HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 87-1916 ....... ~ ORDINANCE D~V!DING T~ CITY O~ SOUTH MAN ~RANOISOO INTO TWO ~IOIPAL EI~CTION ?RECINOT8 ~D ESTABT, ISHING THE BO~IDARIES T~REO~, ~D R~E~ING ORDINANCE NO. 75 0~ T~ CITT 0M S0~H SM~ MRANC~S00, ENTITLED "~ 0RDIN~CE D~VID!NG T~ C!TT 0~ SGUTH MAN ~R~CISC0 INT0 ~0 ~ICIP~ EI~TION PRECINCTS AND ESTABLISHING ~ BOU~ARIES T~RE0~, ~D R~E~ING ORDIN~CE NO. 30 O~ EE CITY 0F SOUTH FR~OlSCO, F~TITLED '~ 0RDIN~CE .EST~LISHING ~[ ~ECTION PRECINCT IN ~D E0R T~ CITY 0~ SOUTH SAN ERANCTSCO~[ PASSED AI~ ~0PT~ T~ 7~h DAY OF ~[~CH, 1910," WHICH SAID ORDIN~CE NO. 75 WAS ~ASSED AND ADOPTED BY T~ B0~D O~ TRUSTEES O~ T~ CITY 0M SOUTH CISC0 TH~; ~9~h DAY 0F J~UARY, 1914. The Board of Trustees of the City of South San ~raneisco do ordain as follows: Section 1. ~or the purposes of all m~icipal elections, where the s~e are held separate from state elections, except ~y special election which may. be called by said Board of Trustees for the sub- mission of a proposition to annex new territory to said City,the City of South S~ ~raneisco Is hereby divided into two municipal election precinets to be ~o~ and designated as follows: "South S~ ~r~cisco Municipal Election ~reeinet No. 1" "South San Fr~eiscon M~i~ipal Election Precinct No. 2". Section 2. South ~an ~ranc~.sco ~,~[un~cipa! Election Precinct No. 1 shall contain all that territory included in South San ~ran- cisco Precinct No. 1 and South San Francisco Precinct No. 2, as said precincts are bounded ~nd'~described in Sections 69 ~d 70 of the Ordinance No. 276 of the Boar1 of Supervisors of the County of Marco, State of California, dividing said County into election precincts ~d establishing the bo~daries thereof, passed and adopted the 6th day of December, 1915. Section 3. South San ~ranciseo M~icipal Election Precinct No. 2 shall contain all that territory included in South S~ ~ran~isco Precinct No. 3 and South S~ ~rancisco~ ~recinct No. 4, as said Precincts are bounded ~ described in Sectiom71 ~d 72 of Ordinance No 276 of the Board of Supervisors of the Cotmty of San Mateo, State of California, dividing said County of San Mateo into election precincts and establishing the boundaries thereof, passed and adopted the 6th day of December, 1915o Section 4. Ordinance No. 75 entitled "An ordinauee dividing the City of South San Prancisco into two municipal election precincts and establishing the boundaries thereof, and repealing Ordinance No. 30 of the City of South San Francisco, entitled 'An ordinance establishing an election precinct in and for the City of South San Prancisco,' passed and adopted the 7th day of r~aroh, 1910," which Ordin~ce No. 7~ was passed and adopted the 19th day of J~uary, 1914, is hereby repealed. Section ~. This ordinate shall be published once in "The Ente~rise", a wee~,ly newspaper printed, published and circulated tn the City of South S~ Francisco and shall t~e effect and be in force from ~d after the expiration of thirty ~30) days after the date of its passage. Introduced this 24th ~ay of January, 1916, Passed ~d adopted as an ordinance of the City of South San ~ranctsco this /~. day of~~ , 1916, at a regular meet- _ of the Board of Trustees of the City of South San P~ncisco, ing by t~e following ~~ Absent, Trustees Approved: o~ Trustees of the City of South San ~r~eisco. Attest: 2