HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 89-1916 · ' ~'~"~o~'. ~ '.. ' ' ' · '"".' . '." '~'~h,. 0rdinanoe No. ~ ~ ~ O~DIN~CE ~ROH~ITING T~ POSTIN~ OP POST~S, BI~S, ~CTRIO WIRE8 OR ~HONE ~8, OR ANT OT~R POSTS OR POLES OR ~ ~ON T~ ST~E~ ~~ W~TNIN ~ ClTT OF SOUTH The'Bo~d of Trustee. of the City of South do ordain as follows: Section 1. It sh~l be ~lawful for ~y person, persons, firm, association, or oo~orat'ion to post or oause~ to be poste~. ~y poster, ~ill, placard, or a~vertieemen~; of ~y material whatso- ever, upon ~y pole or post used to snpport electric or telephene wires, or upon ~y other pole or post or tree st~ding upon any street or alley within the City of South S~ Section 2. ~y person who shall violate this or~in~oe shall be deemed guilty of a mis~eme~or, an~ upon conviction thereof ,-~-~ ~/ , or by both such fine ~d i~rie°~ent' ~eotion 3. ~is ordinance shall Be publishe~ one in "The ~te~rise", a weekly newspaper printe~ an~ pablished in the 0ity o~ South ~ ~r~cisoo ~ shall take effect ~ be in force from after t~ e~i~ation of thirty f30) da~s from the date of its pass~e. Paaeed and adopted as an ordinanoe of the City of :~outh San Yraneisoo at a regul&r meeting of the Boar~Truoteo8 of the City of ~outh 8~ ~ranoi~oo, tht~ /~ay of ~r~ , 191~, , by the follow~ ~:~~ __ ~/~ __ Noe8, Trustees ~~ Absent, Trastees ~ ~proved: ~ t~ity of ~o~th ~ Franeisoo~ ATTEST: