HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 120-1923 S~ .~CIoCO, CO~Y OF S~N ~0, S~A~ OF C~ZIFORNI~, FOR TP~ P~POSE OF SUBI~iITTING ~D S~ITTING TO THE QU~IFIED ELECTORS 0F T~ CITY 0F SOUTH S~ ~ANCISCO, A ~ICIPAL COR- P0~TION, A PROPOSITION T0 INC~ A B0~ INDEBTEDNESS T~E- OF TO PAY THE COST 0F C~TAIN P~LIC ~ICIP~ I~ROV~NTS, T~ COST OF ~ICH SAID ~NICIP~ I~ROVE~TMNTS WI~ BE TOO GR~T T0 BE PAID 0~ OF T~ ORDIN~Y ~NU~ INCO~ Ah~ RE~i~E OF SAID CITY OF SOUTH S~N F~NCISCO, AI~ ~VILL, IN ADDITION TO TP~ 0T~R ~ENDIT~ES 0F SAID CI~ 0F SOUTH S~ FRA~ICISCO, ~- C~D T~ INC~ ~ REVEi~JE PROVIDED FOR IN ~ 0~ Y~, ~ FIXING I~IOt~AY THE 9th DAY 0F JULY, 1923, ~ THE DATE ~0N WHICH ~ TH~ I~R OF ' SAID ~ECTION S~LL BE H~; ~ H0~DI~.~ SAID ELECTION AND VOTING FOR OR AGAINST INC'~ING SUCH IND~TEDNESS; ~SO DE- C,RING T~ ESTII~TED COST 0F SAID PROPOSED PUBLIC I~ROV~NTS, THE ~0~T OF T~E PRINCIPAL 0F THE II~EBTEDNESS TO BE INCL~R~ TK~0R, AND Ti~ R~TE OF Ii~TEREST T0 BE PAID THE~0N. THE S~D PROPOSITION T0 BE c~m~u AND SO S~I~ITTED TO T~ ~UALIFIED ELECTORS OF S~ID CITY OF SOUTH S~ FRANCISCO, BE- ING ~ INCL~RING OF A BONDED INDEBTEDN~oo ~0F ~BS,000.00 FOR THE ACQUISITION, CONSTRUCTION ~D CO~J~LETION BY THE CITY 0F SO~H SAN F~NCISCO, A,~IUNICIPf~ CORP0~TION, OF A SYST~ OF SE?~ES IN S~ BRUNO R0~ FR0~I Ci~¥~ AVENUE T0 THE NORTH BOUND~Y LINE 0F SAID CI~ AND IN BUTLER RO~, INCLUDING AN OUTFALL SE?~R AND T~ AC~UIoI.ION OF Tn~ ~CESS~Y RIGHTS 0F ~AY FOR SAID 0UTF~L S~JER, AND A SYST~i 0F ~R~ IN TP~T PORTION 0F SAID CITY LYING ~ST 0F C~STi~T ~VE~E. ?Jh~J, eas the City of South S~ Francisco is a municipal corpor- ation inco~orated under the laws of the State of California, and the legislative branch of said City of Soath San Francisco is designated as the Board of Trustees of the City of South S~ Francisco and consists of five members and the P~esident of said Board of Trustees is the chief execative of said manicipality; and Whereas the legislative br~nch of said City of South S~ Fran- cisco, Cowry of S~ ~ateo, State of California, to-wit: the Board of Trustees of the City of South S~ Francisco did, on the 7th day of I~ay, 1923, bY an affirmative vote of more t~ two-thirds of its men, ers to- wit: the five me~ubers of said legislative brach, determine in due and proper form by resolution that public interest and necessity dem~d the acquisition, construction and completion of certain municipal improve- ments in and for said City of South S~u Francisco, to-~Jit: -1- The acquisition, construction and completion of a system of servers in San Bruno Road from Chapman Aven~e to the north boundary line of said city and in Butler Road, including an outfall sewer and the acquisition of the necessary rights of wa~ for said outfall sewer, a~d also a sys- tem oT sewers in that portion of sa~d City of South San Fz~ancisco lying west of Chestnut Avenue; that the cost of said municipal~improvements will be too great to be paid out of the ordinary annual incom.e and reve- nue of s~id City of South San Francisco, and will, in addition to the other expenditures of said City of South San Francisco exceed the in- come and revenue provided for any one year; and Whereas the executive, the President of the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco, County of San ~-ateo, State of Califor- nia, did on the ~th day of ~ay, 1923, d~ly and regularly approve s~ch 'action of said legislative branch; and Whereas the total assessed value of all the real and personal pro- perry within said City of South San F~ancisco is ~ 3,$13,~.85.O0 ; and Wherea-~ the total indebtedness hitherto incarred for public pro~ements of said City of South San F?ancisco is ~lgl,O00.00 and of said last mentioned amount the sum of ~'~ ~ 180,100.00 remains unpaid; and '~hereas the prsssnt indebtedness already incurred for improvements by said City of South San Francisco, together with the. indebtedness here- in proposed to be incurred for said mmuicipal improvements, will not in the aggregate exceed fifteen (15) per cent of the a~sessed value of all the real and personal property of said City of South San Francisco; Now, therefore, the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco do ordain as follows: Section 1. A special election is. hereby called and shall be held in the City of South San Francisco, County of San Eateo, State of Calif- ornia, on ~onday, the 9th day of July, 19E~, for the