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Ord 112-1921
"~ CONS,TRUCT- AN ORDINANCE EST~BLIS~NG FIRE LII~tTS, REd,TING TR~ ~ " ION, ALTERATION ~D REPAIR ~F B~LDINGS, T~ ~CATION 0F LA'DRIES, B~RIES, I{0TION PICT~E TP~A~ES, GMRAGES, JU~¢ SHOPS A~{D LILLE ~ff~E- HOUSES, TP~ DISPOSAL C,F Rb~BISH MCD TI~ STC~GE C,F GASOLINE M~D 0T~R ~ODUCTS CF PETRO~'~,~ IN ~ CITY OF SCU~ SAN FRANCISCO ~D PRE~CRIB- INS THE PE~ALTY FOR T~ VI'C~TICN OF SAID 0RDINY~NCE, AND REPEALING QRDIN CE N~. ?0 0F T!iE CITY CF SOUTH o.~ FRA.~I~CO, ENTI2~D "A~I LI:l~l'_o RE'~TI!!G 'z~ CONSTRUCTION, ATION z~.~D~ ~ EEPAIR 0F B~]LDIt~GS, THE LCCA~I0~! CF LA~IDEIES, ~TI0~ PI CTURE T~ATRES, G~<~,~-~o, ~Ji'H{ o.~CPo ~ D LIi.'~ .7~EKCUSES, TP~ DISZOSAL C~ :~_r:.UISH :L:~D .... ~ z'u~:i~, CF 5~0~I.,.~ AND~r' a:~'::,:p_.~:.~., ~ODUODS ~ PET~{OLE~',{ IN ~P~ CITY CF SC~'~' ~-.~ ..... .... . u'~n SAN Pi~,~IoCO, AND~o~I3INe TP~ PEN- Y~LTY FOR ~?~..= VIC]~%TICN CF S~ID CP. DII'{-~N'CE," P~oED ~'~ ~CPTED BY T~ BO~D OF ~'~'~:~'%~ ~F ~.~ CZIY CF ~0UF~ S~E~ FRZ~[CISC0 0Z~T m~ 9th DAY 0F J-~Y, 191~. . The Board of Trustees of the~ of So~th San Fr~ucisco do ordain as follows: Section 1. The o~ter ~ire limits of the City of So~th S~ Fr~- cisco sh~ll be ~?ithin t~t portion of s~id City bonded as follows: eg~nn~n~ at ~ point formed by the intersection of .the center line of Pine. Aven~e with the center line o~ C~ress ~ven~e, ~s shovm ~pon that certain map entitled "So~th S~n Fr~cisco, S~ },,~teo Co., Cal. Plat l", ~:zhich m~p was filed in the off.ice of the County Becorder of the gou- ty of San X~teo, Calii'orni~, :i~rch l, i89s, and recorded in }~:ap Book E at p&5,e SE; thence southerly ~long s~id center line of C~ress Aven~e to the intersection thereof with 'the center line of the alley in block n~b~red 1ES, ~s shown ~pon [~aid maP; thence westerly along the center line of said ~lley produced ':zesterly across Dinden Aven~e ~nd along .the center line of the alley in 'block 1E6 'to the line lo~odLzced northerly, se- parating lots 2 and 3 in .said ~loc~ 126, as shown apon said map; thence at right m~gles som. therly along the westerly bomndary line of lot nmnbered 2 in said 0lock 126 to ~:~_e center line of Niiler Avenue; thence westerly along the cen-ter line of killer Avenue to the easterly bo~dary ~ line of 1.ct 29, in block ll6, prodmced northerly; thence somtherly - along a line formed by the ,~zesterly bc~dary lines of lot 29 and lot ...... 12, in said block ll6, to the center line of G~and Avenae; thence east- erly alon~ the center line of C-rand Avenme to the in2ersection thereof with the line separatinL' lot 37 from lot 58, in block llT, prodmced north' ~ erly; theDce at right an~jles soatherly alon~ said line separating said ~' lots 37 and 58 to the center line of the alley, in said block ll?; · ~: . ,:~;~' ,~ ?,,4~¢;?,~., CENTRAL RECORDS ~, 'x:t>' FI~E NO:.,.~ ............. · h thence at rzg.~ t angles easterly along the cen'~er line off said alley in block 117 to the center line of l.,,~aple Avent~e; ~.~hence southerly along the center line of i[aple ~venae to the center line of Baden Avenue; thence easterly alonj the cen~er line of Baden Avenue to th~ intersection thereof with the line separating lot 24 from lot 25 block 123 produced northerly; thence at rijht angles southerly along said line separating lots 24 a~.d ~5 ~d ~ong ~he line separa~n~ lot 3 from lo2 2, in said block 1~3, produced across Com~ercial Avenme, and southerly s~on5 t~%e !i~%e separating l~t 24 from lot 25 in ~loc., and alon~' the line separating lot ~ from lot 2, in block 122, produced southerly, to the center line of Railroad Avenue; thence at z~S' angles easterly along the cutter line ol~ Railroad Avenue 260 ~den Y~ven~e; ~hence at ri.~*h~ anffles northerly to the center line o~ '~' ' t~ence at ri-h'~ an.fi'les "~erly .... ~ eas ~, alon~ ,~e center line of Baden Avenue prod. aced easterly '~o the center line of Division Street; thence north- erly along the center line of ,Division Street to the cen~e~ line of i.[iiler Avenue; ~ence westerly along the ~enter line of 1,,~ller Avenue 60 feet; thence northerly sm,.'i parallel ,..'~ith the easterly line of Divfsion Street to the center line of California f~venme; ~nence northeasterly across Calif~nia Avenue to the intersection of the northerly line of ' '~'~ produced easterly, with t'~ CallfoIi_l~ Avenue, ~e tempter line of Division Street; ~heace northerly along the center line of Division Street to the ~enter line of Pine .