HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 113-1921 ~ 0RDIN~CE OF~ .T~ ~D OF ~USTEES OF T~ CITY 0F SOUTH S~ ~'
~ OF TRUST,S ON T~ 16th DAY 0F ~I~, 1917.
The Board o~ Trustees of the City of So~th San Fr~cisce do
ordain as fellows:
Section 1. Every person, firm er corporation within the City
Somth S~ 'Francisco, before engaging in the basiness of ~intaining,
eondacting, ~aging or owning ~y billiard p~lor er pool room within
said city, mast obtain a license se Ce do as in this ordinate pro-
Section E. Every applicant for a billiard parlor er pool room
license mast appear personally before ~d present
Trustees ef said City a petition signed by smch applicant, which
petition m~st state in sabstance that s~eh applie~t is desiroas cf
obtaining a license from 'said City a~thorizing said applicant to en-
gage in the b~siness ef maintaining, condaeting, m~aging, or owning
a billiard parlor or peel room within said City. Smch Detitlon m~st
partic~l~ly describe the location or place in which said b~siness is
to be conducted.
Section ~. .If the Board of Trustees shall be satisfied that the
applicant is a~fit ~d proper person te be entrusted with s~ch bmsiness
and the place described in said application is a proper ~d suitable
place, the Board of Trastees may ~ant smch petition ~d a~thorize the
City Clerk to issue a license to s~ch applicant to engage in the b~si-
ness of maintaining, conducting, ~naging or owning a billi~d p~lor
or pool room, at the place ~eeified in his petition. No license
shall be issued without the permit ef the ~d of Trastees nor ~til
the license tax is paid and s~ch place .conforms to all the
requirements of this 'ordinance. Said Board of Trustees shall have
absolute power to deny such application for any reason which it may
deem su~ficient.
Section 4. A permit under this ordinance shall be good only
for the person, firm or corporation named therein, and for the par-
tic~lar place and business specified in such permit; and such per-
mit shall be granted semi-annmally. Any permit granted between the
1st day of January and the ~0th day of Ju~e of any year shall expire
on the ~0th day of June next £ollowing the date of its grant; any
permit granted between the 1st day of July and the ~lst day of December
of any year shall expire on the ~lst day of December next following the
date of its grant; it being the intention that all permits granted
under the terms of this ordinance shall terminate semi-annually with
the close of the months of June and December. Any holder of such a
permit, in seeking a permit for the ensuing half year mmst file a~
application therefor, as hereinbefore provided, at least Ten (10)
days before the date at which the same is to be heard and considered
by the Board of Trustees. Any one objecting to the granting of s~ch
permit may appear at the hearing of s~ch application and protest as
herein provided.
Section 8. The license tax to be paid by the owners or managers
of billiard parlors or pool rooms shall be Three Dollars ($~.00) per
half year for each table. Said license shall be for 0ne-half (1/£)
year, and no additional tables shall be installed during the half
year for which the license is issued without paying for such additional
table or tables, the license tax herein provided for tables for One-
half (l/S) year.
Section 8. The Soard of Trustees, for what in their judgment
shall be good ca~se, may, upon personal notice to the licensee of
at least Three (Z) days,revoke any permit or license granted u~uder
this ordinance, and from the time of s~ch revocation all the rights
and privileges of the 'licensee theremuder shall cease and determine.
All such permits and licenses, though granted for the term of 0ne-half
(1/2) year, are held at the pleasure of said Board of Trustees.
Section ?. No permit or license to conduct, manage or operate
a billiard parlor or pool room shall be granted ~nder this ordinance
to any person, persons, or firm, unless such person, persons or all
members of such firm are citizens of the'United States, and no such
permit or license shall be granted to any corporation ~nless all
stockholders therein are citizens of the United States. No such per-
mit or license shall be valid for the use of any such corporation
muless all stockholders therein shall continue to be citizens of the
United States during the existence of such permit or license.
Section 8. No license issued ~nder the provisions of this ordin-
ance shall be assignable or Sransferrable or authorize any person,
persons, firm or corporation, other than therein named, to do business
or authorize business to be done, at any other place or building than
the place or building particularly specified therein. Every license
issued m~der the provisions of this ordinance shall specify by name,
the person, persons, firm or corporation, to whom it is issued, and
the particular place and b~ilding in which the business for which it
is issued is to be carried on, and also the date of its issuance,
the term for which it is issued, and a description of the business
to be carried on thereunder. Said license shall also contain as part
thereof the following stipulation, to-wit: "This license is hereby
received and accepted subject to all the terms and conditions of
ordinance No. //~' of the City of South San Francisco, ~nder
which it is issued." Said stipulation must be signed by the person,
persons, firm or corporation named in such license before any business
is authorized to be done under said license. Said license shall at
all times be kept conspicuously posted up in the place of business
specified therein, and shall not be valid unless so kept posted
Section 9. No person, persons, firm or corporation owning or
conducting a billiard parlor or pool room within the City of South
San Francisco and no person as manager in charge of such billiard Dar-
lot or pool room shall permit or allow any minor under the age of
Twenty-one (£1) years to enter or be in such billiard parlor or pool
room for any reason whatever. Notice to this effect must at all times
be conspicuously posted in such billiard parlor or pool room and upon
the door of the street entrance thereof.
