HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 126-1924 I Or~i~a~oe. No. !P~O C£NTRAL for ~he City of So~h S~.~ ~ra~oisoo, ~o re~a~e ~ ~efine the ~uties of such office amd ~o establish rules amd re~ulatio~s concerning ~he i~etalla- tio~, opera~io~ a~d ~inte~amoe of electrical wirimg a~ ~pp~rat~s, ~o fix penalties for ~he viol~io~ of its provisions and repealing all laws i~ conflict ~here~i~h. The Board of Trustees of the City of South Sa.~ ~a~cisco do ordai~ as follows: Sectiom 1. The office of Electrical ~nspector. i~ a~d for the City of South S~n ~ncisco is hereby created a~d said o~fice shall be filled by appointment by the President of the Board of Trustees, with the consent of the Board of Trustees, withi~ sixty days after the passage of this ordinance, a~d said inspector shall hold office during good behavior, a~d shall ~ot b~ removed except for faille to properly perform his duties as prescribed i~ this 0rdina~ce or a~ ordinance or part of ordinance re- gul~.ti~g electric wires or app~ratus ~ow in force or which ~uay be adopted. S~id Electrical Inspector sh~.ll be a competent electrician well versed in the rules ~.nd reeuirements of the ~tional Electrical Code and have a ~ester Electrician's license. Before assuming authority conferred, by this Ordin~.nce the Electrical Inspector shall take an oath usually administered to other city officials, and shall give a bond to the Cit~ of South San ~.ncisco in the penal sum of One Thousand Doll, s, conditioned upon th~ faithful performance of his duties. Sectio~ ~ Every corporation, co-partnership, association or individual owning or operating a line of wires over streets, ~lleys or buildings in this City~ sh~.ll use only wires that are suitable and strong; shall suit-' ably and safely att~.ch them to strong ~nd sufficient supports and insul~.te them at all points of att~ch~ent; sh~ll remove ~.ll wires abandoned for use; and when wires are other than wires design~ted to o~rry an electric light or power current shall suitably insulate e~ch wire where it enters a build- ing; sh~ll att~;~ch to it ~t suitable ~nd convenient points in the circuit calcul~ted to prevent d~nger fro~ ~ire and near the place of entering the building, an ~ppli~nce calculated to prevent at all ti:n,s ~ current of elec- tricity of such intensity or volume as to be capable of injuring electrical instruments or c~:~usin~ fire From entering the building by ~neans of such wire be~/ond the point a~ which ~uch appliance is attached, Sectio~ ~. No corporation, copartmership, associatio~ or individual shall engage i~ the business of i~stalling electrical wiring a~d appar~.t~ within a~ building in the City of South San ~r~ncieco for use in con- nection with electric light, heat or power without first appearing i~ perso~ or by duly ~.uthorized representative at the office of the City Clerk and securing from him a k~aster Electrici~n's License. Sectio~ A. No ~.ster Mlectrici~.n's License shall be issued e~cept upon payment of a fee of Ten Doll,.rs to the City Clerk, togeth~r with the filing of a bond with good and sufficient s~eties i~ the penal sum of ~ive Hundred Dollars, conditioned, upon full compliance ~ith the ordinances of the C~.ty regul~.ting electric~l wiring e.nd ~pp~r~t~ ~.nd the faithful performamce of all contrzcts entered into for the installation of the electrical wiring ~.nd apparat~ inside any building for use in co~ectio~ with electrics. 1 light, heat or power. Sectiom 5, Said ~.ster Electrician's License shall entitle the holder to emgage in the business of installing electrical wiring and app~rat~ inside buildings for use in co~ection ~ith electrical light, heat or power withi~ the limits of the City of South San ~r~ncisco for the period of one year from date of issue, Sectio~ 6, Any faille o~ the part of a holder of ~ ~.~laster Electrician's License to comply with the provisio~ of a~ ordinance of the City regul- ating electrical wiring and apparatus or to faithfully carry out the com- ditions of ~ co,tr,.ct for installing eledtrical wiring and ~pp~r~tus shall be'deemed sufficient cause for revoking said ~.