HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 122-1924 C~r~L ~C0~$ ORDINANCE NO. 122 " ...... /..~.~ ....... ~ 0RDIN~CE DI~CTING ~D PROVIDING ~R T~ INC~RING OF BONDED INDEBTEDNESS 0F TNE CITY OF SOUTH S~ ~CISC0, A ~ICIPA~ ~O~TION IN THE ~TY 0~ S~ ~T~, STATE OF CAL~0~I~ IN THE S~ 0F ~I~TY-EIG~ TNOUS~ND ~~S ($$8,000.00), ~ ~IN O~ THE ~ITED STATES 0~ ~ERICA, T0 PAY THE ~ST O~ CERTAIN ~NICIPA~ I~R0~TS IN ~D ~R S~ID CITY OF SOUTH S~ ~NCISC0, AUTHORIZED AT A SPECIA~ ~ E~CTION ~ IN SAID CITY ON THE Srd DAY 0~ DEC.BEE, 19E$, ~"~~D P~VIDING FOR T~ ISS~CE 0F BONDS EVIDENCING SUCH IN- ~.DEBTEDNESS, SPECIFYING T~ FO~ 0~ SAID BONDS, PROVIDING ~0R '~uA T~ ~ FOR THE PAINT THE~0~, ~D CREATING A ~NICIPAL '~!~i~ ~ENT ~ND F ~D. Whermas the City of Somth S~ ~r~cisco is a ~lctpal corpora- tion ineorpo~%~d ~der the laws of the S~at~ of California, and legisla~ivs ~ranch of said City of Seu~h San Franeisco is designated as the Board of T~stees of ~ Ci~y of South S~ Fr~eis~, ~d sists of five (5) members, and the Presiden~ of ~aid Board of Trustees is the chief ex~cutiv~ of said m~ieipality; Whersas the legislativ~ branch of said City of South San Francis- co, a m~icipal cor~a~ion ~thin the Gouty of S~ ~eo, State of California, to-~t. ~e Board of T~stees of said City did, on the 8th ~y of October, 1923, by an affirmative vote of more than two- thirds [~/3) of all its members, to-~t, five (5) members of the said legislative brach, determine in due and propgr fora. by resolution, that the public interest ~d necessity demand the acquisition, con- struction and completion, by said City of South S~ Fr~cisco, of cer- tain m~icipal improvements, to-~t, a system of sewers in San Br~o Road from Chapm~ avenue to the north bowery line of said City Butler Road, including an outfall sewer and the acquisition of the nec- essar2 rights of way for said ~outfall sewer.~d also a system of sew- ers in that portion off said City of S~uth San Fr~cisco lying ~st of Chestnut ~venue; and that the cost off said m~ioipal improvement would -1- be too great to be paid out of the ordinary annual income and revenue of sai~ City~ of South San Francisco, and would, in addition to the other expenditures of said City of South San Francisco, exceed the in- come and revenue provided for in any one year; and Whereas the executive of said municipality, the ]~resident of the Board of Trustees of said City of South San Francisco. County of San Mateo, State of California, did, on the 8th day of October, 192Z, duly and regularly approve such action of said legislative branch and the resolution hereinbefore mentioned; and Whereas the cost o~ the acquisition, construction and completion of said systems of sewers was determined to be $55,000.00; and Whereas the indebtedness to be incurred to pay the cost of the ac- quisition, construction and completion of said systems of sewers will be too great to be paid out of the ordinary annual income and revenue of said City of South San Francisco, and will, in addition to the other expenditures of said City of South San Francisco, exceed the income and revenue provi~e~ i'or in any one year~ and Whereas the total assesse~ valuation of all the real and personal property within said City of South San Francisco is the sum Of $~, 902,250.00; and Whereas the total indebtedness hitherto incurred for public im- provements by said City of South San Francisco is $191, 000 . 00 ~ and of said last ,mentioned amount the sum of $158.000.00 remains unpaid; and '~¥hereas the entire indebtedness herein proposed to be incurred for all sai~ municipal improvements hereinbefore mentioned shall not in the aggregate exceed fifteen per cent ~15%) of the assessed value of all the real and personal property in said City of South San Francisco; and ~hereas on the 5th day of November, 192Z, the said legislative branch of said City of South San Francisco did duly and regularly pass and ad, pt by a vote of more than two-thirds (2/3) of all the mem- bers thereof, to-wit, the five (~) members of said legislatiVe branch, an ordinance numbered 121 calling a special election in said City of South San Francisco for the purpose of submitting and submitting to the qualified voters of the City of South San Francisco, said municipal cor- poration, the following proposition for incurring a bonded indebtedness by s~id City of South San Francisco, to-wit: PROPOSITION The proposition to incur a bonded indebtedness of $58,000.00 in Gold Coin of the United States of America for the object and purpose of acquiring, constructing and completing by the City of South San ?rancis- co, a municipal corporation, a system of sewers for said city in San Bruno Road from Chapman ~venue to the north boundary line of said city and in Butler Road, including an outfall sewer and the acquisition of the necessary