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. . I
Th.e Oit,x~ Council_ o£ the ~i" .... ~c of ~ou ~' "oz~ San Erancisco do
ordain as follows:
Section 1: Tiie term "bil!Zo~-i'' as used in u~i~s ordinance
is hereby iefiiiel to be a~ boaz~, bullet.an board felioe,~,'a.i~n or
structure, or part thereof, tem[}orary or permanent, erected, maintain
ed, or used pri:'.larily ~or ad~er-tisizi~-pur-poses, excepting advertising
struoti~es inside buii&in~s,~ or uvon w.a~.c~ any advertisement is shown
or whereon any poster, bill, printing, painting, device or other
advertisin,.x matter of '~ ~ kind whatsoever may be-o!aced,' s~ac~, tacked
.. all~, . ,
~os~e~, prLnteL, p&inte~, ~&s~e~ or z~s~eneL Zu~ tkis defZni~ion
shall not be hell to include any boards, si~n or surface use& to
iisplay offficiaL notices, issued by ~[~ court or piColic office,
or postei by Q~y pub:ic officers in the perform~ice of a public
duty, or used to display ~nounoemen~of meetiii~ to be held upon
· premises whereon such billboards or bulletin bo~ds are displayed,.__.
or rased to advertise tlie general busif~ess conducted on the premises
where sucil bill bo~ or bulletin board is located, nor shall it
be held to include a real estate '~ ._~.~
sisn, advertisi~n~' for sale or red'it
the property upon whicli it st~iis.
The term "oainted wall si~n," as used in this ' "~ ....
shall be deemed to be the designation ap~iied t.~ a definite space
on the wall, sides or roof of a buiidin~;, Or Oil ~ences whereon the
a~vertisement is painted iii al~ mamier.
~eotio! ~: The term "outdoor advertisin~",as~i in this
oriinance, is hereby defined to be advertising on a~ billboard, bulletin
board, fence or structure, or the placing thereon of any poster, bill,
~rii';Ltin~ ' ' ~ ~_. ,
. ~, paii_~in~, device or any advertisin~ matter of any kind
whatsoever, and the pasting, posting, paintin.~', printing, nailing' or
tacking or otherwise fastening of any hand-bill, car&, bannei~, si~n,
poster, advertisment or notice of any kind upon al~/ billboard, property
or place.
Section 3: ~o person, firm, corporation or association
shall en~age in o'r carry on the business or occupation of billposting,
outdoo~~ advertising, sign painting, or maintain billboards in the
City o£ South San Francisco without paying the license fee provided
in this ordinance.
Every person, firm, ocr'potation or association engagin~ in
or cea~rying on the business or occupation of billposting or advertising
sign painting or outdoor advertising, or maintaininf~m; billboards shall
cause the name of such person, firm, corpo~'ation or association to be
painted plainly in a cons]?icuous place on the outside of any wa~'on or
vehicle used in such business or occupation and shall keep the s~ae
i~ain and distinct at all times.
Section 4: The license fee imposed bi.:~ this oz'dinance shall
be paid quarterly an& the a~ount thereof shall be computed as follows:
The sum of i cent for each square foot of surface maintained
or under permit. The license tax herein e~stablished shall be due and
payable in advance at such time as amy previous license may hereafter
expire, or at such time as an~ person, firm, corporation or association
~ ~--~ in such business in the City of South San
subject to it, shall
Francis co.
~ · ·
eot~on 5- Upon the payment of thelicense fee in this
ordinance provided the City ~ler_,~ of the City of South San Prancisco
shall issue to the person, firm, corporation, o±~ association paying the
license fee, a license to be known as 'the "Bill Poster and Outdoor
Advertising License", which license shall be nmubered and said number
shall continue to be the license number of said licensee during the
time such licensee shall continue to ~u~am~ in the business forw''n~'ch
the said license v~as issued in the City of South San Francisco. Such
payment shall entitle 'the holde'~~ of such license to engage in and carry
on the business or occupation described in Section 5 of this ordinm~ce
for the period J~or which such payraent was made. Said license shall not
be loaned or worked under by any other person, fin% corporation,
aSsociation, individual, agent, bill poster, racker or painter, who
is not a recognized employee of the licensee. Each billboard worker
or outdoor advertiser must carry conspicuously displayed upon his
person so as to be easily recognizable, a metal badge bearing the
nmue of his em~.loo, er and such employer's license n~ber.
