HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 150-1929 CISC0 ESTaBLISHII~G P~GUL=TIONS FOH THE ~C- %~./ C~JU~TION, COLLECTION AI~ RE~;'IOVAL 0F GAi{G~GE. ""',~0 The City Oouncil off the City of South San ~rancisco do ordain as ffollows: Section 1. No person or persons s~ dump or place on any lot, iand or s~reet, avenue, alley or hi~?-hway, withi~ the co~ora~e limits of the City of South ~an Francisco, excep~ at such 'place or _ .~t~ SounciZ, and under and in places as may be designated by said ~' accordance with an~ subject ';o the rules and regulations o~' said 0ity Council, any house refuse, butchers' offal, garbage, filth or other like matter, or putrid ve~etable ~mtter, manure or any matter or sub- stance which may be condemned by the i~oaro ct' e~l~n of the 5tare of .~=l~fornia, or any other :~eleZerious or offensive suLstances. 3ection ~ io oerson ownin?~ or occ a:~e~n.: any building, lot or premises in any platted or subdivided area~ ~.:~ City o~ ~5outh ~Jan Francisco s~ll s~'fer, allow or permi~ to collect and remain upon such lot or premises, any ~Tarba~e or waste matter and no person shall . ~ded area i~ said u~on any ].ct or orem~]ses in any oiatzed or sut, d~ ~ or on a~y pu~lic street avenue alley or hi;Tn.a~, in said 3ity any waste matter in such a manner as to ~'~ a ma~.e rubbish hea'o on said lot or premises, an~] allow or permit tke same ~o rema~: there; pr.ovid'-~o ~o that this ~rovision sl'mll not be construed as inZerferring with building under a building permit or with wooc ~.~eatly pi!ea mcr ~:itchen or house- hold use. o~1~. or occv~ir[.i~(?, or i~ c~ar ~e .~ection 5. ]Jo person ~' ..... any store or store-room in said Jity ~ .~ou-~h 5ar: ~rancisco, shall cle~osit or ~-~-ov~ Loo3~ or u,a:3te",',s-~,- or ioo3e or ':,'aste stra~ or hay or ez~ceisior or rubbish o-~' a,7~:, kinu z~ rte rear ,3:: or about ,-' or store-room and suffer t~ sa~e ~o re~:ai~ tkere for more ~'~'~ e~t hours. -1- AN ORDINANCE OF TH~ CITY 0F SO~E S~ F~- 'vO.'~ CISOO EST~LISHING ~GUL~IONS O~mTION, COL~CTION ~m REOVAL O~ G~AGE. ~e Oi~y ~o~oil of ~he City of Sou~h San ~rancisoo do ordain as follows: Section 1. No person or persons s~ d~p or place on any lot, land or street, avenue, a~ey or highway, within the co~orate limits of the City of South San Francisco, excep~ a~ such place or places as ~y be designated by said City Council, and under and in accordance with and subject to the rul~ and regulations of said Ci~y Council, any house refuse, butchers' offal, garbage, filth or o~her like ~t~er, or putrid vegetable ~er, manure or any mat~er or sub- stance which may be condemned by the Board of Health of the State California, or any other deleterious or offensive s~s~ances. o~ ~em~oos in any p~a~ed o~ s~div~ded ~as~e ~o~ in ~=~ a ma~e~ a~ ~o make a ~i~ ~eap on said ~o~ o~ premises, and a~ow or permit the s~me ~o rema~ ~here; provided that this provision s~ll not be construed as interferring with buildi~ under a building p~mit or with wood neatly piled ~or kitchen or house- hold use. Section ~. No person oEing or occupying, or in charge of any store or store-room in said City ~.~outh San ~rancisco, shall deposit or throw loose or waste'p~per or loose or waste straw or hay or e~celsior or r~bish of any kind ~n the rear of or about such store or store-room and suffer t~ same to remain there for more ~n ~orty- ei~t hours. -1- ;sect ion 4. 2he Chief of Police of the uity of ~outh oan ~r~ncisco is hereby directed and required to cause all persons failing to comply with the provisions of Sections i to 5, inclusive, to remove immediately from their lots or premises all such rubbish or matter as is described in said sections. Section 5. For the purpose of this ordinance the word "garbage" sl~ll be held to include kitchen and table refuse a~ld oi'fal, swill and also every accumulat ion of animal and ~egetable and other matter that attends the preparation, consumption, decay or dealing in or storage of meats, fish, fowls, birds, fruits or vegetables. Section 6. ~or the purpose of this ordinance the term "waste matter" shall include and be held to mean crockery, bottles, broken brick, tin vessels, pasteboard bo~es, berry bo~es, paper, straw, sawdust, packing material,-strayings, bo~es, re. rural soil, street sweep- ings, ashes, earth and stone, and all non-combustible waste matter. $ection 7. No portion of this ordinance st~ll be construed to prohibit the placing of manure or other fertilizer on any land for the purpose of enriching the soil. Sect ion 8. No garbage or manure, or manure and straw shall be burned upon any street, alley, park, highway or public place or in the open air in any