HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 94-1917 NO=O - c/ f{]~ C?~I}~iCE OF ~!~ CITY OF SOUTH S~H~ PR~CISCO I~?CSIUG ~AT~RI~G OR CO~DECTI}IG RAGS, OLD ~017,~.~no~c, CO}PE:.4 z~I~C , OF ~?SOi{S D~[DER T~E z~O~ OF T~!{TY-O~iE (2i) ~S, WITHIN CITY O~ SOUTH SAN ~<~ICISCO, ~fD ~=? ~'~ . OF TI~ CITY OP SCU~H S:~ PP~i~CISCO E~TI~L~D "~>[ O~Iz~CE OF T.'~ CITY OF SOUTH S~H~~ FR~:2{CIS'CO", P.~o~ ~=~D =~OI~ED BY 2nd DAY OF ~L°RIL, 1917. The Board of Trustees of the City of Sou'[~h San ~ancisco do ordain as follows: Section 1. Every >erson, firm or corporation who or which conducts the business of p~-chasing, ~ati~ing' or collectin{ rags, old iron, brass, copper, zinc, l~d and ~y a~d all other m~tals within the City of South San l~ancisco shall ?ay a license tax of Fifty Dollars (<~50.OC) l~er aunmn, i:ayable quarterly in advance on the first days of July, Cctobe~ Jnauary and April. Section g. It shall be ~lawfu% for a~ person, firm or poration fo conm~ence, ep.~a~se in or carry on the busi~%ess of p~-chas- ing, gathering or collecti~ rags, old iron, brass, copper, zinc, lead and any and all other metals within the City of South San Francisco, whether as principal or agent, withoutnavmno~ '-o. first proceed the license herein provided for and hereby required Section Z. It shall be m~lawful fro" a~ ?arson, firm or cor- poration to p~chase or in ~y n~anner aoqmire from any person under the age of twenty-one (21) years, a~ rags, old iron, -1- brass oot~per, zinc, lead or any other metals. Section 4. Every person, firm or corporation who sl~all violate any of the terms of this ordinance shall be deepened guilty of a misde~aeanor· s~d upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not les~ than Twenty Dollar.~ (~20.00)' and not mo~e than Fifty Dollars (~50.00), or by imprison~,.ent for a period not exceeding one (1) month, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Every day's continuance of the business ~:~.entioned in Section 2 hereof shall be deepened a.separate offense ~nd shall be punished as such under the term~ of this ordinance ..... . . Section ~.Ordinance l~o. 92 of the City of South San Fra~l~ce' entitled "An ordinance of the City of South San Francisco imposing a license tax upon persons, firms or corporations pur- chasing, gathering or collecting rags, old ir'on, brass, copper, zinc,lead and other metals within the City of South San Francisco, p~ssed and adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco ti~e 2nd day of ;~pril, 1917, is hereby repealed. Section 6. This ordina~'~ce shall be published once in "The Enteri~rise", a Womokly newspa~?er ~:rinted, published and cir- culated in the City of South San .?rancisco, and shall take effect and be in force fror~, and after the e:~piration of thirty ~ays after the date of/~its _~,a~sage. Introduced this ~y of August, 1917. Passed s~d adopted as an ordinanc~ of the City of South San .Francisco at a regular meeting of the Board of TruStees of the City of South San ~ancisco this ~ay of ~ ,191~, by the f o['. lowing vote: -2- Absent, Trustees ~~j ~pr oved: ~ ~ou°~hi~sf¢o.Trustees of the