purpose of sub- mitring to the qualified electors of said City of South San Francisco, the proposition to ine~r a bonded indebtedness of $§$,000.00 in Gold Coin of the United States of America, for the p~rpose of the acquisi- tion, construction and completion by said City of South San Francisco, a municipal corporation, of a system of sewers for said city in San Bruno Road from Chapman Avenue to the north boundary line of said city and in Butler Road, including an outfall sewer and the acquisition of the necessary rights of way for said outfall sewer, and also a system of sewers in that portion of said City of South San Francisco lying west of Chestnut Avenue. And the last mentioned date, to-wit, the 9th day of July, 19£~, is hereby fixed as the date for holding said special election and notice of said election is hereby given and the said proposition to incur said bonded indebtedness by said City of South San Francisco is hereby sub- mitred to the q~alified voters of said City of South San Francisco for their determination at said election. Section 2. The object and p~rpose for which said bonded indebted- ness of $58,000.00 is proposed to be inc~_rred and bonds issued is the acquisition, construction and completion of a system of sewers for said city in San Br~uo Road from Chapman Avenue to the north boundary line of said city and in Butler Road, including an out£all sewer and the ac- quisition of the necessary rights of way for said outfall sewer, and also a system of sewers in that portion o£ said City of South San Fran- cisco lying wsst of Chestnut Avenue. Section Z. The estimated cost of said municipal improvements is $58,000.00 and the amount of the principal of the indebtedness to be inc~.~red therefor is .~8,000.00. Section ~. If at said special election two-thirds of all the voters voting at s~ch special election shall vote in favor of incurring a bonded indebtedness of $58,000.00, as in this ordinance provided, said bonds shall be authorized to be issued and shall be issued to the amount o~ $88,000.00, for the purpose aforesaid, payable in Gold Coin of the United States of ~nerica; Said bonds shall be negotiable in form and shall be of the charac- ter known as serials and shall bear the rate of interest and shall~be paid as hereinafter provided. The bonds authorized to be issued pu~'s~ant to said election shall bear interest from their date until paid at the rate of Five (8} per cent per annu~n payable semi-annually, and the principal and interest of said bonds shall be payable in Gold Coin of the United States of America in the manner following, that is to say: One-tenth (1/10) part of the whole amount of the principal of said indebtedness created under the provisions of this ordinance shall be paid each and every year at the City Treasu~ry of said City of South San Francisco, County of San ~ate0,~ State of California, on a day and date to be hereafter fixed by the ~eg- islatiwe Branch of said municipality, together with the.interest on all sums unpaid at such date; provided that the interest on said bonds shall be paid semi-annually so that there shall be a payment of interest on all sums then anpaid in each and every half-year, one of such semi-an- nual payments in each year being on the day and date of the payment of the annual installment of the principal of such indebtedness as afore- said; and Provided further that said interest shall be evidenced by the pro- per coupons attached to Said bonds, a separate coupon being attached to each bond for each semi-annual payment of the interest to become due on s~e~, bond; and That the total indebtedness authorized to be created at said elec- tion shall be represented by bonds payable in the manner aforesaid, and that said bonds shall be issued in such denominations as the legislative -4- . · ! branch of said City of South San Francisco may determine, except that no bonds shall be of a less denomination than One Hundred Dollars nor of a greater denomination than One Thousand Dollars and that said bonds shall be known as ~uicipal Improvement Bonds, Series 19E~. Section §. It is f~rther ordained that the manner of holding said special election and of voting thereat for and against said proposition' of incurring said indebtedness shall be as provided in this ordinance and that, in all particulars not recited herein, such special election shall be held as provided for