HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 132-1925 A~ OIADIsA~C~ TO PI~OTEIT THE PUBLIC HEALTH, PEACE AND 8AFETT OF ~ I~BIT~T5 OF ~ CI~ OF SOU~ ~N ~CISCO BY ~LATING ~ ~8TABLIS~T A~ ~IN~~ OF PRIVATE AUTO C~8 IN ~ CITY OF SOUTH ~N F~CISCO. ~e Board of T~t~e~ of the ~ty of ~outh ~ Fr~o~soo ~o or,tn an follows, to-wtt~ SeCtion 1. For the ~ose of protect~n~ the ~blio he, th, pesos ~d safety of the in,bit,ts of ~e C~ of 8outh ~ ~t is hereby declared ~awf~ for ~ person, persons, oom~y oz so,oration, .~ther.as o~er, ~a~er or employee to establ~ ~d m~ntain in the C~ of South ~ Fr~o~sco, ~ _auto o~p wither a written pe~t..f~m the Board of T~stee~ of sa~ City. ~y appl~aatim for eu=h permit ~hall be in writ~n& ~ ~all ~tate the n~e of the perseus, o~y or so,oration intond~n~ to oon~uot said auto c~p to~other ~th a doooription of tho proport~ upon whloh o~e ~o to bo 1sacred. 8set,on 2. For tho pu~ooo of protoot~n~ tho public health, peace ~d safer7 of tho ~n~bit~ts of tho C~t7 of 8outh ~ Fr~o~soo, ~t ~o hereby deolared ~law~l for ~F person, ~oroono, oom~7 or corporation oonducttn~ ~d nintainini uy auto o~p in tho Oi~ of 8outh ~ Fr~oiooo to ~low or po~t ~y person to stop at or at such au~o c~p for a lon~er period of t~mo .th~ fourteen (1~) in succession, it bin~ the ~nt~tion of said Board of ~stooo as a health, peace ~d ..oafotF measure to keep people from otop~nt ~d l~vin& at auto .o~ps for lon~ per~od of time. Section ]. FOr ~O ~rpoao of proteotint ~o ~blio he, th, pease ~d safer7 of tho inhab~t~t8 of tho Cit7 of _8~ ~ Fr~o~ooo, ~t is horo~ docl~d ~law~ for ~7 ~oroon to stop at or lite at ~ auto c~p in tho ~t~.of 8ojth ~ Fr~o~ooo, for a l~n&er por~od of t~no th~ f~rto~ (1~) daFo In ~coosolon. sCot,on ~. it is horo~ nde the duff of o~r~ person, oom~ or oo~poration oon~o~& or n~ntaln~nt ~ auto o~p ~n tho Oit~ of 8outh $~ Fr~cisoo to keep a ro&ister wherein tho7 s~l sot do~ tho n~os of tho v~ouo persons 8topp~ni at their o~p totothor w~th tho nke of auto used, on,in n~ber of auto used and n~ber State auto l~conso ~d State from. ~oh auto i8 re~iotorod ~a ai8o tho ~o ~d location of last auto c~p stopped at if uT. ro~ioter ah~l al~a be open to tho ~nopoction of tho police ~d he, th .department of tho C~tF of 8~th 8~ Seotion ~. It ~o horob~ udo tho dut~ of ~7 person, persons, oom~7 or oorporation conduot~n& or ~intainin~ ~ auto e~p ~dor tho provisions of thio ordin~oe to keep ~osted in ~oh tent) build,hi or.conpar~t used for c~pin~ ~rposes a set of ~loo ~d ro~lationo ombodTin~ ~n concise toms tho pen~ provio~ons of th~o ordi~co. 5oct~on 6. ~ auto c~p as mentioned in this ordin~oo ~o do- fined to bo a c~p, c~p ~ro~d or p~oco of real pro~er~y where persons are.allowed or per, trod for a certain foe to.c~p, stop, live or re- Scot,on 7. ~y person, persons, o~y or co~oration v~olat~n& ~y sr.%he provi~ions of ~is ordlm~ce s~ai~ b~ ae~ed ~ilty of a aiade~e~ez ~d upon conviction thereof eh~l be ~iahed ~ a fine act exoeeding two h~dre~ (~00) dollars or by i~pri~~t in the. City .Jail of 8outh 8~ ~oiaco, not ~ceedingninetF (~) ~ya, by both ~ch fine ~d iaprieo~ent, ~d every ~y ~rAng which a - CENTRAL RECORD~ No ~olat~on of thio ordinanoo shall oont~nuo shall b and oonot~tuto · separate offense. w~th thio ord~n~co ~o horoB7 reposed. a woekl7 n~8~por, ~d a~l take offfect ~d Bo ~n fierce from ~d after theft7 ~0). ~70 ~om ~d afte~ its ~8oa~o.  trcduoed thio ~d'~7 of Yo~rT, good ~d adopted as $_~ ord~n~ce of tho C~ of South ~ Fran- o~oco B7 the Board of T~eteoo of aged ~c~t7 at a re~lar moeinf aa~d-Board hold on tho l~th .~7 of Fob~, 1~2~, b7 tho vote: ~ · AToe,~d 2n favor of tho pa8sage of tho foro~oint Ordin~co, BI~I, C~nin~m, Eschelbach, McCaffroy, HoNol~o. "' ieee and against tho ~ssa~o of the fforo~o~ ~rdin~co, T~steea: NO~ PreSident of the Board of Trueteeo of the.City of 8outh San Franoloeo Atte~: /~ Y