HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 139-1926 FILE NO:Q.~ SAID CITY IN A~,,,~..~:~,,~t,:~. 5~ITE pi~OVlSir)t~B 0P _H.=.. C~i~TAIN ACT . U~L! "~:O'_. ,,~,t,~,,q ~,~rltL'tiit~ f'lUftl(" ~'~ ~ .... .~o DULY " ~;'"~ ,~'~..~" , , ..... . .......... . .... :,=.~=_,o ,.DO.'.::,~ Oil 15 1901 ~ct ion I. It is hereby recited and decl:cred that the ptihlic in- tere~t of the Ci3y of So~th o~in Francisco, require ~he improve- , ~ '~ ~ ' ' ~' ' ' the Civic Center of staid City. men~ .jracqing and %e~=at~f~c~txon of ..... bection II. Th~.t the estimt~led cost of im rovin~ grinding ttnd bea~- tifyin~ staid Civic Center is too gregt to be paid ot~t of the rev- en~es...~e~ ~he mllnioip~5.~.~$Z to be received this fiscal year or ye~z in which %~ch improvements ~ 'proDoss8 or will be,m~de; Section III. That therefore it is necess~.ry to levy a special tax on ~,.ll ~ro-~erty ~ssessed for ,~t~rposes of t~xation within said mnni- ciDality, for the pnrpose of rcisin;: st~fficient fronds with which to c~:rry out ~tnc~ cremate :~id im~orovements. 53e~tion IV. · 'h~::t the '~a~ur~ of the ,'~ro~o~ed im'orovements for the costs of which s,~eci~l t ..... sh~.ll ~e levie~ ~ as follows: ,,z~ding .... bea. t~:ifying of s~xc Civic Cen~er. :3ection V. ,'~,'_~ ~+ the total e~mo~nt of money to be rf~ised for s~ch im- provements i;:' the stim of ~ Do_~,~rs, De ct i onV1 The p~?~osed ~.,nn~&l rate of ta~es to be levied in addition to the ordinary ann=al ta:..es ~llowed by low is the ~" The 1P~th day of April 19P~6. is here%y set ~s the date on which an election for the pt~rpose of determining whether the voters of said city shall authorize the Board of Trnstees of said city to levy sai~] special tax as hereinbefore provided. ~Je ction VIII T~t for the parpose oi' voting there~ said proposition sh~ll be placed on the ballot to be aseR on said day ander the heading of proposition II in the following order, to-wit: Sh~ll the City of ..~oath San ~rancmsco levy a special tax of ~ ~ per One Handred (~lO0) dollars on the property ass- essed for ~nrposes of taxation wilhtn said munici~ality in additiot to annaal rate of taxes ~llo~-~ed by law for the p~rpose of ~sing the proceeds of said special tax to grade and bea~tify the Civic Center of said ~ity~ "Dp~-~osite said proposition~all ~e placed s q ~lar ~ two s~ares. Along side the top,and to the left of it the?e shall be ~lace~ the word "Yes" and~.al~ng side of the lower sqa~re to the left of it there sh~ll be pl~ced the ¥~ord "NO". ~!l ~zoters voting on sg~id pro~osition~shall stamp a cross {x) in the voting sGu~-~re after the word "Yes~' ~nd those not in favor of sai~ proposition ~stamp a cross (x) after ~he word "Ilo". Section I~ Theft the ho~rs o!~ voting an~ the 'polling plaices for c~stin~ said vote ~hall be the same ~s those pro~ided for in resolution "Resolntion of t~ Boar~ of Tra~tees of n~mber . entitled, So~th San Prancisco providing for holding a General Election in a~ for said City of So~th San ~rancisco on April lg, 19~6", passed and ad,ted by said board on the 1st day of l~rch, 1996, and the ~e~sons n~ed in said resolation as ins~ctors, jndge~mnd clerks of the consolidated voting precincts shall be the inspector~ ~dges a~ clerks for the pnrpose of the election herein provided for. Section X Sect ion X The city 01erk is hereby instructed and directed to place the necessa~ instructions to voters on the said ballot. Section X1 This ordinance is to be published once in the "Enterprise ", a newspaper of general circalation printed and published in the City of So~th San Francisco, County of San L~ateo, State of California, and shall take effect an¢ be in f~ ce immediately. ~INf~LLY PreSSED by the Board of Trustees of the City of South San ~rancisco, the l~ day of ~.~arc~, 19£6, by the fg~llov~ing votes; Ayes; T~stees;~~ ~~~~~ Noes; T~stees; None. Absent; Trustees; None.Attest~ · ~ '~~~~. ~ Approved;