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This summary chapter is intended to highlight major areas of importance in the environmental analysis as
required by Section 15123 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines. This chapter
briefly summarizes the 201 Haskins Way Project (project). Following the summary description of the
proposed project, a summary table presents the environmental impacts of the proposed project, and
mitigation measures identified to reduce significant impacts. Following the summary table is a description
of the alternatives to the proposed project that are addressed in this EIR, including a description of the
environmentally superior alternative. The final subsection in this chapter is a summary of environmental
issues to be resolved and areas of known controversy.
2.1 Summary Description
This Draft EIR analyzes the potential for environmental impacts resulting from implementation of the
proposed 201 Haskins Way Project. The proposed project would involve redevelopment of light industrial
uses into office /research and development (R &D) uses and intensifying the buildout of existing
office /R &D.' The applicants are Alexandria Real Estate Equities (ARE) and the City of South San
Francisco (City). The Lead Agency is the City of South San Francisco. The applicants are seeking
amendments of the City's Zoning Code as well as entitlements to enable development of the project area,
including but not limited to approval of a subdivision map, design review, a Transportation Demand
Management (TDM) Plan, and Conditional Use Permit to enable redevelopment of the 201 Haskins Way
The proposed project site encompasses approximately 18.2 acres on eight parcels of privately owned light
industrial and research and development area in South San Francisco's East of 101 Area. The site is
bounded by East Grand Avenue to the north, Haskins Way to the west, San Francisco Bay (Bay) to the
south, an existing recycling center to the southeast, and the Genentech campus to the northeast. The
project site includes six parcels with trucking, warehouse, and distribution uses, one parcel used for
parking, and one parcel with existing office /R &D use.
The proposed project would involve removal of existing light industrial uses and associated parking on
seven parcels (101, 151, and 201 Haskins Way; 410 and 430 East Grand Avenue; 451 East Jamie Court;
and one parcel with no address [Assessor's Parcel Number {APN{ 015- 102 - 290]), the construction of
new office/R &D use on those seven parcels, and the expansion of existing office/R &D use on one parcel
(400 -450 East Jamie Court). The proposed project would be constructed in at least two development
phases. ARE has submitted an application for Phase 1 development that would include demolition of
approximately 24,075 gross square feet (gsf) of light industrial space and development of approximately
336,368 gsf of new office /R &D space. The City proposes rezoning of Phase 2, but there is no specific
development application submitted or anticipated for Phase 2 at this time. For the purposes of analysis,
1 In the 2000s, the 400 -450 East Jamie Court parcel was developed into a business and technology office use at approximately
0.6 floor area ratio (FAR) under a previous project, which included the construction of a new segment of the San Francisco Bay
201 Haskins Way Project Draft EIR 2.1 October 12, 2018
2. Executive
this EIR assumes the project would be constructed in two phases with the proposed Phase 1 site plan and
a conceptual Phase 2 development for buildout of the project site.
This EIR presents separate analysis of the project impacts of Phase 1 development, and the project
impacts of Phase 1 and 2 development combined (referred to as "project buildout" in this EIR). The EIR
includes analysis of the maximum potential development in Phase 2 associated with the proposed
rezoning those affected parcels. In addition, this EIR analyzes a conceptual Phase 2 development plan that
includes demolition of approximately 157,995 gsf of light industrial space and development of
approximately 341,232 gsf of new office /R &D space.2
2.2 201 Haskins Way Project Impacts and Mitigation
Table 2.1: Summary of Project Impacts, Mitigation Measures, and Improvement Measures,
beginning on p. 2.3, provides an overview of the following:
• Environmental impacts with the potential to occur as a result of the proposed project
• Level of significance of the environmental impacts before implementation of any applicable
mitigation measures
• Mitigation measures that would avoid or reduce significant environmental impacts
• Improvement measures that would further reduce less- than - significant impacts
• The level of significance for each impact after the mitigation measures are implemented
z Gross square feet (gsf) is calculated separately from floor area and FAR, which excludes areas defined under Sections
20.040.008 and 20.040.009 of the zoning ordinance.
201 Haskins Way Project Draft EIR 2.2 October 12, 2018
2. Executive
Legend: NI = No Impact; LS = Less - than - significant impact; LSM = Less - than - significant impact with mitigation; S = Significant; SU = Significant
and unavoidable impact; SUM = Significant and unavoidable impact with mitigation
Table 2.1: Summary of Project Impacts, Mitigation Measures, and Improvement Measures
Potential Environmental Impacts
Level of
Recommended Mitigation Measures and Improvement Measures
Level of
Impact AE -1: The proposed project would not
None required.
have a substantial adverse effect on a scenic
Impact AE -2: The proposed project would not
None required.
substantially degrade the existing visual
character or quality of the site and its
Impact AE -3: The proposed project would not
None required.
create a new source of substantial light or glare
that would adversely affect day or nighttime
views in the area.
Impact C -AE -1: The proposed project would
None required.
not result in a cumulatively considerable
contribution to significant cumulative impacts
on aesthetics.
Impact AE -4: The proposed project would not
None required.
alter wind conditions in a manner that would
substantially, adversely affect public safety.
Impact AE -5: The proposed project would not
None required.
create new shadow in a manner that would
substantially, adversely affect the use of public
open space.
Agriculture and Forest Resources
Impact AG -1: The proposed project would not
No impact
convert designated farmland under the
Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program,
nor would it conflict with any existing
agricultural zoning or a Williamson Act
contract, nor would it involve any changes to
the environment that would result in the
conversion of designated farmland.
201 Haskins Way Project Draft EIR 2.3 October 12, 2018
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Potential Environmental Impacts
Level of
Recommended Mitigation Measures and Improvement Measures
Level of
Impact AG -2: The proposed project would not
No impact
conflict with existing zoning for, or cause
rezoning of, forest land or timberland, nor
would it result in the loss of or conversion of
forest land to non - forest uses.
Impact C -AG -1: The proposed project would
No impact
not result in a cumulatively considerable
contribution to a significant cumulative impact
on agricultural resources or forest land or
Air Quality
Impact AQ:1: The proposed project would
Mitigation Measure MM- AQ -1a: Off -road Equipment Standards and Construction
violate air quality standards or contribute
Emissions Minimization Plan
substantially to an existing or projected air
Off -road equipment greater than 25 horsepower used during construction shall meet the Tier 4
quality violation.
Final off -road emission standards. Should the utilization of equipment meeting this standard
prove to be technically infeasible, the construction contractor will select the lowest- emitting off -
road equipment available. The construction contractor shall develop a Construction Emissions
Minimization Plan (CEMP) which establishes the process used to select the lowest- emitting
off -road equipment, specify the steps that will be taken to reduce emissions of criteria air
pollutants and precursors, and provide analysis showing that NOx emissions for the applicable
construction phase would remain below 54 lb/day, where feasible. The CEMP will be
submitted to the City's Planning Division and approved prior to utilizing off -road equipment
greater than 25 horsepower that does not meet Tier 4 Final off -road emission standards.
Mitigation Measure MM- AQ -1b: Implement BAAQMD Basic Construction Mitigation
BAAQMD Basic Construction Mitigation Measures are as follows:
• All exposed surfaces (e.g., parking areas, staging areas, soil piles, graded areas,
and unpaved access roads) shall be watered two times per day.
• All haul trucks transporting soil, sand, or other loose material off -site shall be
• All visible mud or dirt track -out onto adjacent public roads shall be removed using
wet power vacuum street sweepers at least once per day. The use of dry power
sweeping is prohibited.
• All vehicle speeds on unpaved roads shall be limited to 15 miles per hour.
• All roadways, driveways, and sidewalks to be paved shall be completed as soon as
possible. Building pads shall be laid as soon as possible after grading unless
seeding or soil binders are used.
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Potential Environmental Impacts
Level of
Recommended Mitigation Measures and Improvement Measures
Level of
• Idling times shall be minimized either by shutting equipment off when not in use or
reducing the maximum idling time to 5 minutes (as required by the California
airborne toxics control measure Title 13, Section 2485 of California Code of
Regulations [CCR]). Clear signage shall be provided for construction workers at all
access points.
• All construction equipment shall be maintained and properly tuned in accordance
with manufacturer's specifications. All equipment shall be checked by a certified
mechanic and determined to be running in proper condition prior to operation.
