HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 165-1933 ~ ~CI~O ~DING $~IONS ~ ~d ~5 of 0~~
~. ~1 0F T~ CI~ OF SO~ ~ ~{CI~O ~TIT~D,
~ ~ OO~ION OF ~L CI~ T~ ~ T~ O~Y OF
~ ~ ~OI~0", p~sed ~d a~t~ ~ the 19~h
The CltF Co.ell of the ~lty of ~uth ~
do or~n as follows:
~ctlun 1. ~ction 3~ of 0rdln~ce No. 21 of the
of ~uth ~ Fr~ois~ entitled, "~ o~ln~ce provi~n6 a
s~st~ for the as~s~ent,' ~vy ~ collection of ~1 oit~ t~s in
the O~ty of ~uth ~ Fr~olaco.', p~sse~ ~ a~opte~ b~ the
Bo~ of T~s-tees of the Olay of ~uth ~ Fr~cisoo on the 19th
~ ~en~ed, re~ as follo~s:
~lon 3~. Within ten days after the receipt of the
a~s~ent-roll, the T~ Collector ~st publl~ a notice ~
newsier published In ~l~ 0ity of ~uth S~ Fr~oiseo, or If
none Is published the~in, he ~i post the ~e In three public
p~es In the city ~eoify~:
I. ~t the ta~s on '~1 pe=son~ p~perty ~c~ed by
re~ p~~y, ~ one h~f of the t~es ~ all real property, ~1I
be ~ue ~ pa~ble on the thlr~ ~e~ay in ~etober, ~ ~ be ~e-
linquent on the fifth day of Dec~ber ne~ there~te~, at fl~ o'clock
p.m. ~ th&t ~le~ ~ prior t~reto, el~t (8) per cent will be
added to the ~t thereof, ~ that if ~l~ one half be not pal~
before the ~h day of ~rll ~, at five o'clock p. m., ~ ad~l-
tlon~ thee (3} per ~ent will be ad~e~ thereto. ~at the reminl~
~e-h~ of the taxes on all re~ property ~11 be ~ble on ~
after the 20th d~ of ta~a~ ~ ~d ~ill be ~elinquent on the
· ay of April ~ the~after, at five o' ~ck p. m., ~d tha~,
p~ prior thereto, three (3) per cent will be added to the ~unt
thereof; provided, however, that when December fifth, or
twentieth, falls on Saturday, taxes shall become dsllncluent at
twelve o'clock noon on either date.
2. That all taxes may be paid at the time the first
installment, as herein provided, is due and payable. That the
taxes on all personal property unsecured by real property are due
and payable between the third Tuea~_~y in $ctober and the fifth
of December next thereafter.
5. The times land places at which payment of taxes may
be made. The notice in overly case neat be published for two (2)
weeks in ~ome weekly or daily newspaper of general circulation
published in the city, if there la one; or if there is none, then by
posting it in three public places in the city.
Section 2. ~aetion $5 of maid Ordinance No. 21 is hereby
amended ac that said ~ction 55 shall, as amended, read as follows:
$ectlon ~5. On the fifth ~ay of December of each year, at
five o'clock p. m. call taxes then unpaid, except the l~st installment
of the real property taxes~are delinquent, and thereafter the Tax
Collector mmet collect, for the use of the city, an addition of eight
(8) per cent thereon; provided, that if they be not .paid before the
20th day of ~ril next succeeding, at five o'clock p. m. he shall
collect an addition of three (5).per cent thereon. On the 20th day
of April of each year, at five o'clock p. m. all the unpaid portion
of the remaining one-half of the taxes on all real property are de-
linquent, and thereafter the Tax Collector must colleet for the use of
the city, an addition of three (SI per cent thereon; provided, that
the entire tax on any real property may be paid at the time the first
installment, as above provided, is due and payable. /
Introduced this / ~ day of August,
Passed and adopted as an ordinance of the City of South
Sam FranciSco at a regular meeting of the (~y Council of the City
of South ~an Francisco held on the ~/J*J day of August, 1955, by the