3ection 8: No billboard shall hereafter be erected in the
City of South San Francisco wb/ch has an advertisinF sur±'~ce of more
than seven (7) feet from the lower edge thereof to the upper edge
thereof. Every application for a permit to erect a billboard, or to
~oaint a oainted wall si~n in the ~ty of South $an Francisco shall be
made to and filed with the City Council. Such application shall con-
tain the name of the a-o-olicant and shall set forth the location
which it is proposed to erect such billboard, or to paint such
~oainted wall sign,, describiu~.~? ~h=~_,~ lot a~d~ . blocl~ or giving any other
description by which the location may be readily identii~ied. It shall
contain the sveci:~oa~ions of
~ ~' ~ ~e proposed billboard or painted wall
sigm, which specifications must be approved by the building inspector.
Such application shall give the n~e of the owner or agent in control
of t~_e oroverty on w]~ch the proposed billboard, or painted wall sign
is to be erected, constructed, or painted amd shall be accompanied
by the written consent of said owner or agent that such billboard or
painted wall si~ may be erected or painted on the location or property.
Such application shall also contain the number o±' square yards and
the number of standard s~zed sheets of advertising surface or area
in the proposed billboard, or painted wall sign. If the Council finds
that the pro-eosed billboard or painted v~,all sign may be erected, con-
structed or painted or maintained on the proposed location without
danger to the public health, morals and safety, the Council may in its
discretion grant the permit applied for.
Section 7: All billboards hereafter constructed or erected
in the City of South San Prancisco shale be so deSignated, con-
structed and ~uaintained in such a manner as to vJithstand the wear and
tear of the elements and a thirty (30) pound lateral wind pressure per
squsa-e foot of exposed surface and erected at an angle oi' bracing
not greater than sixty (60) d~grees from a horizontal plane and the
braces shall be securely fastened by an anchor or other secured solld
base. fall billboards hereai'ter constructed '~Jithin the fire limits
oi' the City of South San ~raz~.cisco, as no?~' or hereafter established
by ordinance, shall be built and constructed entirely of ~uetal
other non-combustible materials in all parts thereof', except the
posts or standards upon which such structures '~est and moulding
strips of v~ood; -provided, however, that 'the advertisi~ surface of
such structures shall be of non-combustible material not lighter
than twenties-eight (£S) gauge ~;~etal. ~[1 portions of such billboa~'ds
shall be at least four~(~) ~eet i'ro:':~ any other buildin~ or st~ucture.
I~o billboard hereaftei~ constructed o;~ erected within the City of
South San Francisco but outside of 'the i'ire lio~its of the City, as
now or hereaffter established by ordinance, shall be built or con-
structed of wood or o't~er i~.i'la~'~'aable materials zu~less all portions
of said structure be at least six (6) i'eet from any buildin~ or other
structure built or constructed oi' ?~ood o~' other ini'lm~'~aLle materials.
I~o billboard shall hereafter be erected o~~ constz~ucted upon any pz~olic
s~¢.ewal=, street, alley, or o~.,:er public place, o~' upon a~ lot or
premises in such a ~annez~ 'that any poz'tion of such structure shall
be nearer than i'ive (5) ~eet ~rom the line o£ any public sidewalk,
street, alley or other public place. There shall be placed and
maintained at the top ol' each billbos.~d and each advertising sign the
name, plainly painted, of the person, firm, corporation or association
owning, or who is in possession, charge cz~ control of the stone for
advertising purposes. Each such billboard and advertising sign shall
bear a nut, bet readily legible from the street, alley or other public
place on which such bi!lboazd or si:~ fronts. Said nzu~ber, together
with such inforraation as may .be necessary to show the location of -the
billboard or advertis ..... '~ ~ '
i~:.~ s~on bearing, suc:-~. n~uuber shall ~,e recorded
in an a~opropriate book to be kept.
~n~ orna~ental border, which shall contain no a~lve~'tising of
a,~/ nature, not ~,~ider than one (1) foot may be added -to surround the
advertising surface of any ~:,illboard or advertising si~. There may
be olaced at the ends of said billbo~trds appzooriate orna~:~,ental
columns. There may be placed between the lower edge of the billboea~d
and the ground an orna~uental lattice ~"~ork or baseboard not over t%~:elve'
(l~) inches in hei~Tht, ?rovided that the lower edge of such lattice
wor~ or baseboe~rd shall be at least t~enty-four (£~) inches fro~u the
ground. All billboards hereafter erected on the lot or lots between
two buildin~,s abuttin~ the sidev~alk must be ?rovided v~ith so~e means
of easy access to that oortion of the lot in '~ of
~_ '~.~e rear such bi!lboa~ds
All billboards may be erected on lines parallel with the nearest street
on wnmc_~ zhe~ face, or ma~? be erected at an an.!~;le z:~ere~o not greater
than ,~mr~ (30) degrees, -orovided that at corners for~,~ed by street
intersectiens, such structures may be erected or constructed diagonally.
The height of billboards hereafter erected, or constructed in South San
-Vrancisco shall not e:~ceed eleven and one-hali' (ll 1/2) feet £rom the
surface o±~ -the :Tround. ~o billboard shall have a ±e~-~th greater than
twenty-five (25) feet.
Section 8. It shall be ~uala',~ful for ~ny person, firm, cor-
poration or association to erect, construct cz' cause or permafit to be
erected or constructed any billboard or to mal:e any altez~ation on such
billboard or to remove-from one location a~_d re-erect in another any
such billboard without~ having secured a pe;~mit fro~,,~ the City Council so
to do in confoz~.,zty with ~ne 'orovisions of this ordinance. :t~.e ter,~
"alteration" shall not be construed to a])~ply to painting of or changing
of any advertising matter on any billboard, but ¥~here a billboard is re-
erected or removed to another location, its construction shall con-
form to the requirements and provisions of this ordinance.
Section 9. Before auy permit required by this ordinance
is issued £or the construction, erection or removal of a billboard
the building inspector shall make or cause to be made an inspection
of the location of the proposed site of such board and transmit his
report thereon to the City Council.
Section 10. The building inspector shall make such
investigation or take such other action as, in his Judgment, he may
deem proper or necessary in the enforcement of the provisions of this
ordinance. He shall also investigate or cause to be investigated,
reported infractions of this ordinance or ~aendments thereto and
shall report all eases or infractions or sh~ll request that a warrant
of arrest issue out of the proper court against the person or persons
responsible for or causing such infractions.
Section ll. If, at any time it shall appear to the City
Council by evidence that a billboard erected or maintained in the City
of South San ~rancisco has become or is dangerous to the public
health, morals or safety, the City Council shall so notify the person,
firm, corporation or association ownin~ or in control of such bill-
board and such person, firm, corporation or association shall make such
billboard safe and not dangerous to public health, morals or safety,
or remove the same. In event such person, firm, corporation or
association, after receiving such notice, shall thereafter, for a
period of ten days, fail to comply with the directions therein con-
tained, the City Council may revoke such permit theretofore granted
to erect such billboard or require the building inspector to remove
or cause to be removed such billboards, or both.
Section 1£. No paper, cloth or advertising matter shall be
permitted or allowed to hang loose from eny billboard but the same shall
be securely fastened and glued to the surface of said billboard. All
billboards shall have a smooth surface and no nails, tacks, or wires
shall protrude therefrom, except that billboards may be illuminated
with electricity by means of pressed steel reflectors, containing
lamps of not less than 100 watts of current per hour. Such reflectors
shall be placed at not more then ten Il0) feet apart an~ extend not
more than five (5) feet from ,the face of the billboard an~ to be at
least ten (10) feet above the sidewalk, or surface of the ground.
Said reflectors shall not protrude beyond the property line an~ shall
be attache~ to the billboard. For the electrical work done anl the
electrical appliances installed on such illuminated billboards, an
inspection by the city building inspector shall Be required and such
inspection shall be made annually thereafter. A fee of $1.50 shall be
charged for such inspection per meter location.
Section 13. It shall be unlaw~al for any person, firm,
corporation or association, except a public officer, or employee in the
performance of a public duty, or a private person giving a legal
notice, to paste, paint, print, nail, tack or otherwise fasten any
card, banner, handbill, si~n, poster, or advertisement or notice
of any kind, or cause the same to be &one on any curbstone, lamp-post,
pole, hydrant, fence, bridge or tree upon any public street or
public property, or upon any other property not owned by said person,
firm, corporation or association, within the City of South San ~ran-
cisco, except as may be required'by the orainances of the City of
South San l~ranoisco or the laws of the State of California, or of
the Unite~ States. Any a~vertisement prohlbite~ by this section may
be taken ~own, moved or ~estroye~ by an2 person.
Section 14. No person, firm, corporation or association
shall scatter, daub, or leave any paint, paste, ~lue or other substance
used for painting or affixing aavertisinc matter upon any public street
or sidewalk or scatter or throw or permit to be scattered or thrown
an~ bills, waste matter, paper or material of any kind whatsoever
removed from billboar&s on any public street or private property.