by law for holding ~m,~nicipal elections in said City of South San Francisco, and that in all particulars not recit- ed herein and not provided for by law for holding m~nictpal elections, the general election laws of the State of California, so far as the same may be applicable shall apply. That for the p~rpose of said special election said City of South San Francisco has been and now is divided into two election precincts respec- tively to be known as ~South San Francisco E~nicipal Election Precinct No. 1'? and "South San Francisco ~unicipal Election Prec~inct No. E~. South San Francisco ~t~nicipal Election Precinct No. i shall contain all that territory of said city included within the following described boundaries, to-wit: Beginning at a point on the easterly line of the main cou~£y road leading from San Francisco to San Jose, where the southeasterly line of the 90.11 acre tract of land, formerly the land of Tomaso Cresta,inter- sects said road and r~nning thence-northeasterly along the southeasterly line of said Tomaso Cresta 90.11 acre tract to the southwesterly line of the lands of the Crocker estate; r~nning thence southeasterly along the southwesterly line of the lands of the Crocker estate to the northwester- ly corner of the 440.91 acre tract of the lands of the So~th San Francis- co Land and Improvement Company; r~uning thence easterly and northeaster- ly along the northerly boundary line of the said 440.91 acre tract of the South San Francisco Land and Improvement Company to the point where said -5- last mentioned boundary line is intersected by the center line of Maple Avenue, produced.northerly, in the City of South San Francisco; thence southerly on and along the said c'enter line of Maple Avenue, produced southerly, to the intersection thereof with the northerly line of the Fifth Addition to San Bruno Park; thence southwesterly along the north- westerly line of the Fifth Addition to San Bruno Park and the southerly line of the lands of the South San Francisco Land and Improvement pany to the westerly side of the Southern Pacific Railroad; thence northwesterly along the said westerly side of the Southern Pacific Railroad to the northeasterly corner of the lands of the New Califor- nia Jockey Club, known as "Tanforan Park"; thence southwesterly along the northwesterly line of said Tanforan Park to the easterly line of the main county road leading from San Francisco to San Jose; thence northwesterly along the easterly line of said main county road one mile; thence crossing said road to its westerly line and running northwesterly along its west.erly line to a point where the southerly line of the 90.11 acre tract, formerly the land of Tomaso Cresta, if extended southwester- ly across said road, would, intersect the same; thence northeasterly crossing said road to the point of beginhing. South San Francisco Municipal Election Precinct No. 2 shall contain all that territory of said city included within the following described boundaries, to-wit: Beginning at a point on the northerly boundary line of the 440.91 a- cre tract of land of the South San Francisco Land and Improvement Company where the center line of ~gaple Avenue, produced northerly, in the City of So,th San FranciSco intersects the same,and running thence along the northerly bou_udary line of Peck's Subdivision of South San Francisco to the easterly line of San Bruno Road; running thence northeasterly along the easterly line of San Bruno Road to the northw~sterly corner of Lot num~ber 18 of Section 15; Township 3 South, Range 5 West; running thence due east alon~ the northerly line of Lots nu~be~'s 17 and 18 of said Sec- -6- tion 15 and along the northerly line of Lots nUmbers 24,25 and 22 of Sec- tion la, and to the c~nter of Section la, Township $ South, Range 5 West; thence due east to the line separating the counties of Alameda and San ~.~azeo; thence running southerly along said line separating the counties of Alameda and San 5~-ateo to a point due east of the e~tension of the north- erly boundary line of Section 36, Township ~ South, Range 5 ~est; running thence due west to the northee~sterly corner of the ?~'ater Front and the Tide Land Company's 80 acre tract of said Section 56; running thence due west along the north section lines of Sections ~6, SS, 54 and ZZ of said Township Z South, Range 5 %?est, to the easterly line of San Bruno Road; thence northerl.