HomeMy WebLinkAboutAppendix A_NOP and CommentsAPPENDIX A
To: Agencies, Organizations, and Interested Parties
From: City of South San Francisco, Economic and Community Development Department
Subject: Notice of Preparation (NOP) of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) in Compliance with Title 14, Sections
15082(a), 15103, and 15375 of the California Code of Regulations (CCR). The City of South San Francisco (City) is the Lead
Agency under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) for the proposed project identified below. The City will
prepare an EIR for the proposed project identified below:
Project Title: 201 Haskins Way Project. The project location and a summary of the project description are included on the
following page.
Current Environmental Review: To ensure that the proposed project is fully analyzed under CEQA, an EIR will be prepared
in compliance with Title 14, Section 15161 of the CCR. An Initial Study has not been prepared. The EIR will address all
environmental topic areas.
Agency/Public Comments: The City requests your comments regarding the scope and content of the environmental review to
be conducted for the proposed project. Due to the time limits mandated by State law, your response must be sent at the earlie st
possible date but not later than 30 days after receipt of this notice. The City will accept written comments on this NOP
between April 18, 2018 and May 18, 2018. Please send your comments by email to [email protected] or by mail to: City
of South San Francisco, Economic and Community Development Department, 315 Maple Avenue, South San Francisco, CA
94083, Attention: Ryan Wassum, Associate Planner.
Scoping Meeting: The Lead Agency will conduct a scoping meeting on May 3, 2018, beginning at 1:00 PM, in the Annex
Conference Room, 315 Maple Avenue, South San Francisco, California, at which agencies, organizations, and the public will
have an opportunity to submit verbal comment. Please note that verbal comments are limited to three minutes per speaker.
EIR Process: Following the close of the NOP comment period, a Draft EIR will be prepared that will consider all
environmental topic areas in Appendix G of the CEQA Guidelines and take into consideration NOP comments. In accordance
with Title 14, Section 15105(a) of the CCR, the Draft EIR will be released for public review and comment for the required 45-
day review period. Following the close of the 45-day public review period, the City will prepare a Final EIR that will include
responses to all substantive comments received on the Draft EIR. The Draft EIR and Final EIR will be considered by the
Planning Commission and City Council in making the decision to certify the EIR and to approve or deny the project.
Project Location: The proposed project site is part of the City’s “East of 101” planning area, bound by the San Francisco Bay
on the east and Highway 101 and railway lines on the west. The project site is comprised of eight parcels encompassing
approximately 18 acres of land bounded by East Grand Avenue to the north, Haskins Way to the west, San Francisco Bay to
the south, and a recycling center and the Genentech campus to the east (Figure 1).
Project Description: The project would rezone seven parcels from Mixed Industrial (MI) district to Business Technology
Park (BTP) district and one parcel from Business Commercial (BC) district to BTP district. The project would allow
development at a floor area ratio (FAR) of 1.0 or approximately 677,600 gross square feet (gsf) of new BTP office use, which
would be built out in the Phase 1 area and the Phase 2 area.
In the Phase 1 area, 336,368 gsf of new BTP office
use would be constructed on 201 Haskins Way and
400-450 East Jamie Court. The project would
demolish a 24,075-gsf building at 201 Haskins
Way which previously contained a light industrial
trucking use and construct a new 311,368-gsf
office building (201 Haskins Way Building) with a
63-foot-tall, 3-story wing and a 95-foot-tall, 5-
story wing, a 700-stall, 5-level parking structure
(up to 48 feet in height), and 203 surface parking
spaces. At 400-450 East Jamie Court, the project
would construct an approximately 25,000-gsf, 2-
story addition to the existing western building.
Construction in the Phase 1 area would begin in
2019 and occur over approximately 18 months, for
anticipated completion in 2021.
At this time, no plan-level development in the
Phase 2 area is proposed. The proposed rezoning
of the parcels in the Phase 2 area would allow the
existing uses to continue indefinitely, and would
allow redevelopment at 1.0 FAR in accordance
with the BTP rezoning. The project rezoning
would allow up to 341,232 gsf of new BTP office
use on 101 and 151 Haskins Way, 410 and 430
East Grand Avenue, 451 East Jamie Court, and an
unaddressed parcel at APN 015-102-290. Five of the parcels contain 5 existing 1- to 2-story light industrial buildings totaling
approximately 157,995 gsf that would be removed. A portion of the 451 East Jamie Court parcel and APN 015-102-290
contain a parking lot that would be removed. The EIR will identify a conceptual Phase 2 area development plan that would
include construction of a new 256,232-gsf 3- and 5-story office building (East Grand Building) up to 95 feet in height. In
addition, the parking garage would be expanded to two parcels east at 451 East Jamie Court (APN 015-102-240) and APN
015-102-290 to accommodate 1,060 stalls, and 243 additional surface parking stalls would be constructed (see Figure 1). It is
uncertain when or if such development for the Phase 2 area would occur. To provide a conservative analysis of construction
impacts in the EIR, it is assumed that construction in the Phase 2 area would commence in 2021 (immediately after
completion of construction in the Phase 1 area) and would occur over an 18-month period.
