HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 166-1934 0RDINANOE NO. /~ AN ORDINANCE REGULATING AND RELATING TO THE ERECTION, CON- STRUCTION AND NAINTh~ANCE OF ADVERTISING STRUCTURES, AND THE PLACING AND MAINTENANCE OF SIGNS IN THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO; LICENSING AND REGULATING THE OCCUPATION OF OUTDOOR ADVERTISR~G; PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF PERI, ITS AND FEES THEREFOR~i' REQUIRING THE PERMISSION OF THE OWNER OR LESSEE 0F PROPERTY 01PON WHICH ANY ADVERTISING STRUCTURES OR SIGN IS LO~AT- ED, AND PROVIDI~f~'.PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE. The City Council of the City of South San Francisco do ordain as fo 11 ows: SECTION 1: ~ the purpose of this ordinance certain terms used herein are defined as~lows: ADVERTISING STRUOTURE: The term "Advertising Struct- ure", as used in this ordinance, is hereby defined to be any structure erected exclusively for advertising purposes, upon which any poster, bill,' printing, painting, device or other advertisement of any kind whatsoever may be placed, posted, painted, fastened or affixed, including any spectacle, display, appliance or advertising statuary. SIGN: The term "sign" is hereby defined to be any card, cloth, paper, metal, painted or wooden sign of any character, placed for outdoor advertising purposes, on or to the ground or any tree, wall, bush, rock, fence, building, structure or thing, either privately or publicly owned, other than an advertising structure, as hereinabove de- fined. OUTDOOR ADVERTISING BUSINESS: The term "outdoor advertising business" shall mean the business or occupation of placing, erecting, constructing or maintaining advertising structures or signs. SECTION 2: Nothing contained in this ordinance shall be deemed or construed to apply to advertising structures or signs used exclusively to display official notices issued by any court or public office, or post- ed by any public officer in performance of a public duty, or a private persom in giving a legal notice; nor shall it be held to include or apply to any advertising structure or sign not exceeding six (6) feet in length and four (4) feet in height, or its equivalent in area, used exclusively to advertise the sale or lease of the property, or to advertise the busi- ness conducted or goods sold up on the property where such advertising structure or sign is located. SECTION S: No person, firm, or corporation shall engage in carry on the business or occupation of outdoor advertising without pay- ing the license fee provided for in this ordinance. The license fee im- posed by this ordinance sh~ll be paid annually in advance on the first day of January of each year, and the amount thereof shall be based upon the gross earnings for the preceding year in the City of South San Fran- cisco as follows: Gross Earnings Annual License From 0 to $ S,000 $ 20 per year - ~ $ $001 " 6,000 40 " " " 6001 " 9,000 60 " " " 9001 " lE, 000 80 " " " 12001 " 15,000 100 " " " 1§001 " ~0,000 120 " " " ~0001 " SO, 000 140 " " --1-- SECTION 4: Every application for a license required by Section 3 cf this ordinsnce shall be made on s form to be furnished by the City Clerk and shall state the full name of the applicant snd the post office address of the fixed place of business thereof. The issusnce of such license shall entitle the holder thereof to engage in or carry on the business or occupation of outdoor advertising and to make application for permits as hereinafter provided. SECTION 5: No person, firm or corporation sha~ll erect, place or maintain sny advertising structure or sign, in said city without first having secured s written permit so to dc from the building inspector cf the City of South San Francisco; provided, however, that no permit shsll be required for any display or copy placed cn shy advertising structure for which a permit sh~ll have already been secured and which is in force and effect. SECTION 6: Any person, firm or corporation, either ms principal, agent, or otherwise, desiring a permit to erect or plsce any sdvertising structure or sign in said city shall file with the building inspector an application therefor. Such spplicstion shall set forth the location on which it is proposed to erect such sdvertising structure or place such sign, describing the same by lot and block, or by any other description by which the ssme may be readily located and identified. If the application shows that the erection, construction and maintenance of the proposed advertising structure or sign are in accordance with all the requirements of this ordinance, the