Section lC. In any billiard parlor or pool room operated under
this ordinance there shall b~ no side rooms, back rooms, stalls or
compartments opening into, communicating with or forming a part of
such billiard parlor or pool room or conducted or operated or managed
in conjunction with the same. There shall be no means of access from
such billiard parlor or pool room to any basement or upper story of
any building where s~ch billiard parlor or pool room may be conducted,
operated or managed. A room su.f~icient in size only for toilet and
lavatory p~rposes, having entrance only from s~ch billiard parlor or
pool room, and ~sed exclusively £or s~ch purposes, may adjoin, and be
connected with such billiard parlor or pool room. No building, or
room therein, situated upon the immediate premises of any s~ch billiard
parlor or pool room, b~t not physically connected therewith, shall be
used,occupied, operated or managed by any licensee under this ordinance
for any purpose connected with the business o5 owning, operating, con-
ducting or managing any such billiard parlor or pool room or in any
manner forming any part of such business. At all times during the
continuance or operation of such billiard parlor or pool room, the
walls thereof adjacent to or fronting upon any public street shall con-
tain transparent glass windows. Such transparent glass shall extend
from the side walls of such pool room to the door and shall commence
at a height not more than Four (&) feet above the official grade of the
sidewalk in front of such room measured from such grade on the median
line of the front wall, and shall extend upward at least Four (&) feet.
Of the total area of the door or doors forming the entrance to any
such room, One-third (l/J) thereof shall be transparent glass commenc-
ing at the height herein prescribed for windows. At no time during
the continuance of the operation or conduct of any such billiard par-
lor or pool room, shall vision through any portion of any such windows
or glass in any such door be obstructed or obscured by any shade,
screen, paper, poster, decoration, paint or other coloring material, or
by ~ny display of merchandise, or by any other thing whatsoever. In
any such billiard parlor or pool room no partition, wing, furniture,
fixtures, equipment, devic, e, appliance, decoration, merchandise, or
any other object shall be so place~ or arranged in any manner to pre-
vent complete vision as to every part of such room from the street
on which the same fronts.
Section ll. It shall be um~lawful for any person, persons, firm or
corporation cond=cting or operating any billiard parlor or pool room in
the City of South San Francisco to permit the same to remain open be-
tween the hour of ll:JO o'clock p.m. of any day and the hour of
o'clock a.m. of the day next following.
Section 1£. No person or persons shall be allowed or permitted to
be or remain in such billiard parlor or pool room between the hou~ of
ll:~O o'clock p.m. and the hour of 8:JO o'clock a.m. of the day follow-
ing, and at said hour of ll:~O o'clock p.m. all lights in said room
shall be extinguished, excepting one light only, arranged in such posi-
tion as to illuminate the rear portiQn~ of such pool room and permit
the same to be inspected from the street.
Section 1J. The person, persons, firm or corporation to whom a
permit and~ license shall be granted ~nder the terms of this ordinance
shall at all times actaally operate, manage and control the billiard
parlor or pool room for which sach permit and license shall be granted.
Section lQ. The expression "billiard parlor" or the expression
"Pool room", wherever ased £n this ordinance, shall be taken to mean
any place where any billiard table or pool table is operated for hire.
Section lB. Any person, persons, firm or corporation who shall
violate any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed gailty
of a misdemeanor and ~pon conviction thereof shall be p~nished by a
fine not exceeding Three H~ndred Dollars ($JO0.O0), or by imprisonment
for a period not exceeding Three (J) months, o~ by both sach fine and
Section 16. Words ~sed in this ordinance in the present tense
inclmde the f~tmre tense as well as the present; words msed in the
masculine gender include the feminine and neater; the singular includes
the plural and the plural the singular.
Section lT. Ordinance No. 9J of the City of Somth San Francisco
CONDOCTING THE SAME", passed and adopted by the Board of Trustees of
the City of So~th San Francisco on the 16th day of April, 191?, is
hereby repealed.
Section 18. This ordinance shall be pablished once in "The
Enterprise", a weekly newspaper printed and pmblished in the City of
South San Francisco and shall take effect and be in force from and after
the expiration of Thirty (JO) .days after the date of its passage.
Introduced this_ / ~~day of ~ , 1921.
]?asse~ am~ a~pted
/- .
15~1, by the fo~lowin~ote:
Absent, Trustees
~ ~reslaent'oz t~e Board Of ~stees
· of the City of South San Francisco.