• Post a publicly visible sign with the telephone number and person to contact at the
Lead Agency regarding dust complaints. This person shall respond and take
corrective action within 48 hours. The Air District's phone number shall also be
visible to ensure compliance with applicable regulations.
Impact AQ:2: The proposed project would not
Implement Mitigation Measure MM -TR -9, below..
expose sensitive receptors to substantial
pollutant concentrations.
Impact AQ:3: The proposed project buildout
None required.
would not create objectionable odors affecting
a substantial number of people.
Impact AQ:4: The proposed project would
Implement Mitigation Measures MM -AQ -1a and MM -AQ -1 b, above.
conflict with the BAAQMD's 2017 Clean Air
Impact C -AQ -1: The proposed project would
Implement Mitigation Measures MM -AQ -1a and MM -AQ -1 b, above.
make a cumulatively considerable contribution
to significant cumulative impacts with respect
to nonattainment pollutants, including ozone
precursors impacts.
Impact C -AQ -2: The proposed project would
None required.
not make a cumulatively considerable
contribution to significant cumulative impacts
from pollutant concentrations exposure to
sensitive receptors.
Impact C -AQ -3: The proposed project
None required.
operations would not make a cumulatively
considerable contribution to significant
cumulative worsening of ambient odor impacts,
nor affect a substantial number of people.
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Potential Environmental Impacts
Level of
Recommended Mitigation Measures and Improvement Measures
Level of
Impact C- AQ -4: The proposed project would
Implement Mitigation Measures MM -AQ -1 a and MM -AQ -1 b, above.
make a cumulatively considerable contribution
to cumulative impacts to long term air pollution
reduction goals of the BAAQMD's 2017 Clean
Air Plan.
Biological Resources
Impact BI -1: The proposed project would have
Mitigation Measure MM- BI -1a: Pre - construction Nesting Bird Surveys and Buffer
a substantial adverse effect, either directly or
through habitat modifications, on any species
identified as a candidate, sensitive, or special-
Nesting birds and their nests shall be protected during construction by implementation of the
status species in local or regional plans,
following measures for each construction phase:
policies, or regulations or by the California
Department of Fish and Wildlife or U.S. Fish
a. To the extent feasible, conduct initial activities including, but not limited to,
and Wildlife Service; and the proposed project
vegetation removal, tree trimming or removal, ground disturbance, building demolition,
would not interfere substantially with the
site grading, and other construction activities which may compromise breeding birds or
movement of native resident or migratory
the success of their nests outside of the nesting season (February 15 — September
wildlife species or with established native
resident or migratory wildlife corridors, or
b. If construction during the bird nesting season cannot be fully avoided, a qualified
impede the use of native wildlife nursery sites.
wildlife biologist' shall conduct a pre- construction nesting survey within 14 days prior to
the start of construction or demolition at areas that have not been previously disturbed
by project activities or after any construction breaks of 14 days or more. The survey
shall be performed in suitable habitat within 100 feet of the applicable construction
phase area in order to locate any active nests of passerine species and within 300 feet
of the applicable construction phase area to locate any active raptor (birds of prey)
c. If active nests are located during the preconstruction nesting bird survey, a qualified
biologist shall evaluate if the schedule of construction activities could affect the active
nests and if so, the following measures would apply:
i. If the qualified biologist determines that construction is not likely to affect the
active nest, construction may proceed without restriction; however, a qualified
biologist shall regularly monitor the nest at a frequency determined appropriate for
the surrounding construction activity to confirm there is no adverse effect. Spot -
check monitoring frequency would be determined on a nest -by -nest basis
considering the particular construction activity, duration, proximity to the nest, and
physical barriers which may screen activity from the nest.
ii. If it is determined that construction may affect the active nest, the qualified
biologist shall establish a no- disturbance buffer around the nest(s) and all project
work shall halt within the buffer until a qualified biologist determines the nest is no
longer in use. Typically, these buffer distances are 100 feet for passerines and
300 feet for raptors; however, the buffers may be adjusted if an obstruction, such
as a building, is within line -of -sight between the nest and construction.
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2. Executive
Potential Environmental Impacts Level of
Recommended Mitigation Measures and Improvement Measures
Level of
iii. Modifying nest buffer distances, allowing certain construction activities within
the buffer, and /or modifying construction methods in proximity to active nests
shall be done at the discretion of the qualified biologist and in coordination with
the Planning Division. Necessary actions to remove or relocate an active nest(s)
shall be coordinated with the Planning Division in compliance with the California
Fish and Game Code and other applicable laws.
iv. Any work that must occur within established no- disturbance buffers around
active nests shall be monitored by a qualified biologist. If adverse effects in
response to project work within the buffer are observed and could compromise
the nest, work within the no- disturbance buffer(s) shall halt until the nest
occupants have fledged.
v. Any birds that begin nesting within the project area and survey buffers amid
construction activities are assumed to be habituated to construction - related or
similar noise and disturbance levels, so exclusion zones around nests may be
reduced or eliminated in these cases as determined by the qualified biologist in
coordination with the Planning Division. Work may proceed around these active
nests as long as the nests and their occupants are not directly impacted.
d. In the event inactive nests are observed within or adjacent to the project site
during construction at any time throughout the year, any removal or relocation of
the inactive nests shall be at the discretion of the qualified biologist in
coordination with the Planning Division and in compliance with the California Fish
and Game Code and other applicable laws, as appropriate. Work may proceed
around these inactive nests.
" Typical experience requirements for a "qualified biologist" include a minimum of 4
years of academic training and professional experience in biological sciences and
related resource management activities, and a minimum of 2 years of experience
conducting surveys for each species that may be present within the project area.
Mitigation Measure MM- BI -1b: Lighting Measures to Reduce Impacts on Birds
During design, a qualified biologist experienced with bird strikes and building /lighting design
issues shall identify lighting - related measures to minimize the effects of the building's lighting
on birds. Such measures, which may include the following and /or other measures, shall be
incorporated into the building's design and operation.
• Use strobe or flashing lights in place of continuously burning lights for obstruction
lighting. Use flashing white lights rather than continuous light, red light, or rotating
• Install shields onto light sources not necessary for air traffic to direct light towards
the ground.
• Extinguish all exterior lighting (i.e., rooftop floods, perimeter spots) not required for
public safety.
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Potential Environmental Impacts Level of Recommended Mitigation Measures and Improvement Measures Level of
before Significance
Mitigation Mitigation
• When interior or exterior lights must be left on at night, the operator of the buildings
shall examine and adopt alternatives to bright, all- night, floor -wide lighting, which
may include installing motion - sensitive lighting, using desk lamps and task lighting,
reprogramming timers, or using lower- intensity lighting.
• Windows or window treatments that reduce transmission of light out of the building
shall be implemented to the extent feasible.
Mitigation Measure MM- BI -1c: Building Design Measures to Minimize Bird Strike Risk
During design, a qualified biologist experienced with bird strikes and building /lighting design
issues shall identify measures related to the external appearance of the building to minimize
the risk of bird strikes. Such measures, which may include the following and /or other
measures, shall be incorporated into the building's design.
• Minimize the extent of glazing.
• Use low- reflective glass and /or patterned or fritted glass.
• Use window films, mullions, blinds, or other internal or external features to "break
up" reflective surfaces rather than having large, uninterrupted areas of surfaces that
reflect, and thus to a bird may not appear noticeably different from, vegetation or the
Mitigation Measure MM -13I -1 d: Pre - construction Bat Survey for Roosting Bats and
Roosting Habitat Abatement (Phase 2)
Prior to Phase 2 building demolition or tree removal activities, no more than 2 weeks prior to
the start of any such demolition or removal activities, a qualified bat biologist shall conduct a
pre- construction survey to identify if bats are roosting within vacant buildings and trees
located on the Phase 2 project site. If no roosting sites or bats are observed during the
survey, no further mitigation is necessary.
If roosting bats or indications of bat roosts are observed within Phase 2 buildings or
structures to be demolished, the qualified bat biologist shall be consulted to determine if bat
roost replacement is required. If required, roost replacement shall be implemented before
bat exclusion devices are installed on structures. Roost replacement, if required, will be
implemented using suggested strategies such as those described in the Caltrans' report
California Bat Mitigation Techniques, Solutions, and Effectiveness and will be based on
species - specific roosting requirements.
