HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 183-1935 O INANCE No. / F ~ 0~~E E~LI~ING A FI~ D~AR~ FOR THE C I~ 0F ~U~ $~ F~CISCO ~ ~~- lNG 0~~CE N0. 36 0F T~ G~Y 0F $~ ~ F~CI~0 ~I~ "~ 0~I~;CE E~A~I~ING A HRE D~~ E ~D FOR T~ CITY 0F SO~H S~ F~CISCO", P~SED AU~ST 22nd, 1910. The City Co,~cil of the City of ~uth S~ Francosco do ordain aa follews: ~ection 1. A fire department is hereby established ~d for the City of ~outh ~ Fr~cisco, to be ~own as the ~uth San Fr~cisco Fire Department. Section ~. The offices of ~hlef engineer, first asaist- ~t chief engineer and second chief engineer are hereby created. :~ctlon ~. The ~uth S~ Francisco fire department shall consist of a chief engineer, first assistant chief engineer, second assistant chief engineer and such n~ber of firemen as City Co~ll ~all, from ti~ to time, dete~ine. ~ld ohief .engineer, fir~ asaist~t chief engineer, second assistant chief engineer firemen shall receive, for their semites, such compensation as said City Co~cil a~ll, from ti~ to tl~ prescribe. ~ction 4. The office~s of said department sh~l be a chief engineer, a first assistant chief engineer, a second assist- ~t chief engineer ~d such other officers, inferior to such engineers, as said City 0o~cil ~y, by resolution, authorize. ~1 officers of said ~epartment shall hold their re~ectlve offfioes d~ the pleasure of said City Co~cll. Seotion 5. No person shall be eligible to ~y position in said department who is not a citizen of the United States has not been a resident of this city at least one year, nor who ~der twenty-one (21) years of age at the time of his appointment. -1- Section 6. In the absence or inability of the chief engineer to act, the first assistant chief engineer shall assume and perform the dutiem of the office of chief engineer, and in the absence of the chief engineer and the first assistant chief engineer, the second sssimtant chief engineer shall assume and perform the duties of the office of chief engineer. Section ?. There shall be two classes of firemen in said city. The first class shall consist of much men as shall be regularly employed by said city to render full time service in said fire department, and the second class shall consist of men appointed to render service in said department at *such times ss service shall be called for under such rules as said ~ity Oouncil may hereafter adopt. Section 8. ~embers of th*e first class of firemen shall be appointed hy said ~ity ~ouncil. Section 9. 'l*he members of the second class of firemen shall be appointed by the chief engineer 'of the fire dep~rtment,. subject to confirmation by said ~ity uouncll, and shall work under his direction, They may be suspended by the chief engineer of the fire department for such cause as he may'deem proper. They may be removed from the fire department by said ~ity ~ouncil after such suspension, if such removal is deemed advisable by said ~lty Council. Section 10. Except in attending grass fires, members of the second class of firemen shall receive no compensation, unless the hose is actually pulled off the fire truck which they may attend for service in extinguishing fires. They shall receive no pay- ment for attending false alarms or for attending fire drills or schools of instruction in fire department practice. Section ll. The ~ity ~ounciI may adopt, by resolution, such rules and regulations for the government of the fire department -2- es shall be deemed necessary, from time to time, and may, by resolu- tion, alter such rules and regulations whenever a change in the same may become advisable. Section l~.. The chief engineer must inquire into the cause of every fire occurring in the city end keep a record thereof. He must aid in the enforcement of all fire ordinances of the city~ examine buildings in process of erection, report to said city council violations of ordinances relating to the prevention or extinguishment of fires and, when directed by the Gity Council, institute prosecu- tions therefor, and perform such other duties as may be required of him by resolution or otherwise, from time to time, by sal~ city Council, or which shall be imposed upon him by law. Be shall have control and commend of all operations at fires and of the officers and men of the department. He shall have authority to blockade any street in front of or near any fire and prohibit the passage thereover of any vehicle or any person or persons, other than a peace officer, or members of said department. Ail members and officers of the department shall obey his orders. The chief engineer shall have charge, subject to the orders of the City Council, of all property of the department. He shall render a monthly report to the City Co,mucil on the first day of each month, giving a list of all fires occurring during the preceding month, with the amount of damage, amd the cause thereof, ~if known. Section 13. Ordinance No. 36 of the city of South ~an Fran- cisco entitled "An ordinance establishing a fire department in and for the Oity of South Ban Francisco", passed August 22, 1910, is hereby repealed. Section 14. This ordinance shall be published once in "The Enterprise and The South Sen ffrancisco Journal", a weekly newspaper printed and published.in' the City of South Ban ffrancisco, and shall ta~e effect and be in force from and after the expiration of thirty (30) days after its passage. Introduced this ~/~ day of February, 1935. Passed and adopted as an ordinance of the Oity of South San ~rancisco at a regular meeting of the 0ity 0ouncll of said City held on the /~day of ffebru~, 1935, by the following vote: N~s, Co~cllmen ~ A~nt, Go~cilmen ~~~ Attest: City