HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 74-1913 CENTRAL
~',L£ NO:...~,.,' ~g
AN O~IN~{C~ A~,[~L~ING 8~CTION T~O (2) A~ SEC*ION Sg~N (7)
OO~B~UO~ZOZ,T~ ~.;~, ZO~ ~ R~AZ~' O~ ~UZb~B~ ~, ~OOAmZO~
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mAI 0~) [ ?~A:~TCE, .
VIOLATION O~" D ._ "PA~[5'~D A,~D A_DO~'r~t '?t{~ 7TH DAY O~~
JULY, 1915. ~
Tha Boar~ of Trustecs of tn~ City of South San ~r~ cisco
Sectiofl 1 Section 2 "~f Ordinamce No 70 of the City of
South S~n ~rancisco entitled "An ordin~nce e.staolisbin~
limits, re~ul~ti~ the cvnstruction, alteratio~ ~:4~ red,air of '~
buildinEs, the location of laundries, b~eries, mot[un
theatres, g.~rage's, junk stores, and lime warehouses, the
dlsUosal o.f rubbish and the storage of g~soline and other
products of per~51eum in th~ City of South S~n Fr~cisco, and
prescril~in~ the ~>enalty for the visitation of said ordin~-~nce",
pa~sed ~d ~%dopted Y~ly 7th, 19!3, is hereby ~anded so as to
read as
Section 2..The exterior ~va]ls ~d party wails
(except curtai~ w~]is) of the buildings included ~ithi~ the
district above d~scribed sh~ll ~e made of reinforced concrete or
brick, n~,tur~] or ~rtlficial sto~e othar tha~ concrate block,
or a co~oinattom oF ~{ny or all of th~ abo~e mentioned materials;
provided that galvanized iron or tin cornices on skeleto~ wood
fr~e may De u~ed f'or exterior decorations. All outer
shall extesd at least two f~et at, ore th~ r~of of such buildings..
Section ~. Section 7 cf s~id O~dina~ce No. 70 of the
Cit~,' of South San Francisco is her'eby amended so as to read as
loll ows:.
Section T. No buildin~ shall be moved to Another '
location within said fire llmit~ more than ten feet d. istant from
its original location, unless it is construed in accordance
with Section 2 of this ordinance; prcvlded, however, that the
Bot.{rd of Trustees m~, by resolution, grant pe~ission to move
a~ building not so constructed to another location withi~ said
fire limits on condition that the sa~e m,?~ remain '~ithin
fire limits for such period of time as said Board may ~rescribe
in the resolution .granting such pe~i~ion, but not exceeding
six months from the date off, suCh pe~ission. If an~ such ~uil~
~g is no~ removed, from the fire limits b~ t]~e exT~iration of
such period of time, said Board of Trustees m~~ cause such
buildin5 %o be removed or torn down a% the expense of the owner.
No building sh~]] toe moved from the outside district within
fire limits unlesa i% is constructe~ in ~ccord~Dce with the
provisions of Sec%ion 2 of th'is ordin~nce.
Sec%ion :~%. Tkis 0rd~nance shall be published once in
"a ~ee~lL~~ ~ne'-sp~per orinted and published, in
"The ~'~nt e rp ri se,
the Cit5~ of South Sas Francisco and shall t~ke e~fect amd be
force thirty d~/~ from ard ~f,er the ~ate of its
Introduced %hSs _ .~d~ of
Passed and adopted as an Ordinance of the C~ty of South San
~ra~cis, co at a reguls~r ~t~mg of the Bo~ird of Tj'ustees of the ~.~
Ci't~r. or S~uth S~m ~rancisco th~'s _ day of ,
APp roved:
President. of
of the C~t.¥ of S, outh San Francisco.
C.:t~:y ~ler~ '- .