~-~venue; thence ~vesterly alo~no' the center line of Pine Avenue to the center line of C~press Avenue ~ad point of begin- ning. Section 2 . ~_e inner ffire limits of the City of Sou~h S~ Fran- cisco shall be within that portion of .said City bounded as follows: Beginning at a point formed by the intersection of.the center line of Lux Avenue ~th the center line of C~ress Avenue as sho~ u~ the map referred to in Section 1 of this ordinance; thence southerly along -2- the center line of Cytr~ss Avenue to the intersection thereof with the center line of the alley in block 139; thence westerly along the center line of the alley in block 139 to the line separating lot ll from lot I0 in block 139; thence at right angles northerly' along the line separating said lots ll and 10, in block 139, produc- ed northerly across ~liller Avenue, and northerly along the line Separating lot ~ from lot 8 in block 138, produced to the center line 6f the alley in said block 138; thence westerly ~long the center line of said alley produced across Linden Avenue and along the Center line of the alley in block 126 to the line, produced north- erly, separating lot 2 from ~gt 3, in block 126; thence southerly along said line separating lot~2 and ~, in block 126, produced southerly across I~iller Avenue, and along the line separating lot 25 from lot 24, in block 125, produced southerly, to the center line of the alley in block 125; thence westerly along the center line of the alley in block 125 to the intersection thereof with the center line of Naple Avenue; thence at right angles northerly along the center line of ~iaple Avenue to the center line of Eiller Avenue; thence at right angles westerly along the center line of ~liller Avenue to the line produced nor- 9hotly, fQrmiag the easterly line of lots 29 and 12, in ~lo~k ll6; thence at right angles southerly along the easterly lines of said $ots 29 and 12, in block ll6, 'produced southerly, to the center line of Grand Avenue; thence easterly along the center line of Grand Avenue to the line, pro- duced northerly, separating lot 37 from lot 38, in block ll?; thence at right angles southerly along said line separating lots 37 and 38, produced southerly to the center line of the alley in block ll?; thence along the center line of said alley in block ll7, produced across Maple Avenue, and along the center line of the' alley in block 124, to the line, produced northerly, separating lot 3 from lot 2, in block 124; thence at right angles southerly along said line separating said lots 3 and 2 in block 124, produced sontherly across Baden AVenue, and along the line separating lot 24 from lot 25, in block 123, produced southerly, and along the line separating lot 3 from lot 2, in block 123, produced southerly, to the center line of Commercial Avenus; thence at right angles easterly along the center line of Commercial Avenue 260 feet; thence a t right angles northerly to the northerly boundary line of Baden Avenue; thence at right angles easterly along the northerly line of Baden Aveaue, produced easterly to the center line of Division Street; thence northerly along the center line of Division Street to the center line of ~iiller Avenue; thence westerly along the center line of Miller Avenue 60 feet; thence northerly and parallel with the easterly boundary line of Division Street to the center line of Lux Avenue; thence westerly along the center line of Lux Avenue to the center line of Cyp~zess Avenue and point of beginning. EXTE~IOR WALLS. Section 3. The exterior walls and party walls of the buildings hereafter erected within'the fire limits described in Sections i and 2 of this ordinance shall be made of reinforced concrete or brick, or m~mr~-I ~ or artificial stone, other than concrete~ blo~e]%~ or a combination of any or all of the above mentioned materials and of thickness suffic- ient to support the load to be carried; provided that galvanized iron or tin cornices Qn skeleton wood frames may be used for exterior de- corations. All outer walls shall extend at least tv~o ~eet above the roof of such buildings. INTERIOR '~';ALLS. Section &. All buildings hereafter erected within the fire limits described in Sections i and 2 of this ordinance shall have their interior walls, partitions and ceilings plastered with one or more coats of plaster at least Five-eights (5/8) of an inch thick and extending down to the floor, except mills, warehouses, stables, laund- ries, factories and outbuildings where the exterior walls are not ceiled on the inside a~d' ps.r~£on's are b~arded on one side only. Section S. At each ~l~.or level i~ all b~ildin~s hereafter er- ected within the limits described in Sections 1 and S of this ordinance, all stud wall,s, partitions, furrings and space between joists where they rest on division walls or partitions, shall be fire-stopped with incom- bustible material in a manner to completly cut off communication by fire through concealed spaces. Such fire-stopping shall extend the f~ll dis- tance of the joists, and at least four inches above each floor level. ALTERATIONS AHD REPAIRS. Section 6. ~?hen the exterior walls of any frame building which has been constructed within the fire limits described in Sections I and of this ordinance are altered, changed or damaged to 0ne-~o~rth~(1/~ their extent, or when the interior of any b~ildin~ shall be altered to the extent of tearin~ down more than 0ne-half (l/S) of the partitions, or when the interior is dzmaged to One-half (l/S) of its extent, then the alter- ations or repairs of said building shall be constructed in the same manner as herein provided for new work. ~?henever any frame building is damaged by fire to One-fourth (1/~) of its extent., the remaining portion thereo~ shall be immediately removed by the owner. ?~henever additions are made to buildings in the fire limits described in Sections i and S of this ordina- nce, such additions must be made to conform to the construction provided for new work. No portion of the front wall of any such b~ilding and no portion of any ~wall facing ~pon any public street, aven~e, highway, or alley, shall be repaired or remodeled, except in accordance with the provisions of Section ~ of this ordinance. PER&~ITS FOR ~LTERATI©N. Section ~. No wooden building situated within the fire limits described in Sections I and S of this ordinance shall be altered, repair- ed or added to, without permission so to do being first obtained from the Bo~d of Trustees. Any person desiring to obtain such permission shall file with the City Clerk, addressed to the Board of Trustees, a petition describing f~lly the 'building and premises or the alterations, repairs or additions which are desired to be made, also the materials with which it is proposed to make the same. The permit, if issued, shall state fully the alterat~ions, repairs or additions allowed to be made, the materials to be used, and such regulations respecting the same as in the .judgment of the Board of Trustees may be necessary, which said permit shall be filed with the City Clerk; pro- vided, however, nothing herein contained, shall be construed to require, the Board of TrUstees to grant such permission; but ~hey shall be sole judges of the necessity and reasonableness of the alterations, ~repairs or addit- ions, and their decision granting or refusing the permit shall be final and conclusive. Temporary permits shall never be granted under any circu~m- stances. ~0VING BUILDINGS. Section 8. No building shall be moved to another location within the fire limits described in Sections I and ~ of this ordinance more than Ten (10) feet distant from its original location, Unless it is constructed in accordance with Section Z of this ordinance; provided, however, that the Board of Trustees may, by resolution, grant permission~ to move any buildli~g~ not so constructed to another location ~lthin the fire limits described in Sections I and £ of this Ordinance on condition that the same may remain within the fire limits for such period of time as said Board may prescribe in the resolution granting such permission, but not exceeding six months from the date of such permission. If any such building is not removed from said fire li~its by the expiration of such period of time, said Board of Trustees may cause such building to be removed or torn down at the expense of the owner. No building shall be moved from the outside district within said fire li~its unless it is constructed in accordance with the provisions of Secti. on ~ of this ordinance. ROOFS AND SKYLIGHTS. Section 9. (a)~ The roofs of all buildings included v~lU the said fire limits sh~ll be covered either with tin, slate, tiles, terra cotta, tar and gravel or prepared roofing, except those now otherwise covered; the latter shall be covered with one of said ~terials whenever the Fire ~arshal shall deem them to be in need of repairs° (b) Skyllohts shall be of metal frames with wired glass, or metal fra~nes and heavy glass having wire screen of not less than four (4) inches of No. 12 wire and one (1) inch mesh. (c) No shingle or other wooden .roof, if damaged to One-fourth (1/4) of its extent, shall be repaired with other than the kind of. roofing provided for in this Section. CHI],~EyS. Section ~0. All chi~meys and flues hereafter constructed in any part of the City~ of South San Francisco, except patent chi~uneys, shall be of brictc or stone; their