HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 105-1920 ORDIN~CE NO. ~ 0~'0INANCE 0F THE CITY 0F SOUTH S~ FRANCISCO PROH~ITING PERSONS ~ER ~E AGE OF F~T~N YE~S FRO}~ ~PE~ING ~ON OR TRA~ING ~0N A~ STREET, HIG~AY, A~, 0R ~L~, 0R ~ O~ER P~LIC PLACE WITH- IN THE CITY OF SO~H S~ FRANCISCO ~TER ~ H0~ 0F NINE 0'CL0~ P.M. OF ~ DAY. The Board of ~ustees of the City of South S~ Fr~ciseo do ordain as follows: Section 1. It s~ll be ~la~ul for ~y person or persons ~der the age of fo~teen (lA) ye~s to appear or be or travel upon ~y p~blie street, highway, avenue, alley or other public place after the ho~ of nine (9) o'clock p.m. of any day, ~less accompanied by one of the parents of such person or lawfully appointed gu~dian, or other person ~ving the leal care or custody of such minor child, or ~less in the perfor~nce of an erran~ or duty directed by s~ch parent, ~rdian or other person having the leal c~e or c~stody of s~ch minor child; provided, however, t~t this exception shall not apply when the person ~der such age shall be playing or ~eeessarily loiter~g in or upon any such public street, highway, aven~e, alley, or o~her public place, whether alone or acco~anied by a parent, g~rdian, or any person whomsoever~ Section E. It s~ll be ~la~ for any parent, g~rdian or other person having the leal care or custody of any child ~der the age of lo,teen (l&) years to allow or permit ~y such child, or ward or other person ~der such age to appear or be or travel upon any p~blic street, highway, aven~e, alley or other p~blic place after the ho~ of nine (9) o'clock p.m. of any day, ~less reasonable necessity exists therefor. Section J. ~y minor child arrested under the provisions of this ordinance s~ll be detained by the Ci~F ~rshal ~til the p~ents or ~rdians or other persons haV~g the leg~ care or custody of such minor ~ve been notified of s~ch arrest and shall have refused to be held res- ponsible for the observance of the provisions of this ordinance by such minor ehil~ or to give bail for the appearance of such minor child, un- less bail be otherwise furnished. Section 4. Any person who shall violate any provision of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than Ten Dollars ($10.00) and not exceeding Forty Dollars ($40.00), or by imprisonment for a period not exeeeding Thirty (30) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Section 5. This ordinance shall be published once ~ "~he ~ter- prise", a weekly newspaper, prin~e~, publishe~ an~ eireulate~ in ~he City of South San Francisco and shall ~ake effec~ ~ be in force from an& ~fter the e~ira~ion off ~hirty (30) ~ays ~f~er ~he d~te of its pass- Introduced thisJ/~ay o~' , 1920. P~sse~ ~nd a~op~ed as ~ o of ~he City of South S~ Fran- cisco a~ ~ regular meeting of the Bo~ of Trustees of ~he City of Sou~h S~ Fr~ciseo this ~ day of ~ , 1920, by the followin~ vote: ~-- ~ / /~'' Absent, Trustees ~,.,".~ ~ ,'. ~ Attest: City Cler~ Appr~: ~esident of t~e Board of Trustees oX the City of So~th S~ Francisco.