rights of way for said outfall sewer, and also a system of sewers in that portion o£ said City of South San Francisco lying west of Chestnut ~venue; and ~here~s said ordinance numbered 121 was duly and regularly intro- duced at an adjourned regular meeting of ~aid Board of Trustees on the 29th day of October, 192Z, and is hereby expressly referred to; and ~hereas said ordinance numbered 121 was thereafter, to-wit, on the 5th day of NOvember, 19£3, at a regular meeting of s~id Board of Trustees, duly passed and ~dopted by an affirmative vote of more than two-thirds I2/3) of all the members thereof, to-wit, the five (~) members of said Board of Trustees of said City of South San Francisco; and '~nereas said ordinance numbered 121 was thereafter on said 8th day of ~Jovember, 192Z, signed and approved by the executive of s~id City of South San Francisco,to-wit, the President of said Board of Trustees of said City of South San Francisco, and said ordinance was thereafter duly published in all respects as required by law and by the terms of said ordinance; and ~hereas, on Monday, the 3rd day of December, 1923, said special election, as called and specified in said ordinance numbered 121, was duly and regularly held and conducted in all respects as required by law and by said ordinance; and ~hereas at said special election, the said proposition for incur- ring ~ bonded indebtedness and the issuing of bonds for said proposi- tion as specified.by said ordinance numbered 121, and hereinbefore men- tioned, was duly and regularly submitted to the qualified voters of said City of South San ~rancisco in all respects as required by law and the provisions of said ordinance calling said special election; and ?~Thereas at said special election more than ~wo-thirds (2/3) of the qualified voters of said City of South San Francisco voting at. said spe- cial election, voted in favor of said proposition submitted to said qual- ified voters and accepted said proposition, and thereby authorized issu- ing of bonds for such indebtedness as provided by said ordinance and by law; and Whereas all the votes cast at said special election were duly and properly cast and counted and the returns thereof duly certified, made. and canvassed; and ~hereas the whole number of votes cast and the whole number of vot- ers voting ~t said special election was two hundred seventy-nine of which whole number one hundred ninety-eight ~198) voters voting and one hundred ninety-eight ~198) votes were cast and given for and ~n fa- vor of and accepting the proposition to incur a bonded indebtedness of $$$,000.00 in Gold Coin of the United States of America, for the object and purpose of acquiring, constructing and completing by the City of -4- · · I South San Francisco, a municipal corporation, a system of sewers in San Bruno Road from Chapman Avenue to the ~orth boundary line of said city and in Butler Road. including an outfall sewer and the acquisition of the necessary rights of way for said outfall sewer, and also a sys- tem of sewers in that portion of said City of South San Francisco lying west of Chestnut. ~venue, and eighty-one t81) voters voting and eighty- one I$1) votes were cas~ and given against said proposition and reject- ing the same;~ and Whereas the proposition hereinbefore mentioned has been duly ac- cepted by the qualified voters of said City of South San Francisco and said City of South San Francisco has been, and now is, authorized and empowered to incur the aforesaid bonde& indebtedness and the whole thereof; and Whereas it is provided in said ordinance numbered 121 that. if at said special election two-thi'r~[s I2/3) of all the voters voting at said special election voted in favor of incurring a bonded indebtedness of ~ifty-eight Thousand Dollars {$58,000.00) for the purpose stated in said proposition, bonds shall be authorized to be issued to the amount of Fifty-eight Thousand Dollars ¢$58,000.00) for the purpose aforesaid; and ¥~hereas it was in said ordinance numbered 121 provided that said bonds shall be paid for as hereinafter provided, to-wit: The bonds authorized to be issued pursuant to said election shall bear interest from the date oft~he~r issuance until paid at the rate of five (5) per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, and the principal and interest of said bonds shall be payable in Gold Coin of the United States of ~merica in the following manner, that is to say: one-tenth I1/1¢.) part of the whole amount of the principal of said indebtedness -6- . . I c~'eated under said proposition set forth in section 6 of said ordinance numbered 121 shall be paid each and every year at the City Treasury of said City of South San Francisco on a day or date to be fixed by the legislative brand, ch of said municipality, together with