HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 131-1925 OP,.DINAA40E NO. 1~1
HI~AY IN ~D CITY 0F 80~H S~ FR~OIS00 B~ T~ B0~D
8~VISORS ~ T~ 00~TY 0~ $~ ~ATE0, STATE 0F OALIF~NIA,
HI~AY 0R BOUL~D ~. P~T ~ A 00~TY SYST~ 0F R0~S.
The Board ef T~stees of the 0ity of South San Francisco
.~ er8ain as follow:
Section 1. Pe~ission is hereby granted to the ~oar~
Supervisor~ of ~he 0~nty of.~au Mateo, State of 0alifornia. to oon-
struot' a~ maintain' upon that certain highway, the description of
which is hersinafter in this sea, ion set ferth, a highway er Boule-
var~ aa part efa oo~ty system of roads within the incorporate~
limits of sai~ 0ity of South San ~ra~isco~
~e highway h~reinbefore referr~ to consists of the por-
tion of a~ these tracts or ~roels of l~d in the 0ount2.of S~ ~ateo
State of ~lifornia, lyi~ithin the corporate boundaries of sai~ 0it2
of Se~th San Francisco, wh~h~' tracts er p~cels of land are particular-
ly dese~ibe~ as follows, to-wit: ....
' Begi~i~c:at a point on the Westerly line of Linden Ave~e in
the 0i%2 of ~th San Francisco, 0o~ty of San Mateo, State of 0~lif-
o~ia, ~ ~ point the Northeasterly corner of ~look 129 as lai~
~:':~ ~e~i~te~: on that c%rtain map entitled "South ~an Francisco
Plat No. 1~ reoorde~ March 1, 18~2, in ~p Bock "B", at page 6,
a oo~, :o~i0%.:/is recorde~ in ~ ~ook 2, at page ~2, Records of
San Ha~o C~n~, boar8 3outh ZZ ~o~ee8 ~4 m~nu~o8 West ~89,98 foot
~X8%8~; thenoo N~rth Z2 melees 16 minutes West Z61.26 feet; thence '.
.enr.a e~ye to tho right haytn~ a radius, of ~lS5 feet - the chord
~io~": boars North ~9 de~oe8 ~ minutes Z0 seconds West 209.~1 foot -
a ~8taneo of 209,~9 feet; thence North 26 ~e~ree8 ~9 minutes West
248.81 feet; thenoe on a c~ve to the left, havin~ ·radXus of
feet - the chord of which bears North 48 &e~eo8 52 minutes West ~6.02
feet - a distance of 28Z.06 feet; thence North 71 degrees 05 minu~ms
West 44.08 feet; ~thence on a curve to the right, having a radius of
10~5 feet - the chord of which bears North 57 degrees 00 minutes 44
seconds West 503.2? feet - a distance of 508.3? feet; thence North
degrees 56 minutes 28 seconds West 1210.~4 feet; thence on a curve to
the left,having a radius of 965 feet - the chord of which bears North
56 degrees £6 minutes 36 seconds West 450.6£ feet -a disSance of
454.84 feet; thence North 69 degrees 56 minutes 44 secon~Wes~lll.
