HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 121-1923 O~AI~G:B 00° 121o said City of South San Francisco lying west of Chestnut Avenue. And the last mentioned date, to-wit, .~n Ordinance ~nw & ~sc~l Bleotion the 3rd day of December, 1923, ts hereby In tho ~ty of Bo~ B~ ~nciloo, fixed as the date for holding ~id s~ial County of l~ ~teo. S~to of O~- election and notice of ~id election hereby given and the said proposition fo~ for ~. ~ogo of Bub~t~ to in.ur said bonded indebtedness by ~ BabY. nj to ~e ~o~ ~1~0 hid City of South San Francisco to~ of ~o GI~ of ffou~ ~ ~sn- hereby submitted to the qualified voters of said City of South San Francisco for ~gco, · ~p~ ~o~o~ · their determi~tion at said election. ~opod~ ~ ~ & Bond~ h- S~tion 2. The obJ~t and ~r~se dobteanosm ~oor to Fs~ ~o 0o~ for which said bonded indabt~ness of $58,000.00 ts pro~scd to ~ incurr~ of Oe~sln Zub~o ~tp~l hprov~ and ~nds issued is the a~uisltion, con- m~ts, ~o Oo~ o~ ~oh ~d struction and completion of a system Mu~dp~ bp~vmotts Will Bo Too of sewers for aid city in San Bruno Road from Chapman Avenue to tho G~at ~3 Be P~d Out of ~e Or~ r. orth boundary line of said city and in Annul ~oomo and brunt of l~a Butler Road. including an curtail sewer Ol~ of ~u~ ~ F~ImOO, mn~ and the acquisition of the neces~ rights of way for said outfall sewer, ~fl~ ~ ~d~Mon to the ~ez ~x- and also a system of sewers in that por* per.taros ~ B~d ~ of Bouth ~ tion of said ~ty of South ~n · ~o, Bzcoed ~e. ~ome ~ cisco lying west of ~hestnut Avenue. Bov~uo ~o~dod for ~ ~y One Section ~. The estJmat~ cost of said muntei~! improvements is SSS,OO0.00 Year, ~d ~nr Mond&F, ~e 3~ Day and the amount of the principal of the of D~emb~, 19~, ~ ~o Date Up~ lndebt~ness to ~ incurred therefor ~oh B~d ~1~o~ Bh~ Be ~eM~ $~8,000.00. Section 4. If ~t aid 8~cJal election tho Ms~oz of Kol~r ~ ~o~ twa-thirds of ail the voters votJn~ at And ~o~ For or ~m~ ~cu~ such s~ctal election shall vote in f~or 'of incurring a bonded indebtedness of Such ~obte~oss; A~o DOO~ $68,000.00. as in this ordinance pro- ~o Es~mated Oost of B~d ~pomed 'vlded, said bonds shall ~ authoriz~ to ~ub~o Xmpeovomentm, ~o Amo~t of ~ issued and shall ~ issued to the the ~n~p~ or the ~ebte~aelm to amount of $58,000.00, for the purpose aforesaid, ~a~able in Gold Coin of the Be l~cu~ed The~etor, ~nd ~o ~lto United ~tates of America; of ~terest to Be F~ Thoroon. Said bonds shall be negotiable Tho H&ld ~opo~ to Bo Sub- form and shall be of the character known es serials end shall hear the .... ~tea, sad ftc 8ab~tted to ~e rate of interest and shall be p~d as ~fled Eb~n of S~ Oi~ of hereinafter provided. · oa~ ~ ~eaa~lsco, ~e~g ~he ~- The honda authorized to be iasu~ c~g of a Bond~ ~ndebte~s of pursuant to said election shall ~ar in- terest from their date until p~id at the ~58,000.00 for ~o Acq~sition, Oou- rate of Five (5) v~r cent per annum st~ction ~ Oomplo~on b~ ~o Cit~ ~.yoble semi-annu~lly, and the prin- of Bou~ Win ~ctsoo, s ~p~ civil .nd interest of ~aid bonds shall be o~ysble in Gold Coin of the Unit~ Corpors~om of & S~stem o~ Bowe~ ~tste~ of America in the manner fol- ~ S~ B~uno Road From ~spmn lowi..q, that is to say: One-tenth Avenue to ~o ~o~h Bonds~ L~o (1/10) .art of t~e whole amount of th~ principal of said indebtedness created or E~ Olty ~d in ~utlor ~os~, ~- und.~r the provisions of this ordinance clu~r ~ Ou~ Bower ~d the ~o- s~pll be paid eseh and ~very year at the q~Bl~on of tho ~eo~Bs~ ~ of City Treasury of said ~tty of South San ],*rs.cfsco, County of San Mates. State W&y for B~d Ou~ Sower, and & of CpUfornJa, on a day and date to be System of Bowe~ ~ ~hat ~o~on of b~reofter fixed by the Le~slqtive 8~d Oity ~ ~elt 0~ Ohol~t ~-~n. eh of 8aid municipality, together Avonus. with the interest on ali sums unpaid at such date: provided that the Interest on said bonds shall be ~ld semi-annually Whereas the City of South San Fran- so that there shall ~ a payment of clsco is a municipal corporation ancot- teresa on all sums then unpaid in each potated under the laws of the ~tate of and every half-year, one of such semi- California, and the legislative branch of annual payments in each year