the interest on all sums ~npaid at such d~te, provided that the interest on such bonds shall be paid semi-annually so that there shall be a payment of interest on all sums then unpaid in each and. ever2 half year. one of such semi- annual payments being at the date of the payment of the annual install- ment of the principal of such indebtedness, as aforesaid~ and Whereas it was further provided in said ordinance numbered 121 that such interest shall be evidenced by the proper coupons attached to said bon&s, a separate coupon being attached to each bond for each semi- annual payment of the interest to become due on such bond: and that the total indebtedness authorized to be created at said election shall be represented by bonds payable in the manner aforesaid, and that said bonds shall be issued in such denominations as the legislatiTe branch of said City of South San Francisco may determine, except that no bond shall be of a less denomination than One Hundred Dollars I$100.00)nor of a greater denomination than One Thousand Dollars [ $1, 000 .00 ) and that said bonds shall be known as Municipal Improvement Bonds Series 1~23. Now, therefore, the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco, a municipal co~-poration in the County of ~an Marco, State of California, do ordain as follows: Section 1. That in accordance with the will of the voters ex- pressed at said special election held on the 3rd d~y of December, 192Z, and in accordance with said ordinance numbered 121, regularly passed and adopted on the 5th day of Eovember, 1923, by said Board of Trustees -6- . · I of the City of South San ~rancisco, Count2 of Sa~ Mateo, State of Calif- ornia, as aforesaid, and in compliance with the laws of the State of California, bonds of said City of South San Francisco in the sum of Fifty-eight Thousand Dollars ~58,000.00) be issued in accordance with the provisions of an act of the Legislature of the State of California, entitled "~n act authorizing the incurring of indebtedness by cities, towns and municipal corporations for municipal improvements, and regu- lating the acquisition, construction and completion thereof," which be- came a law February 25th, 1901, and all acts amend~tory thereof, for the pmrpose of paying the cost of the following public municipal improve- ments, to-wit: For the acquisition, construction and completion of a system of sewers in San Bruno Road from Chapman ~venue to the north boundary line of said city and in Butler Road, including an Su~fall sewer and the ac- quisition of the necessary rights of way for said outfall sewer, and al- so a system of sewers in that portion of said City of South San F~ancis- co lying west of Chestnut ~venue. Section 2. Said bonds shall be negotiable in form and sixty [60) in number; thay shall be numbered consecutively from one tl) to sixty 160), both numbers inclusively. Bonds numbered six [6), twelve [12), eighteen [15), twenty-four ¢24), thirty [30), thirty-six ~6), forty- two (42), forty-eight (48), fifty-four (54) and sixty (60) shall be of the denomination of Eight Hundred Dollars ($800.00) each; the re- maining fifty (50) bonds shall be of the denomination of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) each, and all said bonds shall be payable in Gold Coin of the United States of ~merica, at the office of the City Trea- sury of said City of South San Francisco, County of San Mateo, State of California. -7- Said bonds shall be dated as of the first d~y. of ~larch, 1924, ~nd shall bear interest from their date until paid at the rate of five per cent per annum, payable semi-annually in like Gold Coin at the of- fice of the City Treasu~ of said City of South San Francisco, County of San Mateo, State of California. One-tenth (1/lO) part of the whole ~mount of the principal of the entire indebtedness hereinbefore mentioned in Section 1 hereof shall be paid each and every year at the office of the City Treasury of the City of South San Francisco, County of San ~ateo, State of Cal~fornia, on the first day of ~,~arch of each year, together with the interest on all s~ns unpaid at such date, provided that the interest on said bonds shall be p,~yable semi-annually so that there shall be a payment of interest on all sums then unpaid in each and every one-half ~1/2) year; one of such semi-annual payments in each year being on the first day of ~!arch of each year, and the other of such semi-annual p~2ments in each year be- ing on the first d~y of September, and provided further that said inter- est shall be evidenced b~ proper coupons attached to said bonds and sep- arate coupons being attached to each bond for each semi-annual payment of the interest to become due on such bond; and said bonds shall mature and be due and payable as follows: Bonds numbered one (1), two (2), three (~), four (~4),five and six (61 shall mature and be due and payable on the first day of l~arch, 1926; e Bonds numbered seven I?), eight (8), nine (9), ten ~lO), eleven (ll) and twelve (12) shall mature and be due and p~yable on the f~rst day of ~arch, 1927; -8- Bon~s numbere~ thirteen (lS), fourteen ¢14). fifteen (15), six- teen 116), seventeen (17) an~ eighteen (18) shall mature an~ be ~ue an~ payable on the first ~Lay of March, 1928; Bon~s numbere~ nineteen (19), twenty (20), twenty-one twenty-two (2~), twenty-tl~ee (YJ)anal twenty-four (24) shall mature an~ be ~ue an~ payable on the first &ay of March, 1929; Bon~s numbere~ twenty-five (2§), twenty-six (26). twenty-seven (2?), twenty-eight (28), twenty-nine (29) an~ thirty (SO) shall ma- tare an~ be d~e an~ payable on the first d~y of March, 1950; Bon~s numbere~ thirty-one (gl). thirty-two (52). thirty-three (~), thirty-roar (J4), thirty-five (S~) an~ thirty-six (J6) shall m~ture an~ be ~ue an~ payable on the first ~ay of March, 1951; Bon~s numbere~ thirty-seven (~?), thirty-eight (Sa), thirty-nine 159), forty (40). forty-one (41) an~ forty-two (42) shall mature an~ be ~Lue ~n~ payable on the first my of March, Bon~Ls numbere~ forty-three (4S). forty-four ('44). forty-five (45). forty-six (46), forty-seven (4?) an~ forty-eight (48) shall mature an~ be ~ue an~ payable on the first ~ay of March, 19~5; Bon~s nu~bere~ Forty-nine [49), fifty (50), fifty-one (51), fifty- two (~£), fifty-three (55) an~ fifty-four (54) shall mature an~ be ~ue an~ payable on the first ~ay of March, 1954; Bon~s numbere~ fifty-five 1§5), fifty-six {56), fifty-seven ~57), fifty-eight (58), fifty-nine (59)an~ sixty (60) shall mature an& be ~Lue an~ payable on the first ~L~y of March, 19J5. ~ttaohe~L to sai~L bon~s shall be interest coupons, referring to the number of the bon& to which they are attache~, which coupons shall each represent the semi-annual interest on ~ai~ bon~ to which it is attache~ an& the number of coupons attache~ to each bon& shall be equal to twice the number of years the bond has to run before due. Each of said cou- pons shall represent interest on said bond to which it is attached, for a period of six months immediately preceding the date of maturity of said coupon. The said interest coupons shall be payable at the office of the City Treasury of the City of South San Francisco, County of San Mateo, State of California, Said bonds shall be signed by the 2resi- dent of the Board of Trustees of said City of South San Francisco, who is the chief executive of said legislative branch, and shall be signed by the Treasurer of said City of South San Francisco, and shall also be countersigned by the Clerk of said City of South San Francisco, and the bonds shall have affixed 'thereto the corporate seal of said corporation, to-wit: Said City of South San Francisco. The interest coupons of said bonds shall be numbered consecutively and signed by the Treasurer of said City of South San ~rancisco. and said bonds of said City of South San Francisco shall be sub- stantially in the following form and contain substantially the follow- ing recitals, to-wi t: U~'ITED STATES OF ~W~RICA STATE OF CALIF0i~IA, COUNTY OF S~I MATE0, CITY OF S 0UTH SAN FRANCISCO. MUNICIPAL IMPLY0 VEMENT BOND. Number .... ..... $. ............ KNOW ~LL MEN BY THESE ~RESENTS: That the City of South San Francisco, in the County of San Mateo, in the State of California, is indebted to and promises to pay to the bearer the sum of .. ............. ......... ........ . ............ Dollars (~ .............. ) in Gold Coin of the United States of America of the present standard weight and fineness, on the first day of March, 19..., -10- with interest thereon at the rate of five (51 per cent per annum, paya- ble semi-annually on the first day of September and on the first day of March of each year, until the principal sum shall be paid. upon. the pre- sentation and surrender of the coupons hereto annexed and signed b2 the Treasurer of said City of South San Francisco. Both principal and inter- est of this bond are and shall be payable at the office of the City Trea- surer of the City of South San Francisco, County of San Mateo, State of California, and all taxable real and personal property of said city is hereby irrevocably pledged for the prompt payment of this 'bond and the interest thereon as the same matures. This bond is one of a series of bonds of like date, tenor and ef- fect ~differtng only in the amounts and dates of maturity thereof) is- sued by said City of South San Francisco, for the purpose of paying the costs and expenses of acquiring certain public municipal improvements in and for said City of South San Francisco, by virtue of and in full compliance with an act of the Legislature of the State of California