If bat exclusion is required, a wildlife removal specialist under the guidance of the qualified
bat biologist shall conduct humane bat exclusion using methods such as one -way doors and
installing physical barriers to entry. To reduce potential effects on roosting bats, exclusion
shall be conducted between September 1 and March 31, but will not occur during long
periods of inclement or cold weather (as determined by the qualified bat biologist) when
prey are not available or bats are in torpor. For Phase 2 building demolition, eviction shall
be initiated by either opening the roosting area to allow air flow through the roost cavity or
installing a one -wav exclusion device (e.q., one -wav door) to evict the bats. Following bat
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Potential Environmental Impacts Level of Recommended Mitigation Measures and Improvement Measures Level of
before Significance
exclusion device installation, the qualified bat biologist shall conduct biweekly inspections of
each excluded structure until the structure(s) is demolished to ensure that physical
exclusion devices are maintained.
If roosting bats or indications of bat roosts are observed within Phase 2 project trees to be
removed, tree removal shall be conducted between September 1 and March 31, but will not
occur during long periods of inclement or cold weather (as determined by the qualified bat
biologist) when prey are not available or bats are in torpor, to avoid impacts on maternal bat
roosts. During Phase 2 tree removal and where potential bat roosts were identified, the
qualified bat biologist shall be present and tree removal shall begin with portions of the tree
that do not provide suitable roost habitat (e.g., low limbs lacking forage). Trees shall be
removed at a speed in coordination with the on -site qualified bat biologist that allows any
roosting bats to vacate the tree.
Impact BI -2: The proposed project would not LS
None required. LS
conflict with any local policies or ordinances
protecting biological resources, such as a tree
preservation policy or ordinance.
Impact C -13I -1: The proposed project would S
Implement Mitigation Measures MM -13I -1 a, MM -13I -1 b, MM -13I -1 c, and MM -13I -1 d, above. LSM
result in a cumulatively considerable
contribution to significant cumulative impacts
on biological resources.
Cultural Resources
Impact CRA: Construction activities for the NI
No Impact NI
proposed project would not cause a substantial
adverse change in the significance of an
historic architectural resource as defined in
Section 15064.5.
Impact CR -2: Construction activities for the S
Mitigation Measure MM- CR -2a: Cultural Resources Worker Environmental Awareness LSM
proposed project would cause a substantial
Program (WEAP)
adverse change in the significance of
A qualified archaeologist should conduct a WEAP training for all construction personnel on the
archaeological resources, if such resources are
project site prior to construction and ground- disturbing activities. The training should include
present within the project site.
basic information about the types of artifacts that might be encountered during construction
activities, and procedures to follow in the event of a discovery. This training should be
provided for any additional personnel added to the project even after the initiation of
construction and ground disturbing activities.
Mitigation Measure MM- CR -2b: Cultural Resources Monitoring During Ground -
Disturbing Activities
A qualified archaeologist shall monitor all ground- disturbing activities within native sediments
within the project. This monitoring will continue for the duration of the project or until culturally
sterile sediments are reached (e.g., bedrock). A qualified archaeologist may determine to
201 Haskins Way Project Draft EIR 2.9 October 12, 2018
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Potential Environmental Impacts Level of Recommended Mitigation Measures and Improvement Measures Level of
before Significance
decrease or increase monitoring efforts based on sediments observed, findings, or number of
large ground disturbing machines in operation.
Mitigation Measure MM- CR -2c: Halt Construction Activity, Evaluate Find, and
Implement Mitigation
In the event that previously unidentified paleontological, archaeological, historical, or tribal
resources are uncovered during site preparation, excavation, or other construction activity, all
such activity within 25 feet of the discovery shall cease until the resources have been
evaluated by a qualified professional, and specific measures can be implemented to protect
these resources in accordance with sections 21083.2 and 21084.1 of the California Public
Resources Code. If the find is significant, the archaeologist will excavate the find in
compliance with state law, keeping project delays to a minimum. If the qualified archaeologist
determines the find is not significant then proper recordation and identification will ensue and
the project will continue without delay.
Impact CR -3: Construction activities for the
Mitigation Measure MM -CR -3: Halt Construction Activity, Evaluate Remains, and Take
proposed project would disturb human
Appropriate Action in Coordination with Native American Heritage Commission
remains, including those interred outside of
In the event that human remains are uncovered during site preparation, excavation, or other
formal cemeteries, if such remains are present
construction activity, all such activity within 25 feet of the discovery shall cease until the
within the project site.
remains have been evaluated by the County Coroner, and appropriate action taken in
coordination with the NAHC, in accordance with section 7050.5 of the CHSC or, if the remains
are Native American, section 5097.98 of the California Public Resources Code.
Impact CR -4: Construction activities for the
Implement Mitigation Measures CR -2a, CR -2b, CR -2C and CR -3, above.
proposed project would cause a substantial
adverse change in the significance of a tribal
cultural resource, as defined in Public
Resources Code Section 21074, if such
resources are present within the project site.
Impact CR -5: Construction activities for the
No impact
proposed project would not directly or indirectly
destroy a unique paleontological resources or
site or unique geologic feature.
Impact C -CR -1: The proposed project would
Implement Mitigation Measures CR -2a, CR -2b, CR -2c, and CR -3, above.
make a cumulatively considerable contribution
to a significant cumulative impact on historic or
archaeological resources.
Impact C -CR -2: The proposed project would
Implement Mitigation Measures CR -2a, CR -2b, CR -2c, and CR -3, above.
make a cumulatively considerable contribution
to a significant cumulative impact on tribal
cultural resources.
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2. Executive
Potential Environmental Impacts
Level of
Recommended Mitigation Measures and Improvement Measures
Level of
Geology and Soils
Impact GE -1: The proposed project would not
None required.
expose people or structures to potential
substantial adverse effects, including the risk of
loss, injury, or death involving rupture of a
known earthquake fault, strong seismic ground
shaking, liquefaction, or landslides, with
implementation of regulatory compliance
Impact GE -2: The proposed project would not
None required.
result in substantial soil erosion or the loss of
Impact GE -3: The proposed project would be
None required.
located on expansive soils but would not create
substantial risk to life or property with
implementation of standard regulatory
Impact GE -4: The proposed project would be
None required.
located on a geologic unit or soil that is
unstable, but would not result in on- or off -site
landslide, lateral spreading, subsidence,
liquefaction, or collapse with implementation of
standard regulatory measures.
Impact C -GE -1: The proposed project would
None required.
not result in a cumulatively considerable
contribution to a significant adverse cumulative
impact on geology and soils.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Impact GHG -1: The proposed project would
None required.
result in GHG emissions; however, the
emissions from the project would be below the
applicable thresholds of significance.
Impact GHG -2: The proposed project's
None required.
contribution to significant cumulative impacts
related to GHGs would not conflict with an
applicable plan, policy, or regulation adopted
for the purpose of reducing the emissions of
201 Haskins Way Project Draft EIR 2.11 October 12, 2018
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Potential Environmental Impacts
Level of
Recommended Mitigation Measures and Improvement Measures
Level of
Hazards and Hazardous Materials
Impact HZ -1: The proposed project would not
None required.
create a significant hazard to the public or the
environment through the routine transport, use,
or disposal of hazardous materials.
Impact HZ -2: The proposed project would not
None required.
create a significant hazard to the public or the
environment through reasonably foreseeable
upset and accident conditions involving the
release of hazardous materials into the
Impact HZ -3: The proposed project would not
None required.
emit hazardous emissions or handle hazardous
or acutely hazardous materials, substances, or
waste within one - quarter mile of an existing or
proposed school.
Impact HZ -4: The proposed project is not
None required.
located on a site which is included on a list of
hazardous materials sites compiled pursuant to
Government Code Section 65962.5 and, as a
result, would not create a significant hazard to
the public or the environment with compliance
of applicable regulations.
Impact HZ -5: The proposed project is located
None required.
within an airport land use plan, but would not
result in a safety hazard for people residing or
working in the project area.
Impact HZ -6: The proposed project would not
No Impact
impair implementation of or physically interfere
with an adopted emergency response plan or
emergency evacuation plan.
