HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 137-1925 ~u Or~linauee eetablishin~ I~du~trial, B~sinese and Residential Districts or ~onee in the City of South San Francisco-e~d expressly repealin~ Ordinance No o ll7 of the City .of South .~au Francisco ° The Boar~ of Trueteee of the City of South ~u Francisco do ordain e~ follow~s Section l° ~ll territory of t~ City of ~outh ~ F~c~sco 1~ ~outh of Railro~ Ave~e of sai~ City, ~e~ in a westerly direction from t~ inte~ section of the center line of Rail~ Ave~e ~th ~e center liae of L~d~ Argue, ~ e~e~ed s~th, to the ~aterly line of ~lia Argue,' e~e~ southerly ~d e~t of the follow~ line~ Co~i~ at the intersection of t~ c~ter line of R~lro~ Argue with the center line of Li~en Ave~e~ th~ce at ri~t ~lea ~herly alo~ t~e center line o~ L~ Ave~e to the center line of Co~ercial Ave~e~ thence at right a~lea easterly ~ong t~ center line of Co~ercial Ave~e ~oduced easterly to the center line of ~resa~ thence ~- erly alo~ the center line of C~reaa Ave~e to the center line of B~ Ave~e~ th~ce ~terly alo~ the c~ter l~e of ~en Ave~e to the ~terly line Of Division Street; thence ~rtherly along the e~terly line of Division Street to a point on the no~he~terly side of ~our Av~ue one ~r~ ~ fe~y feet dist~t south~sterly from the s~theasterly line of S~ B~no Ro~ the~e ~ a ~he~terly ~rection ~ ~rallel to S~ B~o Road at a dist~ce of 1~ feet to the ~rtherly b~~ lines of the City of S~uth S~ Fr~isco is hereby decl~ed ~ dete~in~ to be the I~uatrial District of South S~ ~cisco. Section 2. Ail the te~to~ within t~ followi~ described l~ta~ B~I~NG at the ~tersection of the centerline of Sp~ce Av~ue with t~ centerline of the alley betwe~ ~ra~ Av~ue ~ ~en Ave~e ~ich alley ~ though Blo~ 1.17, as said Block is a~ on t~t certain ~p entitle~, "~p of S~th S~ F~cieoo Plat No. 1," record~ ~rch 1, 1892, in Vol. 2 of ~ps at ~ 52, S~ ~teo Cowry Recor~ ~NG TH~ nertherly along the ~li~e ef s~ S~ce Ave~e ~o i~a i=~eraeo~l~ wi~ ~he ~1~ ~eea ~ A~e ~ ~ller Avdel ~en=e ~- erl2 fol~vi~ alo~ the c~terli~ of said alley ~ch traverses Blo~ 11~ the o~erline of 1~ Argue t~ at ~ ~lea a19~ ~l~t ~treet ~rt~rly ~ecti~ to t~ oenter line of, ~ller Av~e~ ~ea~ at ri~t ~lea ~o~ ~ller Avers ~ ~ ~terl~ ~ectio~ to $~ c~terl~ of ~ple Av~e~ throe at ri~t ~lea ~ ~ple Av~e ~ a ~r~ dir~tioa tea po~t ~ere the o~ter line ef the ~ley b~ea ~ Argue ~ ~ller Av~e if ~o~ westerly ~sa ~le Av~e wo~ ~teraect aai~ center li~ of ~ple Ave~e~ ~e~e at rig~ ~les ~ ~o~ s~d ~ey ~ ~ ~terl2 ~i~ction to a ~int ~re t~ center l~e of s~ a~ey is ~te~ected by the souther~ ~enst~ of the westerly line of ~t 2~, B~ l~, ~ said lot ~ blo~ a~ on eai~ ~p of ~uth S~ ~ciac~, ~at No. le~ th~ce ~rl2 p~lel ~th ~ ~e~ a ~at~e of 100 feet ~aterl2 at ri~ ~ea ~ 'the wea~ erly line of L~en Aveme te t~ ~rly 1~ of ~ife~a ~e~e~ t~nce . westerly ~ t~ s~d ~r~erly line of ~ifo~a Avers ~ feet~ ~enee erly ~lel ~th ~ ~epi~ a ~e~ ef 1~ feet ~sterly at ri~t s~d' L~d~ Aveme to t~ ~he~terl2 l~e ef ~ Av~e to a ~t ~ist~t 100 feet westerly ~ ri~t ~lea from t~ ~aterl2 l~e ef L~en Av~e~ then~ in a ~er~ ~terly ~ctiea fcl~ ~e~ a line ~leh la ~lel ~th ~ ~e~t 100 feet ~rly at ri~t ~lea ~m t~ ~rl2 l~e said L~ Av~e ~ contt~ ~~12_~ a line ~ ~allel ~th ~ at a ~s~ce of 100 feet ~hwe~e~r~ ~~sterl2 l~e ~ ~ to the ~ut~aterly lt~ of ~lph Av~e; t~ce no~h~ater!y in a ~t li~ ~a ~olp~ A~ue to the sout~terl2 co~r of LeS A, ~ sai~ lot ~ bl~ ~e a~ ~n t~t oe~h ~p entitle, ~'a ~b- ~vialon~. 