enclosing walls shall be not less than four inches thick, and shall, if less than eight inches thick, be lined on the inside with Well burnt clay or terra cotta pipe of not less than one inch thick' Said lining shall start from the bottom of a flue or the thr°at, of a fireplace, b~ continuous to the top of the flue and shal-1 be built in and bricked around as carried up. Flues ~/here lining is not required by this ordinance shall have the joints struck smooth on the inside. ~here such chi~uuey is built in a wooden building and extended into the lower story of such building, then s~ch chi~,~ey shall start f~-om the groun~d and shall be erected on a permanent foundation of its own separate from the buildiag. Such chimneys shall not be increased in size in the upper story ~,~d shall extend at least three feet above the roof or as much higher as :~ll be necessary to insure the safety of surrounding buildings. No sills, plates, floor joists, rafters or the headers thereof shall rest in or on sai~ chimney, but there shall 0e perfect freedom between all frame ~z~ork and said chimney. PA TEN T CH I~EYo. Section ll. ~ll "patent chimneys" shall be built upon the floor on which they are used, and in no case shall a stove pipe enter a patent chim- ney less than six inches from the bottom of such chi..~uey. If a patent chimney be erected on the outside of a building it shall rest on a substantial iron bracket, in ~,~hich case the bracket must be of metal and fastened to the studding with 0olts and nuts; scre~or lug screws shall not be allocated for this ~hen a patent chimney is erected on the inside of a building it shall -~-- rest on an iron plate not less than one-fourth inch in thicY~uess~ and shall have not less than two courses of brick on top of said iron plate. It shall have a smoke proof opening nesa- the bottom for cl~eaning it, All patent chi~'~eys shall be braced every four feet of their height. All joints must be cemented, and the b~ds covering the joints sh~l be made of the best No. 2~ iron and filled with cement to make them smoke and ~ark proof. The term "Patent Chi~meys" sh~l be understood to ~ a terra cotta flue at least six inches in di~eter, meas~ed on the inside, with walls at least one inch thick. ~u. ch fl~e shall be entirely s~rro~ded ~ith a continuous metal ooverinz and have an air space between the flue and said metal covering of not less th~ one-half inch. Section i~. k!l fireplaces and chin~ey breasts ~ · are placed,, e~cept as provided for patent chi[~ey fireplaces, whether intended for ordinary fireplaces or not, shall have tri~mner ~rches to support the hearth; said arches shall be of brick, stone, burnt cl~y or concrete at least twe~.~ty inches ,,~ide, measured from the face o2 the chimney breast, and their leng~ shall e not less than the width of the cl~mney breast. ~ood centers shall be removed fa'om un%der tribal, er arches, and no ti~ber shall be placed ~der any fireplace or hearth. Hearths shall be of brick, tile or stone. Section 1~. In the construction of new brai!dings or additions thereto, or in the ~construction of partitions to present bmildincs, in shy part of said City, no person shall cover or finish, in whole or in p~t, the wall or walls, ceiling or ceilings, of any rooms or building, with cloth a~d paper, or %~;ith paper; provided, however, that -8- . · ! plastered walls and ceilings may be papered. UNLAWFUL STRUCg!URES TO BE R~!OVED. Section ~i. Any structure hereafter erected, not in conformity with this ordinance shall be deemed a nuisance and shall be removed. RUBBISH. Section l~. It shall be unlawful for ~any person,, firm or cor- poration, his, her or their agent, servant, representative or employee to permit paper~ rags, waste or combustible rubbish of any character to ~umulate in any quantity in any building, y~d, alley or other place so as to increase the danger of fire. The acc~mulatimn of such r~bbish is hereby declared to be a nuisance and it shall be the duty of the Fire ~i~arshsl to see that s~ch n~isances are abated i~umediately after discovery, ~sing summary measures if necesmary te· effect immediate abatement. FIRE ~LARSHAL ~D HIS DUTIES. Section l~. The Chief of the Fire Department shall be ex-officio Fire marshal, and shall also be mone of the police officers of th~ CitY; he is hereby authorized and empowered: 1.. To enforce all ordinances relating to the construction, manage- ment and condition of mercantile and other property within the city; 2. To enforce the provisions of this ordinance with reference to the construction and repair of buildings and of the construction of ~ddi tions .thereto; 3. To take sum~ry action in carrying out of ordinances pertain- ing to the removal of r~bbish in streets, alleys and y~rds. The Fire ~Rrshal shall report to the Board of Trustees monthly regarding the condition of the city as to all matters referring to fire prevention. GASOLINE ETC. Section l~. It sh~ll be ~nlawful for any person, firm, company or corporation to keep or store or to permit the keeping or storing of, within any b~ilding or ~pon any premises, street or place in said city, any gasoline, benzine, naptha, crude petrolemm, or p~.