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Ord 110-1921
AN ORDINANCE CREATING THE OFFICE CF THE ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR, PROVIDING FOR THE REGIS~0!~ CF PERSONS, FI~iS CCRPOP~&TIONS E~GAGED IN ~w~ ~ ~ ~ ~_,..~ ~S~,~So OF INSTALL- Ii,lC- 0~ .OPERATING ELECTRICAL '.~S, OF PE:.:ITS FOE ELECTRICAL The :o~rd of Trustees of the City of So~th S~n Francisco ~o ordain as Follo?z~: Section 1. The o~fice of electrical in~ectoz is hereby Zection E, ~ezy person, fiz: or co~or~tion engzgsd in cond~ot- in: the b~sin~ss of pl~cin:j, inst~llins or oDer~ti:.g electrical vzizes, ~Loli~nces, apL:~rat~: cz co:~trL~ction in, o~ or ~bou. t ~y buildings, in the City of Sou.th S~n Frs.:~cisco s.h~ll ~pDear in person, or b~ z autkoz'ized representative, at th~ office of the ~ Clerk, znd shall ~here ref:istez' his isame and place of 'bL~siness~' '~b_e City Clerk shall issue to sack applicant a certificate of re:istration. No certificate off reoistra~lon shall be g'ranted for :~.oz'e thsm one fiscal year or the mnexpired poz'tion thereof. Section 3. It shall be umiawft~l for ~y oez~son, film'~ or corporat- ion to engag'e in the business of piacin;, installins' or op .o~. . ez~o~n..: electri- cal :zires, appliances, ap:jaratus cz' con~truction in, on or abo~t b~ildings in the ~z'by of o~ath San Fra~nczs;cc .:~no~ first oo-oa~nzng a certificate of re:istration from the City . ~ ..... , ~d ~s. id certificate shall be re- '~ ' ...... ..~ithin ]~hirty ne:~ed as provided in Section I off'his o~dz:ance, .. days after the fiz'st day of JLzly of each y~ar. ;Section 4. The placin: or installing or opermti~g of electrical :zires, appliances, apparatus or construction in, on or about buildings in said City of SoLrbh San Francisco shall be e:ecuted in accordance with the provisions of this ordina~sce an,l m'~.der the s~:pervision off the elect~- CZNT A · ......... ~.~.......~ V . __! cml inspector. Sec~io~ 5, Every person, firm or corporation en~a~ed in the business of~?,lacino, ins~allznL or oDeratinj eiec'~.~ual wires, appli- ances, ~.pp~a~.~ or construction in, o~, or abou~ buildings in t~e City oom~h Ss~ Frm'~cisco shall, before off ~ ~ ~ ~'' , ~'ive to said 'Cd a bond in the sam of Five Hu~_~'ed ,Dollars ~SOC.O[ ), ~v~ [~ood and s~oSficient sa?eries, ~o~ the famvnfal complaince with the provisions of this ordina~.~ce. Said bmod shall be filed ','~ith said City Clerk. Section 6. The f~lmre, neglect or refusal on the. part of person, firm or corporation, after due notification by the electrical inspector, to correct, obviate or remove a~r fault, error or deficiency in placin:j, inst~ling or operating electrical ~,vires, app!icances, app- aratus or' construction in, on or about b~ldin~:s in said City of Somth San Francisco, shgl be deemed s~ficient cause for suspension of certificate o.f re~:,jistra'tion by the electrical inspector and for such cause the electrical inspector is hereby authorized to suspend suck certifficate for a period not e:~ceedin~g Thirty (30) days. Section 7. NO person, firm or comporation shall smppiy electric current to, ecluip ~'/ith wirinz, fip[tures or apparatus, or make a~ alter- ations of or chan~es in, or addition to, any electrical ~?~irin~ or app- aratns in ai~ building ~'Athout first no ~zfymne the electrical inspect- or in writing and receivin~ from him a written permit to do the work. Such pemnit shall state the kin~ of work to be done, and shall cover only the kind of ~/ork so desi~ated, oam~ permit shall als0 state the location by street and number of the building v/here sach~;~k is to be done, and sh~l be v~id oaly ~'a~r the location so stated, iud when an equipment is fom;d to confo~m~ to the rules and regulations adopted her~ in, the electrical inspector shall issue a certificate that s~ach and regulations have been complied with; but no certificate shall b~ ~granted until the equipment is made to conform ~o the rules prescribed herein, and it shall be u~ulawful to use any current for such building until a certificate has been furnished according to the terms of this o_ d~nance o · Section~8. All electrical wiring, appliances, apparatus, fix- tmres, construction and all ~r~terials and devices used in co~ection with electrical Work and in the operation of electric~ apparatus in, on or about b~ldin,gs in the City of ~o~th San Frs~cisco shall be in conformity with the "?~ation~ Electrical Code", the same oem~g the regulations of the ~Iation~Board of Fire Underwriters for electric wiring and apparatus as reco~.mended by the ~ational Fire P~otection Association, Edition 1920, a copy of ~hich is on file in t~.:e office of the ~ty ~lez~t of said City and ~.s ~arked "Filed in the office of the City Cle~.~,~ of the City of Sou~;~ oa..~ ~ Francisco, December 6, 1920, Daniel_ ~cSweeney, ~'~"~y~ Clerh~whi~ ~d "National Electrical Code" shall co!~stitute the rules, sta~dard and re.~l~lation :,:oz ~ne inShall- atiou of electrical ~,virin?