1,e filed for reoo~ ~ ~, 1~ ~Vol. 5 of ~.at ~11, ~tee ~t~ Reeo~e ~ the~e ~erl2 ~o~ t~ ~terl2 li~ of said Block A, te t~ ~rly ~~y 1~ ef t~ Olty ~ ~uth ~ ~is~~ a~t~e~terl2 a~ t~ l~e of the ~ity of ~uth S~ F~cis~ to a ~t ~ch ia ~at~t aeut~terl2 1~ feet ~ ri~t ~1~ from ~he ~uthe~terl2 l~e ~ B~ ~ t~ s~thwesterly ~ a l~e ~1~ ~th ~ ~e~i~ a diet.ce ef 1~ feet at right ~1~ southeasterly f~m the s~d aouth~terly l~e of 2~ B~o ~ te the ~t~terly l~e of ~ Ave~e~ t~e aouth- west~ly in a str~ 1~ ~sa ~ur Argue te t~ intersection of westerly ll~ of ~ Avers ~th the ~~sterl2 l~e of Division 2treet~ th~ce aout~esterly follew~ ~ the said ~h~aterly l~e of Division Street to t~ southerly, l~e of Gr~d A~e~ t~nce ~terly ~o~ t~ aout~rly line ef Gr~ Aveme to the westerly l~e of the ~ut~ ~ific ~ilw~ ri~t ef ~ thence s~t~ea$~12 ~o~ the e~ ~eterl2 l~e of t~ Sout~ Paei~io ~il~y ~~'a ri~t of ~y to a ~int ~re t~ a~ is b2 the e~terl2 ~ion of the line dtvid~ lots ~ ~ 1~ of Blo~ said here~before first mention~ ~p~ throe westerly ~ said ~terl t~sion ~ e~ti~ ~aterly ~ eai~ divi~ line to the c~ter line of ~ B~ ~ ~e~ e~e interests ~th the c~t~ line of ~ Ave~e~ th~ ~aterly a~ t~ ~ter li~ ef ~ Argue to the c~terl~e of ~aa Av~e~ ~enee s~t~rl2 ~o~ t~ centerline of ~se Av~e to the c~terline ef ~e~lal Argue; th~ce westerly alo~ t~ c~terli~ of ~~i~ Argue the centerl~e of Li~en Av~e~ th~ce aoutherl2 alo~ center l~e Argue to the ~herly line of R~o~ Av~e~ ~ ~ ~~~- Av~e tea ~int ~i~ ia d~t~t 100 feet at ri~.~lea ~sterly f~m the westerly line of Li~ Ave~e~ thence ~herly ~d follow~ alo~ aliae ia ~r~lel ~ dta~t 1~ feet westerly at ~t ~lea te the said weaterl2 line of Li~ Avers to the c~terl~e of t~ alley betwe~ ~ A~m~ O~reial Av~e~ t~ence at r~ht ~lea ~o~ said ~ley in a ~eterly ~re~tion to the o~ter li~ of ~ple Av~e~ the~e no~herl2 ~ t~ center l~e ~ple Argue to t~ c~ter l~e of the fi~t ~inbefore mentton~ ~le2 between Gr~d Avenue ~ ~ Ave~e~ t~ce ~aterly al9~ t~ c~terline ef to the poJ.l~t of beginni~, ia hereby deo].a~d, aha detez'nd, necl to be t~ D~triet of the Oit2 of ~uth ~ Fr~c~. ~epti~, ~er ~om the ~s~a Diatriot t~ follow~ deacrib~ territory w~ a~l be oo~tme~ ~eatricte~, but in ~ ev~t a~l be ~ for i~tri~ ~~G at a ~int where tB~ o~ter li~ of t~ alley bet~~ ~ller Av~e ~ ~ Avers ~s ~e~eot~ b2 the li~ w~.~ is ~llel with ~ ~a~t 1~ feet at right ~lea f~m t~ e~terly line of L~en Avers to t~e sout~sterl~ line of ~ Ave~e~ t~e sout~terly ~e~ the s~ south- westerly l~e of ~ Avenue to t~ ~terly l~e of O~reea Ave~e~ t~ce ~ut~erl2 alo~ t~ s~d e~terl2 l~e of C~ress Avers to a po~t ~ere the ~ la ~~t~ b2 t~ 'e~terl2 ~e~ion of t~_-~enterl~e of t~ ~re~ before ~tie~d alley ~en ~iller Av~e ~ L~ Av~ue~ t~nce westerly alo~ sa~ easterl~ ezte~lon ~d westerly ~o~ t~ ~enterl~ of s~ alley the po~t of beg~. S~tiea ~. ~1 t~ r~M~ ~LoM of t~ Oit2 of ~uth '~ Fr~is~ ~t ~re~nbefore set fo~h or deBorib~ ~ ~s o~i~oe, i8 he.b2 deol~ ~te~6 to ~ t~ Resi~nti~ DiBtriot of t~ Oit7 of ~uth B~ ~r~is~. ~tion 4. The I~trl~ Distriot ~ ~rein desor[b~ cOnfi~S its US~ tO ~e ereetion, o~t~ion, ~nte~ce. ~teration, r~ir or ~e of ~ ~llg~ for light or hea~ i~strial~ or f~tori~t ~ ~1 a~e~ces affer- ent on s~ ~d necess~2 to o~ ou~::& ~il def~~ ~i~t ~~tu~ or i~st~i~ distriot. 