~aster Electrician's License, together with all rights and privileges thereunder and the forfeiture of the bo~d filed pursu~.nt to the reeuireaents of Sectio~ & of this Ordinance. The City Clerk is hereby authorized to refuse to issue a Master Electriciam's License to a~ previous holder of one which has been re- voked or to a~ corporation, copartnership, associatio~ or individual with which said holder is ~ssociated, Section ?, All wiri~ for electric light or power, hereinafter installed in churches, theaters and other public places used for public 8~theri~ im the City of South San ~rancisco shall be installe~ im suitable prove~ metallic conduits, and all such wires hereinafter idetalled unfinished basements in all buildings other than dwellings designed for the occupancy of mot more ths.n three families shall be likewise place~ in similar conduits. Section 8. It sh~ll be the duty of the Electrical Inspector to force the provisions of this ordinance or any ordinance or ordinances now in £orce or which may hereafter be adopted conoer~ing electrical wiring or apparatus. Sectiod ~. No wire or wires sh~ll be installed, operated or ~aintained over any street, alleys, sidewalk or building in the City which shall be liable to seriously interfere with the work of the ~ire Department i~ the use of laddors or other apparatus, or which shall obstruct or render haz- ardous the use of fire escapes amd om complaint of the Chief of the Pire Dep~.rtment said obstructing interfering or hazardous wires shall be re- moved or properly rearranged. Sectiom 10. Mherever possible a~d expedient signal wires shall not be c~rried om the same pole with or in dangerou~ proximity to high poten- tial electric light or power wires, and whereas Joimt occupamcy of pole lime composed of these two classes of system is necessary, or where the routes traversed by these systems cross each other, the high potential electric light or power wires shall be placed amd maintained dot less than four feet above every signal wire, amd where impossible to provide for such separation it shall be the duty of the Electrical Inspector to arramge a~d enforce and eeuitable and safe alternative plam. Section ll. The said Electrical Inspector shall make a thorough im- spection of all electrical wiring apparatus within the City of South Sam ~rancisco at least once i~ each year, and where wires or apparatus are im dangerous or unsafe condition, or are deep, ed to be am interference with the work of the Fire Department, he shall dotify the person, firm or corporatio~ owning, using or. operating them to place them in a safe, secure and no~-in-terferring condition. Any corporation, co-partnership, association or individual or agent thereof :~'ailing, neglecting or refus- ing within a reasonable time to make the mecessary repairs or changes, and have the necessary work comDleted within a reasonable time after the receipt of said notice, shall be deened guilty of violatiod of this or- dinance, and every day which shall elapse after the expiration of said reasonable time until said wires and a~paratus are reeuired, removed or changed as resulted by said Electrical Inspector, shall be considered a .separa, te offense within the intent and ~ueaning of this ordinance. Sectiom 12. The Electrical Inspector by amd with the Board of Trustees shall have the power to deputize one or more assistants and each one of said assistants shall in every case be known to be competent discharge the duties of Electrical Inspector and the rights and privileges conferred upon the Electrical Inspector are hereby conferred upo~ each assistant to the Electrical Inspector whe~ properly appointed. Sectiom 13. The said Electrical Inspector or competent assistant ap- pointed by him shall have the right during reasonable hours to enter amy building, mar~hole or subway in the discharge of his official duties or for the purpose of making any test of the electrical apparatus or ap- pliance therein contained, and for that purpose he shall be give~ prompt access to all buildings private or public, and to all ~nholes and sub- ways om applics, tion to the compamy or individual owning or in charge or control of the same. Sectiom l~. The words or terms "Electrical Wirimg amd Apparatus" as used im this 0rdida~ce shall be construed to include all material, de- vices, machinery, appliances, appurtedances or comductors used in con- nectiom with the produotiom of electric light, heat or power or the ~ramsmissiom of electrical signals, except where specifically limited to ode or more of them, and then only as specifically limited. Sectiom l~. The Electrical Inspector shall decide all euestions not provided for in this ordinance pertaining to the imstall~.tion, operation or maintenance of electrical wiring and apparatus. Section 16. All electric signs shall be erected under the supervision of the ~lectrical Inspector. Sectio~ l?. No corporation, co-partnership, association or individu~l or agent thereof shall here~£ter conceal or cause to be concealed any electrical wiring or apparatus mentioned in this ordinance e~cept with the express permission of the Electrical ~nspector and he is hereby au- thorized and directed to remove any flooring, lathing or plaster, sheet metal or other material ~hich ~ay conceal ~ny electrical wiring or ap- paratus oontr~.ry to the provisions of this ordinance. On the completion of the inspection of any electrical wiring or ap- paratus designated to be concealed and fo~u~d to be in full compliance with the provisions of this ordinance, it shall be the duty of the Electrical Inspector to post a notice to that effect at the maim cut- out center, and said notice shall be considered as am express permis- sio~ to conceal s~id electrical wiring and apparatus, but no conceal- ment sh~ll take place until such notice has been posted by the Electri- cal Inspector. Section 18. The Chief of the Fire Department or Pire ~,1~rshall or said Electrical Inspector, or a competent person delegated by them or either of them shall have the power to at once cause the removal of all wires, or the turning off of all electrical current where the circuits interfere with the work of the ~ire Department during the progress of a fire. The said Electrical Inspector is hereby authorized and em- powered to cause the turning off of electric current from the conduct- ors or apparatus which are deemed by him'to be iz am unsafe condition or which have not been installed in conformity with the provisions of this ordinance. No corporation, co-part~ership, association or in- dividual or agent thereof shall supply or cause to be supplied any electric current to conductors or apparatus which has bee~ deemed by said Electrical Inspector to be am unsafe condition or which have not bee~ installed in conformity with the provisions of this~ordinanoe and from which the said Electrical Inspector has caused the electric current to be turned off. Section 19. No ~lteration or change shall be made in the electrical wiring or apparatus located within a building for use in connection with the production of electric light, heat or power, nor shall a~y such electrical wiring or ~.pparatus be installed in any building ~ith- out first securing from the Hlectrical Inspector a permit thereof, nor shall amy change be made in any wiring or apparatus after inspection without notifying the said Electrical Inspector. and securing a permit therefor. Section 20. Before issuing a permit for the installation of ar~y wiring or apparatus or the alteratio~ or change in ~ wiring or apparatus as provided in Section 20, an application shall be filed with the Mlectrical Inspector describing such installatio~ or the alteration of changes to be made, including the app~ratus a~d mat- erial used. NO deviation shall be made in the details for wiring or ap- paratus as shown on the application without permission from the Elec- trical Inspector in writing. Section 21. Upon the completion of the install~tion of electrical wires and apparatus in any building for use in connection with elec- tric~.l light, heat or power, it shall be the duty of the corporation, co-partnership, association or individual doing the same to notify said Electrical Inspector or competent assistant deputized by him who shall at once inspect the same, and if approved by him he shall issue s~ certificate of s~tisfactory inspection which shall contain an out- line of the results of such examination, but no certificate shall be issued u~less all apparatus, wires, etc., connected therewith are in strict conformity with the rules and regulations herein set forth; mcr shall current be turned on any wiring or apparatus until a cer- tificate of satisfactory inspection is issued. All electrical con- structiom or ~'~aterial, and all apparatus used in connection with electrical work, and the operation of all electrical apparatus, shall be in co~formity with the rules and regulations set down as the N~.t- ional Electrical 0ode, a copy of which is on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of South San Prancisco. A~ corporation, co-partnership, associs~tiom or individual or agent, whose electrical installation has been carried out under said code and inspected by the Board of ~ire Underwriters shall be exempt from i~spection of the City's Mlectrical Inspector o~ the annual in- spection of