HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 147-1928 ~4,~.~ {~.~,~,~ ~' "~
]I~T DAY 0} ~ULY, 19~8, ~ ~IR~ ON T~ THIRTIETH
DAY 0P ~, 19~, ~OR ~E ]~P0SES 0~
~e 0i%y O0~oil of the 0ity of South ~an ~ranoisoo do
ordain as follows:
Section 1. ~ere Is h~eby l~led a~ there s~ll
collected en all t~ble property In the City of 9curb
Francisco for the fiscal y~r eo~encin~ on t~ first ~y of
July, 1928, an4 endl~ on the thirtieth ~y of J~e, 1929,
in the amount ~f ~even [T) ~ents upon ~oh One H~dred Dollars
(~00.00) of sai~ property, In addition to all other razes now
authori{ed by law to Be levied. Sata ts= shall be collected only
for ssid fiscal year.
Seetion ~, Said $e= shall be used only for the put.se
of oon~truoti~ in said 0it~ of South ~an Francisco a concrete
hillside sign to advertlIe said City of ~outh ~an ~ranolooo as
~he ln~us%rial city.
See%i~ ~. ~i~ ~ shall ~e collected a~ ~he ~ime and in
%he ~e~ new provi~e~ ~y 1~ and ordi~uce No. ~1 of said ci~y
en~i~le~ "~ ~i~noe ~ov~i~ a ~2s~em for ~he Assessment, Levy
an~ Oollee%ion of all 0i%2 T~es in ~he 0i~y of ~ou~h San ~rancisco,
whieh er~i~n~e was adop~e~ by ~he Boar~ of Trustees of ~he Oi~y of
~ou%~ ~n Praneise~ ~u. ~he l~h day of April, 190~.
Se~%i~n %. ~is or~i~nce s~ no~ become effective ~il
~he same s~ll have ~ee~ ~bmi~ed ~o ~he electors of said City of
Sou~h San ~aneis~ a~ a speoial election held for ~ha~ purpose. If,
upen ea~assi~ %he vo%es oas~ a~ such an election, i~ is found ~ha~
a maJeri~y of ~he v~ea 'se eas~ are iz favor of ~his ordi~nce, ~he
same s~ll ~eeome effeo%ive, and said ~ax shall be levied and collected
in %he ~er pr~i~e~ ~erein and shall be used for ~he p~poses
apeeifie~ ~rein.
~ection 5. This ordinance shall be published by one in-
~ i sertlon in "The Enterprise and The South San Yrancisco Journal", a
~i:I weekly newspaper of general circulation published and circulated
~'~,' · in said airy of South San Francisco.
~'- Introduced this S0th day of July, 1928
Passed and adopted as an ordinance o~ the 0ity of ~outh
5an Francisco this 6th day of August, 19~.8, at a reg-Alar meeting of
the airy Ooumcil of said City of South i$an Francisco by the following
vo~ ·:
R, Tibbetts and ]t, Lloyd
Noes Councilmen
Absent Councilmen ~0~
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