29 feet; thence on a curve to the left, having a radius of 565 feet -
the chord of which bears South 89 degrees 40 minutes £4 seconds West
E54.2S feet - a distance of 259,6? feet; thence South 69 degrees
minutes 32 seconds West 1£96.S9 feet; thence on a curve to the left,
~having a radius of 365 feet - the chord of which bears South 55 de-
grees 06 minutes ~0 seconds West 178.88 feet - a distanae ef 180.'72
feet. thence South 40 degrees 55 minutes 28 seconds~ West 320.65 feet;
thence on a curve to the right, having a radius of 425 feet~~'- ~the
chord~'6~Which bears South ~$ degrees 37 ~utes 56 seconds West 172.48
feet - a distance of 173.69 feet to the N~rtherly boundary line of the
Burl Buri Rancho, North 40 degrees 55 minutes 28 seconds East 40.99
feet from a stone monument designatedi:.ias "Non. L-4" on that certain maP
entitled ,,Map of a survey made for P. E. Iler of lands purchased in the
Burl Buri Rancho and Sections 21-2~-23-26-27 & 28 - Township 3 South,
Range 5 West San Mateo County" Recorded ~!arch 10, 1891 in Map Book E
' ,
~ at page 79, Records of San Mateo County; thenc,e along said northerly
boundary line of the Buri Burl Rancho as follows: North 40 degrees 55
minutes 28 seconds East 590.64 feet to a stone monument designated as
"Mon. ~-3".~ on the above entitled map; North 69 degrees l?~ minutes 32 se-
conds East 1546.lDo.feet to a stone monument designated as "Mon. L-2"
said above entitled map; Sou~ 69 degrees 56 minutes 44 seconds East
1526.78 feet; thence leaving said Northerly boundary line of the Buri
Burl Rancho, on a curve to the right, having a radius of 1035 feet -
the chord of which bears South 48 degrees 58 minutes 19 seconds East
217.48 feet - a distance of 217.88 feet; thence South 42 degrees 56
minutes 28 seconds East 1210.24 feet; thence on a curve to the left,
having a radius of 965 feet - the chord of which bears South 57 de-
~rees 00 minutes 44 seconds East 469.~24 feet - a distance of 4?3.98
feet.; thence South 71 degrees 05 minutes East 44.08 feet; thence on a
ourye to the right, having a radius of 43~ feet - the chord of which
bears South 48 degrees 52 minutes East 3£8.96 feet - a distance of
33?.36 feet; thence South 26 degrees 39 minutes East E48.81 feet;
thence on a curve to the left, having a radius of 2066~eet - the chord
of Which bears South £9 degrees 27 minutes 30 seconds East 20£.36 feet -
a distance of 202.43 feet; thence South 32 degrees 16 minutes East
361.26 feet to the above mentioned westerly line of Linden Avenue in
said City of South San Francisco; thence along said Westerly boundary
line on a curve to the left, having a radius of 309.90 feet - the chord
cf which bears South 57 degrees 44 minutes West ?0.00 feet - a distance
of 70.15 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 7.961 Acres and
being a portion of the Burl Burl Rancho.
Beginning at a point on the Northerly boundary line of the
Burl Buri Rancho North 84 degrees 28 minutes 40 seconds West. 44.62
feet distant from a st.one monument designated as "Non. ~-4".on that
certain map entitled "Nap of a survey made for P. E. Iler of lands
purchased in the Buri Burl Rancho etc.," recorded Earch 10, 1891 in
Nap Book "E" at page 79, Records of San Nateo County; thence on a
curve to the right, having a radius of 425. feet - the chord of which
bears South 8~ de~rees 03 minutes ~0 seconds West 168.65 feet - a
distance of 169.77 feet; thence North 82 degrees 30 minuteS'.02 se-
conds West 112.54 feet; thence on a curve to the right, having a
radius of 335 feet - the chord of which bears North 73 degrees 55
minutes 17 seconds West 99.95 feet - a distance of 100.3~. feet; thence
North 66 degrees 20 minutes 32 seconds West 16.9£ feet to the said
northerly boundary line of the Buri Buri Rancho; thence along said
boundary line, South 84 degrees £8 minutes 40 seconds East 393.07 feet
to the point of beginning, containing 0.lB1 acres and being a portion
of the Burl Buri Rancho.
Section ~. By the acceptance o£ the ~rant hereby made, said '
Board cf Supervisors agree to £orever keep the highw~ hereinbefore~
described in a Mood state of repair.
Section 3, This ordinance shall be published~ in "The Enter-
prise", a weekly newspaper published and circulated in said City of
South San E. rancisco, and shall take effect and be in force from and
after the expiration of ~bh_irty (30) ~ays~r the date of..' its passage.
' Intr~d~cea this day of ~~ , l~a~. '
. ~ Passed and adopted as an ordinance o~ the City o~ South San ~'ran-
sco at a re~lar meeting o~ the Doard of ~~s of said City o~
~7~ '~omth San Francisco this /~ day of · , 192~, by the
~llowlng vote: ~ ~ ~~ ~
Ayes, ,Trust 'ee~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~-'~
~ ,"?~..~ ~'
Pres~ent o~ t~ Board of Trustees
of the Oity_.~'of ~outh San ~rancisco.