~ along the easterly line of the San Bruno Road Z8 chains more or less, to a po~.nt where the northerly line of the Fifth Addition to San Bruno Park, if extended northeasterly would intersect the said easterly line of the said San Bruno Road; thence southwesterly along the northwesterly line of the Fifth Addition of San Bruno Park,and the south- erly line of the lands of the South San Francisco Land and Improvement Company to the center line of ~,~aple Avenue, produced southerly; thence northerly along said center line of said Eaple'Avenue, produced southerly and northerly as aforesaid, to the point of beginning. That said election shall be conducted by boards of election consis- ting of one (1) Inspector, two (£) Judges and two' (E) Clerks for each pre- cinct whose duties and powers shall be and are the same as those of boards of election and of such election officers, respectively,under the law governing municipal elections of said City of South San Francisc~and in particulars no~ covered by such law, then under the general election laws of the State of California. If any of the members of said Boards of Elec- tion hereinafter named fail to attend at the opening of the polls on the morning of such election, the qualified electors of that precinct present at that hour, including members of the board, may supply the place of any such absent member by appointment, as provided by said general election laws. -7- · · I At said speciai election, the polls shall be open at six o'clock of the morning ~of such election and shall be kept open until seven o'clock in the afternoon of the same day when the said polls shall be closed. In said South San Francisco municipal election precincts the polls shall be held at the places and the election conducted as aforesaid by said Inspectors, Judges and Clerks, respectively, hereinafter named as follows, to-wit: In South San Francisco ~nicipal Election Precinct No. i the polls shall be held in the basement of the City Hall in said City, and the Inspector shall be Anna ~¥. ~oodman; the Judges shall be Paul Svanosi and ~ry Simpson; the Clerks shall be Blanche Ca~'leton and l~ary Di Vita. In South San Francisco ~iunicipal Election'Precinct No-£ the polls shall be held in Pala's Hall at the northeast corner of Lux Avenue and San Bruno Road in said City, and the Inspector shall be R. Tibbetts; the Judges shall be Kate Foley and ~lary ~ercks; the Clerks shall be George Roll and Ba~'ba~a i~cNellis. And said polling places above designated have been found and are hereby? determined to be suitable and proper plaices for holding s~ch spe- cial election, and said several persons above designated as members of the respective Boa~ds of Election have been found and are hereby deter- mined to be qualified for said respective positions on said Boards of Election as required by law arid they shall and will be and are hereby appointed as such officers to conduct such and said election and consti- tute said Boards of Election, and said Boards of Election and said offi- cers shall conduct and are hereby directed to conduct said election as by law and this ordinance provided and to canvass th~ votes given and cast at said special election and to make and deliver returns thereof in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance and of law and the said Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco shall meet and -8- · · I canvass said returns when received and declare the result of said special election in the manner provided for by law. Section 6. A sufficient number of ballots shall be and is hereby directed to be prepared and caused to be printed for said precincts as provided for by law and upon the proper kind of paper, to-wit: The same as used at general elections in the State of California,by the Clerk of the City of South San Francisco and be f~rnished and pro- vided for the use of the voters at said special election at the expense of the City of South San Francisco and ~to have the following matter printed thereon in addition to such other matter as may be required by law, to-wit: "A special election s~bmitting to the qualified voters of the City of South San FranciSco, County of San ~ateo, State of California, the following proposition, to-wit: PROP0 S I T I ON. The proposition to incur a bonded indebtedness of $58,000.00 in Gold Coin of the United States of America