Section 16. The provisions of this ordinance do not apply
to electric signs and transparencies, nor signs attached to any
building or the side or roof thereof or painted thereon, including
bulletin boards, advertising the general business carried on in such
building or offices therein, nor to clocks or other similar advertising
devices advertising the general business conducted in such building or
in offices therein.
Section 16. All wall or fence bill or bulletin boards
placed flat against the wall or fence shall be securely~ fastened to
the wall or fence by means of adequate sized screws sufficient in
number to hold the same securely under all conditions.
All applications for permits for the erection and construct-
ion of roof signs or boards shall contain data relative to the size and
weight of boards and the construction of the roof whereon such
board is to be located, showing girders, joists or rafters to which
the suppor~ will be fastened. Every roof board or sign shall be
constructed, anchored and supported so as to withstand a lateral
wind pressure of thirty /J0) pounds per square foot of surface in
addition to other live and dead loads and no roof sign shall be erected
upon any building unless such building is able to safely withstand
the additional stresses caused thereby. 0nly noncombustible materials
shall be used in electrically equipped roof signs or boards or any
other roof sign within the fire limits of the City of South San 2ran-
cisco, as nor or hereafter established by ordinance, except that purely
decorative portions of such signs may be painted with fire retardent
paint approved by the chief of the fire department. The term "roof
sign" is hereby defined to mean any advertising structure attached to
a building, any portion of which structure extends above the parapet
or above the eaves of such building.
Section 17. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm,
cori,~?o~ation or association to exhibit, post or display, o~~ cause to
be exhibited, posted or displayed, upon any billboa~d or painted
wall sign, any statement, words, or signs of au obscene, indecent
immoral nature, or any picture, illustration or delineation of any
human figure in such detail as to offend public morality, or decency,
or of any lewd, or lascivious act, or any other matter or thing of an
obscene, indecent or i~?,~oral nature, or offensive to the moral sense;
or any murder, suicide, robbery, hold-up, shooting, s~abb~ng, cluob~no
or beatin~ of arfy human being v~herein any such ~ct is shown in gruesome
detail or in revolting manner, or in any manner objectionable to the
mo ral s ens e.
Section 18. It shall, hereafter, be unlawful for any person,
firm, corporation or association to erect or construct or maintain any
billboard or to paint an~.? painted ¥~all sign in an~ block on any public
street included within any district which now is, or may hereafter
be designated by ordinance as a residential district.
Section 19. If any section, sub-section, clause, word or
phrase of this ordinance is for anff reason held to be unconstitutional
or otherwise invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of
the re~uainder of this ordinance, The Council of the City of South San
Francisco hereby declares that it would have passed this ordinance and
each section, sub-section, sentence, clause, wo'~d or phrase thereof
irresoective of the fact
~ t~t any one section, sub-section, sentence,
clause, word or phrase be held %u~constitutional or otherwise invalid.
Section 20. ~n~, person, fir~, corporation or association,
either as principal, agent, or employee, violatin~ any provisions or
provision of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor
an&, upon conviction the?eof, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding
One Hundred Dollars (~100.00), or by imprisor~aent not exceeding a period
of thirty (~0) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Each such
person, firm, corporation or association shall be deemed guilty of a
separate offense for each day durin.~ any portion of which any violation
of any of the provisions of this ordinance is committed and continued
or permitted by such person, firm or corporation, and shall be punish-
al~l$ therefor as Provided by this ordinance.
Section El. All rights and privileges acquired under the
provisions of this ordinance or any amendment thereto, are mere licenses
and revocable at any time by the said City Council.
Section ££. Ordinance No. 1£? of the City of South San
~rancisco entitled 'An ordinance regulating the business of and the
construction and maintenauce of billboards, fences, signs or other
structures erected or used for advertising purposes in the City of
South San Prancisco, passed and adopted en the 5th day of January, 19E~,
is hereby repealed.
Section 25. This ordinance shall be published once in
"The Enterprise and the South San Francisco Journal", a weekly news-
paper printed and published in said City of South San ~rancisco, and
shall take effect and be in fo~ce fron~ and after the expiration of
thirty I~0) days ~fter its adoption.
-0- o-o-o-o-
Passed and adopted as an ordinance of the 0ity of South
San Francisco at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City
of South San Francisco, on the~ day of ~ , 1931,
by the following vote:
~Yes, Councilmen ~. ~~/ ~/. ~~
Noes, Councilmen
~bsent, Councilmen ~..
Attest: _ .
Ma~ of the City of South Ban
~ ~ ~rancisoo.