2e~lon 5. The ~s~eBs district ~ ~re~ descrlbe~ oo~es its ue~ the e~tio~, o~t~otion, mint--s, altemti~, re. ir or ~e of ~ build- ~ w~le p~ ~Se iS ~sinesl or oo~i~, ~ ~t t~t Of a f&ctor7 ~ ~ set fo~h in ~&ph 4 of t~s o~A~a-oe, but wit~n s~d district ~ for t~ ~se of a ~re e~itable o~siftcation t~ ~es a~ ~e. In those ~i~ of t~ ~s~ess ~striot ~ch ~ti~te the Gecon~ Fi~ Li~ts of the City of ~uth ~ .Fr~cis~ ~ or~ined O~oe ~o, /~6 of t~ Oity of ~uth ~Fr~isoo, a ~e of the territo~ wit~n said ~Siness ~striot ~ be ~e~ fore.reis, a~nt ~uses, flatS, ~~W ~urts, olub build~, assembly ~lls, ~u~el, ~uplex ~uses, ~ kited buil~ of a s~-residentt~ ~t~e. ~ection G. T~ Resid~tial Diatriot ~ herein'4eecribed, cosines its us~ to the erection, o~t~otion, ~in~ce. alteration, ~p~r or use of ~ buil~i~ or st~ct~e ~ for a private dwelli~ or pl~e of r~sidenoe to~t~r ~th the neoess~y private gar~ ~ appu~e~es ~ out ~usesl ot~/,~ ~tels, argents, ~at8 ~d ~n~ed build~ of a s~-resi~ential ~t~, ~o- vid~ ~w~er, t~t in all ~re buil~i~ or oo~t~tion of a reside~a, su~ ~elli~ or structure s~ll be at l~st fifte~ feet f~m t~.rOnt ~ro~2 2~, ~~re ~ oo~at le~ flftee. ~ on e~ si~ t~d~r s~~t~i~r ~Ati~ul~~ ~ in ~ ~se s~ll the si~ of ~ d~ll~ or at~c~e be within t~ feet of the property l~e of t~ ~join- ~en Y. ~ a~ve pe~issio~ ~e ~retn ~t~e~ as a ~al to ot~r tn the dietriots m~tloned, ~ the ~es ~ here~ s~cifi~ ~11 be ' striotl7 ~t&in~ ~ to the p~ti~ar diet.ct ~ ~ ot~r uses t~ t~se herein ~ion~ ~ tM p~ti~l~ districts s~l be.~l~ed ~ such dietrietl. ~,eotion 8. ~rever any ~i~l~ use ~ mention~ in t~s o~ce ~w ~ ~ta~d ~ ~ of t~ ~i~ districts ~ch ~ld be P~bitor~ ~der t~e o~ce, the sai~ use my be ~ta~d, ~ t~8 o~~e ~11 in ~ w~ be eonst~ retentive. 8~t~n 9, ~ ~rKn, fire or co.ration vio~ti~ ~ of the p~via~ of t~s o~~e s~ll ~ ~ilt2 of a ~Gr, and u~n conviotion shall be punished bT& fine of not more th~u ~200 or by imprisonment in the City Ja~! off not ~ore than ninety dali, el~ b7 both said fine and impriso,nnent$ such person, firm or corl~r&tion shell be deemed ~ilty of a separate offense for e~ch and eTer~ ~ay durin~ any portion Of ~h~ch an~ violation of th~s ordinanoe is conmltted, contL~ned or per~itte~ by suoh person, firm or corporation, and shall be punishable as herein providedt 5eotion 10. This ordimoe shall be published in ~The ~nterpriee" a wee3~y newspaper in the ~er end for the time asrequired~by l&w and be in foroe and efffect thirty {~0) da~s after the date of its passage. Section 11. ~11 or~in~nces or porte of ordinauoes in oonfliot with ord- inanoe, are expressly repealed, and more l~rtiaularl~ 0rdLTmnoe No. 11¥ of the 0it7 of South S~u Fr&uc~sco, Introduoed thLs ~ , d~7 of ~ 1925, Passed and a~opted as an or~Lulmoe of the Oity 9~ ~outh ~n Franoisoo Gt · r meetin~ of the Bo&rd of Tru&Seeg of the Qit~ o~f_South~,San Franoisoo, th~e &bsent ~rusteea ~ I~ l~resident of the Board of Trustees of the