building inspector shall issue a building permit upon the payment by the applicant of a fee of One Dollar ($1.00) for each advertisin structure or sign to be erected, placed or maintained. SECTION 7: GROUND SIGNS AND ADVERTISING STRUCTURES: (s) All advertising structures or display signs with sn adver- tising surface in excess of twenty-five (2~) square feet erected upon the surface of the ground shall be constructed to withstand a wind pressure cf twenty (20) pounds per square foot of exposed surface. The frame- work shall consist of posts or uprights not less than four (4) inches by six (6) inches in dimensions, spaced not more than eight (8) feet apsrt and shall extend to the top of the structure. To resist overturning, the bottom ends of such posta shall be reinforced with suitable wedge blocks or cross pieces and they shall be set at least three (3) feet six ~6) inches in the ground and the earth around them securely tamped into place. Each vertical post shall be braced with one two (2) inch by six (6) inch timber securely attached to the post within two (2) feet of the top and the lower end of said brace shall be secured to an anchor post not less thau four (4) inches by six (6) inches by five (~) feet in dimensions. Said anchor post shall be set bsck of the vertical post a distance of st least one-half (1/2) of the total height cf~the structure above the ground and shall be suitsbly reinforced with cross pieces or wedge blocks and the earth around same securely tamped into place. As an alternative, truss type tower bracing or structural steel frames with concrete or steel anchors, and designed to wi~thstand a wind pressure of twenty (20) pounds per square foot msy be constructed. ~ (b) ~he advertising surface of all display signs and advertising~ str~tures erected within the first and second fire zones sh~ll be con- ~ru'gted of metal or other non-combustible m~terial. The posts or stand- ar~s on which the structure rests, and the ornamental mouldings, cornices, bracBs, pilasters or columns and lattice work may be of wood. (c) The base line of all display signs and advertising structures shal~ be at lesst thirty-siE (36) inches above the surface of the ground upon'which the sign or structure is erected. The space below the base line shall be kept clear with the exception of the necessary upright sup- ports, ornamental lst~ice work, base boards or ornamental col~m~m. (d) All signs and advertising structures shall comply with the building set-back ordinance. Reflector~arms may extend seven (7) feet from face of sign, if not less than ten (10) feet above the sidewalk. SECTION 8: WAI~ SIGNS: No sign with the adver~sing surface running parallel to the face of the wall to which it is attsched shall extend or project over any pub- lic sidewalk, street, alley or other public place a greeter distance than eight (8) inches; provided however, that if all portions of ssid sign are more than eight (8) feet above the sidewalk, street or alley directly beneath the sign it may extend or project over such sidewalk, street or alley a distance of not more than twelve (12) inches. The advertising surface of all such signs having en area of twenty-five (25) square feet or over shall be of non-combustible material within the first and second fire zones as now or hereafter dei°ined by ordinance. Any ornamental moulding around the advertising surface may be of wood. When such signs are attached to masonry, concrete or stone walls, expansion bolts sha~l be used for fastening and no wooden plug or block shall be inserted into such walls for the purpose of using nails or screws in attaching the sign. Reflector arms may extend seven (7) feet from face of sign, if not less than ten (10) feet above the sidewalk. SECTION 9: R00E SIGNS: (a) All roof signs shall be constructed throughout of fireproof materials, except as hereafter provided, and shall be supported on and attached to the buildiug by a suitable frmme of galvanized metal, which shall be securely anchored to the structural members of the building. Foundation members, stringers, ornamental trim and foot walks may be of timber. (b) The face of the sign shall be set back of end not less than three (3) feet in the clear from the inside face of the parapet wall para- llel or adjacent thereto. The bottom of such signs shall be not less than five (5) feet above the roof directly beneath and the space between verti- cal supports shall be not less than six (6) feet in the clear. Not less than fifty (50)per cent of the spaces so defined shall be and remain clear of sny obstructions whatever. I c) No