HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 136-1925 An 0rdi~nce ]atablishing Fire Limits, Regulating the Construction, Alteration
and Repair of Buildings, the Disposal.of ]h~bbish a~d the 3forage ef Gasoline an~
ether Products of Petroleum in the City of South San Francisco a~i l~reecribing the
Penalty for the Violation of said O_relinaneel and repealing or~inance number~l
of the City of ~outh 3an Francisco.
The Board of ~rusteas of the City of ~outh ~u Francisco do ordain aa followsl
Section 1, The Primary fire limits of the City of ~outh 3an Francisco shall
be within that portion of said City bc~ded aa follow, l
BEGXI~ING at a point on the center line of Maple Avenne where the same is inter-
sected b~ the centerline cf the alley between Grand Aveeno and Baden Avenne shown
on the map of ~outh ~n Fran~isco. .
,~0 TH~[C~ northerly along the ~atd center line of Maple Avenue to a l~int
where the same is intersected by ~ha the center line of the alley between ~iller
Avenue a~d Grand if said alley line were ~ro~ueed westerly across ]llple Avennel
thence easterly along the center line of jai~ alley between Miller Avenue and Grand
Arenas to a point where the same ie intersected by the southerly extension of the
line dtvt~ing lots 24 an~ 25, Block 125 of said ~mapl thence northerly and parallel
with end keeping a distance of 100 feet from the westerly side of Linden Avenue and
crossing Miller Avenue to the center line of the alley between Lux Avenue and Miller
Avenue; thence euterly at right angles along the center line of said alley, cross-
Lng Linden Avemae and C3r~ress Averse and along the southerly line of Lot 19, Blo~k
14~ and crossing ~n Bru~o Road aa sho~ on said map of South Sa~. Franoisco/~o the ~~
westerly line of Division 3freer; thence in & southerly ~treotion on sai~ westerly ~
side of DivisiOn 3freer to the southerly line of Grand Avenue, thence easterly a-cng
the southerly line of Grand Avenue to the westerly l~ae if tge Southern Floifio
Railw~7 Company's right-of-wa~l thence southwesterly along, the said westerly line of
the Southern Pacific Railway Company's right-of-way to a point where the same is inter-
sected b~ the easterly extension of the line dividing lots 13 and 14 of Block 14~
of the said hereinbefore mentioned mapl thence westerly along said easteMly extex~lon
an~ continUing westerly along said dividing line to the center line of B~den Avennel
thence westerly across 3an Bruu~ Road and a~ross Cypress Avemme t~ a point where the -'
easterly line of Lot 17, Block 141 if extended northerly across Baden Avenne would
intersect and out line of. Baden Avennel thence southerly along said easterly line of
said Lot 17, Blo~k 141 and. across the alley in said block a~d continuing southerly .....
along the easterly line of Lot 10, Bleak 141 to the center line of Commercial Avenue~
thence at right angles in a. westerly direction along the canter line of Commereial
Avers to the center line of Linden Avennel thence southerly along the oenterline of
Linden Avenue to tho northerly line of Railroad Ave~el thence westerly along 'the
northerly line of Railroad Ave~Ae to a point which is distant 100 feet at right a~glea
westerly from the westerly line of Linden Ave~e~ thence northerly ~ following
along a line which is parallel with and distant 100 feet westerly at right ~nglee t~
rye~ *a~westerly line cf Linden Avenue to the alley betwee~ Gr~ud Aveeno and Baden
Averse; thence westerly &long the eenterline of said alley between Grand Arenas a~
Baden Avenue to the point of beginning.