Impact C -HZ -1: The proposed project would
None required.
not result in a cumulatively considerable
contribution to a significant adverse cumulative
impact related to hazards and hazardous
201 Haskins Way Project Draft EIR
October 12, 2018
2. Executive
Potential Environmental Impacts
Level of
Recommended Mitigation Measures and Improvement Measures
Level of
Hydrology and Water Quality
Impact HY -1: Construction activities and
None required.
operation of the proposed project would not
violate any water quality standards or waste
discharge requirements or otherwise
substantially degrade water quality.
Impact HY -2: The proposed project would not
None required.
substantially deplete groundwater supplies or
interfere substantially with groundwater
recharge such that there would be a net deficit
in aquifer volume or a lowering of the local
groundwater table level.
Impact HY -3: Construction of the proposed
None required.
project would not substantially alter the existing
drainage pattern of the site or area in a manner
which would result in substantial erosion or
siltation on or off site, or substantially increase
the rate or amount of surface runoff in a
manner which would result in flooding on or off
Impact HY -4: The proposed project would not
None required.
create or contribute runoff water which would
exceed the capacity of existing or planned
stormwater drainage systems or provide
substantial additional sources of polluted
Impact HY -5: Operation of the proposed
None required.
project would not place structures within a
future 100 -year flood zone that would impede
or redirect flood flows, nor would it expose of
people or structures to a significant risk or loss,
injury, or death involving flooding.
Impact HY -6: The proposed project would not
None required.
expose people or structures to substantial risk
of loss, injury, or death due to inundation by
seiche, tsunami, or mudflow.
Impact C -HY -1: The proposed project would
None required.
not make a cumulatively considerable
contribution to significant cumulative impacts
related to hydrology and water quality.
201 Haskins Way Project Draft EIR 2.13 October 12, 2018
2. Executive
Potential Environmental Impacts
Level of
Recommended Mitigation Measures and Improvement Measures
Level of
Land Use and Planning
Impact LU -1: The proposed project would not
None required.
physically divide an established community.
Impact LU -2: The proposed project would not
None required.
conflict with any applicable land use plan,
policy, or regulation of an agency with
jurisdiction over the project adopted for the
purpose of avoiding or mitigating an
environmental effect.
Impact C -LU -1: The proposed project would
None required.
not make a cumulatively considerable
contribution to a significant cumulative impact
on land use and planning.
Mineral Resources
Impact ME -1: The proposed project would not
No Impact
have a significant adverse impact on the
availability of a known mineral resource and /or
a locally important mineral resource recovery
Impact C -ME -1: The proposed project would
None required.
not result in a cumulatively considerable
contribution to a significant adverse cumulative
impact on mineral and energy resources.
Impact NO -1: Construction activities for the
Improvement Measure IM -NO -1: Construction Noise Minimization and Notification
proposed project would not generate noise that
In order to minimize disruption and potential annoyance during project construction, the
would substantially increase temporary noise
project sponsor shall implement the following construction minimization and notifications
levels at uses in the vicinity of the site.
• All construction equipment shall be equipped with mufflers and sound control
devices (e.g., intake silencers and noise shrouds) that are in good condition and
appropriate for the equipment.
• Maintain all construction equipment to minimize noise emissions.
• Stationary equipment shall be located on the site to maintain the greatest possible
distance to the existing office buildings, where feasible.
• Unnecessary idling of internal combustion engines should be strictly prohibited.
201 Haskins Way Project Draft EIR 2.14 October 12, 2018
2. Executive
Potential Environmental Impacts Level of Recommended Mitigation Measures and Improvement Measures Level of
before Significance
Mitigation Mitigation
• Provide advance notification to surrounding land uses disclosing the construction
schedule, including the various types of activities that would be occurring throughout
the duration of the construction period.
• The construction contractor shall provide the name and telephone number an on-
site construction liaison. If construction noise is found to be intrusive to the
community (complaints are received), the construction liaison shall investigate the
source of the noise and require that reasonable measures be implemented to
correct the problem.
Impact NO -3: Operation of the proposed S
• Schedule high noise - producing activities during times when they would be least
likely to interfere with the noise sensitive activities of the neighboring land uses,
when possible.
Impact NO -2: Construction of the proposed S
Mitigation Measure MM -NO -2: Groundborne Vibration Minimization and Avoidance LSM
project would create a substantial temporary
Prior to issuance of a site permit, the project sponsor shall identify areas of potential building
increase in groundborne vibration levels in the
damage from construction vibration and determine the distance at which construction
project vicinity above existing conditions
equipment would be used during implementation of the proposed project. For any equipment
use that would be located near enough to a building to exceed the Caltrans /FTA building
damage threshold of 0.5 in /sec, the project sponsor shall prepare a mitigation plan that
provides a procedure for limiting vibration on potentially affected structures based on an
assessment of each structure's ability to withstand the loads and displacements due to
construction vibrations. The project sponsor shall also prepare and implement a compliance
monitoring program to ensure construction vibrations near buildings do not exceed the
threshold of 0.5 in /sec, and identify site - specific control measures in consideration of
equipment location and processes including, but not limited to, the following examples.
• Operate earth- moving equipment on the work site as far away from existing
buildings and human - occupied sites as possible.
• Avoid simultaneous operation of vibration - causing construction equipment for
demolition, earth - moving, or ground- impacting activities within approximately 50 feet
existing buildings, where possible.
• Avoid operation of vibratory rollers and packers within approximately 50 feet of
existino buildings, where possible.
Impact NO -3: Operation of the proposed S
Mitigation Measure MM -NO -3: Mechanical Equipment Noise Requirements LSM
project mechanical equipment would create a
Analysis of noise from the project's mechanical equipment shall be conducted to determine if
substantial permanent increase in ambient
the equipment will exceed the maximum permissible L50 sound levels 60 dB between 10 p.m.
noise levels in the project vicinity above
and 7 a.m. and 65 dB between 7 a.m. and 10 p.m. when measured at any receiving property
existing conditions.
as determined by Table 8.32.030 of the Municipal Code forC -1, P -C, Gateway, and Oyster
Point Marina specific plan districts and what, if any, noise control measures must be included
in the design to meet the City's requirements. Typical noise control measures include barriers,
enclosures, silencers and acoustical louvers at vent openings. Prior to issuance of any
building permits, the project applicant shall submit a report showing that noise levels
calculated for project mechanical equipment will be no greater than maximum permissible
sound levels provided in Municipal Code Chapter 8.32 and Table 8.32.030 on receiving
201 Haskins Way Project Draft EIR 2.15 October 12, 2018
2. Executive
Potential Environmental Impacts
Level of
Recommended Mitigation Measures and Improvement Measures
Level of
Impact NO -4: Traffic volumes generated by
None required.
operation of the proposed project would not
create a substantial permanent increase in
ambient noise levels in the project vicinity
above existing conditions.
Impact C -NO -1: Construction of the proposed
None required.
project would not make a cumulatively
considerable contribution to significant
cumulative construction noise impacts (i.e. that
would substantially increase temporary noise
levels at uses in the vicinity of the site).
Impact C -NO -2: Construction of the proposed
Implement Mitigation Measures MM -NO -2 above.
project would make a cumulatively
considerable contribution to significant
cumulative groundborne vibration impacts (i.e.,
that would substantially increase temporary
vibration at uses in the vicinity of the site).
Impact C -NO -3: Operation of the proposed
None required.
project's mechanical equipment would not
make a cumulatively considerable contribution
to significant cumulative noise impacts (i.e.,
noise that would create a substantial
permanent increase in ambient noise levels in
the project vicinity above existing conditions).
Impact C -NO -4: Traffic volumes generated by
None required.
operation of the proposed project would not
make a cumulatively considerable contribution
to significant cumulative traffic noise impacts
(i.e., traffic noise that would create a
substantial permanent increase in ambient
noise levels in the project vicinity above
existing conditions).
Population and Housing
Impact PH -1: The proposed project would not
None required.
induce substantial population growth in an
area, either directly or indirectly.
Impact PH -2: The proposed project would not
None required.
displace housing or people, and would not
necessitate the construction of replacement
housing elsewhere.
201 Haskins Way Project Draft EIR 2.16 October 12, 2018
2. Executive
Potential Environmental Impacts
Level of
Recommended Mitigation Measures and Improvement Measures
Level of
Impact C -PH -1: The proposed project would
None required.
not result in a cumulatively considerable
contribution to significant cumulative population
and housing impacts.