~od~cts of petrol- emro, or hydro-carbon liquid, Which will flash or emit an inflamable vapor at a ~emperat~re belov~ one hundred and ten (ll0) degrees Fahren- heit, in q~antities of more ~than five (~1 gallen~, without the written permission of the Fire ~rshal. No more than five (~) gallons of any of the articles hereinbefore mentioned shall in any case. be kept in any one place, except as in this ordinance hereinafter provided, and any ~antity in excess of five (5~ gallons m~st be stored o~tside the walls of an~ b~ilding at a spot designated by the Fire ~arshal or the Board of Trustees. PER~'LITS TO ~;EEP GAS0~,INE, ETC. Section 15. All applicants for permission to mtore, keep on. hand or ~se more than five (5) gallons of any of the hydro-carbon mentioned in this ordinance shall ca~se to be posted conspic~m~ly on his, her or their premises a notice to the effect that application ~lll be ma~e for s~ch permit. Said no~ice shall be posted at least ten (10) days .before the filing of the application and be kept posted mutil said application is finally granted or denied. If the q~antity desired to be stored, kept or ~sed is more than one h~ndred and ten (ll01 gallons, the application m~st be made to the Board of Trustees, which, before any action ~'taken thereon, shall refer the same to the Fir~ ~arshal for inv~t~gation. The Fire ~arshal~ shall recommend the conditions advisable to be embodied in the reso- l~tiOn:granting s,~ch privilegee to the petitioners. I~CATION OF L~U~DRIES, B~tkUERIES, I~'~0TION PICTURE THEATRES, ETC. Sectioning. No ~lamudry, bakery, motion picture theatre, p~blic garage, jun~store, or lime warehot~se may hereafter be located within said fire limits described in Sections I and 2 of this ordinance, except in some place designated in a permit o'btained from said Board of Trust- ecs therefor. ~EXCEPTION. f Section 20. The provisions of Sections 3, 4, 8, 6, 7 and 8 of this ordinance shall not apply to temporary one-story frame buildings for the use of builders or to any building or buildings within the portions of the area described in Section I of this ordinance which are not included within the area described in Section 2, which may be used exclusively for private residences or dwelling purposes, or which may be erected hereafter, within the areasLhareby e×cePted, for such purposes and used exclusively for such purposes; but the provis- ions of this Section shall not apply to flats or apartment houses. PENAL CLAUSE. Section ~. Every person, firm or .corporation or his, her or their agent, servant, representative or employee, violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by,a fine of not less than Ten (10) dollars nor more than three hundred (300) dollars, or by imprisonment for a period not exceeding two (2) months, or by both such fine and impriBonment. Every day's continuance of a violation of any, of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed a seps~rate and distinct offence, and shall be punishable accordingly. Section 2~. Ordinance No. 70 of the City of South San Francisco entitled "An ordinance establishing fire limits, regulating the con- struction, alteration and repair of buildings, the location of laurie. ties, bs~keries, motion picture theatres, garages, junk shops and lime w~rehouses, the disposal of rubbish and the storage of gasoline and other products of pe~rolemm in the City of South San Francisco, and prescribing the penalty for the violation of said ordinance," passed ~nd adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco on the Vth day of July, 1913, is hereby repealed. Section ~. This ordinance shall be published once in "The Enterprise", a weekly newspaper ~rinted and published in the City of South San Francisco and shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after the date of its passage° · . ! Passed and adopted as an ordinance of the City of So~th San Fran- cisco at a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of 19£1, by the following vote: Absent, Trustees Appr ove~ ~~ms tee s of the City of South San Francisco. Attest: -12-