3e~tto,n 2. The secondary fire limits of the City of South 3in Francisco, shill
be within that portion of said City bounded aa follewe~
BEGINNING at f~e intersection of the s~utherly line ef ~lller Avenue with the
westerly l~ue of Maple Avenue! running thence southerl~v along the said westerly line
of Maple Avenue to & point where the same ia interseote~ by the centerline of the
alleY between Grand ATmme and BaAen Avenne Which traverses through Bleak 117 aa
eai~L Sleek 117 ia shown on that o~rtain ma~ entitled, ~Map of South eau Fr&uaisoo
Plat No. 1," reoorde~ Marsh 1, 1892, in Tel. 2 of ]l&l~ at ~ 52, ~u Xeteo Oounty
Re,ord,; ~henoe westerly along the oenterline of said alley to the easterly line of
2pruoe Avenue; thenoe northerly a.long the easterly line of 5pr~oe Aromas to · point
Where the sam is interseeted by the oenterline of the ·lley between Gr&ud Avenue
a~ ~ttller Avemae and whAolx traverses Block 116 at shown on said ma]~; thenoe easter-
ly along the eenterline of said last ma~tioned alleY to the easterly line of lalnat
Avenuel thence northerly~ along_t~he easterly line of lalunt AvenGe to the southerly
line of NAller Avema~ thenoe easterly along the southerly line of Illler Avenue to
the point of beginning.
.AMS0, ~X~ING at · poLut where the oenterline of the &lley betweea NAller
Avenne and l~x Avenne ie intersected by the southerly extension of tbs westerly line
of Lot 2~, Bi,oGk 126 aa said lot an~ block are shown on that serf·in map entitled,
~ of'~rath ~ FrlLuQiBOO Pl&t NO, 1," filed for reoox~l NAroh 1, 1892 in ¥ol. 2
of Maps ·t page~-52, ~an M&qeo Qeunty ReoordJt -
~ING ~GB northerly along laid southerly exten~ion a~l Qontinuing north-
erly "along the. said westerl~lA~e of said lot 25 a~l its extenlion ~ertherly to the
northerly line of ~alifGrni· Avenuel thence westerly LlO~g the said n~rtherly 1Lue
of ~alifor~i& Avenue ~0 feet S thenoe northerly parallel with &ud keeping · diet&nee
of 1~0 feet we!terly at right anglel to the westerly line of [.t~.1- Avenue, to the
southwesterly line of Az~Our Ave~me;. thenoe southeasterly along said soutlmesterly
line of Anaour Averse to · point which is distant 100 feet e~Jterly at right anglel
from' the eaiterly line of Liz~en Avmmel -thenee. southerl_~pa=&.allel with and keeping
a dietauoe of 100 feet ealterly at ~ight. &nglel from laid easterly line of Llx~en
Avenue to the senior line of t~e hereinbefore mentioned alley between ~iller Aveeno
and Lux Avon·el thenoe westerly alo~g the ~ent~rline of said lair mentio~ed a.lleY
to the point of begLuni~.
J~0, BEGInnING ~ the interseotion of the northerly line of Lux Ave~ne with t~e
easterly 11~e of 07Press Ave~met ..
BXT~IN~ ~ northerly along th~ said easterly line of QTPrass Avenue to the
· outheesterly line of Armour Aveaue l thence southeasterly along' the said ~outh~l~t-
erl2 line Of Lrmour Avenue to the.westerly line of Division ~Ytreet i thenoe southerly,
folli~ing 'along the westerly line of Division Street to th~ northerly line of l~x
Ave~nel thence westerly along the said northerly line of ~GX Avenue to the point of
beg~wn~ng. Ales, Lot · to 1S in Blsok 126 am~ 14 tO 24 in Blo~k 12~ all of whioh
8eatien ~. The exterior walls aud party walls ef the buildA~s hereafter
e~eoted within the fire l~_m~ts deeeribeA in 5e=tion X of thisordinanoe shall be
~ade ef rei~foreed oenerete or brisk, or natural or ·rtifioial stone, other than
oonerete blsek, er · ~mbinatien of any or all ef the above mentione~ materials an4
of thickness suffiaient to .~upport th~ load te be ~arrie4; PrOvided that galvan-
las4 iron or tin ~rnieea on skeleton weed fz~mes may be u~ed for exterior dea~mt-
ions. All outer walls ahall eztend at least two feet above the roof of ,uah
~l~tiea 4. All bulldAng, hereafte~ erected within the fire lhal~e dese=tbe4
tn Section 1 ef this ordinate shall have their Interior walls, pertitiene aaa
soilings plastez~a4 with one or m~re ~eate of plaster at leaat Five-eithts (5/~) of
an l~h thi~k a~d exten4ing d~wa to the floor, exne~t mills, warehouses, stables,
laGnd~ies, factories and outbuildings w~ere the exterior walls are ~c4 coiled on
the in~ide a~l ~artition~ &re boar~led on one side only.
