HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 193-1937 The City Council of the City of South San Francisco do ordain
as follows:
Section ~1: Definitions°' For the purpose of this ordinance
certain words and phrases are defined as follows, end certain provisions
shall be construe~ a.s herein set forth, unless it shall be apparent from
their context that they have a different me~lng. Wo~s use~ In the
sin~lar ~clu~e the pl~al, ~ the plural the slngul~. Wo~e used
In the present tense include the future.
{a~ C~ C~ or Trailer. A e~ ear or trailer
used for li~lng or sleeping pu~oses ~d which ls equipped with
wheels or similar ~evices used for the p~ose of tr~ortlng
~lt from place to place, whether by motiwe power or other
(b) Trailer C~ Ground. A trailer c~ ~o~d is any place,
~ea or tract of land upon which is locat~ ~y e~p car er trailer.
(e) ~ltaU Equlp~nt. ~it~y equipment, as use~ herein,
shmll me~ ~y water faucets, toilets, g~ba~ receptacles, or other
equipment ~qulred by the provisions of this ordinate In trailer
~o~dm or which ~y hero,tar be required by ~y rules ~d re~lations
the health office pertaining to trailer c~ ~oun~s ~d ~hall not
eenstrue~ to me~ water faucets, toilets, garbage receptacles or other
equipment now or hereafter loeate~ in or a~jaeent to e~p ~ounds
which may now or hereafter be required ~de~ prowlslons or other
Section ~. Duties and powers of Health Officer. It shall
be the duty of the health officer to enforce all of the provisions
of this ordinance and, for the purpose of securing enforcement
thereof, the health officer, or any of his ~uly authori~e~ repre-
sentatives, or any police officer, shall have the right and they are
hereby e~powered to enter upon the premises of any camp ground now
operating, or which may hereafter be operated within the City of South
~an Francisco, to inspect the same and all aecomodatlons connected there-
Section 3. Permit lleQulre~. It shall be unlawful for any
person, firm or corporation to erect, conatruat, establish, alter,
operate, maintain or offer for public use within the confines of
the City of South San Franclsoo, an hereinafter set forth, any camp
ground without first applying for an~ receiving from the city council
a permit ao to do, in the manner hereinafter provlde~, an~ without
complying with re.gulati~na hereinafter set forth, and any rules
and regulations which may be formulated by the health officer
from tl~e to time and with the laws of the State of California.
Section 4, Applle2tion for Permit. lash application for e~mch
permit shall be in writing, upon a form provided by the city clerk for
that purpose. It shall state the name and a~dress of the applicant
and a description of the property, whereon or wherein, it is proposed
to conduct a camp ground. It shall also contain such other lnfor~__~_tion
as shall be required by the city council or the health officer of said
city. It shall be flle~ with the city clerk not less than five (5)
days, nor more than thirty (30) days before the commencement of any
work of erecting or constructing structures for such camp ground.
Seetiem 5, Exhibits. Said application also shall be
accompanied by a map or diagram showing the boundaries of the
property so to be used, and of the property surrounding same for
five hundred (500) feet, and the names of the owners thereof as
shown on the last assessment roll of said eltyo
~etlon 6. Inal~e0tl~n Fee. Such application shall be
accompaied by au inspection fee of five (,,~) Dollars~hich a~ll
paid to the city clerk ~d shall be paid ~to the city treasury.
~etion 7. Notice. ~ny hearing prowl~ herein shall be
had upon t~ (10) days' notice by ~ll to the applic~t and to each
prope~y o~e~, whose name appe~s upon the assement roll of said
city for the fiscal year in which such application is made, within
the area provided for in ~etlon 5 of this ordln~ee. A notice headed
~otiee cf Applicati~ for Pe~t for Trailer ~ ~oun~', in letters
of not leas th~ one (1) inch in length, shall be poste~ in t~ee
conspicuous places on such area at le~t ten {10) ~ays before the date
which shall be set for ~ch he~ing. Ne application shall be
without such hearing.
SeCtion 8. Investi~ati~ Red,red B~fore Issuln~ Pe~t.