platted or subdivided area within the corporate limits of said City. ~eetion 9. It shell be the duty of every te~mnt, lessee or occupant of any private dwelling house, flat or apartment in said city to provide within such dwelling house or building, flat or apartment, or en the lot or premises upon which such building, or flat or apart- ment is mituated, in a suitable place, a tin or iron garbage receptacle~ with cover, for receiving and holding all the garbage produced, created or accumulated upon such premises between the times for the collection of garbage, as hereinafter provided. All such receptacles st~ll be at all times located in such places as may be readily adcessible for re- moving or emptying the same, but shall not be placed within the limits x of any street in said city, or in any place so as to constitute a nuLea~ce ~ection 10. It st~ll be the duty of each such tenant, occupant or lessee to place in such receptacle all ~rbage created, produced or accumulated upon the premises occupied by him between the times established in this ordinance for the removal of the same. Sect ion 11. All garbage accumulated at private dwelling houses or residences shall be removed by the garbage collector once each week. ~ection 12. All garbage, accumulated at hotels, boarding houses, restaurants or business houses, shall be removed by the garbage collector twice each week. Section 13. All garbage cans or receptacles shall be kept clean and sanitary by the owner and person using the same, and cover- ed with a close fitting aver, except when garbage is deposited in or removed therefrom. Sect ion lA. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation~ engage in or carry on the business of hauling or remov- ing garbage or waste matter in said cl~y without first obtaining a permit from the City Council to engage in or carry on said garbage bus iness. Section 16. Each such person, fii~m or corporation engag- ing in the bus, ness of hauling or removing garbage or waste material shall pay to said City a license tax of Six Hundred Dollars ($600,00) per year. Said license tax shall be payable semi-annually in advance, on the first days of January and July of each year. No permit under this ordinance shall be effective for any purpose whatever un~il said license tax shall be paid for the half year for which such per- mit shall be used. Section 16. A garbage collector shall call regularly, as provided in this ordinance, at all dwellings, residences, apartments, flats, boarding houses, restaurants, hotels, and business houses, or other places where garbage is produced or created in said city, and remove such garbage therefrom as promptly as possible. Ail garbage shall be removed in such manner as not to be needlessly offensive or filthy in relation to any person, place, building, premises, or highway. Section 17. It shall be unlawful~r any person, firm or corporation to use any vehicle for the conveyance of "garbage", as in this ordinance defined, unless such vehicle is staunch, tight and closely covered with a wooden or metal cover, so as wholly to prevent leakage or smell. ~ect ion 18. In all cases of disputes or complaints aris- ing with reference to the place where the receptacle containing gar- bage shall be put, while awaiting removal by the garbage collectors, the health officer of said city shall forthwith designate the place, and his decision shall be final. Sect ion 19. The maximum rates for service to be charged by garbage collectors for garbage removal are hereby fixed as follows: For private dwelling houses:~ $.50 per month. For hotels, business houses, restaurants and boarding houses: $2.00 per month Section 20. Any person, firm or corporation, who shall violate any provision of this ordinance, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and ul~on conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of net less than Twenty-five ~ollars ($28.00), and not exceed- in$ Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00), or by imprisonment not e~ceeding thirty (30) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Section El. This ordinance shall be published once in ~The Enterprise and The South ~an Francisco Journal", a weekly newspaper printed and published in said oity of ~outh ~an Francisco, and shall take effect and be in force at the expiration of thirty (~0) days after the date of its passage and adoption~ ~ , /) · Introduced this day of , 19E9. Passed and adopted as an ordinar~ce of the City of South ~an Francisco at a regular meet ing of the City Counc~e City of. South ~an ~'rancisco, held tt~s / day o~~ Approved: Mayor if ~he City of ~outh ~sn Francisco.