Section 5. At e&Gh floor level in all buildings hereafter erected within the
limits described in 2ection 1 of this ordin&uoe, all smd walls, partitionl, fur-
ring~ and space between Joists where they rest on division walls or partitions,
shall be fire-etolmped with incce,¥~tible material in a ma~ner to completely cut off
coammioatiOn by fire through conoealecl spaces, Such fire stopping shall exten~
the full distance of the Joists -~ at lea~t four inches above each floor level.
Section G. 1hen the extoller walls of a~ frame building which h~ been con-
struoted within the fire limits described in Section 1 of this ordJ~a~ee are altere~e
changed or damaged to One-fourth {1/41 of their extent, or when the interior of
building shall be altered to the extent of tearing down more than One-half (1/2)
of its partitions, or when the interior is damaged to One-half (1/2) of its.extent,
then the alteratio~ or repairs of said buiB~ling shall be constructed in the same
manner al herein providld for new work. Whenever an~ frame building is damaged b~
fire to One-fourth (1/41 of lib extent, the remaining portion thereof sl~ll be
immediately re~oved by the o~ner, ll~enever additions are made to buildings in the
fire l'imite described in Section 1 of this ordinance, such additions mast be made
to conform to the construction provided for new work. No portion of the front
wall of any such building and no portion of a~v wall facing upon au2 lmblio street,
arenas, highway, or alley, shall be repaired or r~odeled, exoel~G in aceorAanoe wl~dx
the provisions of Section S of this ordinance.
Section ?, No wooden Building situated within the fire limits described in
Section 1 of this ordinance shall be altered, repaired or added to, without permiss-
ion to do so being first obtained from the Board of
Any person desiring to obtain such Permilsion shall file with the City Clerk,
addressed to the Board of Trustees, a petition describing fully the building and
promises or the alterationl, repairs or additions which are desired to be macle,
also the n~terials with which it is .proposed to make the same. The permit, if
issued, shall state fully the alterations, repairs or additions, allowed to be ~ade,
the materials to be used, and SUG~ regulations respecting the same a~ in the ~udg-
ment of the Board of Trustees may be necessary, ~hioh said permit sh~l-1 be ftle~
with the City Clerk~ provided, however, nothing herein contained shall be construed
to require the Board of Trustees to grant suc~ permilsioni but they shall be Bole
Judges of the necessity and reasox~bleness of the alterations, repairs or I~iitione,
and their decision granting or refusing the permit shall be final and conclusive.
Temporary permits BB~-~_I never be granted uGder any circumstances.
Section S. 2he roefs cf all ~Ai~ing~ incladed within the primer2 fire
shall be e~ve~ed either with tin. slate, tiles, terra cotta. *a~ an~ gravel or ~
~are~ r~ofing, except three n~w otherwise covered~ the latter shall ~e oovered
with ome of sai~ materials whenever the ~ire Marshal sh~ll deem them to be in nee~
of repaire.
Skylight, ehall be of metal frames with wired glass or metal framee a~ he&v¥
glass having wire sateen of nos less ~han four (41 inehe, ~f ~o. 12 wire ami one
~o ,hi~gle, ~r ~o~en r~f. if damaged to One-fourth (1/4~ of its extent, shall
be repaire~ wl~h e~her t~ the kt~l of r~ofing provi~e~ for i~ ~his Seo~ion.
