HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 130-1925 An Or~iinsnce regulating tr~es and o-,d~.~nin. .._ g them a
nuisance und~r certain cond~ ti,'us. CENTrAl. RECORDs
.......... :...~,,~,,,,~
Th~ Board of Trust~s of the City of 8outh San Francisco do
er:]~ain a.s follows:
S~CTION ....1. Any tree~ on any of the si(~ewalk parking or struts
or ~
~.~!ey~ in the City of ~outh a~n Fre. uci~co, in whol~ or in
part, which by its roots or t~nk lifts the sidewal~s or any
l'~ortlons of the streets Or alleys, or eo enmesh its roots around
or into. the un,:ier[~round '
p~p~o, so ss to interfere with the
proper fu~.ctioning off ~aid
public nuisance and th~ City ~arsh~ll of the City of South
Francisco, together with the Chairm~an of the Str.~et Con~w~ittee of
the Board of Trust~ee off ss3d City are ordered and directed to
abat~ same, as hereinafter specified.
SECTION 2. ~en it appeares that any tree
~n-'Francisco ~s of the charactsr as set forth in.Section l, of
this Ordinance, and is not on privat~ p~op~rty, the City Marshall
together '..'~ith the Chairman of the Street Committee of the Board
of Tnust.~es of said City, sh~ cs. use sa~ to be removed forth-
with so as to r~nove ~j~c~iOn;-and when said~t~ee is of the
character a~ mentioned in 8~ction 1. of this Ordinance and
parti~lly om privat~ property and partially on public parking,
th~ City.~arshall together with ths Chair~'~an of the Strset Com-
m~tte~ of said Board~ shall givs a written notice to the o~r,
agent or lessee of s~:id i':.roEerty wher~ said tree is located to
remov~ the tre.s ~?ithin t~n days fro~ the receipt of said_29tice, .
and if not so re~ov~d within'~hat tim~, the City l~arsh~~
directed to eu~'~;arily abate said nuisance by c~.using sams to be
rsmoved in such a manner as wilt b~ l~ast obje,:tions. 1 to the
n~i?hborhood~ . .But in abating, such nuisance ~.,~..~ such part of
the trs~ as is objectional shall be removed and when a tr~e can
b~ saved by ~"~
. . .... ~o~.ng csrtai~ branches or roots, such abaten~nt
shall go no further than the re~noval of such branches or roots.
S~CTION [. ~ere day, sSs i~ done to sld~:malk caus~.~d by a tr~e
or trs~s of o~sr, lsss~e or agent, the cost off repair shall be
borne by ssi~ o~ner, l~ssee or agent.
S~CTIOi~I ~. ~nv person violating any off the provisions of this
Ordinance Shall upon conviction, thereo~ ~:e fib_ed in a sum not
to ~xce~d $1OO.O0 or by ~,...,.~ ....... t in the City Jail not to
exceed ten day~ or by both' s~id fine and i~prisonm.~nt.
~'c~'~ ~. This Ordinance shall be published in the "Enterprise"
for'the titus as requi~d by law and be in force and effect from
and after the date of its passage.
Pas~ed and adopted s.e
Francisco at a regular m:~ettn~ of the ~rd of T~stees of the
City of Sonth S~n Francisco:/~ day of~. l~, by
the ~ollowing vote: -
Absent, Trust~es:~
Pr esi-d-~E~-~ o~ the-"B-o-,~-~--of Trus ~e s
of the City o~ South San Francisco
Attest: ~