for the object and p~rpose of ac- Quiring, constr~cting and completing by the City of So~th San Francisco, a municipal corporation,a system of sewers for said city in San Bruno Road from Chapman Avenue to the north boundary line of said city and in B~tler Road,including an outfall sewer and the acquisition of the necess- ary rights of way for said o~tfall sewer,and also a system of sewers in that portion of said City of So~th San Francisco lying West of Chestnut AV eD, ue. For said proposition to incu~ a bonded in- debtedness of $58,000.00 for the purpose of ac- quiring, constructing and completing a system of sewers for said city in San Bruno Road from Chap- Yes m~n Avenue to the north boundary line of said city and in Butler Road, including an outfall sewer and the acquisition of the necessary rights of way for said o~tfall sewer, and also a system of sewers in No that portion of said City of So~th San Francisco lying west of Chestnut Aven~e. --9-- . · I Any voter who desires to vote in favor of said proposition and to accept such proposition may do so by stamping a cross (X) in the voting · square on the right hand margin of his ballot, after and opposite the word "Yes", and after such ballot shall be so stamped and deposited in the ballot box it shall be counted as provided by law as a vote in favor of s~ch proposition and accepting the same. Any voter who desires to vote against said proposition and to re- ject such proposition may do so by stamping a cross (X) in the voting square on the right hand margin of the ballot and opposite the word "No"; and after such ballot shall be so stamped and deposited in the ballot box, it shall be canvassed and counted as provided by law as a vote a- gainst such proposition and rejecting the same." Section ?. The manner of voting for or against the proposition of incurring said indebtedness shall be as follows, to-wit: Any voter who desires to vote for and in fa~or of said proposition to incur said indebtedness as aforesaid and to accept such proposition may do so ~t said special election as stated in said form of ticket by stamping a cross (X) in the voting square in the right hand ma. rgin of a ballot, received from one of the aforesaid Boards of Election, after and opposite the word "Yes", and after ss~id ballot shall have been so stamp- ed and deposited in the ballot box, it shall be canvassed and counted as required by le~w as a vote in favor of such proposition and accepting the same. And any voter who desires to vote against said proposition to incur said indebtedness as aforesaid, and to reject s~ch proposition, may do so at said special election, as stated in said form of ticket, by stamp- ing a cross (X).in the voting square in the right hand margin of his bal- lot, received from one of the aforesaid Boards of Election, after and opposite the word "No", and after said ballot shall be so stamped an~. de- posited in the ballot box, it shall be canvassed and counted as provided for by law as a vote against such proposition, and rejecting the same. Such marking or stamping of said cross (X) on said ballot shall be done only with the stamp, which, with necessary pads and ink, shall be provided for each booth in said two desisnated Polling places. Section 8. All persons Q,~alified, at the~ time of holding said e- lection, to vote at m~nici~al elections in and for the City of Somth San Francisco,· or entitled .by law governing such special election, shall be q,~alified to vote at s'~ch special election. Section 9' This ordinance shall be published once a week for two (E) weeks in "The Enterprise", a newspaper of general circulation,printed and published and circulated one day a week in said City of South San Francisco. No other notice of such election need be given. Section 10. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict he~e- with az'e hereby repealed. Section ll. This ordinance shall take effect and shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval. Introduced this / ~/~ day of ~~~_~_ ~ , 1923. Passed and adopted as an ordinance of the ~y of South San Francis- co at a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco this ~/~ day of ~ , 1923,by the following vote: ,:~oes, Trustees ~ tees of the City of South San Francisco. ! hereby ai~prove the fore.trig brdinance this~/ ._~y of President of the ~oard o~ ustees of the City of So~th San Fra~cisco. -ll-