Public Services
Impact PS -1: Operation of the proposed
None required.
project would not require the provision of new
or physically altered fire and emergency
medical services in order to maintain
acceptable service ratios, response times, or
other performance objectives.
Impact PS -2: Operation of the proposed
None required.
project would not require the provision of new
or physically altered police protection services
in order to maintain acceptable service ratios,
response times, or other performance
Impact PS -3: Operation of the proposed
None required.
project would not require the provision of new
or physically altered schools or other public
facilities in order to maintain acceptable service
ratios, response times, or other performance
Impact C -PS -1: Operation of the proposed
None required.
project would not require the provision of new
or physically altered public services in order to
maintain acceptable service ratios, response
times, or other performance objectives.
Impact RE -1: The proposed project would not
None required.
increase the use of existing neighborhood and
regional parks or other recreational facilities
such that substantial physical deterioration of
the facility would occur or be accelerated.
Impact RE -2: The proposed project would not
None required.
increase the use of existing neighborhood and
regional parks or other recreational facilities
such that substantial physical deterioration of
the facility would occur or be accelerated.
201 Haskins Way Project Draft EIR 2.17 October 12, 2018
2. Executive
Potential Environmental Impacts
Level of
Recommended Mitigation Measures and Improvement Measures
Level of
Impact C -RE -1: The proposed project, would
None required.
not result in a cumulatively considerable
contribution to significant cumulative impacts
on recreation.
Transportation and Traffic
Impact TRA: The proposed project (Phase 1
Mitigation Measure MM -TR -1: Add a Northbound Right -Turn Lane at the Intersection of
or buildout) would cause the intersection of
Littlefield Avenue and East Grand Avenue.
Littlefield Avenue and East Grand Avenue to
The City of South San Francisco shall restripe the northbound approach on Littlefield Avenue
exceed LOS D operations during the AM peak
to provide a separate right -turn lane in addition to the existing left- through -right lane. The
hour, and the project (Phase 1 or buildout)
additional turn lane may require removal of on- street parking and /or acquisition of right -of -way
would contribute more than 2 percent of the
along Littlefield Avenue approaching East Grand Avenue. This improvement is included in the
total traffic through the intersection.
East of 101 Area Traffic Impact Fee. Therefore, the project's payment of East of 101 Traffic
Impact Fees will represent the project's required contribution towards this mitigation.
Impact TR -2: The proposed project (Phase 1
No mitigation feasible.
or buildout) would cause the intersection of
Allerton Avenue and East Grand Avenue to
exceed LOS D operations during the PM peak
hour, and the project would contribute more
than 2 percent of the total traffic through the
Impact TR -3: The proposed project (Phase 1
Mitigation Measure MM -TR -3: Widen and Restripe the Southbound, Eastbound and
or buildout) would contribute more than 2
Westbound Approaches at the Intersection of Gateway Boulevard /South Airport
percent of the total traffic through the
Boulevard /Mitchell Avenue.
intersection of Gateway Boulevard /South
The City of South San Francisco shall widen the southbound approach on Gateway Boulevard
Airport Boulevard /Mitchell Avenue, which
to provide a second right -turn lane, widen the eastbound approach on South Airport Boulevard
operates at LOS E during the PM peak hour
to provide a second left -turn lane and replace the existing shared through -right lane with one
without the project.
through lane and a second right -turn lane, and widen the westbound approach on Mitchell
Avenue to replace the existing shared through -right lane with three through lanes and a right -
turn lane. This improvement is included in the East of 101 Area Traffic Impact Fee. Therefore,
the project's payment of East of 101 Traffic Impact Fees will represent the project's required
contribution towards this mitigation.
Impact TR -4: The proposed project (Phase 1
None required.
or buildout) would add less than 1 percent of
traffic to the right -turn lane from the
southbound U.S. 101 flyover off -ramp at
Gateway Boulevard /Oyster Point Boulevard
where the 95th percentile queue currently
exceeds the ramp's storage length in the AM
peak hour.
201 Haskins Way Project Draft EIR 2.18 October 12, 2018
2. Executive
Potential Environmental Impacts
Level of
Recommended Mitigation Measures and Improvement Measures
Level of
Impact TR -5: The proposed project (Phase 1
Mitigation Measure MM -TR -5: Adjust Signal Timing at Gateway Boulevard and East
or buildout) would add more than 1 percent of
Grand Avenue.
total traffic to the westbound left -turn
The City of South San Francisco shall adjust signal timing at the intersection of Gateway
movement on East Grand Avenue at Gateway
Boulevard with East Grand Avenue to reduce the 95th percentile queue length in the
Boulevard where the 95th percentile queue
westbound left -turn lane by the amount increased by the project. Improvements at this
currently exceeds the available storage length
intersection are included in the East of 101 Area Traffic Impact Fee. Therefore, the project's
during the AM and PM peak hours without the
payment of East of 101 Traffic Impact Fees will represent the project's required contribution
towards this mitigation.
Impact TR -6: The proposed project (Phase 1
Mitigation Measure MM -TR -6: Adjust Signal Timing at the intersection of Airport
or buildout) would add more than 1 percent of
Boulevard /San Mateo Avenue /Produce Avenue.
total traffic to the westbound left turn
The City of South San Francisco shall adjust signal timing at the intersection of Airport
movement on Airport Boulevard at San Mateo
Boulevard and San Mateo Avenue /Produce Avenue to reduce the 95th percentile queue
Avenue /Produce Avenue where the 95th
length in the westbound left -turn lane by the amount increased by the project. Improvements
percentile queue currently exceeds the
at this intersection are included in the East of 101 Area Traffic Impact Fee. Therefore, the
available storage length during the PM peak
project's payment of East of 101 Traffic Impact Fees will represent the project's required
hour without the project.
contribution towards this mitigation.
Impact TR -7: The proposed project (Phase 1
Mitigation Measure MM -TR -7: Adjust Signal Timing at Airport Boulevard and Grand
or buildout) would cause the existing 95th
percentile queue to exceed the available
The City of South San Francisco shall adjust signal timing at the intersection of Airport
storage capacity in the AM peak hour at the
Boulevard with Grand Avenue to reduce the 95th percentile queue length in the southbound
southbound left -turn lane on Airport Boulevard
left -turn lane to be within the available 300 feet of storage length. Improvements at this
at Grand Avenue.
intersection are included in the East of 101 Area Traffic Impact Fee. Therefore, the project's
payment of East of 101 Traffic Impact Fees will represent the project's required contribution
towards this mitigation.
Impact TR -8: The proposed project (Phase 1
None required.
or buildout) would add traffic to freeway ramps,
but not in numbers that would exceed the
capacity of the freeway ramps.
Impact TR -9: The proposed project (Phase 1
Mitigation Measure MM -TR -9: Implement Transportation Demand Management
or buildout) would generate more than 100
measures listed in San Mateo County Congestion Management Program Appendix I.
peak hour vehicle trips, exceeding the
The project shall implement a TDM program consistent with the City's TDM ordinance and
threshold in the San Mateo County CMP.
using trip credits in compliance with C /CAG's CMP sufficient to account for all net new peak
hour trips.
Impact TR -10: The proposed project (Phase 1
None required.
or buildout) would not add more than 1 percent
of total traffic to any study segment of U.S. 101
during the AM or PM peak hours, which would
operate at LOS F without the project.
201 Haskins Way Project Draft EIR 2.19 October 12, 2018
2. Executive
Potential Environmental Impacts
Level of
Recommended Mitigation Measures and Improvement Measures
Level of
Impact TR -11: The proposed project (Phase 1
None required.
or buildout) would not introduce hazardous
design features within the project site or on the
adjacent streets.
Impact TR -12: The proposed project (Phase 1
None required.
or buildout) would provide adequate
emergency access.
Impact TRA3: The proposed project (Phase 1
Mitigation Measure MM- TR -13: Expand local shuttle services.
and buildout) may exceed the capacity of the
The project sponsor shall participate in Commute.org's Employer /Property Manager
existing shuttle services serving the East of
Consortium and contribute a fair share of funding as required to ensure that shuttle buses
101 Area.
serving the project site can accommodate peak hour transit passengers added by the
proposed project. If the Commute.org shuttles do not adequately meet commuter needs or
ridership exceeds capacity as a result of the proposed project, the project sponsor shall
explore options to enhance the Commute.org shuttle program or augment shuttle services
with other shuttle providers or mobility solutions.