Upon the filing of such appliea~ion, aceo~led by said ~eetion
fee, it sh~l be the duty of the health ~fleer, or any of his
~uly authorized representativea, to investigate the pre~ses an~
data,ne whether said proposed c~p ground and the site seleete~
therefor conforms with th~ requirements of this ordinate, ~ all
other o~in~ces of said city ~d the laws of the StYe of 0allfomia
pertaining thereto. No pe~it shall be lssue~,.~leas such
g~und ~d the site selected therefor shall co~ly with such require-
ments ~d shall meet with the approval of the health officer. ~ld health
officer ~y reeo~end the approval or rejection of ~y p~pose~ c~
gro~d site, which recom~ndation shall be in ~lting.
~ction 9. Ne~l~. ~ passing upon such application the City
e~euncil shall consider the recommendation of the health ~fficer
~all be its duty to further investigate ~d consider the nat~e of
locality ~d the sufficiency of the facilities provide~ or to be provlde~ ,
~d for that pu~ose to enlist the aid of ~ refer said ~tter to the
health officer, for further investigation ~d report In wrltl~
consider such repo~ts In deter~ning the relationship thereof to the
public health, safety, morals, and general welfare of said city.
Section 10, Permits. The council may grant a temporary or permauel
permit for a trailer camp ground hereunder and shall have the power,
upon hearing, to revoke any permit previously granted when, in its
opinion, it is to the beet interest of amid city so to do. The per,it
shall specify the maximum number of camp cars or trailers to be permitted
to be kept thereon. When any such permit shall be granted the city
clerk shall isauc~i to the applicant or applicants his certificate showing
the same.
Section 11. Permit May be Transferred. Such permit shall
be transferable with the consent of the city council upon the written
application to said city council by the holder of the permit. A permit
may be granted at any time during the year, and, unlace previously
revoked, shall expire one calendar yee~r following the date of issue.
· eotlon lZ. Certificate of Permit Must Be P~.eted In Conspicmoua
Pla~, It shall be unlawful for any person, fixes, or corporation to e~-
tablish, operate, maintain or conduct any trailer camp ground, unleae
there shall l~e at all times posted in a conspicuous place at aneh trailer
eam~ ground, the certificate obtained from the city clerk showing a
permit has been grante~ in acc~anoe with the provisions of this ordinance.
~e~ction 13.. _Rea.ponslbility of Owner or Operator. Every person
owning or operating a camp ground shall maintain such camp groun~ an~
any tollete, baths, and other permanent equipment in connection there-
with in a clean and sanitary condition an4 in a state of goo~ repair.
Section lA. Health Officer May Formulate an~ Enforce ~ules
Re~ulatiene. The health officer is hereby empowera~ to formulate from
time to time and to enforce any rules and regulations, not lneonsistemt
with this ordinance or the laws of the State of California, which said
health officer may deem advisable governing the operation of trailer
gromnds or camp car trailers concerning any matters of sanitation or
Section 15. Ground Area for Cam~ Cars and Trailers. Every
trailer eas~ ground hereafter established shall be laid out with, and all
ef not leas th~~ty-~iva [~) ~et by fo~y {40) feet fo~
e~ e~p e~ or ~railer ~8 such ~a~lable ~oeoupie~ space ~1
n~t be eonst~e~ to mean the ~a~e ~lreetly ~der ~y potion of
~y c~p c~ or trailer. C~p e~s an~ trailers shall be ~r~
rows abuttl~ or fa~lng on a ~rlve~y or clear ~oeeupie~ space of not
less th~ thl~y (ZO) feet In width, whi~ ~aee shall have
meccas to a public street or ~ley.
~etloa 16, ~na~ of P~aea. ~e~ tr~ler c~ ~~
shall be located ~ a well ~r~ne~ ~ea ~ the praises of every
troller e~p ~oun~ shall be pr~erly ~t~, so as to prevent the
ae~latl~ of store or easu~ waters.
~etl~ 1~. ~ater ~pP!~. ~ a~equate supply of pure water
for ~rl~l~ aM domestic pu~oses shall at ~1 times be supplle~
to ~t the requlre~nts of such trailer ea~ ~oun~. ~h ~ter ~pply
~all be obtained fro~ faucets only, convenl~tly located in
trailer e~ ~ound. No dipping vessels or eo~n cups shall be per-
mitted on ~ch praises.
be ~l~f~ for ~y person, fl~ or so,oration owning or ~erati~
a e~ c~ or trailer locate~ on a trailer ca~ ~~ to rem~e
or e~ae to have removed the wheels or ~y a~lar tr~sporti~g
devises fr~ such ea~ c~ or trailer, or to othe~lae patently fix
It to the gro~d in a m~ner that would p~ent the lm~late
of sai~ e~ ear or trailer f~m such trailer e~p
~etlon 19. ~gs Not ~low~ at L~, D~s at no tiaa
sh~l be pe~ltted to r~ at l~ge In ~y trailer c~ gro~.