en- titled "~n Act authorizing the incurring of indebtedness by cities,towns and municipal corporations for municipal.improvements and regulating the acquisition, construction or completion thereof", in effect F, ebruary 25, 1901, and all acts amendatory 'thereof, and in strict conformity with the Constitution and Laws of the State of Califo mia. ~nd it is hereby certified, asserted and declared that this bond is issued by the authority of more than two-thirds ¢2/3) vote of all the qualified voters of the City of South San Francisco, voting at a special election for that purpose, duly called and held, and in pursuance of or- dinances of the said City of South San Francisco duly passed, adopted and approved. -11- ~nd it is hereby certified, recited and declared that provision has been duly made, an& will hereafter be made in the manner provided by law, for the levy and collection of taxes annually; sufficient to pay the in- terest upon this bond, and to discharge and redeem thw principal thereof at maturity, and that all other acts, conditions and things necessary to be done and to exist precedent to the making of said improvements, and the levying of said tax, and in the issuance of this bond and others of the same series have been properly done, happened and performed, and do exist in regular and due form, time and[ manner, as required by the Consti- tution and Laws of the State of California and[ the Ordinances of the City of South San Francisco, and[ that the total amount of bonds issued or oth- er ind[ebtedness incurred on aoeount of said[ improvements does not exceed any statutory or constitutional limitation. I1~ ~VITi~ESS ~EREOF, said City of South San Francisco, in the-County of San Marco, State of California, has caused the corporate seal of said City of South San Francisco to be hereunto affixed, and this bond to be si~ned by the executive of said municipality, to-wit: The President of the Board of Trustees of said City of South San Francisco, and by the Treasurer thereof, and to be countersigned by the Clerk thereof, and[ the coupons hereunto annexed to be signed by the Treasurer of said City of South San Francisco, all as of the first day of March, 1924. President of the ~oar~ of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco. {Seal of the City of South San Francisco. ) Treasurer of the City of South San Francisco. Counter signe~ by Clerk of the City of South San Era nci s co. -12- . . ! The interest coupons attached to said bonds and evidencing the in- terest to accrue thereon, shall be in substantially the following form and contain substantially the following recitals, to-wit: COUPO~ NUMBER...... 19........ $ ....... .. The City of South San Francisco, in the County of San Mateo, in the State of California, will pay to the bearer at the office of the Treasury of said City of South San Francisco, the sum of .............. ..... .... · ......................... Dollars ($............) in ~old Coin of the United States of ~merica, being the semi-annual interest upon its munici- pal improvement bond dated March 1, 1924. No ..... ......... Treasurer of the City of South San Francisco. A~nd it is hereby ordered that the exeoative of said City of South San Francisco, to-wit: the President of the Board of Trustees of said City of South San Francisco be, and he is hereby authorized to sign each and every one of said bonds, as aforesaid as President of the Board of Trustees of said City o~ South San Francisco, and the Treasurer of said City of South San Francisco be, and he is hereby authorized to sign each and every one of said bonds as the Treasurer of said City of South San Francisco, and that the City Clerk of said City of South San Francisco be,and he is hereby authorized to countersign each and every one of said bonds as Clerk of said City of South San Francisco, and to affix the cor- porate seal of said City of South San Francisco to each and every one of said bonds; and that said signing and sealing shall constitute and be a sufficient and binding execution of each and every one of said bonds by said City of South San Erancisco, and that the said Treasurer of the City of South San Francisco be, and he is hereby authorized to sign each and · . ! every one of the respective coupons attached to each respective bond as the Treasurer of said City of South San Francisco, and that the said signing of said coupons by said Treasurer shall constitute and be a suf- ficient and binding execution of each and every one of ssi d coupons by said City of South San Francisco. ·md it is hereby further ordered that in case any of such officers, whose signatures or countersignatures appear on the bonds or coupons, shall cease to be such officer before the delivery of such bonds to the purchaser, such signatures or 'countersignatures