HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 127-1925AN ORDINANCE REGULATING TH~, BUSINESS OF AND THE CONSTRUCTION ~ ~.~ SIGNS OR OTHER STRUCT- AND ~AINTE~'IANCE OF BILLBOARDS, URES E?ECTED OR US£D FOR ADVERTISING PURPOSES IN THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FR~..NCISCO. The Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. No person, firm or corporation shall erect or maintain within the limits of the City of South San Francisco any billboard or other board, fence., sign or structure erected for advertising purposes or upon which any advertisement is shown, painted or displayed in any way, except as is herein- after in this ordinance specified. SECTION 2. It shall be unlawful for any pe~!~on,~;~rm or ~-- corporation to erect any billboard or other board described in S~ction i of this ordinance without first obtaining a building permit therefor from the Board o'f Trustees. Before sucb,.~oermit is granted written application shall be made therefor to said Board. Such application shall contain the name of the applica-nt the proposed location of the billboard-- or other board, the nu~:b~r of surface feet of the same and sh~!l be accompanied by specifications for such billboard o~ other board.~The applicant shall a~ the time of the filin~ of the application pay the Board of T~stees for ex- pense of inspection and examination of specificat~ons and issuance of building permit the sum of Two Dollarm and Fifty '~* c~nts ($2.50). The Board of Trustees shall grant the cation, er the application and s~cifica.tion and ~pooifioations fully comply with this ordinance'. 'No'permit shall bm a~si-gn- abl e. SECTION 3. Every .~erson, firm or corporation carrying on the business of bill posting or advertising by billboards or. signs in the City of South San Francisco shall ~av a License tax of ~ cents, per square foot on said billboard or sign per annum, payable in advance. SECTION 4. No billboard or other board, fence sign or structure erected for advertising purposes, or upon which any advertisement is shown, painted or displayed, shall be erect.~d or maintained exceeding in height ten (lo) feat from the lower to the upper edge; provided, however, that an ornar~ntal border not wider than one foot may be added thereto which shall not contain advertising of any nature. ~ECTION 5. Ali billboards or other boards described in Section I of thi~ ordinance .hall be constructed eo as to leave a clsar space of at least eighteen inChes between the lower edge of Said billboard or other board and the surface of the ground. SECTION 6. The surface of all billboard, or other boards described in Section I of t~hie ordinance shall be on lx3 Oregon / pine frames ~th ~ inche carri/ge bolts. Steel or iron of equal strength and durability as wo~d specified may be used. SECTION ~. All billboards or other boards described in Section 1 of thi~ ordinance which are constructed on street lines or within thr~e feet therefrom shall have a smooth surface and no nails, tacks or wire shall be permitted to protrude there- from. SECTI~ 8. The provisions of this ordinance shall not apply to signs, transparencies or other advertising devices constructed and maintained in, on or about any re~larly established stores, or offices in the City of South San FrancisCO by the owners or lessees of such stor~s, offices. ~ECTION 9. The provisions of this ordinance do not apply to signs, not' exceeding six square f~et in size, fam~iliarly kno~ as real estate signs, advertising for sale or rent the property upon which they stand, but all such signs shall be securely fastened to the ground or to the structure which they are attach- -2- 10. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of th~s Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not~ exceeding two hundred and fifty ($250.00) Dollars, or by imprisonment in the City Jail for not exceeding one month, or by both such fine and imprisonment. SECTION 11. This ordinance sh~ll be published in"~he Enterprise" for two successive publications and be in force and effect from and after the date of its pass ~ ~ _ Introduced tho//~- da~~'L-~_~., 19~and duly and regularly passed the ~ ~v o~'~/~~ 19~y the . ~ Absent, Trust~ss: ~~ President*of the Board 0f T~stees of the City of South San Francisco. Attezt: _ ~