HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 96-1917 ~ ~z~u~c~ ~os~ ~ ~s~'~' ~o~ ~ ~S~ OF ~D ~tP~G 0RDIN~CE N0, 19 0F THE CITY 0F SOUTH S~ F~~C0, ~ENTIT~ED "AN 0~I~ANCE; ~0SING A ~ICENSE UPON ~ USE 0F ~HIC~ES WITH~ ~T~ ~IITS 0F/S~ ~S~ F~NCISC0," PASSED ~D ~0P~D BY T~ B0~ 0F TRUST, S 0F ~qE CI~ 0F SOUTH SAN F~CISC0 0N T~ ~th DAY 0F ~RIL, The Board o~ Trustees of ~the City of South ~n ~ancisco de er~In ~s follows: Section '~. ~ery person, firm, or corporation not ~v-~ lng a fixed place of business within the limits of th~ City of South san ~ancisco, driving, operating or ~intaining upon any stree~ in said City, any ~gon or vehicle hereinafter described,, whether pr~elled by' hOr~e'-power, "hr' bY motor er any other power, sha'~l pay a license tax therefor according to the following classification: (a) For each ~y wagan, ta~ ~gon, brewery scavanger wagon, l~ber ~gon~ meat ~gon, d~t ~gon, gravel or cement v~gon, e~ress ~gon, delivery ,~gon, truck, d~y~ ~n, passenger car or o~her vehicle of a carrying capacity of Fo~ (~) tons, or over, Five Dollars (~5.00) per q~rter year. (b) For each wagon or other Vehicle mentioned i~ ~b- section "a" hav~ a carrying capacity of Three {3) ton~ or more, but less t~n Fo~ (4) fSns, Fo~ Dollars~ {$~.00) per quart er year. ~c'~ For each ~gon or other vehicle mentioned in sub- section "a" ~Ving a carrying capacitY of ~o (2) tons or more, but less than T~ee (3) tons, ~ee DolOrs ($3.00) per q~rter year. --l-- ~ -.. ......., ', ..... .~,,...~..~.~,~,..,.~.~-.,~ : .... · .... ...," ) ' ' ~'~".~'~ "~}2~ .... .. ........'. '.. ~', . ..~f.~:: ,; . ...~ '~:~ . ........ . , ..... . '. . ·... ~ .. ,, . - .-~. - . ,'~ , ~ , ~ ~'~ . ~ .3 .~-,. ~.~. "'' "~=~",~'~,',~:":=~':~'~~~2 ,.., ~=, ,..~ .,.....,.., .... . ... ...,~ ..... .~....~ _ ..-..<... -..~.....:~~=,~ 0RDIN.'~JCE NO. ~? AN ORDINANCE I~,~0SING A LICENSE TAX UPON TPflE USE OF VEHICLES WITH TP_E L]2vIITS OF TY_E CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, AND REP~ING ORDINANCE NO. 19 OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRAN.CISCO, ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE IIZPOSING A LICENSE TAX UPON ~ USE OF VEHICLES WITHIN T~ LIi,~ITS OF~/S(KITH SAN Ft~&NCISCO," PASSED AND ADOPTED BY T.~%~ BOARD OF TRUSTF~S OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO ON THE 5th DAY OF APRIL, 1909. The Board o~ Trustees of the City of South San Francisco do ordain as follows: Section 1. Every person, firm, or corporation not hav- ing a fixed place of business within the limits of th~ City of South S~n Francisco, driving, operating or maintaining upon any street in said City, any wagon or vehicle hereinafter described, whether propelled by horse-power, or by motor er any other power, shall pay a license tax therefor according to the following classification: (a) For each hay wagon, tank ~wagon, brewery wa'gon, scavanger wagon, lumber wagon~ meat wagon, dirt wagon, gravel or cement v~agon, express %wagon, delivery wagon, truck, dray~ van, passenger car or other vehicle of a carrying capacity of Four (~) tons, or over, Five Dollars ($5.00) per quarter year. (b) For each wagon or other vehicle mentioned in sub- section "a" having a carrying~ capacity of Three (S) tons or more, but less than Four (~) tons, Four Dollars ($~.00) per quarter year. (c) For each wagon or other vehicle mentioned in sub- section "~" having a carrying capacity of Two (£) tons or more, but less than Three (~) tons, TtYree Dollars (~Z.OC) per quarter year. (all For each wagon or vehicle mentioned in sub-section '{~) having a carrying caDaeity of One {1} ton ar more, but les~ than Two (£) tons, ~vo Dollars {~g.00} per quarter year. {e) For each w~gon or other vehicle mentioned in sub- section '{~) having a carrying capacity of less than One ton, One Dollar and Fifty Cents (,~1.50} per quarter year. Section g. ~,icense~ shall be issued for the quarter year beginning on the first days of ,January, g~pril, ,July, and October. If application is made for a license on any other date, the amount of the license tax, pro rata, to the succeed- ing quarter year shall be collected. Section ~. ~ery such vehicle shall carry, in a conspicu- ous place, a license tag to be furnished by said City of San Seotion ~. Said license tax shall he payable to, and collected by the Tax Collector of said City of South San Francisco, who is hereby authorized to issue all licenses under this ordinance. Section ~. Every person ~¥ho shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance sl~all be deemed guilty of a mimdem~nor and shall be punished by a fine not exceeding One Hundred Dollars (~100.00), or by imprisonment for a period not exceeding one month, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Section ~. Ordinance ~o. 19 of the City of South San Francis¢0 entitled "AN 0RDIN,~D~CE It~20SI~'~.~ A LIC~SE T,~ D-PON T~E ~iSE OF ~!CLES VfITHIN T!~ LI~[ITS OF Ti-~ CITY. OF SOUTH ~.~:..~ ~hDOPTED BY T.~ BOARD OF TR'USTE~S SAN FRANCISC0~ ?ASSED ~ '? 0P **r~ CITY 07 SOU~ S:~2,~ F~ICISC0 0>~ T~ 5th B~Y OF APRIL, 1~09, is hereby repealed. Section ?. This Ordinance shall be published once in ~The Enterprisen, a weekly new~paper published and circulated in the City of South San ~rancisco, and shall take effect and be in force from and after the expiration of Thirty Passed and adopted as an ordinanc~ the City of South San Francisco at a regular meeting of the Board of TruStees of tl_!~ City of South San Francisco this ~g~ay of ~oes, Trustees Absent, Trustees App roved: a TrusteeB i F~an¢ is e o. Attest: