HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 84-1915.... '~ ~a · ' ~ ~ ' ' ' · ' ~,~' ' .~"~' ,~'~'~'~'"~'~. ~.~,~ ,, . ........... "--" The B~a~d ~ ~as~ees ~ ~he ~t~y ~2 So~t~ S~ ~iseo do o~ain S~ON ~. ~he wo~s ~au~omobils ~o~ hi~e' shall me~ and include every solf-propelle~ motor vehicle other than a street-oar driven on the public streets between certain definite points or te~i~t ~ conveying passengers for a fixed charge between such termini ~d inte~ediate points and-so held out. advertised or ~no~ced. Such automobile is hereby ~es- ingated to be a co.on carrier ~d is subject to the regulations herein prescribed. The word "person" for the parposes of this ordinance is hereby defined as an individ,~al, firm. co-partnership or corpora~ion. 3~TION 2. Before operating. ~y automobile for hire as such upon ~y public street, the owner or lessee thereof shall apply for~ obtain a pe~it therefor from the Board of Trustees of the City of Sou~h S~ Francisco, as herein provided.. SECTION 3. Application for~a permit to operate an a~tomobile for Bi're shall be made in writin~ ~d filed with 2he City Clerk of sai~ City ~d shall state~ (1) ~he ~e of mo~or vehicle and ~he name of ~he manufacturer or other popular n~e thereof; ~2) ~e horse power thereof; The factory n~ber ~d state license n~ber thereof; ~4) The seatin~g capacity thereof according to its trade ra~ing; ~he n~e of the owner or lessee ~d of the person to be in i~edlate charge thereof as operator or chauffeur and the n~ber of his state license; ~6) ~he streets to be traversed and ~he termini betw~n which the applicant purposes to operate s~ch automobile for hire; 47) That the driver is physically q~alified to drive a motor car safely and that said driver's hearing and eyesight are unimpaired~ The signature of such applicant shall be acknowledged before a notary public or some other person or magistrate duly authorized to administer oaths. SECTION 4. In order to insl~re the safety of the public, it shall be unlawful for any person to drive or operate such automobile for hire or to obtain a permit therefor unless he shall have given '-an~l,, there is in full force and effect at all times while such person is driving and operating such a~tomobile for hire on file with the City Clerk of said City a bond of the owner or lessee of said a~tomobile for hire with a responsible surety company or association authorized to do bus- iness under the laws of the State of California, or t~osuch personal sureties as may be satisfactory to said Board of Trustees, in the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ~$10,000.00), conditioned that the owner or lessee of such a~tomobile for hire for which a permit has been applied will pay all loss or d,amage that may result to any person or '~roperty from the negligent operation of or defective construction of said automobile for hire or 'which may arise or res~lt from any violation of any of the pro- visions of this ordinance, or the laws of the State of California. Such bond shall be given to the City of South Ss.n Wrancisco and shall inure to the benefit of any and all persons suffering loss or damage either to persons or pro~erty as herein provided, and suit may be bro~ght in any court of competent Jurisdiction upon said bond by any person or persons or corporation suffering sny loss or damage as herein provided. Such bond shall be submitted to said Board of Trustees for approval, and if found to be satisfactory, shall be approved. The permission granted by said Board of Trustees as herein provided she, ll recite that the permit is issued ~pon condition and in consi~eration of the filing of said bond. Said bond shall be a continuing liability, notwithstanding any recovery thereon, and if at any time, in the Judgment of said Board of Trustees, said bond is not sufficient for said Board of Trustees any may require the party to whom such permit is issued as herein provided, to replac'e said bond with another bond satisfactory to said Board of Trustees, and in default thereof said permit may be revoked. SECTION §. Said Board of Trustees /shall, without unnecessary delay, hear such application and may grant a permit unless it shall appear: ~l) That the bond herein required is insufficient to properly safe- guard the public interest and safety; (2) That the vehicle for which the permit is applied for is inadeq~att or unsafe for the purpose intended or is insufficiently equipped with skid chains or other safety devices; (3) That the driver is mot' ~hYS.ically qualified to drive a motor car safely or pOsses~Sdefective eyesight or hearing or is otherwise in- competent to be such driver~ The permit shall be numbered, and such number, not less than Three (3) inches in height and one-half ~1/2) inch in width, shall be affixed to such automobile with such conspicuousness as may be required by the City Marshal' · SECTION 6. No person except one holding a certificate issued by authority of the State of California shall be permitted to operate an ~ automobile for hire. SEOTION 7. It shall be unlawful'~ ~1) To drive or operate, or cause to be ~riVen or operated, any automobile for hire upon or along any street within the~Ci~ty of South San l~rancisco unless there is outstanding a vali¢l license for each automobile Obtained as in this ordinance provided; ~2) To drive or operate or cause to be driven or operated an auto- mobile for hire without the City license number thereof displayed in a conspicuous place and in figures not less then Three (3) inches in height and one-half ~1/2) inch in width upon such automobile; [3) To drive or operate or cause to be driven or operated, any auto- mobile for hire unless there shall be displayed ~pon some prominent or fixed port,on of such automobile words at least two [2) inches in height · and three-eights [3/8) of an inch wide and plainly written so that they may be distinctly seen a~d read. showing that such vehicle is.an auto- mobile for hire; to permit or allow a greater number of passengers to ride in any such a~to~obile for hire than the actual seating accomn~i~on of any such automobile provides~for,or to permit passengers to ride uPon the running boards or fenders thereof° SECTION 8, Any person, firm or corporation to whom the permit herein provided for is issued,before any automobile for hire