the City Electrical Inspector, e~cepting however, that the City reserves the right u~der its police regulation as a public safety to order an inspection if the Bo~rd of Trustees deem it for the best interest of the public. ~here the annual inspection is m~de by said Board of Pire Under- writers a certified copy of same shall be filed each year with the City Clerk of South Sam ~r~ncisco as a condition ~recedent to such exemption. Section 2£. '?here shall be collected by the Electrical Inspector as fees for his services at the time of issuing permit for the use of * ~", ~ electric current, add upon the completion of inspecti0m of motor the following fees: The sum of ~l.00 and for each electrical outlet the sum of 1Sc. For inspection of Lot exceeding two motors the sum of $1.00 per motor. ~,here the inspection is in excess of two motors~ it shall be class- ified as factory inspection, and a flat charge of ~25 shall be made covering all electrical wiring and apparatus and fixt~es and motors of whatsoever size or di~ensions. This applying both to the rough and finish inspection, Additional inspection made necessary by defective maZerial or de- vice or careless workmanship shall be charged at the rate of ',~l per A certificate covering permissio~ to temporarily operate portable electrical equipment on the stage of a theater or other public place shall be charged at the rate of $1 each. A certificate off inspection covering work not specified above shall be charged for at the rate of ~l per ho~ but no inspection shall be made for less than ~ ~;~ 1. Section 23. A~ corporation, co-partnership, association or indiv- idual or agent thereof desiring to place a~ pipe, sheet metal or other material witht~ 6 inches of any electrical wire or wires in- stalled for ~e in connectio~ with electric light, heat or power, shall before proceeding with the emecutio~ of the work, obtain from the Electric Inspector a permit therefor, and on completion of said work the said corporation, co-partnership, association or individual or agent 'thereof shall notify said .Electrical I~pector, who shall in- spect the same and cause all wires to be placed in a safe and sec~e condition. Provided, however, that nothing in this section shall be construed to refer to wires installed i~ approved iron conduit or armored cable. Section 24. No corporation, co-partnership, association or indiv- idual or agent thezeoff shall at any ti~e intezffeze with the Electrical Inspector or his deputy in the performance of his duty hereunder amd each interference shall be deemed a separate offense. ~ection 25. The said Electrical Inspector shall keep ~ full and complete record of all work done, permits issued, e~aminations made, or other official work perfformed as required by this ordinance, and shall a~ually make a full and detailed report thereof to the City Board of Trustees. Said record shall be so arranged as to afford prompt, in- formation concerning the conditio~ and general arrange~aent of any electrical eeuipment at the time of the Electrical Inspector's last visit. Section 26. This ordinance shall not be construed to relieve from or lesse~ the responsibilit~ of any corp'oration, co-partnership, association, individual or agent thereof, installing, operating or controlling ~n2 ,lectrical wiring or apparatus for damages to anyone injured thereby, nor shall the City be held as ass~ning any liability by re,son of the inspection authorized herein or certificate or permit issued to the provisions of this ordinance. Section 2~. A~ corporation, co-partnership~ individual or agent thereof found guilty of violating a~ of the ~rovisions of this or- dinance or neglecting or refusing to comply with any order or notice of the Electrical Inspector made p~su~nt to the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not less than Five Dollars mcr ~ore tha~ Five Hundred ~ollars or not less than five nor more than ninety d~2s in the City Jail or by both said fine ~nd imprisonuent. Sectio~ 28. All ordinances or p~rts or ordinances 'in conflict with this o~dinance are expressly repealed; and this ordinance shall take effect from and after the date of its passage. Introduced this 10th day of ~eptember, 192~, and duly and regularly passed thi~ 20~h day of October, 192~, by the following vote: Ayes, Trust~eS; Blank, Cur~ingham, Eschelb~ch, ~cCaffery and ~c Ne ll is. Noes, Trustees: None. Absent, Trances: None. H. ~. ~!C IH~LLIS, ~ ~ ~/~ ~ President of the ~oard of Trustees of ~ ' ·