Impact TR -14: The proposed project (Phase 1
Mitigation Measure MM- TR -14: Provide shuttle stop amenities for Phase 2.
or buildout) would add transit riders at bus
For Phase 2 buildout, the project sponsor shall coordinate with shuttle providers to install
stops without amenities.
amenities for transit passengers including seating, shelters and signage at shuttle bus stops,
as well as transit information for employees in the new and expanded structures. The project
sponsor shall contribute its fair share to the cost of these amenities.
Impact TR -15: The proposed project (Phase 1
None required.
or buildout) would add pedestrians and
bicyclists to local street segments, but not in
numbers that would exceed the capacity of
sidewalks or streets.
Impact TRA6: The proposed project (Phase 1
None required.
or buildout) would add VMT to the regional
transportation system, but the VMT per
employee would be less than a threshold of 15
percent below the regional average, with the
region defined as employees working in San
Mateo County.
Impact C -TR -1: The proposed project (Phase
None required.
1 or buildout) would not contribute considerably
to significant cumulative traffic impacts in the
AM and PM peak hours at the intersection of
Gateway Boulevard /Oyster Point
Boulevard /U.S. 101 southbound Off -Ramp
201 Haskins Way Project Draft EIR
October 12, 2018
2. Executive
Potential Environmental Impacts
Level of
Recommended Mitigation Measures and Improvement Measures
Level of
Impact C -TR -2: Phase 1 of the proposed
None required.
project would not contribute considerably to
significant cumulative traffic impacts in the AM
or PM peak hour at the intersection of Airport
Boulevard /Grand Avenue.
Impact C -TR -3: Buildout of the proposed
Mitigation Measure C -TR -3: Add a Third Eastbound Lane on Grand Avenue at Airport
project (Phases 1 & 2) would contribute
considerably to the significant cumulative
The City of South San Francisco shall widen the eastbound approach on Grand Avenue to
impact at the intersection of Airport Boulevard
provide a third eastbound lane, with the approach striped as a shared left- through lane, a
and Grand Avenue during the AM peak hour.
through lane and a right -turn lane.
Measure not included in existing East of 101 Traffic Impact Fee (TIF) and Capital
Improvement Program (CIP). No City mechanism for funding and City cannot guarantee that
this measure will be implemented. Thus, the measure would not eliminate the significant
cumulative impact.
Impact C -TR -4: Buildout of the proposed
Mitigation Measure MM- C -TR -4: Adjust Signal Timing for Pedestrian Crossings at the
project (Phases 1 & 2) would contribute
intersection of Dubuque Avenue and Grand Avenue.
considerably to a significant cumulative impact
The City of South San Francisco shall adjust existing signal timings for pedestrian crossings
the intersection of Dubuque Avenue and Grand
for cumulative traffic demands to reduce vehicle delay.
Avenue during the PM peak hour.
Measure not included in existing TIF and CIP. No City mechanism for funding and City cannot
guarantee that this measure will be implemented.
Impact C -TR -5: The proposed project (Phase
Mitigation Measure MM- C -TR -5: Add a Second Northbound Left -Turn Lane to the
1 or buildout) would contribute considerably to
northbound approach on East Grand Avenue at the Grand Avenue Overcrossing.
a significant cumulative impact the intersection
The City of South San Francisco shall restripe the northbound approach on East Grand
of East Grand Avenue and Grand Avenue
Avenue to provide a second left -turn lane, and implement curb and traffic signal modifications
Overcrossing during the PM peak hour.
as required.
Measure not included in existing TIF and CIP. No City mechanism for funding and City cannot
guarantee that this measure will be implemented.
Impact C -TR -6: The proposed project (Phase
Mitigation Measure MM- C -TR -6: Add a Westbound Right -Turn Lane and a Northbound
1 or buildout) would contribute considerably to
Left -Turn Lane at the intersection of Gateway Boulevard and East Grand Avenue.
a significant cumulative impact at the
The City of South San Francisco shall restripe or widen the westbound approach on East
intersection of Gateway Boulevard and East
Grand Avenue to provide a separate right -turn lane in addition to the existing three through
Grand Avenue during the PM peak hour.
lanes and planned two left -turn lanes. Widen the northbound approach on Gateway Boulevard
to provide a second left -turn lane.
201 Haskins Way Project Draft EIR 2.21 October 12, 2018
2. Executive
Potential Environmental Impacts
Level of
Recommended Mitigation Measures and Improvement Measures
Level of
Measure not included in existing TIF and CIP. No City mechanism for funding and City cannot
guarantee that this measure will be implemented.
Impact C -TR -7: The proposed project (Phase
Mitigation Measure MM- C -TR -7: Add a Fourth Westbound Through Lane on East Grand
1 or buildout) would contribute considerably to
Avenue and Restripe Northbound and Southbound Approaches to the Intersection of
a significant cumulative impact at the
Harbor Way /Forbes Boulevard /East Grand Avenue.
intersection of Harbor Way /Forbes Boulevard
The City of South San Francisco shall widen the westbound approach on East Grand Avenue
and East Grand Avenue in both the AM and
at Harbor Way /Forbes Boulevard to provide a fourth through lane. Restripe southbound
PM peak hours.
Forbes Boulevard from the planned improvements to provide one left -turn lane, two through
lanes and one right -turn lane. Restripe northbound Harbor Boulevard from the planned
improvements to provide two left -turn lanes, one through lane and one right -turn lane, with
signal modifications as required.
Measure not included in existing TIF and CIP. No City mechanism for funding and City cannot
guarantee that this measure will be implemented.
Impact C -TR -B: The proposed project (Phase
No mitigation feasible.
1 or buildout) would contribute considerably to
a significant cumulative impact at the
intersection of Littlefield Avenue and East
Grand Avenue in the AM peak hour.
Impact C -TR -9: The proposed project (Phase
No mitigation feasible.
1 or buildout) would contribute considerably to
a significant cumulative impact at the
intersection of Allerton Avenue and East Grand
Avenue in the PM peak hour.
Impact C- TR -10: The proposed project at
Mitigation Measure MM- C- TR -10: Reconstruct the Southbound Approach on Airport
buildout (Phase 1 & 2) would contribute
Boulevard at San Mateo Avenue.
considerably to a significant cumulative impact
The City of South San Francisco shall reconstruct southbound Airport Boulevard at San Mateo
at the intersection of Airport
Avenue to convert the right -turn lane to a shared through -right lane, so that the southbound
Boulevard /Produce Avenue /San Mateo Avenue
approach provides one left -turn lane, two through lanes and a shared through -right lane, and
in the PM peak hour.
implement curb and traffic signal modifications as required.
Measure not included in existing TIF and CIP. No City mechanism for funding and City cannot
guarantee that this measure will be implemented.
Impact C- TR -11: The proposed project at
No mitigation feasible.
buildout (Phase 1 & 2) would contribute
considerably to a significant cumulative impact
at the intersection of Gateway Boulevard /South
Airport Boulevard /Mitchell Avenue in the PM
peak hour.
201 Haskins Way Project Draft EIR 2.22 October 12, 2018
2. Executive
Potential Environmental Impacts Level of
Recommended Mitigation Measures and Improvement Measures
Level of
Impact C- TR -12: The proposed project at S No mitigation feasible. SU
buildout (Phase 1 & 2) would contribute
considerably to a significant cumulative impact
at the freeway ramp intersection of South
Airport Boulevard and U.S. 101 Northbound
Hook Ramps /Wondercolor Lane in the AM
peak hour.
Impact C- TR -13: The proposed project at S
buildout (Phase 1 & 2) would contribute
considerably to a significant cumulative impact
at the intersection of South Airport Boulevard
and Utah Avenue in the AM peak hour.
Impact C- TR -14: The proposed project (Phase LS
1 or buildout) would add less than 1 percent of
traffic to the right -turn movement from the
southbound U.S. 101 off -ramp at Oyster Point
Boulevard /Gateway Boulevard where
cumulative queues would exceed storage
length without the project in the AM peak hour,
and therefore would not contribute
considerably to a significant cumulative traffic
Mitigation Measure MM- C- TR -13: Restripe the Northbound Approach on South Airport SU
Boulevard at Utah Avenue.
