HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 76-1914 ~i~'N~AL RECORDs "o:.9.:.2.k .. · ........ o>~ '. _ RU:,, ~,OA~, A C~kTAIN ~O~IO~'T O~ ~I~'~ A~U~ A~ .A C~RTAI~ · he Board of T.rustee~ o~ the Ci~ of ~outh n.,~ ~rancisco do ordain as follo,~s: Sec%ion 1. mhe ~oa~d of Supervisor~ of the Cou~t~:; of SaD M~eo, State of Ca[ifarni~, are hereby~authOrize~ an4 in ~ccord.~ipc:~ wi't~ t}i~ 'pruvi;:~ions ~ ~tn act of the Lef~isl~igure of the St~e of C~,]~f~rmia% entitled "An act to ~nend an act entitled 'An ~ci; a~]thorizin:f; amy inco~r.,z:;a4 town, City municipal co~o~::it, ion %~ permi~ ~he c~.ns~ruction add maintenance of an2, stale or cu,.mc:,-, highv~a}.- ~r b~ulevar4 over hi' gh'.v,-~"s or s~reezs in i',.s inco~or~.~ted limits, ~r troy p~rtion ghereo'~, ~'~ the supervis~ or hi ' '- ' .- gmzay co~i~sioners of the County, approved }~arch 19, 1909, and permittin~ %o~r,~ of ~up'ervisors to cons'truc't amd maintain such bri,J~e ur brid~zes on suc.,~ aloh- .~j: or boulevards ~s the,,; may deem neo~s~a~-~,- and to par~ni~ ~c]q bvar:la o* supemrisors to macad~ize or pave or ~utter ~uch highway or boulevard, and providing t}~e manner ir ,~hich cost and expense thereof shal-1 be paid, at, proved ,Tune 4, 1913, to use thos~ c~rtain street= ~ highways in t}%e incorporated limit~ of sai~ City of South Sam ~rancisco herainaeter for thc pur'~ose o-F cons ructing a~d maintaining 'tk~r~on ~;~ way or boulevard, as part of the state or county sys}em of roa~s: That portion of San ~runo Road included between the northerly boundary line ~f s~tid Cito an,! t:~ southerly line Bade~ Avemue; that portion of Baden Avenue ~m.~xa:!ed bet',teen westerly lin~ of San Pruno Road and the easterly line of Linden Avenue; that portion of Lin,~.en Av~nae include,~ he,wean erly line of Baden Avenue ~nd t..,.e ea,%~terl2? line ~d_; and ~hat portion of San Bruno Road i~c]ude~. .Junction of Linden Avenue ,.~ith San ~r ~. uno Ro~.d a~d~ the ~outherlb" boun,~arY line of said Cit2~ of South ~an Section 2 This ordimance s..z~.%ll t~e publishe'] "The ~nte~rise"~ a wee~<]~/' me~vsDaper printed and '~ublished in the Ci~j~ ~f South San ~rancisco, and shall take effect and be in force from ,and al'set the e~iration of '6hir'tj~ dasrs after the date of its In~ru~uce,~ t?~is/~a3 o~ ..... , 1914. P~tssed ~in~ adopted ~s ~n ordiDa~.~ce of' the Cig-'~ S~n 7~rancisoo ~% a re~{~lar meetin~ of %he Board o~Tn~stees of 1914, by the follo~ving ~te% ~ ~ ~ Ap [: r~v e d ' Pre ~n~ of Ch~~ of Trus~ee~ of the Citjr of Eouth~---~rmVrancisco. ' being County of San~ 2. ] ....... ~-~.----?-~_.' -' duly sworn, deposes that at all%4ae times herein named he was, and now is . .:,.. ., ..... / / ~ ~ ~ ~e ~e ~ publisher of ~ ~nUT" 2.2~T ~TOI~O~NTERPRISE, a newspa~r ~.~ ~. ~4~ . ~ af ~a . regula~ published and cireulate~n gaid County of 8an Mat~ Stale of ~ .0~'~__ ~,- -~Of ~:' printer and publisher he had charge of all the legal notices and advertise- ~~ .~t,.R~.~ in said newspa~r; that said ~outh Sen Franci~ rise is and ~ff ~ar'~ ~ ~. ~b~ was at all the times mentioned in th~ affidavit, a newspa~r of general circa- ~ ~d ~~g ~a a~ ~h.'~l~ lation, pumishea for the dissemination of local news and intelligence of a w~' 0r bo~y~ a~ a ~t of ~- general character, having a bona fide list of paying subscripts, ~d w~ not ~ or ~0~ty .