HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 125-1924 0 R D I 1~ A M C E · 0 '2./~-~-'-
Aa Ordina~oe Regulating Vehieles oa t~ Stree~a~ l~ea~
allo~ or oo~to of ~e Cit~ of South $~ Fr~oioeo.
The Board of Tr~teo~, of ~e City of ~outh fl~ Fr~oi8oo
do ordain ~ follows:
~o~tion 1, Sp~ of Y~h~olea ~o, vehicle s~ll be Operated
or driven over ~y of ~e e. treet, l~ee, alle~ or eo~ta of
of South S~ Fr~elec~, when operating or being driven In the b~lnese
or lnd~tri~ ~lstrl~ts of said Clt2 at a greater r~te of epee~ t~-
fifteen miles an hour. 9r in the residence ~istriet where the residence
or etru~t~es average les~ th~ 100 feet apart for a ~ist~ee of not
lee~ th~ a quarter of a mile at a greater rate of speed th~ t~.ent2 mile
~ hour. or in all other outlying ~ietrle~s where neither of the above
eon~ltionz prevail at a greater rate of speed than thirty five miles
per ho~. ~o vehicle, shall be operated or ~iven across ~y inter-
section, grade erossing or railroad oro~sing, where view is
~ feet on either side~ or whe~ going aro~d A~ves or corners or at
schools when ~rso~ are entering or le~vin~ school gro~s
greater r~te of spee~ than fifte~ mile~ an ho~.
~igns eh~l be plaeed on suitable posts st the ~n Points
of en~anee to $~id p~ticul~r ~istr~ets or places to iafo~ the
traveler in ~ple time when approehing or leaving ~2 particular
district or place.
Section Wel~h~ of ~ehioles. No vehicle shall
on or be operated on ~y o~ the streets, lane~:, alleys or courts.
in the City of S~uth S~' Fr~eisoo, ea~'rying a tonnage includin~
the vehicles in e::ce~e off 2~,000 ponds, when ~uch a vehicle is
equippe~ with four wh~]~, standing or b. eing operated on
Streets, l~nes, alleys or ~ourts of said oity. or ~ving a tot~
weight ineluding the vehicle and lo~d of 34,000 ponds, when sai~
vehicles ie equipped with t~ee ~els, ~d w~n ~e fe~t ~d rear
axels are not le~s th~ ninety six inches ap~rt, or with wight wheels
and with four a~els, when the seocmd and thtr4 axele are not less
ninety clx inches apart~ ~a~ no vehicle which ha~ a total weight
including any losd thereon in ex. ess of 34,000 shall be oy:erate~ or
move~ upon an2 publia street, lane, alley, 9curt or place in
City, unless upon stationary rails or tr~oke,
A~y pea~e o£figer, performing police service within the City
of South San Freaotsoo ma~ re(mire the d~er of any vehicle operate~
or being driven upon any public street, lanes, alleys or court, carry-
ing sxceEs weight an~ in violation of the preceding paragraph, to unloa~
lush portion of :the loa~ thereon as may be negess~r~ to 4egzea~e the
gross weight thereof specified in this ordinance, provided
shall have fir~t determined the gross wei~t by the use of a lop,meter or
by publi9 e~e.les, This p~ragraph shall in no way interfere with the
enforcement of the ]aw for the violation of same, notwithstanding
aorrection cf the load as herein determined,
2cotton ~..Pa~kin~ The Marshall of the Oit2 of ~outh San
F~angtlco shall m~rk 9ut on the street pavement in suitable white linde
the ~.~laces where p~rking may be made an~ may not be made,
in the business an~ industrial ~strtgte of s~d City. ~e p~r¥~n~ el~ll
~, ~t.~ or al~cd on any ~t~eet, lane, ~2"e~. ~eurt or plebe in
shall he made on an2 street, lane, alley, court or place of said City
later than-2 A'M. or earlier than 6 A.M., unless it be an act of'
necessity or moray, an~ in the event said vehicle is so parked in
violation of this section, it is the dut2 of the peace officer seeing
said viol, etlon to have sal~ vehicle towed ~o the nearest g~ra~ at the ex
penes ef %he owner of s~,Id vehicle,
Section 4. This OrdinanCe shall be published in the ,A~terpri~
~or the time required ~2 law and be in £orce ant effeat from and after
Section 5. An2 person viola, ting an2 of the provisions of thi~
~O0,O0 orb7 bo~h Bald ~ne and lm~zJ, eonment.
Intro~uood thie__/~.~.~', da~ o~ ~, 1924, ~d ~ul~ ~
ro~rl~ ps~ood th~8~.~ ~ ~, 19~, b~ tho followin~ voto:
Absent, ~r~teoe t ~
Pree[~Xen~ of the soard of
Trueteeo of the Cit2 of
Att~;st: 3outh ~an Franoleoo,