being on said City of South San Francisco is the day and date of the payment of desi~ated as the Board of Trustees of the annual installment of the principal the City of South San Francisco and of such indebtedness as aforesaid; and consists of five members, and the Pre~- Provided further that said inter~t dent of said Board of Trustees is the~ shall ~ evidenced by the proper ~u- chief executive of said municipality; ~ attached to said bonds, a separato and coupon being attached to each ~nd for each semi-annual payment of the in- %Vhereas the legislative branch of rarest to beams due on such bond; and said City of South San Francisco, That the total indebt~nesa author- County of San Mates, State of Call: tzed to be crated at ~id elet~tion shall fornJa, to-wit: the Board of Trustees ox be repres~ted by bonds payable in the the City of South San Francisco did, on manner afore~id, and that ~id ~nds the 8th day of October, 1923, by an shall be i~ued in such denominations ~ffirmative vote of more than two-thirds as the legislative branch of ~ld City of cf its member~ to-wit: the five m~m* South San ~anel~ may determine, ~rs of said le~slative branch, deter- except that no ~nds shall ~ of a leas ~ mine In due and proper form by resolu- denomln~tfon than One Hun~td Dolla~ lion that public lntertst and necessity nor of a ~eater denomination than Sue demand the acquisitio~ cons~uction ~nd eomple~on of cermln munlel~l 'Tbou~nd ~11~ and that ~ld ~nd8 improvements in and for ~td City of shall be known ~ Muniel~l Improv~ ~outh San ~ancl~, to-wit: meat Bond~ 8ertes 19~. Section 5. It is ~rther ordained that The acquisition, co~truetlon and the manner of holding ~ld s~iai alee* completion of a system of sewers in lion and ~ votlnW thereat for and ~an Bruno Road from Chapman Avenu~ a~lnst ~td proposition of incurring to the north boundary line of said city ~id lndebt~ ~ ~ ~ ~ and ~B~ ~ ~m ~ m~-( -~% ~ ~-~ ~ tm;r~v_ _att ~ ~ ~ ~t ~ ~ ~ ~td~ e~ ~~ and ~nue of said ~tF 'of South San so far as the ~me may ~ applicable Francisco. ~nd will. in addition to the shall apply. other expenditures of said Cit~ cf ~outh That for the purpose cf ~ld Fan Francisco exc~d the income and election ~id Cit~ of South ~an Fran- revenue provided for any one year; and clsco has been and now Is divided into Whereas the executive, the President two election vreetnct8 respectively to ~ of the Board of Trustees of the City of known 8s "South ~an ~ncfsco Munf- ~outh ~an Francisco. County of S~ c~p~l Election Precinct No. 1" and Mnteo, State of Califo~ia, did cn the '*~outh ~an Francisco Munlcl~l Ith day of October, 1923, duly and re~u- 'tion Pr~inct No, 2'. larly approve such action of said leg.s- South San Francisco Municipal lative branch; and tlon,Precinct Ho, I shall ~ntaln ali that Whereas the total assessed value of territory of said city included within all the real and personal property the following described boundaries, to- within said City of South San Fran- wit: casco is $~,902,230,001 and Beginnin~ at a point on the easterly ~'hereas the total indebtedness line of the main county road leadtn~ hitherto incurred for pubic improve- from San Francisco to San Jose, where meats of said City cf South San Fran- the southeasterly line of ihs 90.11 acre cisco Is $191,000.00 and of said last tract of land, formerly the land of To- mentioned amount the sum of $158,- maso ~esta, interacts said road and 100.00 remains unpaid; and running thence northeasterly along the Whereas the present indebtedness al- southeasterly line of said Tomaso ready incurred for improvements by Crests 90.11 acre tract to the south- said City of South San Francisco, to- westerly line of the lands of the Crocker gather with the indebt~ness herein estate; runninK thence southeasterly pro~ to be incurred for said munioi- along the southwesterly line of the pal improvements, will not in the ague- lands of the ~ocker estate to the gate exceed fifteen (15) per cent of the northwesterly aorner of the 440.91 acre assessed value cf all the real and per- tract of the lands of the South San sonal property of said City of South Francisco Land and Improvement Com- Ean Francisco; p~ny; runnin~ thence easterly and Now, therefore, the Board of Trustees northeasterly along the northerly of the City of South San Francisco do boundary line of the said 440.91 acr~ ordain as follows: tract of the ~outh San Francisco Land ~ection 1. A special election Is hereb~ and Improvement Core.ny to the called and shall be held In the City or point where said last mentioned bound- ~ol~th San Francisco, County of San ary line is intersected by the center line Mateo, State of California, on Monday, of Olive Avenue. produced northerly. th~ 3rd day of December, 192~, for the In the City of ~outh San Francisco; purpose of submitting to the qualified thence southerly on and along the said electors of said City of South San center line of Olive Avenue, produced Francisco, the proposition to incur southerly, to the intersection thereof bonded indebtedness of $5S,000.00 l~ with the center line of Armour Avenue: Gold Coin of the United States of thence westerly along the center line of America, for the puroose of the acquisi- Armour Avenue to the intersection tion, construction and completion by thereof with the center line of MnDle ~id City of South San Francisco, a Avenue: thence southerly along the munie~al corporation, of a system of center line of Maple Avenue to the sewers for ~id city in San Bruno Road intersection thereof with the westerly ,.,.,.;:~ ,, from Chapman Avenue to the north side of 'the ~outhern Pacific ~lroad: boundary line of said city and In Butler . thence northwesterly alon~ the ~ld Road, includinK an outfall sewer and westerly side of the Southe~ Pacific the acquisition of the nsces~ry rights ~ilroad to the north~sterly eo~er of 'of ~y for ~ld outfall sewer, ~nd also t~e lands of t~ New California 3~key a system of ~wers in t~t ~tlon of ~ub, known as '~anforan ~k'; th~ce southwesterly along the northwesterly of the City of ~outh San Francisco altd line of said Tanforan Park to the east- be furnished and provided for the erly line of the main county road lead- of the voters at said special election ing from San Francisco to San ,ese; thence northwesterly along the easterly line of said main county road one mile; matter printed thereon in addition to thence crossing said road to its west- such other matter as may be required erly line and running northwesterly by law, to-wit: along its westerly line to a point where "A special election submitting, to the the southerly line of the 90.11 acre qualified voters cf the City ox Soulh tract, formerly the land of Tomaso San Francisco, County of San Malco, Crests, if extended southwesterly across State of California, tho following prop,)- said road, would intersect the same; silica, to-wit: thence northeasterly crossing said road l~roposition, to the point of beginning. . .... The proposition to Incur a bonded ia- South San Francisco Mumctp$1 ,~lec- debtedness of $58,000.00 in' Gold Coin of ties Precinct No. 2 shall contain all that territory of said city included the United States of America for the within the following described bound- object and purpose of acquiring, co,t- aries, to-wit: structil~g and completing by the City of Beginning at a point on the northerly South San Francisco, a municipal cot- boundary line of the 440.91 acre tract poration, a system of sewers for said of land of the South San Francisco city in San Bruno Road from Chapm~tn Land and Improvement Company where Avenue to the north boundary line the center line of Olive Avenue, pro- said city and in Butler Ro~d, includihg duced northerly, in the City of South an outfall sewer and the acquisition of San Francisco intersects the same, and the necessary rights of way for said Punning thence along the northerly curtail sewer, and also a system ,,f boundary line of Peck's Subdivision of sewers in that portion cf said City of ~¢uth San Francisco to the easterly line ~outh San Francisco lying west Chestnut Avenue. of San Bruno Road; running thence northeasterly along the easterly line of--- --" For said proposition to San Bruno Road to the northwesterly incur a bonded indebted; ;corner of Lot number 19 of ~ection 15, ness of $59,000.00 for the Township ~ South, Range 5 West; run- purpose