HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 118-1923 ORDINANCE NO. CO~o~
The Board of Trustees of the '~
~ity of South San Francisco ~..o
ordain as follows:
Section 1. There ts hereby created the office of building
Section 2. It shall be the ~uty of the building inspector to
inspect all buildings during the course ~f const~ctton thereof and
ell alterations ~f' additions to and repairs upon ell buildings dur-
ing the time such slterstions, ~addttions or ~psfrs are betn~ made.
~e building inspector shall see that ell laws of the State of
ornia and ~rdinsnces of the City of South Sen Francisco pertsintn~
the const~ctton, alteration of, or aSdttion to and repair of build-
in~s, e~cepting ordinances of sst~ Oity of South Sen Francisco re~-
lsting the installation ~f plumbin~ end electrical wires and fixtures,
are strictly enforceS. For this purpose said butldin~ inspector
have free access at ell reasonable hours t~ all buil~in~s embraced
he rein.
Section 3. No pe~on, firm or corporation shell erect s building
or structure ~f any kind, remodel or enlarge, add to or e~tend any
building or structure already erected w~thin the City ~f South San
~rsncisco without first obtaining s permit therefor. ~ere terri-
tory within the fire limits, ss established by OrSinsnce No. 112 of
said City of South S~n ~rsncisco, passed an8 s~opte~ on the 8th day
of Auger, 1921, is involved, the ~ermit shell be obtained from the
Board of Trustees of the City ~f South Sen ~rsncisco. In ell ot~er
cases the oermit shall be obtstne~ from the butl~tn~ inspector.
Section 4. The spolication of such permit shell state the exact
site to be occupieS, the materiel, dimensions and estimated cost ~f the
proposed building or structu~re. A copy of the plans for such work
shall be filed with the building inspector. Where repairs or altera-
tions or additions are to be made to any existing structures, said
Board of Trustees or building inspector,as the case may be, may per-
~t the applicant to file a statement in writing setting forth what
repairs or alterations or additions are contemplated, and describing
the general character, nature and extent of the same.
Section 5. When the work of construction, reconstruction, alter-
ation or repair, for which permission shall have been given, has been
completed in conformity with law, the building inspector shall issue
his certificate to that effect.
Section 6. The building inspector shall keep a record of all
building permits and certificates issued ~nder this ordinance.
Section 7. The building inspector shall receive for his ser-
~vices a smm of money equal to Two Dollars (SE.00) for each One Thous-
and Dollars ($1000.001, or fraction thereof, of the estimated cost
of the construction, reconstruction, alteration or repair herein pro-
vided for,~ where such cost exceeds One H~udred Dollars ($100.00)
and shall~retain all fees for his own use. All inspection fees must
be paid in a~vance.
Section 8. It shall be ~nlawf~l for any person, firm or corpor-
ation, whether as owner, agent, contractor, build~r, architect, engi-
neer, superintendent, tenant, lessee, lessor, or occupant, or in any
other capacity whatsoever, to erect, construct, reconstruct, alter,
build upon, or add to any building, or cause, permit or suffer any
building to be erected, constructed, altered, built upon or added to
contrkry to the provisions of this ordinance.
Section 9. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of
the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misde-
· . !
meanor, and u~on conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine
not less than ~enty-five Dollars ~$2~.00} and not exceeding ~wo
Hundred Dollars ~200.00), or by imprisonment for a period of not
more than thirty ~0) days. or by both such fine and ~mprisonment.
Section 10. ~his ordinance shall be published onoe in "~he
terprise,,a weekly newspsper printed, published and circulated in the
0ity of South San Prancisco. an~ shall ~a~e effect and be in force
from and after ~he e~ration of thirty ~20) ~ays after the ~ate of
its passage.
Introduced this~~ day~ , 192~,
Passed and adopte~ as an or~na~ ~ t~ City of South San
~rsncisco at a re~lsr meeting of the Board of ~rustees of the City
of 8curb gan ~ranolsco ~hts
by the following v~
P~ of Trustees
of the 0~ty of South San ~ranc~sco.