~, appliances, apparatus, fixtures a~d cons- t~etion and all mater,.als and devices used i~. connection with elect- rical-~:~ork a~a~. the operation of sll electrical apparat~s in, on or ' ' ' ~y o~ ~omth San Francisco. about b~J. mldmn?s in the Ci~ ~ '~ ~ Section 9. It shall be the duty of the electrical inspec'~or to inspect all electrical eQmipm~ent from ti~e ~o ti~:~, and if a~ p~'t of any elec~mcal e~luipme~ut i~ or about ~y ouml~m~.~ in t~e .~icy of oomth ~San Fra~cisco shall be found to be danzerous to life or property, the electrical ~nsoeqtor shall have the ri~i'ht and power, ann it shall be his d~y to notify the owner of the buildi~~? or eQ~mpment to cease using electric curren~ in such dangerous equip~uent, and to have the defects in such equipment repaired, within a reasonable ti:~e, not exceeding Ten (10) days -~ . ?he lectrical inspector is also ~om.the time of the notice e ~tho~'ized te give u. ritten notice to tbs oo~pany f~m'~.is~hin~ electric c~rent to any such da:a":~eroas e~luip~ent to ceas to ,~np~.ly t~e sa~'~e until the defects ~e repaired. I~ prosec~zon for v~La~ion of the provisions of this section each ao.T,c~- ne-lect or refusal, to comply herev~ith shall be deemed~= © sepaz'-~- .o~ Section 10. :~ooz~-~C in tiszs orazn~ce shall be so co~sstrmed as in any vzay to restrict ~he installation off asy wires, applia:sces, con- structim~ or ''~'~ .... e%u.m=me~so oi' alsy telephone, telegraph, district messen6er or call bell systems or the connecting or diseonaectins of ~y current .........,~e~:~o~mm~,~'~7 ~,~=~"-'~,moes~, m~d ifi~e sa~ze are hereby e~cepted from any_ of the ~oz.~fjoin:, provisions, e::ceptiz~,2 ~nat approved o~'k-omts or ffutses be provided ;,~here ~u~ch wires ei~',;er ~' leave b~titdi~':(;s az~d vzhere such ,,,zires are e;;i0osed to electric ~,~zazd~ bet;zeen the way off entrance to a oazl(mn~ and tzze terminal cz an ~ezm~ cable. Section 11. ;~ez~ an s~-oli '~-' "~ for a p _ '" _ ce.~zo~ er~nit for wiring: ....... _ firm or corpo~'"ation on or about any bail:lint, is m~de, ~ ~es.~irin~j to ii~stail ;:~aci~ e~luipmen2 s;~ha!l, 'beffore the ~per~it is jiven~ pay to the electrical inspector the followii~5 ~ees: '~he s~u~. cf Cite Dollar (~',~l. CO), and in addition ~-'~e~e~-~o the sam off Tell Cents (10~) '~ ~ zor each ~mttet a~ whic~ c~m're~t is to he control- led or issued; For inspec~-'omo_.~ of elec~zc~..1 apvaraPus, for which ~o fee hez'ein prescribed, a fee off Fifty Cents {50~) per kilowatt, as deter- mined by the cap~city of oLe appliance, appsm-atus, eemivment or device ii~spected. oect.on 12 In c~.~es .-~here a bmil~]inC permit ~s necessary, the ' ~' ~u~ml afft~:-r ~e buzildin,g permit electrical ~per~it ~i~a!l not be issued ,'~-' has bee~ issued. Sectio~ 13. AIl plmmbinfj ~ otl~er pipin~j a~:d tube work mast be in place oi~ work to be concealed before the electrical "'~zzn~" - is inspected, ~.~m no such wiring v~tl be considered as completed such pipinc is ii~ )lace. Upon ma,{in?: a~ inspection off ~y electrical e~mipment, the electrical inspector ;~.hali leave a notice at a conspic- uous place on the buiidin~ff statif~g ~h~t the electrical work has been inspected by him and that a certifficate off final inspection may be obtained from hi~. It sha'~! be a~lav{z~zl to lath, seal, or i:~ any manner conceal ai~y electrical wirin~g or other wor~; ~til the same has been inspected as ~e~ein ~e~uiredo Section l~i-. ~-' - ~ms ordi~a~o, ce shall not be constructed to relieve from or lessen the resDons~bility of ~y person, firm or corporation or agent thereof, on operating or installing any electrical wires, appliances, apparatus, fixt~res, eo~str~ction or eQ~ipment, for damages to any one injured by any defect therein, nor shall the City of ~outh San Francisco or any-o~e~a~--~ thereof be held as assmmin~ liability by reason of the inspection authorized herein or the certi- ficate of final inspection issued by the electrical inspector. Section l~. ~ny person, firm or oo~poration, or agent thereof, violating or assistin~ in t~e violation of any provision of ~ms ordinance or v~o shall fail to comply there~ith shall be deemed ~uilty of a ~.isdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof sh~l be p~nished by a ~ne not exceeding Two H~ed Dollars (~00.00), or by imprisonment for a period not e~ceeding Sixty (60) days, or by both such fine and i~.prisonment. Section 16. All parts of ordinances in conflict ~vith ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 19. Th~s ordinance shall be published once in "The Enterprise", a weekly newspaper p~blished and ~ircmlated in said City of South San Francisco and shall take effect and be in force from and after the e~iration of Thirty {30) days after the date of its passage. Introdaced this ~ day of , 198~. Palmed ~d adopted as an ordinance of the City of Somth S~ Fr~cisco m~ a regul~ meeting of the Board of Trustees of the ~ty of Somth S~ Francisco this/~ day of ~ ,1921, by the following vote: -~ . ~y~s~ Tr~stee~~~~~~~ Absent, Tr~tees . President of the Board of Trastees . .~.