The project would also allow future development potential at 400-450 East Jamie Court based on the remaining balance of
FAR-defined square footage after implementation of the planned approximately 25,000-gsf building addition to 400-450 East
Jamie Court that would occur in the Phase 1 area. It is assumed that the BTP use developed at 400-450 East Jamie Court
would result in up to 85,000 gsf of development, excluding areas defined under Sections 20.040.008 and 20.040.009 of the
zoning ordinance. Currently, there is no plan-level development proposed for Phase 2; development of Phase 2 would require
subsequent project-level site design.
Probable Environmental Impacts: Each of the following CEQA environmental issue areas will be addressed in the EIR:
Aesthetics, Agriculture and Forestry Resources, Air Quality, Biological Resources, Cultural Resources, Geology and Soils,
Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Hazards and Hazardous Materials, Hydrology and Water Quality, Land Use and Planning,
Minerals and Energy Resources, Noise, Population and Housing, Public Services, Recreation, Utilities and Service Systems,
and Transportation and Traffic. There is reasonable potential that the project may result in environmental effects related to
regional air quality, archeological and paleontological resources, greenhouse gas emissions, changes in land use, temporary
and permanent increases in ambient noise, retaining acceptable public service levels and utility service systems, and increases
in traffic.
Date: April 18, 2018
Ryan Wassum, Associate Planner
Telephone: (650) 877-8535
Figure 1: Proposed Site Plan
From: Randy Dilena <[email protected]>
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2018 2:41 PM
To: Wassum, Ryan <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: 201 Haskins Way - Environmental Impact Report
Importance: High
Thank you Ryan
I want to call your attention to one mention of “under-capacity” in my letter which I believe could be
confusing. To clarify what I meant here, I want you to be aware that the left turn lane located on
Westbound East Grand Avenue (shown in green below) cannot handle the number of cars that need to
use it to keep traffic flowing well between approximately 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM on many
weekdays. Consequently, cars back up in the middle multi-turn (two-way) lane (shown in red below)
and sometimes extends over the Allerton intersection with East Grand. There is often a minor back up
on Allerton – though it is less pronounced than the backup on East Grand. I cannot see this getting much
better with the current and proposed vehicle / employment expansion occurring east of Allerton
without something being done to make the turn lane more efficient at the critical time of day (and with
a dramatic improvement to the horrific condition of the Littlefield pavement – see two Littlefield
pavement photos attached) in order to improve the growing evening commute times.
If you have any questions, please let me know. I look forward to hearing from you.
All the best,
From: Wassum, Ryan <[email protected]>
Sent: Wednesday, May 9, 2018 2:04 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: RE: 201 Haskins Way - Environmental Impact Report
Thanks Randy. I have added your comment letter to the file and have also shared with the EIR
consultant. I will seek clarification on your comments and will be in touch.
Ryan Wassum | Associate Planner
Planning Division | City of South San Francisco
315 Maple Avenue | South San Francisco, CA 94083
(650) 877-8535 | www.ssf.net | Like us!
From: Randy Dilena <[email protected]>
Sent: Thursday, May 3, 2018 1:44 PM
To: Wassum, Ryan <[email protected]>
Subject: 201 Haskins Way - Environmental Impact Report
Importance: High
May 3, 2018
Attention: Ryan Wassum, Associate Planner
City of South San Francisco
Economic and Community Development Department
[Via Email]
Re: 201 Haskins Way - Environmental Impact Report
Dear Ryan,
Thank you for sending us a Notice of Preparation (NOP) for an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the
proposed 201 Haskins Way Project dated April 18, 2018. I also want to thank you for providing us a copy
of proposed development plans for our review. Due to conflicts in our scheduling, we are unable to
attend the proposed Scoping Meeting on May 3, 2018. Instead, we are submitting our comments to you
in writing here.
I am writing to you on behalf of Dilena Family LLC – the organization that owns what is known as 451
East Jamie Court. This address is comprised of APN 015-102-240 and APN 015-102-290, which has been
included in the proposed rezoning areas. The following is a collection of comments we have pertaining
to the “scope and content” of the proposed EIR:
1. While in principle we are not opposed to an up-zoning of the subject area from its current
zoning to Business Technology Park (BTP), we want to be assured that we will be able to
continue to operate our businesses as we have in the past, and that we will be able to maintain
and improve our property and existing building in future.