The City of South San Francisco shall restripe northbound South Airport Boulevard at Utah
Avenue to convert the rightmost through lane to a shared through -right lane, so that the
northbound approach provides one left -turn lane, one through lane, one shared through -right
lane and one right -turn lane, and implement traffic signal modifications as required.
Measure not included in existing TIF and CIP. No City mechanism for funding and City cannot
guarantee that this measure will be implemented.
None required. LS
Impact C- TR -15: The proposed project (Phase S
Mitigation Measure MM- C- TR -15: At the intersection of Airport Boulevard and Grand SU
1 or buildout) would add more than 1 percent
Avenue, widen Grand Avenue to provide a third eastbound approach lane at the
of total traffic and therefore would contribute
intersection and adjust signal timing.
considerably to the significant cumulative
The City of South San Francisco shall widen Grand Avenue to provide a third lane on the
impacts on the southbound left turn movement
eastbound approach (Mitigation Measure MM- C -TR -3) and adjust signal timing at the
in the AM and PM peak hours and the
intersection of Airport Boulevard and Grand Avenue to reduce the 95th percentile queue
westbound right -turn movement in the PM
length in the southbound left -turn lane and westbound right -turn lane.
peak hour at the intersection of Airport
Boulevard and Grand Avenue where the 95th
percentile queues with future cumulative
Measure not included in existing TIF and CIP. No City mechanism for funding and City cannot
growth in 2040 would exceed the available
guarantee that this measure will be implemented.
storage length without the project.
Impact C- TR -16: The proposed project (Phase S Mitigation Measure MM- C- TR -16: Add a Westbound Right -Turn Lane and a Northbound SU
1 or buildout) would add more than 1 percent Left -Turn Lane and Adjust Signal Timing at the Intersection of Gateway Boulevard and
of total traffic and therefore would contribute East Grand Avenue.
201 Haskins Way Project Draft EIR 2.23 October 12, 2018
2. Executive
Potential Environmental Impacts
Level of
Recommended Mitigation Measures and Improvement Measures
Level of
considerably to the significant cumulative
The City of South San Francisco shall add a westbound right -turn lane on East Grand Avenue
impacts on the eastbound and westbound
and a northbound left -turn lane on Gateway Boulevard, and adjust signal timing at the
through movements in the PM peak hour and
intersection of Gateway Boulevard with East Grand Avenue to reduce the 95th percentile
westbound left turn movement in the AM and
queue length in the eastbound through lane and westbound left -turn lane.
PM peak hours on East Grand Avenue at
Gateway Boulevard where the 95th percentile
queues would exceed the available storage
Measure not included in existing TIF and CIP. No City mechanism for funding and City cannot
lengths during these peak hours without the
guarantee that this measure will be implemented.
proposed project.
Impact C- TR -17: The proposed project (Phase
Mitigation Measure MM- C- TR -17: Adjust Signal Timing at the Intersection of Airport
1 or buildout) would add more than 1 percent
Boulevard /Produce Avenue and San Mateo Avenue /Airport Boulevard.
of total traffic and therefore would contribute
The City of South San Francisco shall reconstruct the southbound approach on Airport
considerably to the significant cumulative
Boulevard at San Mateo Avenue to convert the right -turn lane to a shared through -right lane,
impact on the westbound left turn movement
so that the southbound approach provides one left -turn lane, two through lanes and a shared
on Airport Boulevard at the intersection of
through -right lane, and implement curb and traffic signal modifications and adjust signal timing
Airport Boulevard /Produce Avenue where the
at the intersection of Airport Boulevard and San Mateo Avenue to reduce the 95th percentile
95th percentile queue would exceed the
queue length in the westbound left -turn lane.
available storage length during the AM and PM
peak hours in 2040 without the proposed
Measure not included in existing TIF and CIP. No City mechanism for funding and City cannot
guarantee that this measure will be implemented.
Impact C- TR -18: The proposed project (Phase
Mitigation Measure MM- C- TR -18: Adjust Signal Timing at the Intersection of South
1 or buildout) would add more than 1 percent
Airport Boulevard and U.S. 101 Hook Ramps at Wondercolor Lane.
of total traffic and therefore would contribute
The City of South San Francisco shall coordinate with Caltrans to adjust signal timing at the
considerably to the significant cumulative
intersection of South Airport Boulevard and the U.S. 101 hook ramps at Wondercolor Lane.
impact on the eastbound left turn movement on
the northbound U.S. 101 off -ramp at South
Airport Boulevard / Wondercolor Lane where the
Measure not included in existing TIF and CIP. No City mechanism for funding and City cannot
95th percentile queue would exceed the
guarantee that this measure will be implemented.
available storage length during the AM peak
hour in 2040 without the proposed project.
Impact C- TR -19: The freeway segments
No mitigation feasible.
serving the proposed project site would
operate at unacceptable LOS F in the future
with forecast development in 2040, resulting in
a significant cumulative impact. The proposed
project at buildout (Phases 1 & 2) would add
more than 1 percent of total traffic to two
freeway segments during the PM peak hour
which would operate at LOS F under
cumulative conditions without the project.
Impact C- TR -20: The proposed project (Phase
No mitigation feasible.
1 or buildout) would add more than 1 percent
201 Haskins Way Project Draft EIR 2.24 October 12, 2018
2. Executive
Potential Environmental Impacts
Level of Recommended Mitigation Measures and Improvement Measures
Level of
of total traffic and therefore would contribute
considerably to the significant cumulative
impact on the northbound U.S. 101 off -ramp at
South Airport Boulevard /Wondercolor Lane
where the volume would exceed the available
capacity during the AM peak hour in 2040
without the proposed project.
Impact C- TR -21: The proposed project (Phase
S No mitigation feasible.
1 or buildout) would add traffic volumes which
would cause total traffic to exceed capacity and
therefore would contribute considerably to the
significant cumulative impact on the
southbound U.S. 101 on -ramp from Produce
Avenue where the volume would not exceed
the available capacity during the PM peak hour
in 2040 without the proposed project.
Utilities and Service Systems
Impact UT -1: Implementation of the proposed
LS None required.
project would not exceed wastewater treatment
requirements of the applicable Regional Water
Quality Control Board; would not exceed the
capacity of the wastewater treatment provider
that would serve the project site; and would not
require the construction of new, or expansion
of existing, wastewater treatment facilities, the
construction of which could cause significant
Impact UT -2: Implementation of the proposed
LS None required.
project would not require the construction of
new, or expansion of existing, stormwater
drainage facilities, the construction of which
could cause significant environmental effects.
Impact UT -3: Cal Water has sufficient water
LS None required.
supply available to serve the project site from
existing entitlements and resources and would
not require new or expanded water supply
resources or entitlements.
Impact UT -4: The proposed project would be
LS None required.
served by a landfill with sufficient permitted
capacity and would comply with all applicable
statutes and regulations related to solid waste.
201 Haskins Way Project Draft EIR 2.25 October 12, 2018
2. Executive
Potential Environmental Impacts Level of
Recommended Mitigation Measures and Improvement Measures
Level of
Impact C -UT -1: The proposed project would LS None required. LS
not result in a cumulatively considerable
contribution to significant cumulative impacts
on utilities and service systems.
Note: Legend: NI = No Impact; LS = Less than Significant; LSM = less than significant with mitigation; S = Significant; SU = Significant and unavoidable impact; SUM = Significant and
unavoidable impact with
Source: SWCA (2018)
201 Haskins Way Project Draft EIR 2.26 October 12, 2018
2. Executive
2.2.1 Alternatives
As described in Chapter 5, two alternatives are evaluated in this EIR: the No Project Alternative and the
Reduced Development Alternative. As also described in Chapter 5, the EIR also evaluated four
alternatives that were considered by the City but rejected as infeasible during the scoping process. The
alternatives that were considered, but ultimately rejected, included an off -site alternative, an alternative
design option, a further reduced density alternative, and an alternative land use alternative.
Under Alternative A: No Project Alternative, the existing land uses and site conditions at the project site
would not change. The existing seven buildings on the project site would remain along with existing
ingress and egress points and surface parking. The project site would not be rezoned to Business
Technology Park (BTP) and the FAR would remain 0.4 or 1.0 for the various parcels. The No Project
Alternative would not preclude potential future development of the project site with a range of land uses
that are permitted at the project site.