cf acquiring, con- . -- ' sing thence due east along the north- structing and completing Yes erly line cf Lots numbers 17 and 19 of a system of sewers for said ~ection 15 and along the northerly said city in San Bruno line of Lots numbers 24, 29 and 2~ of Road from Chapman Ave- ~ection 14, and to the center of Section sue to the north bound- ' 14, Township ~ South, Range 5 West; cry line of said city and thence due east to the line separating in Butler Road, including the counties of Alameda and San Mateo; an curtail sewer and the thence running southerly along said acquisition of the seers- line separating the counties cf Alameda sary rights of way for and San Mateo to a point due east of - said outfall sewer and 1~o the extension of the northerly boundary also a system cf sewers line of ~ection 16, Township ~ South, in that portion-of said l~ange $ West: running thence due west City of ~outh San Fran- to the northeasterly corner of the Water cisco lying west of Chest° Front and the Tide Land Company's 80 ~.-t acre trpct cf said Section ~6; running. t~ence due west along the north section Any voter who desires to vote in · lin,s of Sections 89. 95, 84 sad .~.~ of favor cf said proposition and to accept said Township 8 ~outh, Range 5 West, such proposition may do so by stamping to the easterly line of [~an Bruno Road; a cross (X)'in the voting square on the t"ence northerly along the easterly line right hand mar~ln of his ballot, after of tl~e San Bruno Road ~8 chains more and opposite the word "Yes", and after or less, to a ~oint where the northerly such ballot shall be so 'stamped and line of the Fifth Addition to San Bruno posited in the ballot box it shall be Park, if extended northeasterly would counted as provided by law as a vote intersect the said easterly line of the in favor of such proposition and said San Bruno Road: thence south- cepting the same. westerly along the northwesterly line Any voter who desires to vote aEainst of the Fifth Addition ef San Bruno said proposition and to reject such Park, and the southerly line of the p~oposition may do so by stamping a lands of the ~outh San Francisco Land cross iX) in the voting square on the and Imnrovement Company to the right hand margin of the ballot and center llne of l~{aple Avenue, produced opposite the word "No"; and after such ~.outherly; thence northerly along said ballot shall be so stamped and deposited center line cf said Maple Avenue to the tn the ballot box, it shall be canvassed t~.tersection thereof with the center line and counted as provided by law as a ' of Armour Avenue; thence easterly vote against such proposition ~nd re- along tbs center line of Armour Ave- Jetting the same." sue to the intersection thereof with the Section 7. The manner of voting for center llne of Olive Avenue; thence or against the proposition of incurring northerly along the center line of Olive said indebtedness shall be as follows, Avenue to the point of beginning. . to-wit: That said election shall be conducteu Any voter who desires to vote for and by boards of election consisting of one in favor of said proposition to incur (1) Inspector. one ¢1) Sudge and two said indebtedness as aforesaid and to tJ) Clerks for each precinct whose accept such proposition may do so at duties end powers shall be and are the said special election as stated in said -: srme as those cf boerds of election and form of ticket by stamping a cross iX) of such election officers, respectively, in the voting square in the right land under the l~w governlne municipal else- mar~in of a ballot, received frem one t!ons of s~id City of South [~an Fran- of the aforesaid Boards of Election, ctseo, end in Pattie.lure not covered by after and opposite the word "Yes". and snch Iow. then under the general elee- after said ballot shall have been eo- t*on Jews of the State of C~lifornla, If stamped and deposited in tho ballot bo=, ~nv of tJ, e members of enid Boards of it shall be canvassed and counted ss re- Election hereinefter named fstl to st- qulred by law as a vote in favor of such tend st tb~ o~enlnz of the polls on th~ preposition and aoesptlng the same. morainal of aueh