HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 70-1913~~,BA~R~8,~I0~ ~IC~U~ ~A?~8, ~~, ~
~ LI~,~ ~A~HOUS~, ~ DISPOSAL O~ ~BISH ~ T~ ~0~ OV
S~ ~CISC0, ~ P~SCR~ING T~ ~NAL~ ~0R T~ VI0~TION 0F
The Boa~ of Trustees of the City of Sou2h S~
do ordain as follows:
Section 1. The fire limits of the City of South S~ Frmn-
cisco shall ~e within t~t portion of 'the city 5oun~e,~ ~
l~s: Beginning at ~he in~ers~C%i0n of the center line of
m~on Street with the center line of Lux Avenue, thence ~ster~
~ong the center line of Lux AYenue to the center line of Linden
Awenue; thence 8oUtherly alone the center line of L~ndon
to the center line of ~iller Ayenue; thence westerly alone the
center.~line of Miller Avenue to the center line of Maple Avenue;
thence southerly alone the center line of ~aple Avenue to the
oenter line of Baden Avenue; thence e~erly along the center
line of Baden A~nue to the line,pr~uced northerly.separating
Lot Twen'ty-2~o (22) from Lot T. enty-three (23) In Block One ~un-
d~d ~d ~enty-three (123). as ~o~ on the Map of South S~
~ran~lsco. Plat No.1. filed in the office of the County ~cor
dot of S~ Mateo County; thence southerly along said line
rat'~ng Lot ~entyrtwO (2~) from Lot Twenty-three (25) in said
B~k One Hundre~ and T~nty-three (~5),produced ~utherly,%o
the conte~ line off ~il~oad Avenue; thence easterly ~lon~ the
~ l~ne off ~lro~ Avenue to tho westerly bounda~ off the-
~ '~ off the Southern ~acific Comps;thence northeasterly
~e westerly boundary off the ~i~ht of w~ off the ~out]~n
~mpa~ 't~ the cente~ l~ne off D~vision Street; thence northerly
~on~ the center l~ne of Division Street to the center line of
EXTI~:RI OR ~VALbS ..............
Section 2.(a) The exterior walls and p~rty walls (except
curtJ-~in walls) of the buil~.ings included within the district
above described shall be made of reinforced concrete or brick,
natural or artificial stone other than concrete block block, or
a combination of any or all of the above mentior~ed m~terials;
provided ~;>~t g~dva~ized iron or tin cornices on skeleton wood
frame may be used for exterior decorations. All outer walls shall
extend at least two feet above the roof of such build, i~f~s.
~ (b) 'Vh:e~ the outer walls of a buil"~ing are cor~str~.ct~d o'
]'~;.~/k, ~to--~e ~r plain concrete, the thickness or-said ~valls shall
b~, in proportion to the number of stories inten.-~ed for such buil-
ding, and the number of ioches i~' thickness shall be as speci-
fied in the following table:
Stories .high i~ase- . st~-sto-*~' sto-isto-
One ~ 16 ~2 ~
Three ~ '
2~ l~J 16 ] 6 12
Party wal.le shall be ¢our i~ches thicker than outer walls.
Section 3, In the construction of new buildings or a~ditlons
tx~. cozstruction of ~artitio~s to present
~aereto, or in .... ,
dings, no person a].z;x~i ~:oy~r,~r ~i~[~h, in ',~hole or in part,the
wa~l or walis,~ ceiling or c~idin6s, of any r~oms or buil~i~6,
plastere3 walls and ceilinf:;s may be pattered.
,Section 4. All b~ldings shall have ~heir interior
partitions and ceilings plastere~ with one or more coat~
lolas~er at least five-eights of an inch thick and' extending down
to the floor, except mills, warehouses, stables laundries,facto-
ties and outbuildings wh~,re the exterior walls are not ceiled
on the ironiC?, ~nd partitions are boarded on one side only.
Section b. (a) ~en the exterior wa].~s of ~ny frame buil-
ding (except the fir~ story~ront wail) which has beem construe-
ted within the fire limits of the Ci~y of South
~re ~1 t,~ r~d,
when the interior of any buildin~ shall be altered to the extent
of tearing
the in%eric r
ter~-~tions or repairs of said building sh~l'be constructed in
the same m~ner
frame building is d~naged by fire to one-half
the remaining portion thereof sha~
the o~mne r. ~w~qeneve r
limits, such additions must be made to conform to the construc-
tion p~-ovtded for new ~ork, but in case of wooden buildings sit-
uated ~it>~in the fire li~i~s, no additions will be pe~itted if
the estimated cost thereof is more
assessed value of the building to which
to 'ce made.