~eotio,, 9. All chimne~ and flues hereafter ommtraoted
Qlty of ~outh 8au Fre~ieoo, ex~ept patent ohimne~, shall be of bri~k or
their en~leei~g walls mh~l be ~t lena t~ f~ ln~e~ t~,
t~ eig~ i~l thiok, .be l~ on t~ i~ide ~th well
pi~ of ~t less t~ oG& ~ t~. ~ai( 1~ ~l'lt~
flue or t~e t~o&t of a fi~pl~e, be ~nt~ou~ to t~ top of the flue ~ ~11
be ~ilt ~ ~ b~ ~ ~ o~ie4 ~. ~ue8 where 1~ i~ ~t ~qu~red
b~ t~B O~Oe ~1 ~Te the 3o~t~ et~ ~0th on t~ ~i6e. ~re ~oh
~y LB built ~ a ~o~en buil~ ~ e~~ ~ ~e
~i14~, th~ ~ ~7 s~l et~ ~ t~ ~ ~4 ~11
pe~t foOt,on of ~t8 o~ I~&te from t~ ~1~.
~t be i~r~ in e~ze '~ the u~er Ito~ ~ e~l ~e~ at let t~e feet
~oTe t~ roof or ~ ~oh ~e~ ~ will be neoess~y t0 i~e t~ s~et~ of
~~i~ buil~. N0 s~e, plates, floor Joists, r~tere or t~ h~ers
ther~f e~ll rest ~ or on iitd o~yt ~t there s~l be ~rf~t
~1 fr~ ~rk ~ mai~ ~ey.
Becti~. 10. ~1 ~at~t ~~ a~l ~ ~ilt u~n the floor on ~ioh
they ~e um~, ~ in ae c~e a~ a a~ve pi~ enter a patent o~ey ieee
six in. em f~ the ~ttom of ~oh c~ey.
If a p~ent ~ey be e~ot~ on t~ ~tside of a ~il~ it s~ ~et on
~ i~n plate ~t l~s t~ on~fo~h ~ ~ thi~as, ~ a~l ~ve ~t learn
$~a- ~ o~em of~ri~ ~top of ~l~ i~np~te. Xt a~ll ~e a s~ p~of
openi~ ne~ t~ ~t~m for cl~ it. ~1 ~te~ ~e~ m~l be br~ ~e~
fo~ fe~ of their heist. ~1 J~ts ~st be c~ted, ~d t~ b~ ~veri~ t~
Jo~tm a~ll ~ of t~ b~t ~. ~ i~n ~ flll~ with c~nt te ~e t~.
· ~ ~ m~k ~of.
T~ te~ ~atent ~~ a~l be ~e~too~ to me~ a
le~t mix i~a ~ ~eter. ~~ on t~ ~ide with ~ at l~t ese i~h
t~. ~ flue s~l be ~ti~12 a~~e~ ~th a cont~o~
~ve ~ ~r s~ be~e~ t~ flue a-~ sai~ ~t~ ~ver~ of ~t lees t~ on~
~f l~.
B~tion 11. ~ firepl~ea ~ e~ey bre~tm ~ ~tels ~ p~,
~e~ ~ p~vi~.for ~tent ~ey f~~ea. ~ether ~t~ for o~~
firepl~ea or ~t, e~ll ~e tr~ ~a t~ mu~ t~ he~h~
a~l be ef brl~, at.e, ~t e~ or e~ete at l~t ~enty ~s ~de.
~r~ ~ t~ f~e ef the ~ey bre~t, ~ t~ir l~h
t~ the width of the ~ey bre~t. ~od c~ters s~ll ~ r~ved ~ ~er
tr~er ~m, ~d ~ t~er s~ll be pl~ ~r ~ firep~oe or ~h.
H~ e~l be ef bri~k, tile or m~ae.
~tioa ~, ~ ~ e~t~ti~n of ~ ~il~ or ~itio~ t~eto, er in
Pesos m~l o~ or f~mh, in ~!e or ~ ~, t~ ~1 or ~le, oell~ or
oeili~, of ~ ~eom or b~lG~, ~th ~o~h ~4 ~r, or
5notion l~. ~ mt~et~e here~ter e~t~, ~t ~
8eetien~14, It shall be unlawful foran~ person, firm or corporation, hie
her or their agent, .servant, representative or aaployee to ps.Bit paper, raga
waste or mombu~tible rabbieh of a~v character to accumulate in a~ quantity in aG7
imildi~g, y&r4, alley or otlxer place so &e to increase the ~uger of fire. ~he
aa~amalation of ~u~h x-abbi~ ie hereby ~eclared to be a naisance an~ i~ 8hal_ 1 be
the dnty of the FL~.e I~rehal to aec that suGh z~te&uoes a~e abate4 line.Ii&rely
a~ter discover2, using summary measurea .if aeoesl~a~y to effect lmme ,4late abatement.