~eti~n ~. Tollate. The~ shall be provided in every trailer
e~ gro~d ~ In every trailer c~p ground which ~y here~ter be eatabl~
~ one water-closet for each sex, one of ~lch water-closets a~l be
~is't~etly mar~e~ ~or ~en~ ~d one of which water-closets shall be
distinctly mar~ed ~or ~n=. ~ ~ditional water-closet sh~l be
provl~e~ for e~h sex for every t~nty (20) in excess of twenty
males or twenty (~0) fe~les livl2 ~ said tr~ler ca~
~n e~e~ tr~ler c~ ~ro~ hereteffore or he.after established such
~ffuse, ~hes, ~d rubbish ~ ~.y be de.ed necessary b~ the he~th
offff~cer ~d such ~ba~ receptacles s~Ll at ~ t~es be ~nta~ne~
a ele~ ~ s~ta~ con~t~,
~et~cn ~2. 8~9p ~. The~ ah~l he p~d~ ~n
tra~ler e~p ~o~ heretoffore or here~ter ~et~B/~shed ~e or ~o~ slop
e~ c~ or tr~ler.
~eetl~n 23, ~fuse ~ ~W~ Dl~os~. It s.h~l be ~l~-
f~l to pe~lt ~y waste water or ~terlal f~ si~s, baths,
showers or other pl~bing figures in e~p ~rs or trailers to
deposlt~ upon the surface of the gro~d, ~d all such fl~ea, when
In use, must be connected to the city aew~
~e.tl~ ~4. Ll~tlng. ~e~y trailer c~p ~,~d heretofore ~r
here~ter est~llshed shall be provided with ~s of adequately
lighting the s.~ at ni~t. A~I public water closets ~d both
shall be provide~ with ~ffieient lighting faollities, which ~11
be ~ept lifted at all ti~s during the time from ene-half hour a~
s~set until one-h~f hour before s~rise.
~etiom 25. PenUry. ~y pe~en, fl~ or co, oration who shall
violate ~y of the provisions of this ordi~ee or said ~lea ~
~gulatlons, or shall contribute ~ ~y way to the violation thereof,
shall be dee~d ~llty of a ~sdeme~or, ~ upon eonvietlen the~of
shall be p~lshed by a fine not eXCee~l~ T~ee H~d ~ll~a (~00.00
o~ by ~riao~ent fo~ a perlo~ not exce~lng three {~) ~nths, or by
both ~eh fine ~ ~prIao~nt. Each ~ay'a violation of this ordin~
shall constitute a sep~at~ offen~ here~er.
~ctl~ 2~. Conatitut.ienallty. If ~y ~etlon, aubse~io~,
aent~ce, clause or p~a~ of this ordinate shall for ~y re, on,
be held to be ~conatltutlon~, such ~eeision shall not ~feet the
~v~l. '2d2ty of the ~lnlnA pertXeae of thla erdZlaan~le. T~ ~K~y' ...
· e~eil hereby ~eol~s that it woul~ have pa,ae~ this .~ln~e
a~ ~eh section, ~ub-seetlen, .entenee, e~use ~d p~ the~
of, irrespective of ~he fact that ~y ~e or more ~eetlone, ~b-
~eetion~, s~tenoea, clauses or phr~ea ~y be ~eol~ ~cona~l~ution~.
~d wh~e~r elt~ or ~fer~ to, ~y be ~eslgnate~ as the "~uth
~n Fr~clsco Tr~ler 0rdln~ce.'.
Section 29. T~lnR ~feet, This ordln~oe shall be pub-
lishe~ once In ~he ~te~riae The 8outh 8an Fr~ei~eo ~ournal', a
~e~ly newspaper of general circulation publlshe~ in said City of South
~ ~elsoo, ~ ~all g~ effee~ ~d be in foree on Ohe
of thirty {30} d~s f~m and after lt~ paas~e.
Introduced this /' ? day of ~ /.~ ,
P~sed ~d adopt~ ~ ~ or, in,ce of the C~ty of South $~
~i~o at a regul~ meeting of the ,lty council of s~ ~lty this
Z.~day. o~~ ~ , 19~,, ~y the following vote:
Noes, