The City Council of the City of South San Francisco do '-..~
ordain as follows:
Definit ions.
Section 1. Whenever in this ordinance the following terms
are used, they shall have the meanings respectively'ascribed to them
in this section:
S~reet. Every way set apart for public travel, except foot
Roadway. That portion of a street between the regularly
established curb lines.
Sidewalk. That portion of a street between ~he curb lines
and the adjacent property lines.
Intersection. The area embraced within the prolongation
of the proper~y lines of two or more streets which join at an angle,
whether or not one such street crosses the other.
Orosswalk. That portion of the' roadway included within
the prolongation of curb and property lines at street intersections.
Safety Zone. That marked portion of a roadway reserved for
the exclusive use of pedestrians.
Vehicle. Every device or animal by which ar~ person or
property is or may be transported or drawn upon a street, excepting
devices moved by human power or used exclusively upon rails. For the
purpose of this ordinance a bicycle shall be deemed a vehicle.
S~reet Car. Every device traveling exclusively upor~' rails
when upon or crossing a street other than devices propelled by steam.
Pedestrian. Any person afoot.
Operator. Any person who is in actual physical control of
vehicle or street car.
Traffic. Pedestrians, vehicles and street cars, either
singly or together, while using any s~reet for purposes of travel.
Right of Way. The privilege of the immediate use of the
Park. To stand a vehicle for e period of time greater ~han
is reasonably necessary for ~he actual loading or unloading of persons
or materials.
Official Warning and Direction Signs and Signals. All
warning and direction signs and signals not inconsistent with this
ordinance heretofore or hereafter placed or erected under this
ordinance or by authority of the City Council.
Authority of Police
Traffic Signs and Signals.
Section 2. Obedience ~o Police. Officers of the~ioe
Department are hereby authorized to direct all traffic by means of
visible or audible signal, and it shall be unlawful for any person
to refuse or fail to comply with any lawful order, signal or direction
of a traffic or police officer. It shall be unlawful i'or any minor
to direct or attempt to direct traffic unless authorized to do so by
order of the Chief of Police.
Section 3. Signs. The City Council shall by resolution
determine and designate the character of all official warning and
direction signs and signals. Subject to this selection, ~he Chief of
Police is hereby authorized, and as to those signs required hereunder
it shall be his duty, to place and maintain or cause to be placed and
maintained all official warning and direction signs and signals. All
signs authorized and required hereunder for a particular purpose shall
be uniform.
No provision ol' this ordinance, for which signs are required,
shall be enforceable against the alleged violator if, at ~he ~ime
and place of the alleged violation, the sign herein required is no~
in proper position and sufficiently legible ~o be seen by an ordinarily
observant person.
Section 4. Obedience to Traffic Signs. It shall be unlawful
for any operator or pedestrian to disobey the instructions of any
mechanical or electrical traffic signal, traffic sign or marks upon
the street placed in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance,
provided every sign or mark made by the use of paint upon the curb
shall bear thereon the official emblem of the Police Department.
No public utility or department in this city shall erect or
place any barrier or sign unless of a type first approved by the
Chief of Police. It shall be unlawful for any operator or pedestrian
to disobey the instructions of any barrier or sign approved, as above
provided, erected or placed by a public utility or by any department
of this city.
Section 5. Traffic Stop and Go Signal Legend. Whenever
~raffic a~ any intersection is regulated by a stop and go mechanical
or electrical signal, the following colors may be used, and none other,
and those colors herein authorized shall indicate as fellows:
Red, except in flashing signals, requires that tra£fic shall
stop and remain standing.
Green requires that traffic shall move and continue in motion
except when stopped for the purpose of avoiding an accident or in the
event of other emergency or when stopped at the come,and of a police
Amber shall indicate preparation for a change in the
direction of traffic movement, when amber is shown no traffic shall
enter the intersection until a green or "GO" signal is shown.
Bells. The ringing of a bell in connection with any
mechanical or electric traffic signal shall indicate preparation for
a change in the direction of~raffic movement. When such bell is
sounded no traffic shall enter the intersection until a green or "GO"
signal is shown.
Section 8. Display of Unauthorize8 Signs Prohibited. It
shall be unlawful for any person to place or maintain or ~o display
any device, other than an official warning or direction sign or signal
erected under competen~ authority, upon or in view of' a street, which
purports to b*~ or is an imitation of, or resembles, an official warn-
lng or direction sign or signal, or which attempts to direct the move-
ment of traffic or the actions of operators, and any such prohibited
device shall be a public nuisance, and the Chief of Police may remove
it, or cause it to be removed, without notice.
It shall be unlawful for any person to wilfully deface,
i~e, move or in~e~e~e ~i~h any o~icial ~a~ning or ~lrec~ion sign
o~ signal.
Sect ion 7. Police and ~ire Vehicles ~empt from Certain
~les. The provisio~ of %his ordinsnce resisting the movement,
parking and standing of vehicles s~'ll not apply ~o vehicles of %he
police or sheriff's office, of the fire department, or of a p~ic
utility while the driver of any such vehicle is en~ged in the necessa~
performance of public duties.
~TI0~ III:
Section 8. Pedestrians ~o Obey Signals. A% intersections
where traffic is directed by a traffic or police officer or by a
traffic stop and go signal, l~ s~ll be unlawful for any peSea%rian ~o
cross the roadway other than with released traffic.
~TI0~ IV:
Rules for Driving.
Section 9. Me,hod of Approach for Lef~ Turn. The opera~or
of a vehicle in~ending to ~urn ~o ~he left st an in?ersee~ion or into
a driveway shall approach the poin~ of turning in ~he line o~ ~raffic
nex~ ~o the cen~er of ~he roadway.
See~ion 10. Me~hod of ~ning ~o Left a~ Intersections.
The opera,or of a vehicle in ~urning left at an intersection shall
pass to the right of ~he center of ~he intersection before t~ning,
except ~hat where markers have been placed upon ~he intersection
boundary lines to be crossed by the vehicle, the opera~or shall pass
to ~he right of such markers.
See~ion ll. Location of Turning 4~arkers. The Chief of
Police is hereby authorized, and as to these intersections mentioned
in paragraph (1) of this section it shall be his duty ~o place or
cause to be placed turning markers in intersections as follows:
el) Within intersections where either intersecting road-
way is less than sixty C801 feet in width and in intersections where
street terminates in another, a marker shall be placed at every
intersection of the medial line of each street with the prolongation~
cf the property or the curb lines of the intersecting street, or as
near the intersecting point of said lines as may be practical.
C£) Intersections other than those mentioned in paragraph
el) may be marked as provided in paragraph Il), or a single marker may
be placed within such intersection at the intersection of the medial
lines of the intersecting streets.
~ection 1£. ~iethod of Approach of Right Turn. The operator
of a vehicle intending to turn to the right at an intersection, or
into driveways, shall approach the point of turning in the line of
traffic nearest the right-hand edge or curb to the street.
Section 1Z. When ~Qight Turns May ~e Made. Right turns
may be made at any time after stopping at a boulevard stop, where such
stop exists, irrespective of a traffic signal, unless otherwise directed
by a policeman or traffic officer, but subject to the right of
pedestrians at such intersection.
Section lA. Boulevard Stops. The driver or operator
of any' vehicle shall stop such vehicle immediately before entering
upon the respective streets or avenues hereinai'ter named from any one
of the respective streets or avenues hereinafter named an8 intersecting
therewith as particularly specified ss follows:
Ca) Upon ~rand Avenue from each of the followin~ named
streets and avenues:
Division Btreet, Cypress Avenue, ~aple Avenue, Walnut Avenue,
Spruce Avenue, Magnolia Avenue, Locus~ Avenue, Orange Avenue, Acacia
Avenue, Eucalyptus ~venue, Laurel Avenue, Chestnut Avenue, Oak Avenue
and Ashton Avenue.
Chi Upon Bay Shore Boulevard from each of the following
named streets and avenues:
Randolph Avenue, Gardner Avenue, ~.utler Road, Chapman
Avenue, Armour Avenue, Pine Avenue, California Avenue, Lux Avenue,
Miller Avenue, Grand Avenue and Baden Avenue.
(c) Upon Linden Avenue from each of the following named
streets and avenues:
Railroad Avenue, Commercial Avenue, Baden Avenue, Grand
Avenue, Miller Avenue, Lux Avenue, California Avenue, Pine Avenue,
Aspen Avenue, Juniper Avenue, Armour Avenue, Bay Shore Boulevard
and Hillside Boulevard.
~dl Upon Baden Avenue from Orange Avenue, Magnolia Avenue
and Spruce Avenue.
(e) Upon Miller Avenue from Spruce Avenue.
(f) Upon Lux Avenue from Spruce Avenue.
(g)~ Upon Commercial Avenue from Orange Avenue.
(h) Upon Railroad Avenue from Orange Avenue and Spruca
(l) Upon Chestnut Avenue from Miller Avenue.
Upon Cypress Avenue from Lux Avenue.
(k) Upon E1 Camino Real from First Avenue, Second Avenue
and Orange Avenue.
(1) Upon Linden Avenue from Firs~ Lane, Second Lane, Third
Lane, Fourth Lane, Tamarack Avenue and Sixth Lane.
em) Upon Maple Avenue from '~alnut Avenue and California
The driver or operator of any vehicle shall stop such
vehicle immediately before entering upon the intersection of the right
of way of the Southern Pacific Company with Grand Avenue, Swift Avenue
an~ Butler Road.
Every operator of a vehicle or street car traversing an~~
street intersecting any boulevard shall bring such vehicle or s~ree~
car to a full stop at the place where such street meets the nearest
property line of the boulevard before entering such boulevar~ provided
the property line is clearly marked or sign-posted as required in this
ordinance, except at intersections where and when traffic is subject to
stop and go signals or directions.
The ~hief of Police is hereby authorized and required
place and maintain or cause to be placed and maintained upon each and
every s~reet in~ersectin~ a boulevard and at or near the property
line of the boulevard appropriate signs upon the s~reet or devices
or marl~s in the roadway, such signs, devlceg or marks to bear the word
"ST0]? or the words "BOULEVARD STOP" in such position and with letters
of a sile to beelearly legible from a distance of
along the stree~ intersecting the boulevard.
Section 15. 0rossin~ ~ire Hose. 1~o vehicle shall be driven
over any unprotected hose o£ ~he ~lre Department when laid down on any
street or private driveway, to be used at any fire or alarm of fire,
without the co~sent of the ~ire Marshal or the assistant in command, and
no street car shall be driven over any fire hose laid upon ~any stree~
car trac~ by the ~ire Department.
Section 16. Bicycle ~'~idino~ Restricted. It shall be un-
lawful to ride a bicycle upon any sidewalk on 9rand A~enue, from
Maple Avenue to Division Street, Maple Avenue, Linden Avenue, Cypress
Avenue and Bay Shore Boulevard from Baden Avenue ~o Miller Avenue and
Division Street from Grand Avenue to Miller Avenue. It shall be un-
lawful ~o ride a bicycle upon any port ion of Bay Shore Boulevard,
except when permitted by the 0hief of Police. The rider o£ a bicycle
upon a roadway shall ride as nearly as practicable within five (5)
feet of ~he right-hand curb or edge of the roadway except when pass-
ing a standing or other vehicle, or making a le£~-hand turn at an
iht ersect ion.
Sect ion 17. Riding on Handle Bars Prohibited. It shall be
unlawful for the operator of any bicycle or motorcycle when upon a
street to Garry any other person upon the bar, handle or tank of
any such vehicle or for any person to so ride upon any such vehicle.
Section 18. Unlawful ~o Dive Through ~uneral Processions.
it shall be unlawful for the operator of any vehicle
drive between the vehicles comprising a funeral procession, provided
that such vehicles are conspicuously so designated.
Section 19. Clinging to Moving Vehicles. It shall be un-
lawful for any person traveling upon any bicycle, motorcycle or any
toy vehicle to cling to or attach himself or his vehicle to any
other moving vehicle or street car upon any roadway.
Section E0. Use of Coasters, Roller Skates and Similar
Devices i~estrictedo It shall be unlawful for any person upon roller
skates or riding in or by means cf any coaster, toy vehicle or similar
divice to go upon any road or upon the sidewalks in the district
described as follows:
~rand ~venue from ~aple Avenue to Division Street; Linden
Avenue from Baden Avenue to Miller Avenue, Maple Avenue from Baden
Avenue to Miller Avenue, Cypress Avenue from Baden Avenue to Miller
Avenue, and Bay Shore Boulevard for the entire length.
Section £1. The operator of a vehicle emergin~ i'rom a drive-
way or garage shall stop such vehicle imm~ediately prior to driving upon
a sidewalk.
Stoppings,, Standing and
~eotion 2£. Stopping Prohibited in Specified Places. It shall
be unlawful for the operator of a vehicle to stop such vehicle in any
of the following places, except when necessary to avoid conflic~ with
other traffic or in compliance with the direction of a police officer or
traffic sign or signal:
(1) In an intersect ion;
In a crosswalk;
Between a safety zone and the adjacent curb or within
twenty (20) feet of a point on the curb immediately opposite the end
of a safety zone.
(~) ~ithin fifteen (15) feet of an intersecting roadway,
except busses at a designated bus stop.
[§) On Bay Shore Boulevard between ~;iller Avenue and the
subway on 3undays and holidays.
Upon the streets designated as follows: Grand avenue,
from Maple Avenue to Division Street; Linden Avenue and Cypress
Avenue from Baden Avenue to Miller Avenue, and Bay Shore Boulevard
from Miller Avenue to the subway, the Chief of Police shall designate
the provisions of paragraphs (3), ~4) and (5) of this section by
placing and maintaining red paint or other red material upon the
entire curb surface within such areas, omitting any crosswalk area,
or by placing and maintaining appropriate signs direoting that the
stopping of vehicles is prohibited.
Sect ion 23. It shall be unlawful to park any automobile,
other than an automobile used in the United States postal service
in front of a post office, or to park an automobile in ±'font of any
bank entrance during banking hours.
Section 24. The City Council shall, from time to time,
as public convenience may require, establish certain areas to be known
as bus stops, which shall be designated by appropriate signs. Such
bus stops shall not exceed fifty (50) feet in length, and shall not
be placed adjacent to a safety zone at a street ear stop.
Section 25. The operator of a vehicle shall not park such
vehicle for longer than one (1) hour between the hours of 7 o'clock
a. m. to 6 o'clock p. m. of any day, except Sundays and holidays,
within the following District:
Grand Avenue from Division Street to Maple Avenue, Bay Shore
Boulevard from ~iller Avenue to the subway; Linden Avenue £rom
Baden Avenue to Miller Avenue, Cypress Avenue from Miller Avenue to
Baden Avenue; nor shall the operator of a vehicle park such vehicle at
any time in Third and Fourth Lanes between Cypress and ~aple Avenues,
except for ~he purposes of loading and unloading.
Section 26. Early I~orning Parking Limited. It shall, be un-
lawful for the operator of any vehicle to park said vehicle on any
street for s period of time longer than one (1) hour between the hours
of ~. o'clock a. m. and 6 o'clock a. m. of any day.
Section 27. Standing or Parking Close to Curb. The operator
of a vehicle shall not stop, stand or park such vehicle in a roadway
other than parallel with the curb and with the two right-hand wheels
of the vehicle within one (1) foot of the curb, except in any residence
district no~ established or which may be hereafter established.
Section 28. Parking Vehicles For Sale. It shall be un-
lawful for the ope~tor of any vehicle to park the same upon any
street for the purpose of displaying it for sale, or to park any
vehicle upon any street in any business district from which said vehicle
merchandise is being sold.
$eotion 29. Driving on Street Car Tracks. Passing Safety
Zones. (a) It shall be unla~'ful for the operator of any vehicle pro-
ceeding upon any street oar tracks in ±'ront of' a street car to fail to
remove said vehicle from said tracks as soon as practicable after signal
from the operator of said street oar,
(b) It shall be lawful for a vehicle to be driven on either side
of a safety zone.
Pena it les.
Section J0. Any person violating any of the provisions of
this ordinance, or any rule or repletion made by the Chief of Police
pursuant thereto, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction
thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding Three Hundred Dollars
($300.00) or by impriso~'~ent in the City Jail for a period not exceeding
three (3) months, or by both such fine and i~np~isonment.
Section 31. Effect o~ Ordinance. If any section, sub-section,
sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held
to be invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the
validity ol~ the remaining portions of this ordinance. The City Council
hereby declares that it would have passed this ordinance and each seotior~
sub-section, sentence, clause and phrase thereof, irrespective of the
fact that any one or more sections, sentences, clauses or phrases
be declared invalid or unconstitutional.
Section 32. Repeal. Ordinance No. 149 of this city,
passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of 3curb San
Francisco on the 19th day of November, 19£8, is hereby repealed, and
ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with or inconsistent with
the provisions of this ordinance are hereb2 repealed, except that
this repeal shall not afl, eot or prevent the prosecution or punishment
of any person for any act done or committed in violation o£ any
ordinance hereby repealed prior to the time when this ordinance shall
become effective.
Section 33. ~his ordinance shall be published once in
"~he Enterprise and The South San Eranoisco Journal", a weeEly news-
paper printed and publishe~ in s~id City of South San Francisco and
shall t~ke effect and be in force from and after the expiration of
thirty (30) days after its adoption.
Introduced this ~-~ ~-- day of August, 19J0.
2assed and adopted as an ordinance of the 0ity of South San
Francisco at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of
South San Francisco, on the /'~/~ day o~~ , 1930,
by the following vote:
Ayes, Councilmen ..~~ ~7, ~~_~ .~.~.
Noes, Counoi linen
Absent, Councilmen
N C an