[~tic~ 15. ~he ~hief of the F~e Del~rtnent shal1 be e~-officfo ~ire llaroh~lt
and &hall &lac be one of the pelice office~s of the cityl he ia hereby
l, TO enforce all or~ine~n rclatin~ to the oonntructton, ~ana~ement
condition of nm~i~t~e a~l other property within the cityl
2o TO enforce the p~ovlsions of thta ordl~n~e with re£erende to the eon-
struction aud rel~ir of buildin~n ~ of the conntruction of '~ddit~ons therete~
3° ~o take sunnnary action in carry'in@ out of or~t~-~cee pertainin~ to 't~
the o~itton of t~ oit~ ~ to ~1 ~tte~ refe~ ~ f~e
to ~ e~ atore, or p~t the ~e~ or stori~ of, ~t~n ~ ~ld~ or u~n
~ssion of the Fi~ ~s~l. No ~ ~ f~ve (5} ~o~ of ~ of t~
t~e ordinance here~n~ter p~viRed ~ ~ ~tit~ ~ excess of f~ve {5}
~nt be n~r~ outside t~ ~ln of ~ ~tldi~ at · n~t den~t~ b~ the
~s~ or t~ Bo~d of Tmsbeen,
~ti~ ~, ~1 applic~tn for ~ns~on to store, keep on bn~ o~ ~e
s~l c~e to .be ~sbe~ oo~pic~usl~ on ~n, he~ or their ~sea ~ ~tice
posted at le~t t~ {10} ~ before t~e f~l~ of the application ~ be
If t~e ~ttty den.ireR to be store~, ke~ °r us~ is ~re t~ one ~eR .
~ t~ (ILO} ~llo~, the ~ppli~tion ~t be ~e to the ~R of T~teen,
befo~ ~ action in t~en thereon s~ll ~fer t~ s~e to t~ Fi~ ~s~ for
bodieR ~n the resolution ~ti~ su~ pr~v~le~n to t~ ~tit~one~.
fo~ to t~e o~i~cel ~ exoepti~ In G~e of 1~ ~t~n ~e !~m~tm of the
Be~n~ fire district be~ the l~ite of the pri~ fi~ ~istriQt, WM~
~e t~eaa ~ime~ions ~ coat.etlon of a lesser ~e of ~ts
proYXclEd, the7 &re .not f:l. re tral:),, or suloepttble to ~a,8¥ confXa~i2'&t:l, on az:u:1, l~hOBe
p~ ~.~_ Specific&riehl for een~t~uotion h~Ye been approYe~ by the Fire ]ia_-~h~l of
the City'Of South 8~m Frlmcisco and tbs Bo&rd of ~rGsteee of the (~lty of ~outh
servant, representative or employee, vlolatLug any of the provisions of this
shall be g~ilty of & mis~emeanor -~ upon conviction thereof, shall -be paniahe4 by
& fine of not le~s than Ten (10) d~llars nor more than ~hree hnndre~ (~00)
or by heprisomaent for & period~.not exceeding two (2) months, or b:y both Such fine
and imprilonmento Ever~ day's oontinuG~_e of a YiO1Ation of any of the pro?isionl
Of this ordinaaoe shall be ~eeBe~ a separate and distinct offen~e, aha shall be
Gection 20. 0r4ihance numbered 112 of the City of' Gouth 13an Francisco
~3ecti~m 21. This ordinance shall be lmblishe~ once in .~k__ ~.t~.~-~., {=lw, & -~-~
weekly newspaper, and shall t&ke effect and be in force thirty 4ays ~rom au~.after
the d~te of its
Intr~,uced thi, ~7'-~dGy of ~ 1925.
1)~esed and a~opte~ aa an ordinance of the City of ~outh ~an Francisco at
r~-~d~,eting Q~ the Board
_.. of Trustees of the City of ~outh ~an Fran~iocO, this
~ 1925, by the followi~ votes