PE~%~ITS '~'OH aLT .~, IO~.
Section b. No w,~den building situated within said fire lim-
its shall be ~l~ered, repaired or added to without permission
so to do being first obtained from the Board of ~rustees. Any
' '-' -,-~ _ ' -~a ~r~'~ ~, ~:, [~.~,~ ,~h,AI 1 file with the
person deSl:
City Clerk, a~dressed t~ the Board of T~s%ees, a petition des-
fully the building and premises whe~eon the alterations,
repairs or a.~.ditions are desired to be made, also the materials
with which it
sued, .h~ll St~xte furry the att. erations, repairs or additions ~.~l-
leaved to be m~da, t'~e m~teri~ls to be used, and .~uch r~gulations
respecting the same as in the judgment of the Board of ?rus~ees
may be necessary, which said permit sha$1 be filed with the City
Clerk; provided, however, nothing herein contained ,..h,~ll be con-
stru~,,! to require the Board of Trustees to gr.~nt such peNnissio~
bu~ they shall be sole judges of ~he neCessity and rea~onable-
ness of the alterations, repairs or a~itions, and their decision
granting or re_fusing the permit shall be finial ~:~nd conclusive.
Temi~'.:~r'y i.~'mi~s sh~li never be granted under any circum~t~ces.
Section v. No buildings sh~di be moved ~o another location
within said fire~imi~s more th~ ten f~et dis%an~ from its ori-
ginal location, unless i% is construct, ed in accordance with Sec-
tion 2 of %his or4in~nce. ~o building ~a]l be moved from. the
, outside distric~ t0 within the fire limits, unless it is con-
structed in accordance wi~h ~he provisions of ~=
o ctlon 2 of this
Section 8'.(a) ~he roofs of ail buildings included within
Zhe s~id .6i~,. limits shall be covered either with tin, slate,
~iles, ~er~'a co%ca, ~ar ~M't gravel or prepared roofing, excep~
%hose now other wise covered; the latter shall be covered with
one of said materials whenever the Rite ~arsh~l s ~:~] ~ d~em taam
(b ) Skylights shall be of me~al frames with wired glass, or
· me%al frames and hea~y glass h~ving wire screen of no~ less than
four (4) inches of No. 12 wire and one (1) inch mesh.
Section 9. All chimneys and ~ues he,'e~fter constructed in
the City of ~outh San '~ · isco,
. .~r~mc except patent chimneys,shall be
brick or stone; their enclosing.walls shall be not less than four
inches thick, and shall, if less th~ eight inches thick, be
lined on the inside ~ith ~Nei] burnt cl,~ or terra cot~a pipe of
not ies~ than one inch t'~ick. Said liniMg shrill start fro~ the
bottom of a flue or the throat of a fir~pl,,me, La co-qtinu,~,~, to
the top of the flue and shall be built in ~nd bricked around
carried up. ~lues where lining is not required by this ordinance
shall have the joints struck smooth on the inside.~,~rnere such
chimney is built in a wo.~den building and extended into the lower
s~bory of ,~uch building,~then such chimney shall start from the
ground and shall be erected on a parmanent foundation of its
own separate from the building. Such chimneys shall not be in-
creased in size in the umper story and shall ex~end ~t ~e~t
t],.re~' f~.et above the roof dr as much higher as will be necess-
ary no insure the safety of surrounding buildings. No sills,
pl~tes, floor joists, ~afters or the he~ders thereof shall r~st
in or on said chimney, but there shall be perfect freedom between
ail frame work and said chimney.
Section 10. All "patent chimneys" shall be built up6'n
¢l~or on which they are used, and in no case shall a stove pipe
enter a patent chimney less than six inches from the bottom of
such chimney.
If a patent chimney be erected on the outside of a building
it shall rest on a substantial iron bracket, i~ which c~se the
br~.c~et must be of methyl and fastened to the studding with bolts
and nuts; screws or l~g screws shall not be allowed for this
,,When a patent chimney is erected on the inside of a buil-
ding it shall rest on an iron plate not less th~n one-fourth
inch in ~,hickness, and shall have-not less than two courses of
brick on top of said iron plate. It shall have a smokeproof open-
ing near the bottom for cleaning it. Ail patent chimneys shall
be braced every four feet of their height. All joints must be
cemented, and the bands covering the joints shall be made of the
best No.24 iron and filled with cement bo m~e f, bem smoke and
spark proof.
