HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 185-1935 ~o '" '~CO~
Th~ City Coucil of the 81ty of ~uth ~ lr{n~lsco
~etion 1: For the pu~o~a of ~hl~ or,in.ce, the
preaalona 'handbill, ~odger, clreul~, booklet, p~phlet, ~eet
or other ~ltten or printed notices a~vertialng ~y co~lty,
~tlcle, ~reh~lse, business, or thing~ ~e ~eflned aa 'a~ve~ls-
l~. ~tter."
See$1~ 2: It shall be ~lawful for ~y petal, firm
or eorporatlen to ~i~rlbute, cause to be ~latrib~te~ or a~fer,
~low or ~lt, the distribution of ~y ~vertlaing ~tter
to or upon ~y pr~ae,a in ~ld City of ~uth ~ Fr~claeo, by
plael~ or e~aing ~ ~vertlalng ~tter to be deposited or
pla~ In or upon ~y porch, y~,s~,S ~h~lw~ located on or
used In connection with ~ p~mlaea, ~le~ au~ per~n,, fl~
or eo~oratlon h~a liras reeel~e~ the wrltt~ pe~laalon of t~
per~n or ~raona oc~pying ~eh ~re~aea, or the ~er of
premlaea, authorizing the p~elng or Aepoalting of ~oh adve~lalng
~tter therein.
~otl~ 3: It ~all be ~law~l for ~y per~on, fl~ or
co. oration to ~istrlbute, oauae to be distributed, or ~ffer,
~low or pe~it the distribution of ~y ~vertlaing ~ter witheut
h~lng flr~ prooured ~om ~ld City Co. ell a pe~lt ~thorlzl~
~ld distribution. ~y ~lt gr~te~ by said City C~oll shall
authorize such ~latrlbution for the period of one ~. The per.n,
fl~ or corporation ~ealring pe~aaion to distribute a~vertlaing
matter in said city ~1 ~ke written appll~ation to aal~ City
Couneil therefor. ~Aeh application shall sent&in the name or names
and business-ad,ross of the applicant or ~plicanta and shall
state the kind of business eonduated by much applicant or applicants.
When any permit has been granted hy said city Council to distribute
a~vertisln~ matter, the City Clerk shall issue to the grantee
or grantees, a eertificate to that offset. ~Aeh eertlfle&te shall
bear a serial number.
~etion 4: Tile pax-mit herein provided for may be re-
voked by said city Council, in the event that the holder thereof
~ay fall to observe ~y of the provisions of this ordlnanee. No
permit shall be revoked, exeept after notiee given to the holder
thereof, in whieh notiee the reasons for roYce&riCh of ~ueh pemit
shall Be apeeifle~. ~teh notice shall state the time and place
when and w .b~re the holder will be given an opportunity to be he&fA
and show cause why ~ueh permit should not be revoked, kid notlee
shall be malle~ to the hol~er of said permit by depositing the same
in the United ~tates Peat 0flies at ~outh ~n Franciseo, oalifornla,
in a. se&le~ envelope with postage pre, aid thereon, to the address
speelfled in the application for such permit, at least five
days before the d&te set for the hearing herein provided for.
~eetlon 5'- It shall be unlawful for e~y per,on, firm
or corporation to distribute, eause to be distributed or suffer,
allow or permit, the distribution of any advertising ~atter to or
upon any premisem, when it ia apparent that said premises are vaeant
or that any previous day's distribution of such advertising matter
has not been removed therefrom.
~e~tion 6: It shall be unlawl'~l for any person,
firm or corporation to distribute, o&uae to Be dlatributeA,
or ~Affer, allow, or permit the distribution of any advertis-
ing matter by plaeing the same in any auto,chile
not in the possession or under the control of the per~en so dis-
tributing the aame~ or in any mail box in said city.
~ectlc~ 7. The pr~vlalons of this ordinance ~hall
not be deemed to apply to any newspaper, or any publication printing
news of & general nature and keeping atvertlslng space therein
epen to the public and the publishing of general ,advertising
~eotlon 8. The provisions of this ordlnaaee shall net
be deemed to apply to any legal notices permitte~ er required by
law to be posted upon or effixet to any part of say building or
other structure in said city, or to the posting or displaying of
written or printed matter, aivertising any property or some
portion thereof, for rent or for sale.
· eetlon 9. Ortlnanee I~o. 158 of ~ald City ef ~outh
· an Franeiaeo entitled ran or~[lnanoe of the City of ~outh
Francisco prohibiting the ~[istributlon of handbills and certain
other a~[?ertlslng matter in aald city and fixing a penalty for
the violation thereofm, passed and adopted by the City Council
on the let day of February, 1932, la hereby repealet.
Section 10. If amy section, sentence, clause o~ phrase
of this ordinance ia, for any reason, held to be lnvaliA, such
de,clslon shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion
of this orilnance. The City Council hereby leclarea that it
would have adopted this ordinance and each section, sentence,
clause er phrase, Irrespective of the fact that any eno or more
other sections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared in-
valid or its operation or application is or may be limited or eon-
trolle~[ by any provision of law.
~eotion 11. This ordinance shall be published by one
insertion in 'The w:n_terprlae and The ~outh ~ Francisco Journal",
a weekly new~Paper of general elreulatlon, published and sir-
oul~ted :in mELd City of Ilouth ~n Franc:LaOo, emil s~ll t~e effeot
~d be ~n foroe from ~d after t~o o~rat~on of thirty (.~0) d~y8
~tor ~ho date of ~te adoption.
~ ~.~( -e-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-
~" , 17e., Counotlmen
~: /b~nt, ~o~c~lmen
~yo~ p~.g~.of the Ctty ~ ~uth ~