shall, nevertheless, be valid and sufficient for all purposes the same as if they had remained in office until the delivery of such bonds. Section J. and it is i~rther ordained and ordered that there shall be levied and collected each and every year upon all property subject to taxation by said City of South San ~raucisco a tax sufficient to pay all the interest on said bonded indebtedness, as said interest falls due, and sufficient also to pay one-tenth (1/10) part of the whole amount of said.indebtedness each and every year and sufficient to pay the whole amount of the principal and interest of said indebtedness on or bef,re maturity; and the said Board o£ Trustees hereby makes provision for the levying and collecting of all sums that shall or may be necessary to pay in full all of the interest and principal of said bonded indebtedness as the same shall fall due, and hereby contracts and agrees, represents and promises, that such levy shall be made, as aforesaid, in case the said bonds shall be issued, as aforesaid, and so far as this Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco, acting in and for the City of South San ~rancisco has power now to make the said levy, do hereby make the same. -IA- ~nd the said Board of Trustees do further ordain that there shall be. and it is hereby provided that a sinking fund is to be kept by the Treasurer of said City of South San Francisco an/[ to be designated as the "Sinking Fund for the 2ayment of the Municipal Improvement Bonds, Series 1923." and that the proceeds of the levy above mentioned shall be paid into said sinking fund as soon as the same shall be collected and shall remain in said sinking fund until required for the respective payments of principal and interest to be made upon such bonds; and that when the respective payments of the principal and interest of said bonds shall fall due, the Treasurer of said City of South San Francisco be, and he is hereby authorized, directed and commanded to pay out of the moneys of said sinking fund the said respective amounts thereof, when demand shall be made therefor, as by law required, and upon the surrender of the corresponding bonds and the coupons to the said Oit2 Treasurer of the City of South San Francisco. and it shall be the duty of the Treas- urer of said City of South San Francisco to cancel the same immediately after their payment; And it is further ordained, represented, promised and agreed that none of the moneys paid into said sinking fund shall be used for any other purpose than the paym~t of the principal of said indebtedness and the interest thereon until the whole amount of said indebtedness and the interest shall have been fully paid; and that e~ch and every one of the conditions and provisions stated and provided in relation to the said bonds by said ordinance calling said election and by the laws of the State of California shall be complied with. Section 4. And it is hereby further ordained and ordered that the said bonds be printed or lithographed and the Clerk of this 'Board be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to h~ve said bonds properly -15- printed or lithographed and that when the same are properly printed or lithographed,said bonds shall then be duly signed by the President of the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco, and signed by the Treasurer of the City of South San Francisco, and also countersigned by the Clerk of the city of South San Francisco, as hereinbefore stated, and~ that, in lieu of actual signing of the coupons by the Treasurer of the City of South San Francisco, the name of said Treasurer of the City of South san Francisco be printed or lithographed upon said coupons to be attached to each of said bonds, and that said printing and lithographing shall be taken to be the act and deed of ~he Treasurer of the City of South San Francisco thereto. Section 5. This ordinance shall be published once a week for two [2) weeks in "The Enterprise," a weekly newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated one fl) day a week in the City of South San Francisco. Section 6. Ail ordinances and parts Of ordinances in conflict here- with are hereby repealed. Section 7. This ordinance shall go into effect and be in full force and effect after thirty {~0) days from and after its final passage, adop- tion and approval. '~~d Introduced this / ay 19~4. Passed and adopted as an orddh~ance of the Cit~ of South San Fran- cisco~'Oount~~ of San M~teo, State of California, at a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of South San ~rancisco, this day of ~/~~~. 192A~ by the following vote: Noes, Trustees f~ ~ -18- ~tt · ~ ~Can ~r~noisoo. , ~ ~ I hereby approve the foregoing ord~tnance this ~/~ ~ay of ///~~ , 1924. of the City of South San~l~rancisco. -17-