The term "Patent chimneys" shall be understood to mean a
t '~ terra cot~a flue at least six inches in diameter, measured on
the inside, with walls at least one inch thick. Such flue shall
be entirely s.u~'roun,~ed with a continuous metal covering and have
. an air space between the flue and said metal covering of not less
than one-hal_ inch
Section 11. All fireplaces and chimney breasts where man-
tels are placed, except as provided for patent chimney fire-
places, whether intended for. ordinany fireplaces or not, shall
have trimmer arches to support the hearth; s~id arches ~}~.~11 be
of brick, stone, burnt clay or concrete at least twenty inches
" wide, measured from the face of the chimney breast, and their
length shall be not less than the width of the chimney breast.
t~ood centers shall be removed from under trimmer arches, and no
timber shall be placed ~nder any fireplace or hearth. Hearths
shall be of brick, tile or stone.
Section 12. All electrical construction and all materials
and apparatus used in con~ection with electrical work, and the
operation of all electrical a;~:aratus in the City of South San
Francisco, shall be in conformity with the. rules and ~egulations
i~i,! ~o:,?n in what is known as the Nation;~l Electrical Code of
1911, a copy of which code is on file in the o~'.~iCe of the City
Clerk, and the same is hereby adopted as the specifications for
all electrical work of construction and operation.
l~;B~ I SI{.
Section 1.%. It shall be unla'~ful for any persons, firm or
corporation, his, her or their agent, servant, representative or
employee ~o ~er~it paper, rag3, waste or combustible rubb'ish of
any character to accumulate in any quanti~y in any building,
yard, ~lley- or other place so as to increase the danger of fire.
The accumulation of such rubbish is hereby declared bo be ~, nuis-
ance and it shall be the duty of the Fire .~arshal to see that--~.~
such nuisances are abated immediately after discovery, using
carbon liquids mentioned in this ordinance shall cause to be
posted conspicuously on his, her or their premises a notice to
the effect that applicatiSn will be made for such permit. Said
notice shall be posted at least one week before the filing of
the application and be kept Posted until said application
finally granted or denied.
If the quantity desired to be sorted, kept or used is mo~e
than one hundred and ten (110) gallons, the application; mue. t
-be made to the Board of ?ru~tee~, which, before any action
taken thereon, ~all refer the ~ to the ~i~ Marshal for in-
ventilation. ~e Fire ~ars~l ~hall reco~end
vieable to be ~bodie~n t~ ~olution granting such privileges
to the petitioners.
Section 17.No 'laUnd~,""bakery,motion picture theatre,P~ublic
garage, Ju~ store, or lime warehouse m~ here~ter be located
~within said fire 1Amits, except in some place designated in a
pe~it obtained from said ~oard of T~steea therefor.
Section 18. Every persOn, fire or corporation' or his, her
Or~.their ~ent, secant, representative or e~loyee, violating.
~f the provisions of this ordin~oe eh~!l be guilty of
and,~on conviction thereof, shall be punished by
~Ji'ae of not less th~ ten dollars nor more than one h~ndre~
ef by i~riso~ent for ~not~more than thirty d~e, or
such fine and impriso~ent; every day~S~ cmtinuance of
~[O~ ~y of the provisions of
of this ordinanoe":shall-.~t apply to .any b~ildtnt~or butldi~s.,~
within the fire limits which ~ be u~d exolual~ly for reei-
~ence or dwelli~ pu~oaee, or which m~ ~e erected he~ter~
within said fire l~ita, for such pussies and used exclusively
f~ such pu~oee8.
Section 20, ~hia ordinance shall Be published ones ~tn '~e
~nte~rise~ a weekly newspaper printed and published in the City
of South San Fr~oisco ~d a~ll take effect and be In force
thirty d~ from~"and ~t~ the date of its passage.
Introduced this 3~ day of ~~
1~1~. ~ '
Passed and ~opted as ~ ordtn~c.e of the ~ity of~'Sou~h
S~ Prancisco at a ~gular meeting of the ~oard of Trustees of
,_~ ',1913, by the fgllowing v~e:
~restdent o~
of the City of South San ~r~cisco. '
Attest; ~~,___ _~ ~~~. .