· Tho Board'Of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco do
ordain as follows: .... ~'
Section 1. There is hereby create~ the office of building
SeotiQn ~. I.t shall be the duty of the building inspector
to inspect &ll buildings during the course of co~truotion thereof and
all alterations of, additions to and repairs upon all buildings during
the time ouch alteratio~, additions, or repairs are heine made, except
as hereinmfter provided. The bulldin~ inspector shall see that all laws
of the State of California and ordinances of the City of South San Fran-
cisco pertaining to the construction, alteration of, or addition to and
repair of buildings are strictly enff~rced. For this
building inspector shall have fres access at all reasonable hours to all
buildings embraced herein.
Said ~uilding inspector shall be ex-officio plumbing inspector
and electrical inspector and shall perform the duties of plumbing in-
spector, as prescribe~ by ordinance ~umber 102 of said City of South
San Francisco entitled "Ordinance No. 10E requiring the registration
of master, plumbers; fixing a license for those engaged in the plumbing
business; regulating plumbing and drainage work; creating the office
· of plumbing inspector, defining his duties, and fixing a fee in payment
thereof", passed on the 7th day of April, 1919; and all duties of elect-
rical inspector, as prescribed by 0r~lnance nnmber 12~ of
South San Franciso~ entitled "An ordinance to establish the office of
electrical inspector in and for the City of South San Francisco, to
regulate and define the duties~of such office and to establish rules and
regulations concerning the installation, operation and maintenance
of electrical wiring and apparatus, to fix penalties for the violation
of its provisions and repealing all laws in conflict therewith", passed
on the 20th day of October, 1924, and all the duties which may here-
after be required by ordinance to be performed by the plumbing in-
spector and the electrical inspector.
Section Z. Ail fees which said building inspector shall
receive in the course of performance of his duties shall be the
property of the City of South Ban ~rancisoo and shall be paid into
the treasury of the City of South San ~rancisoo at the times and in
the manner prescribed by law for officers collecting or receiving
moneys belonging to or for the use of said City.
Section 4. Said building inspector shall keep an accurate
record of all his official acts.
Section 8. Said building inspector shall receive such com-
pensation for his services as the Board cf Trustees of the City o~
South San ~rancisco shall fix from time to time by resolution.
Section 6. No person, firm or corporation shall erect any
building or structure of any kind or remodel or enlarge, add to, or
extend any building or structure already erected within the City of
South Sa~ Francisco without first obtaining a permit therefor. Where
territory within the fire limits, as established by Ordinance No.
entitled -An ordinance establishing fire limits, regulating the con-
struction, alteration and repair of buildings, the disposal of rubbish
and the storage of gasoline and other products of petrQ~eum~the
Oity o5 South San Francisco and prescribing, the penalty for violation
of said ordinance; and zepealing O~inanoe No. 112 of ~he $~y of
South Ban ~ranoisco", passed and adopted on the 4th day of May,
is i~volved, the permit shall be obtained from said Board of Trustees.
In all other oases the permit shall be obtained from the building in-
Section 7. Each application for a permit shall state the
exact site to be occupied, the material, dimensions and estimated costs
of the proposed building or structure. A copy of the plans for such
work shall be filed with the building inspector. Where repairs or
alterations or additions are to be made to any existing structures, said
Board of Trustees or bUilding inspector, as the case may be, may permit
the applicant to file a statement in writing setting forth any repairs
or alterations or additions which are contemplated, and describing the
general character, nature, and extentof the same.
Section 8. When the work of construction, re-construction,
alterations or repairS, for which permission shall have been given,
has been completed in conformity with law,'the building inspector shall
issue his certifloate ~o that effect.