None of the impacts associated with the proposed project, as described in Chapter 4, would occur.
However, development and growth would continue within the vicinity of the project site as reasonably
foreseeable future projects are approved, constructed, and occupied. These projects could contribute to
cumulative impacts in the vicinity, but under the No Project Alternative, land use activity on the project
site would not contribute to these cumulative impacts beyond existing levels.
Alternative A: No Project Alternative —would not meet any of the basic project objectives.
Alternative B: Reduced Development Alternative would comply with the existing City zoning code and
regulations established for this site. The existing light industrial uses and associated parking on seven
parcels (101, 151, and 201 Haskins Way; 410 and 430 East Grand Avenue; 451 East Jamie Court; and
one parcel with no address [APN 015- 102 -290]) would be removed, new office /R &D use would be
constructed on those seven parcels, and the existing office /R &D use on one parcel (400 -450 East Jamie
Court) would be expanded. The 201 Haskins Way Building would be constructed (Phase 1), as would the
conceptual East Grand Building development at project buildout (Phase 2), with reduced density and
lower heights (three stories, as compared to five stories under the proposed project conceptual Phase 2
development plan). The Reduced Development Alternative would result in the construction of
approximately 193,459 square feet of office/R &D use during Phase 1 development, and approximately
231,418 square feet during Phase 2 development.
The Reduced Development Alternative would reduce impacts related to vehicle trips and, to some degree,
construction- period impacts, such as air quality emissions, traffic, and noise. The Reduced Development
Alternative would also avoid significant and unavoidable impacts due to the reduced number of vehicle
trips for Impact C -TR -3, Impact C -TR -5 (Phase 1 only), Impact C -TR -10 (buildout), Impact C -TR -11
(buildout), Impact C -TR -12 (buildout), Impact C -TR -13 (buildout), Impact C -TR -19 (buildout), and
201 Haskins Way Project Draft EIR 2.27 October 12, 2018
2. Executive
Impact C -TR -20 (Phase 1 only). However, the Reduced Development Alternative would not result in the
avoidance or lessening of any other significant and unavoidable impacts to a less- than - significant level
(Impacts TR -2, C -TR -4, C -TR -5 [buildout only], C -TR -6, C -TR -7, C -TR -8, C -TR -9, C- TR -15, C- TR -16,
C- TR -17, C- TR -18, C -TR -20 [buildout only], and C- TR -21).
Alternative B: Reduced Development Alternative would only attain the project objectives to a lesser or
partial extent.
2.2.2 Environmentally Superior Alternative
CEQA Guidelines Section 15126.6(e)(2) requires identification of an environmentally superior alternative
(the alternative that has the fewest significant environmental impacts) from among the other alternatives
evaluated if the proposed project has significant impacts that cannot be mitigated to a less - than - significant
level. If Alternative A, the No Project Alternative, is found to be the environmentally superior alternative,
the EIR must identify an environmentally superior alternative among the other alternatives.
Alternative A, the No Project Alternative, would not result in any change to existing environmental
conditions. Alternative B, the Reduced Development Alternative, would result in an overall reduction of
impacts identified for the proposed project. Alternative B would have less square footage (by 218,086
square feet, or 32 percent less) of office /R &D land use than the proposed project. As such, it would result
in lower trip generation than the proposed project and reduced impacts related to transportation and
circulation. Alternative B's buildout would result in one project -level traffic impact and this impact would
remain significant and unavoidable. The proposed project's contribution to 12 cumulative traffic impacts
would remain cumulatively considerable under Alternative B and these impacts would remain significant
and unavoidable. However, due to the reduced number of vehicle trips, Alternative B's contribution to
eight significant cumulative impacts, that would be cumulatively considerable under the proposed project,
would be reduced to a less- than - significant level under Alternative B. A detailed discussion of the traffic
impact analysis and applicable mitigation measures for Alternative B, the Reduced Development
Alternative, is provided in Section 5.3.2 under "Transportation and Circulation ".
2.2.3 Areas of Known Controversy and Issues to Be Resolved
The City of South San Francisco Planning Division of the Economic and Community Development
Department (Planning Division), issued a Notice of Preparation (NOP) of an EIR for the proposed 201
Haskins Way Project on April 18, 2018, in compliance with Title 14, Sections 15082(a), 15103, and
15375 of the California Code of Regulations. The NOP review period commenced on April 18, 2018, and
concluded on May 18, 2018, and a scoping meeting was held on May 3, 2018. No commenters spoke at
the meeting. The Planning Division received four comment letters from interested parties during the
public review and comment period. The Planning Division has considered the comments made by the
public in preparation of the Draft EIR for the proposed project. Comments on the NOP raised the
following issues:
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2. Executive
Transportation and Circulation
• Compliance with the San Mateo County Congestion Management Program (CMP) Traffic Impact
Analysis (TIA) Policy and Land Use Guidelines as provided by the City /County Association of
Governments (C /CAG), including preparation of a forecast and discussion of the expected
impacts of the project on the Congestion Management Program roadway network, the immediate
project area, and other areas.
• Project - related traffic generation and mitigation measures should the project generate a net of 100
or more peak -hour trips on the CMP roadway network. Inclusion of potential mitigation strategies
documented in the C /CAG Land Use Guidelines policy such as reducing project scope, building
roadway and /or transit improvements, collecting traffic mitigation fees, and requiring project
sponsors to implement Transportation Demand Management (TDM) programs.
• C /CAG consultation regarding the scope and parameters of the analysis, and C /CAG review and
comment on the TIA, EIR and TDM plan.
• Project - related construction traffic impacts on the existing 451 East Jamie Court uses, and
mitigation measures to minimize construction traffic during construction of the 201 Haskins Way
Building and parking garage.
• Traffic and circulation impacts on Haskins Way, East Grand Avenue, Littlefield Avenue, and the
northbound U.S. 101 on -ramp from East Grand Avenue during p.m. peak hours as a result of
operation of the project, and mitigation measures to improve traffic and circulation.
• Analysis of implementing a TDM program as mitigation for vehicle miles traveled (VMT)
impacts, including design features, programs, and monitoring.
• Cumulative regional transportation impacts and mitigation through fair share contributions
toward multi -modal and regional transit improvements.
• Project- related impacts on transit, pedestrians, bicycles, and disabled travelers, including analysis
of mitigation for increased VMT, and design features that encourage the use of alternative
transportation modes including transit and shuttles, such as improvements to shelters or benches,
as well as pedestrian and bicycle design features.
Project Description
• Confirmation of where the project would occur within the Bay or the San Francisco Bay
Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC) 100 -foot shoreline jurisdictional band.
• Confirmation of the proposed public access to the Bay Trail and Bay shoreline per existing
BCDC permits on -site and BCDC public access requirements.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
• Analysis of implementing a TDM program as mitigation for greenhouse gas (GHG) emission
impacts, including design features, programs, and monitoring.
• Project- related construction noise impacts on the existing 451 East Jamie Court uses and
mitigation measures to minimize construction noise during construction of the 201 Haskins Way
Building and parking garage.
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Land Use
• Project - related impacts on the continuation of existing business operations of parcels within the
project site, including future property and building maintenance under the proposed rezoning.
• Project - related impacts on the potential for future development of parcels in the Phase 2 area as
separate and individual parcels in compliance with the proposed rezoning, and the implications of
development alternatives for each parcel not currently owned by the developer.
• Project - related impacts on shoreline access due to an increased on -site worker population, and
whether the proposed public access areas would be adequate to accommodate these additional
users, in recognition of existing BCDC permits and BCDC public access requirements.
• Project - related impacts on scenic views of the Bay in consideration of the height of the proposed
buildings and parking structure.
• Project - related shadow on the existing 451 East Jamie Court Building and existing and planned
roof solar photovoltaic systems.
• Project - related impacts on existing wind hazards and whether the project includes mitigation
measures to reduce project - related wind impacts.
Hydrology and Water Quality
• Whether project impacts related to sea level rise would occur on transportation facilities in the
project area due to higher water levels, including increased erosion, changing environmental
characteristics that affect material durability, increased groundwater levels, change in sediment
movement along shorelines, and soil pore pressure at dikes and levees on which transportation
facilities are constructed.
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