avoided or mitigated (California Code of Regulations Section 15204(a)).
The 45 -day review period for the Draft EIR is from October 12, 2018 to November 26, 2018.
Comments should be submitted in writing during this review period to:
Mr. Ryan Wassum, Associate Planner
Planning Division, Economic and Community Development Department
City of South San Francisco
315 Maple Avenue
South San Francisco, California 94080
Ryan.Wassum @ss£net
There will be a public hearing before the Planning Commission during the 45 -day public review and
comment period for this EIR to solicit oral comments on the adequacy and accuracy of information
presented in this Draft EIR. The public hearing on this Draft EIR has been scheduled before the Planning
Commission for November 15, 2018, in the Community Room, Municipal Services Building, 33 Arroyo
Drive beginning at 7:00 p.m. or later.
1.3.3 Final Environmental Impact Report
Following the close of the Draft EIR public review and comment period, the City will prepare responses
to comments, which will contain a summary of oral comments and a copy of all written comments
received on this Draft EIR and the City's responses to those comments and any necessary changes to the
text. Responses to comments will be prepared and published in a Final EIR. The Final EIR will be
available to all commenting agencies at least 10 days prior to the certification hearing, in accordance with
CEQA requirements. The South San Francisco City Council will review the Final EIR documents and
will determine whether or not the Final EIR provides a full and adequate appraisal of the project and its
The City Council will review the Final EIR for adequacy and certify that the EIR has been completed in
compliance with CEQA and that it reflects the City's independent judgment pursuant to the requirements
of CEQA Guidelines Section 15090. The City will consider certification of the Final EIR and then
consider the project separately for approval or denial. Findings on the feasibility of avoiding or reducing
the project's significant environmental effects will be made and, if necessary, a Statement of Overriding
Considerations will be prepared, balancing the benefits achieved by the proposed project against
unavoidable environmental impacts, should the City choose to approve the project with remaining
significant impacts that cannot be avoided.
A Notice of Determination (NOD) will be prepared and filed with the State Clearinghouse if the City
approves the proposed project. The NOD will include a description of the project, the date of approval,
and an indication of whether Findings and Statements of Overriding Considerations were prepared. The
NOD will also provide the address where the EIR and record of project approval are available for review.
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1. Introduction
1.4 Report Organization
This Draft EIR is organized into the following chapters.
Chapter 1, Introduction, summarizes the purpose and organization of the Draft EIR and the
environmental review process.
Chapter 2, Executive Summary, summarizes the proposed project and environmental
consequences that would result from the implementation of the project (including significant and
unavoidable impacts that cannot be mitigated to a level of less than significant, impacts reduced
to a level of less than significant through mitigation, and impacts determined not to be
significant), the alternatives to the proposed project that were analyzed, and a summary table of
project impacts and mitigation measures.
• Chapter 3, Project Description, describes the existing setting, the project sponsor's objectives, the
proposed project, and required approvals and actions including the agencies involved in the
Chapter 4, Environmental Setting, Impacts, and Mitigation, begins with Section 4. 1, Approach to
Environmental Analysis, which presents the methodology for environmental analysis, including a
list of baseline projects and cumulative projects. Sections 4.2 through 4.10 are each devoted to a
particular environmental topic. Each section describes the environmental setting, including
applicable plans and policies, provides an analysis of the potential environmental impacts of the
project and cumulative impacts, and identifies mitigation measures to reduce significant impacts.
The following topics are analyzed:
• Air Quality (Section 4.2)
• Biological Resources (Section 4.3)
• Cultural and Paleontological Resources (Section 4.4)
• Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Section 4.5)
• Hydrology and Water Quality (Section 4.6)
• Land Use and Planning (Section 4.7)
• Noise and Vibration (Section 4.8)
• Transportation and Traffic (Section 4.9)
• Utilities and Service Systems (Section 4.10)
Section 4.11, Less - than - Significant Impacts, summarizes the environmental effects found not to
be significant. After an introduction to the section (Subsection 4.11.1), the following topics are
• Agriculture and Forest Resources (Subsection 4.11.2)
• Aesthetics, including discussion of wind and shadow design guidelines (Subsection 4.11.3)
• Geology and Soils (Subsection 4.11.4)
• Hazards and Hazardous Materials (Subsection 4.11.5)
• Mineral Resources (Subsection 4.11.6)
• Population and Housing (Subsection 4.11.7)
• Public Services (Subsection 4.11.8)
• Recreation (Subsection 4.11.9)
• Chapter 5, Alternatives, summarizes two alternatives to the proposed project and the comparative
environmental consequences and benefits of each alternative. The "No Project" alternative and
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1. Introduction
one reduced development alternative are analyzed. This chapter also identifies the
environmentally superior alternative. It discusses any alternatives that were considered for
analysis in the EIR but rejected and gives the reasons for their rejection.
• Chapter 6, Other CEQA Considerations, contains the discussion of mandatory findings of
significance (including cumulative impacts), growth- inducing impacts, significant impacts that
cannot be avoided, significant irreversible environmental changes, and areas of known
controversy and project - related issues that have not been resolved.
• Chapter 7, Report Preparers, identifies the Lead Agency, organizations, and individuals consulted
during preparation of this Draft EIR. In addition, the project sponsors, their attorneys, and any
consultants working on their behalf are listed.
Appendices to this Draft EIR are as follows:
• Appendix A.
Notice of Preparation and Comments
• Appendix B.
Transportation Appendix
• Appendix C.
Land Use Compatibility Analysis
• Appendix D.
Water Supply Assessment
• Appendix E.
Noise Technical Memo
• Appendix F. Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Technical Memo
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