advertising sign or electric sign shall hereafter be placed on any roof in such a position that any portion of the advertising surface, its supporting structure, posts or braces, will be closer than six (6) feet from the outlet connection of any standpipe or fire plug, nor interfere in any way with the free use of any fire escape or obstruct any ventilator, door and stairway. SECTION 10: It shall be unlswful for any person, firm or corpora~- tion to erect, place or maintain, or cause to be erected, placed or main- tained, any advertising structure or sign without the lawful permission of the owner or lessee of the property upon which such advertising struct- ure or sign is located. SECTION ll: No advertising structure or sign shall be erected or placed in any residential district ss such district is defined in the zoning ordinance of the City of South San Francisco. SEOTION 12: No advertising structure shall be erected or main- tained, unless the nan~e of the person owning or maintaining the same shall be plainly displayed thereon. SECTION 13: No paper, cloth or advertising matter shall be al- lowed or permitted to hang loose from any outdoor advertising structure, but the same shall be securely fastened or glued to the surfsce thereof. SECTION 14: It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corpora- tion to erect or construct, or to cause or permit to be erected, plsced or maintained any advertising structure or sign upon any public sidewalk, street, alley or other public place, except as may be permitted or required by ordinsnce or lsw. SECTION 15: No statement, words or signs of any obscene, in- decent~ or immoral rmture, or any picture, illustrstion or delineation of any human figure in such form as to offend public morality er decency, or shy lewd or l~scivieus sct or m~ other m~tter or thing of ~n obscene, indecent or i~or~l nature sh~ll be exhibited, posted, sho~ or displayed upon ~ny outdoor ~dvertising st~ct~e or sign. SECTION 16: No person, firm or co~orstion s~ll erect or con- struct, or c~use to be erected or constructed, ~ advertising st~ct~e upon any land with~ the City of South S~n Francisco in such s ~er that sny portion of said ~dvertising st~ct~e is nemrer to the line of eny public sidewslk, street, ~lley or other public pla ce ~then the front line of the nesrest buildings in the ~sme block which f~ces en sny such public sidewelk, street, alley or other public place; provided, however, thmt if said advertising struct~e is erected st ~ distence greater than 100 feet from the nesrest buildi~, then s~id advertising structure ~y be built closer to the line of the public sidewalk, street, ~lley, or other public place t~n the frontline of the nearest building. Provided f~ther, however, that when ~n advertising st~ct~e is erected or const~cted be- tween two buildings ssid ~dvertising st~cture sh~ll not be erected closer to the line of ~ny public sidewalk, street, alley or sny other public place then s line dra~ from the nesrest front co.er of one build~g to the nearest front corner of the other b~ilding. SECTION l~: If ~ny section, subsection, sentence or clause of this ordinance is, for ~ny remson, held to be ~constitution~l, void er inwlid, the v~lidity of the remaining portions of this ordinmnce s~ll not be ~ffeeted thereby, it being the ~tention of said City Co~cil, in adopt- ing ~nd pressing this ordinance, that no portion thereof, or prevision or regulation contsined therein shsll become inoperstive or fsil by reason of sny ~constitutionslity or invalidity of sny other portion, provision or regulation. SECTION 18: Any person, firm or co~orstion violsting sny of the provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of s misdemeanor ~nd, upon conviction thereof, shsll be p~ished by ~ fine of not exceeding Two H~dred ~nd ~ifty Dollars ~$E~O. O0) or by imprisonment for s period not exceeding thirty (Z0) days, or by both such fine ~nd impriso~ent. SECTION 19: This ordinance shsll be published once in "The ~terprise ~nd The South San ~rancisco Journal", a weekly newspaper printed and published in s~id City of South San Francisco, and shsll toke effect and be ~ force from snd sfter the expiration of thirty ~0) d~ys ~fter its adoption. -,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,- Introduced this ~~and:; :~ n~~South'~:~r Passed and adopted ms d a cisco ~t ~ regMler meeting of the City 0o~cil of the City of South S~n ~ran- cisco on the .~ dray of ~~~_lgZ~,_~~ bY the follo~ng vote: Ayes,. Co~c lmen ~~, ~ Noes, Co~cilmen Absent, Oo~cilmen ~ ~ Appr~~~o~~Ved:of~ CityC~~~of South San Francisco gttest: ~ ~ ~ ~