Section O. The fees for inapection under this ordinance shall
be ~wo Dollars {$2.00) for each One ~housand Dollars {$1000.00} or
fraction thereof, of the estimated cost of the construction, re-construc-
tion, altaeation or repair here~n.provided for,where such cost exceeds
One ~madred Dollars {$100.00). Allinspeotion fees must be paid in
Section 10. The foregoing provisions of this ordinance shall
not apply to the construction, re-construction, alteration or repair
of buildings to be used or used for manufacturing purposes. Before
the construction of any building i~$ended for manufacturing purposes
· ' is commenced, a copy of the plans and specifications therefor shall be
filed with the building inspector an~ his permit for such construction
obtained. Each application for a permit for ~he com~truotion of a
building for manufacturing purposes shall be made to the building in-
speotor and shall state the exact site to bo occupied, ~he material,
~ dimensions and the estimated cost of the proposed building or structure.
I On oomple~ion of any such building a certificate of the architect having
charge of such work of construction, stating that such building has been
~ constructed substantially in accordance with such plans and specifications
and strictly in accordance with the laws of the State of California
and the ordinances of the City of South Ban Francisco regulating the
construction of buildings, shall be filed with the building inspector.
Section 11. The fees for the permit herein required for
buildings intended for manufacturing purposes shall be One Dollar
($1.001 for each One Thousand Dollars ~$1000.00), or fraction thereof.
of the estlmate~ cost of such donstruction, Upon the payment of such
fees, the buildin~ inspector shall issue the permit provided for in
Section 10 of this ordinance.
Section 12. It shall be unlawful for any person, £irm or
corporation, whether as owner, agent, contractor,, builder, architect,
engineer, superintendent, tenant, lessee, lessor, or occupant, or in
any other capacity whatsoever, to erect, construct, re-construct, alter,
build upon, or add to any building, or cause, permit or suffer any
building to be erected, constructed, altered, built upon or added to
contrary to the provisions of this ordinance.
Section 15. Any person, firm or corporation violating any
o~';the terms of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor,
ani upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not less then
Twenty-five Dollars 1525.00) and not to exceed Two Hundred Dollars
($200.00) or by imprisonment for a period of not more than thirty ia0)~
days, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
Section 14. This ordinance shall be published once in "The
Enterprise", a weekly newspaper published and circulated in the City
of South San Francisco, california, and shall take effect and bain
force from and after the expiration of thirty i30) days after the day of
its passage.
introduced this ~' day of ~ , 19a6.
Passed and adopeed as an ordinance of the City o~f ~outh Jan
Francisco at a regular meeting of the Boarder Trustees of the City of
South San Francisco, this ~L~ day o~~ , 1926, by the
Noes, Trustees
Al~sent, Trustees
Presiaent ,.:~l~.l~.t;~m~-of ~he Board o~ Tr~ustees
of the Oity of South San Francisoo.
ATTE~T:~ ~z~ Y
0oun~y of Ban Mateo, :ss.
0i~y of ~outh ~an ~ranciaco,
I, DANIEL McSW~ENEY, ~lty Olerk of ~he oi~2 of ~eu~h ~an
~rancisco, do hereby certify ~, at a meeting of ~he Cl~y Council
of ~he ~ity of ~outh uan ~ranoisoo held on ~he 21s~ day of ~oto~er,
1929, O. R, Beatt2 was duly appointe~ Building Inspector of said
0ity of ~outh uan Francisco bY said uity uouncil.
I ~ve se~ my hand and have
affixed the seal of said City of South ~an ~ranoisoo.
City 01er~d~the Cl~2 o~ ~n ~an
OATH 0~~ 0~IOE.
I ~o swear ~ha~ I will suppor~ ~he co~itu~ion of ~he
United ~a~es and ~he co~i~u~ion of ~he ~a~e of ualtfornia, and
~ha~ I will ~i~hfully discharge ~he du~i~ of ~he office of ~uilding
Inspector of ~he .~i~y of ~ou~h ~an ~rancisco according ~o ~he bes~ of
my ability.
Subscribed and sworn ~o ~efore me
Oily olerE of ~he Oi~y of Sou$~ San ~rancisco.