may be operated thereunder,must file with the 0ity 01erk a schedule showing the times of arrival and departure at each terminus ~hroughout each day. Continuous service m~st be maintained by each such automobile for hire throughout each and every day beginning at six o'clock in the mor~· at either terminus, and until at least nine .o'clock in the evening, e~cept in the case of accidental injury to such automobile. It shall be the duty of said Board of Trustees to revo~re any permit given hereunder in the event of failure on the part of the holder of any such permit to maintain such continuous service. SECTION 9. Any permit shall be revoked by said Board of Trustees for'any violation of the provisions of this ordinance, for the failure to pay any Judgment for damages arising from the unlawful and negligent operation of an automobile for which a permit is issued, or for a violation of the law. of the State of California now in force or hereafter adopted. The Board of Trustees, in the exercise of sound and reasonable discretion, aSa~a public interest and safety may require, may revoke any permit issued under the~provisions of this ordinance. SECTION 10.~ The operator or chauffeur who operates any automobile for hire under the influence of liquor, or who operates an automobile in a "'~eckless and dangerous manner, or who violates this/ordinance or any other ordinance of said City of South San ~rancisco or which may hereafter be adopted, or the laws of the State of California now in force and here- after adopted, shall forfeit his right to operate such automobile for hire within the City of South San Francisco. and the owner or lessee of any automobile for hire permitting such chauffeur to operate or remain in charge of any such automobile shall forfeit the permit issued therefor, 8ECTZON 11. Zt shall be unlawful for any person owning or haV~ng in charge or operating, or causing to be operated, any automobile for hire over or upon any public street without having attached thereto a bell or horn of size and weight sufficient to insure its being distinctly heard when rung or sounded at a distance of at least One Hundred ~100) feet. The bell must be rung or sounded when such automobile is about to cross an intersecting street; SECTION 12. Every person owning, or operating, or causing to be operated, any automobile for hire in the City of South San Francisco shall thoroughly wash each car when so operated at least once a week and shall also carefully sweep and clean each said automobile for hire daily, required in writing by the Board of Health said an~ whenever of City of South San ~rancisco, every person owning or operating or causing to be operated any such automobile within said City shall fully dis- infect each such automobile so operated by spraying such automobile with ~n efficient disinfectant. SEOTION 13. Every person owning or operating, or causing to be operated, any automobile for hire in said City, when operating any such automobile having an inclosed top or cover extending over such a~tomobile, or any part thereof, must cause such inclosed top or covered portion to be illuminated in a manner satisfactory to the City Marshal of said City. SECTION 14. Whenever an automobile for hire approaches the track of a steam railroad it must, within Twenty-five ~25) feet of the' nearest rail of said steam railroad, come to a full stop, and the driver of such automobile for hire must stop, look, and listen, and satisfy himself that no engine, car or train is approaching in the direction of such auto~obile; 5 He may then proceed to cross such track, but under no circumstances shall any automobile for hire proceed to cross such railroad track without observing the precautions required by this section. SECTION 15, It shall be unlawful for any driver of an automobile for hire in the City of South San ~rancisco, to smoke any cigar, pipe, or cigarette or to burn tobacco while passengers are occupying any of the seats in such vehicle. SECTION 16. It-shall be unlawful for any person to operate or cause to be operated any automobile for hire unless the same be equipped with 'adequate brakes and non-skidding devices when operated on a slippery pavement. SECTION 17. If any section, sub-seo'tion, sentence,, clause, or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not ,affect the remaining portions of this ordinance. The said Board of Trustees hereby declares that it would have passed this ordinance amd each section, sub-section, sentenCe, clause, and phrase thereof irrespectiVe of the fact that an.,,/ one or more other sections, sub-sections sentences, clauses or Phrases be declar.e~ , , constitutional or invalid. ' SECTION 18. Any person who shall violate any provision of this or- dinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding the mm of ~ Dollars [$/~o)°°). or by imprisionment not exceeding ~ months, or by both such fine and imprisionment. ·aoh day's contlnuanoe of any violation of any provision of this ordinance shall be deemed a separate offense 'and shall be punishable accord- ingly. SECTION 19. This ordinance is for the protection of the public peace, health and safety and one of urgency and shall take effect and become operativ~ from and after its passage and approval. The facts constituting the urgency in this instance are the protection of the life and limb of proper persons 6 hire ~a~e now being operated; the proper protection of life and limb of persons riding in such automobiles for hire, the guarantee of protection to the pmb~ta in the matter of compensation for injury sustained by the careless or negligent opera~n of such automobile for hire; the prevent- ion of aociden~ at Intersections along the routes followed by such automobile for hire with railroad erossin~.~d the ~ar~tee of a~equate and proper -facilities for the aeeo~odation of the traveling publid upon the streets of sai~ City of South ~an Francisco. 8~TION 20. This or~in~oe shall be published ones in "The ~te~rise", a weekly newspaper printe~, publishe~ and circulated within the ~ity of '~.~ South S~ Francisco. ' ~ f~~ ~ Introduoe~ this 4ay o ,~ . 1915. . Passe~ ~d a~opted as an ordinate of the Oity of South oisoo at a regular meeting of the ~oard o~Trustees of sai~ Oity of Noes, Trustees Absent, ~r~t~ro,~~/l. of the City of 8outh 8~ Fr~oisoo.