~ 0f ~a~. I and is not devoted to the interests, nor published for the enmrtainment of any Whe Boa~ of ~rust~s ~f ~. ~t~' of ' particular cl~s, profession, trade, calling, r~e or denomination, or any num- fe~ws;~ ~. ~---. do ~ln ~ ~r thereof; and tha~l~mes said newspa~r had ~n establishe~ Section 1.' The 'Boa~ of Sup~iSo~; 5t me C~anty ~f ~a ~t~, (State o{j printed and published T~ Sbu~ San Francisco, in said County and State for ~itted in ae~rdance with the provi* ~' sions of gn act of the~ Legis~e ~ ~e - more than one year; that the ...... $~te of C~lfornl~ e~tlG~, "~ act tv ........ amend an ac~ entitled 'An act author- lzing any i~rpo~t~ town, City or .................................................................... of which m~ici~l corpor~on to~ pemit the eon- - ...................... strUction ~n~ m~lnten~e of ~ny or county ~hw~y or ~uleva~ over ' highways or streets dn 4ts inculpated the annexed is a fu]l~ true and correct printed copy, was prin~ed and published .limitsl or any port~n ther~f, 'by the supervi~rs or ~i~hway com~s~oners of the. County,' approved M~h 19, in said newspa~r for thc full ~iod o[__: ....... ~_~ ....................... sops19°9' toandconst~Ct~mittl~and' bo~dSm~tn~lnOf ~pe~i-sue~ ~- ~~ ~ brid~e or brid~ on Such h~hw~ys ~ ~ulevards as they m~y deem, nedes~ry and to pe~lt ~eh boards ~ s~e~l- sors to ~dami=e or pave or ~tter of ..................... ~7~__~_~_ ...................... ~ A. D. su~ h~h~y 'or ~ul~a~, and ~ovid- ~ the m~nner in which the ~st and expense thereof, shall be ~id," ~pproved the ........................ day of .................................................. A. ~u~e t, 191~, to use those ceftin ~treetz - or h~ways In the incorporated limits Of ~ld ,City of South San~ h~veln~fter designat~ for the p~rpose both days inolusive, in ........................................ con~ecati~ i~u~ of ~nstru~i~ ~nd main~inln~ thereon a highway or ~ulevard, as p~rt of the ~ate or ~unty ~ystem of roads: That newsier and a~ oftcn du~iu~ said ~flod as said newspape~ w~ ~rti~ of S~n Bruno ~d includ~ be- 'tWeen the northerly boundary line of ~id ~y and the ~uther!y line of ~en ~b]i~had a~di~uod~ ,i~:on the ................................................ {~nue; that portion of B~den Avenue ..... lfioluded between the westerly line of San ................................................ '__.~~_~ ____---____.___._. ~ Roid and .the e~terly line of Lin- d~ Avenue; that portion of Linden ___ .AV~e ~l~d ~twe~n ~e northerly line ef ~' ~ve~.-~e easterly 1~ Of ~d ~ Of ~()tltJl ~fllt ~"t'liflt'ls(,.O. '~ectto~" ~, This ordtliarl(.(,~hltll lw ~t~'~fi~~ W~ '~, ;afld sh~ll ~ effect~ ~nd ~ In force Irom and ~hfter t~ expiration ~ thirty d~ys after e date of its passage. Int~duaed this 19~day of J~nu~F, 1914. - ....................................................................................................... ~ ~ adonte~ a9 an or~e~ of regular meetin~ of the ~ard oi T~eez A~ ~ 1~___, anon ~agh and o~:ery iome, ~tio. aiid ~utfl~r thcre~ ol the Clsy of ~outh ~n Francisc~ ~z ~6th day of J~nuary, 1914, by' the fonow- i~:~vote: ~ ~ ~- - ' A~ent, T~stee ~. L. Hickey. ' ~ . ~[~_..f ..... :fi2 ....:_: .......%_ _ ~ro~ed: . . ' ...................... ~ ~~ ................ ~ ............. ' ~F. A. C~H~ _ ~ ~/- ~dent ~ the ~d~ .ol T~stees 'of . ~ ~/) da f ~' ~ ..... the City of South S~ Francis~. IS ...... ~.~ ........ y 0 ..... ~_~ ............................ A. D. 1~_~ Attest:. . / ~ · (~1) WILLIA~ ~. SMITH, ~ ~ ~ City Clerk. i ~f~ ..... ~ ~ ~ -