2. Again, while we are not opposed to an up-zoning of the subject area, the proposed
development site plan indicates two phases adding alternative structures and uses on the
proposed project site. This planning submittal development plan in Phase 2 does not include
development alternatives that could occur to each of the parcels not currently owned by the
developer. As I understand it, alternative developments could be developed by other existing
property owners in the subject area under the BTP district zoning. Am I correct about this, and
would an EIR take into consideration the fact that our parcels (APN 015-102-240 and APN 015-
102-290) could be eventually developed differently as separate and individual parcels in
compliance with the new proposed BTP up-zoning? While the proposed site plan we have seen
takes into consideration a continuation of current uses for all parcels not owned by the
developer (under Phase 1), if possible, the EIR should alternatively anticipate all implications of
development alternatives for each and every parcel not currently owned by the developer.
3. We currently have a 36.3 Kw rooftop solar power generation system comprised of 2 arrays with
162 Microinverters. When originally installed in 2012, the 36.3 kW rooftop system was (at that
time) one of the largest for a company of its kind in South San Francisco. We generate over 100
percent of our electricity from solar power. The inverter units we have connect directly to each
solar module to convert DC power into grid-compliant AC power while transmitting valuable
performance data on each module to provide more reliable power and the ability to monitor
and respond quickly to performance issues. We estimate this system saves our organizations
approximately $15,000 in electricity costs annually and contributes to the available power
supply in our area. It also reduces the company’s carbon footprint by more than 40 metric tons
of CO2 per year. The reason why I mention this is because it is in our plans to expand this
system using a new “thin-film” solar power generation system that does not require angled
panels to be applied solely to our roof. In fact, these can be attached to almost any external
surface of our building that receives sunshine, including walls because of the wider angle of light
these new advanced thin film products convert (see http://miasole.com/miasole_solutions/). It
appears to us that a building of the proposed height of the 201 Haskins Way Building and the
related Parking Garage may (depending on ground elevation) cast a shadow on the rooftop and
western walls of our building located at 451 East Jamie Court. Since we do not wish for such the
height, bulk and proximity of such a development to negatively impact our ability to currently
(and most importantly in the foreseeable future) produce energy using solar power, we ask the
EIR consider our continued (and future) ability to produce power using all existing walls and
rooftops which could be affected by the height, bulk and proximity of this proposed project?
4. Winds in this area can be quite strong. While we welcome buildings and structures that use,
block and/or control the wind effectively, we wonder if the specific siting configuration of the
subject buildings (e.g. 201 Haskins Building, Parking Garage Phase 1 and Phase 2, and the East
Grand Building) will have a Venturi Effect that could increase the winds on downwind
parcels. We are unsure if this is in the scope of this EIR, however, we ask what steps will be
taken to be sure the completion of these buildings do not negatively impact (increase) the
prevailing winds downwind from the development site?
5. Construction in this area may pose an increase in noise for the surrounding areas. We ask what
steps will be taken to dramatically limit and/or reduce construction noise and traffic during the
Phase 1 development of the 201 Haskins Way Building and Parking Garage?
6. With the completion on this proposed project, we anticipate vehicle traffic to dramatically
increase in the area – making access to roadways and businesses in South San Francisco difficult,
especially during morning and evening commute hours. Over the past two decades, traffic
volume and traffic patterns have substantially changed – and these changes have increased the
difficulty and time required to travel using any type of vehicle (public or private) on East Grand
Avenue. One of the biggest problems during evening commute hours is the grossly under-
capacity left turn lane on westbound East Grand Avenue at Littlefield Avenue. Dozens of vehicles
are often backed up in the middle of the street awaiting the ability to turn left onto Littlefield
Avenue from East Grand Avenue. Traffic flow difficulties in this area are also compounded by
the poor condition of the roadway surface on Littlefield Avenue - making driving on that road a
dangerous hazard for any type of vehicle. Another problem we see with the growth in traffic is
the backup that is caused on westbound East Grand Avenue from Littlefield to Highway 101 –
some of which (from Forbes to 101) is caused by the new freeway onramp signals that were
recently installed to delay cars from entering the freeway. Due to the growth in worker housing
being built in San Francisco, we are seeing more cars traveling northbound to cause more traffic
issues on East Grand Avenue. We are unsure if this is in the scope of this EIR, but we ask what
steps will be taken to dramatically improve the efficient flow of vehicle traffic along roadways
(especially Haskins Way, East Grand and Littlefield) funneling vehicles to and from the proposed
development? We also wonder how vehicles added by this development might cause additional
problems accessing East Grand Avenue from Haskins Way, and how it might cause additional
problems accessing northbound 101 from East Grand Avenue during the evening commute
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you,
Randy Dilena
Dilena Family LLC