election, the qualified And any voter who desires to vote electors of thst precinct present at that nKalnet said proposition to Incur said in= ').our. loci-dine m~mber~ of the board, debtednees as aforesaid, and to reject may svnnlv the pi*ce of any such ab- such proposition, may do so at said sp'~.t p, embee b.v apnotntment, as pro- snecial election, as stated in said form vi~ed by ~aid ~ner~! election laws. of ticket, by stamping a cross iX) in fee IW Jew 8f · ve4m a~.met mmda Such marking or stamnine of said _ ducted as aforesaid by said Inspectors, ~udges and Clerks, respectively, herein- cross eX) on said bello~ shall bo dona ~ftcr named as follows, to*wit: In o~.ly with the stsmp, which, with neces* Fouth San Francisco Municinal Election s~ry ~sds and ink. shall be provided for Precinct 1~o. I the poll~ shell he held in esch booth in said two designated poll* the basement of the City I-~#ll in said in~ pl*ces. ~.~ty and the Inspector shall be Anna ~ectlon 8.' All persons ouallfled, st W. Woodman; the Judge shall b~. Paul the time of holding s~id election, to vote Fvenosi; the Clerks sh~ll be Blanche ;* municipal elections in and for the Cerleton snd Mary Di Vita. City of South t~an Frencisco. or entitled In South San l~ranclsco ..Munielp-! bv ~,w govern, tag such sl~eclal election. Election Precinct '1~'o. 2 the polls shall shall be qualified to vote at such special be held in Psla's I-lull at the northeast election. oornor of I,-x Avenue and San Bruno ,=ection 9. This ordinance shall be ~opd in spca City, end th~ Inspector nublieb~d o~.ce a week for '.wp ('*) ~ell be R. Tlbbetts: the .lodge s~,all be weeks in "The Enterprise", a newspal~r }rate Foley: the Clerks shall be George of general circulation, printed and pub- Roll end Mary Mercks. lisa, ed ~nd circulsted one day a week in And said polling places above deslg- sstd City of ~outh .~an Fr, ncisco. I~'o nated have been found and are hereby oth~r notice of such election need be determined to be suitable and proper places for holding such special election, ~etton 10. All ordinances or n*rts of and said several persona above deslg- o~dt,~snce~ in ccnflict herewith ara ~ nated as members of the respective he~ebv repealed. · - · Boards of Election have been found and ~eetion 11. This ordinance shall take are hereby determined to bo qualified effect and shall be in full force and for said r~nsetive positions on ~aid effect f~om and after its passage and Boards of Election as required by law ap,~rovel. sad they shall and will be and are Introduced this 29th day of October, hereby appointed as such officers to eon- 197.~. duct such and said election and eonsti- Pessed and adopted, as sn ordinance tute said Boards of Election, and said ~f the C~ty of South l~an Francisco at Boards. of Election and said officers . reeular meet~ns: of the ~oard cf shall conduct and are hereby directed T-uste~s of the City of f=nuth San Frsn- to condnct said election as by law and circe this 5th day of l~ovember, 1923, this ordinance provided and to canvass by the following vote: 'i t~e votes ~riven and cast at said special .aves, Trustees W'. A. Cunnin~hsm, A. election and to make and deliver returns ,r. W, seholbsch, 3'. W. Pitt, H. Scampini, ' thereof in accordance with the pro* G.W. I~olston. visions of this ordinance and of law l~oes. Trustees none. ~nd the said Board of Trustees of the Absent, Trustees none. City of South San Francisco shall meet . G.W. HOLSTON, and c~.nvass said returns when received President of the Board of Trustees of 3nd declare the result of said once, al the City of SoUth San Francisco. i election in the manner provided for by Atte*t: law. [Seal] DANIE?~ MeSWEENEY, ~ Section 6. A sufficient number cf hal- Clerk of the City of £outh San Fran- lots shall be and 18 hereby directed to elope. be prenared and caused to be printed ! hereby approve the foregoing ordio for said precincts as provided for by - ounce this 5th day of November, 192~. law end upon the proper kind of paper, O.W. HOLSTON, to-wi t: The same as u~sfl at ~enerai elections President of the Board of Trustees of in the 8taro of Califmmla, by tho Clerk tho Cit~ of 8euth Son Francisco,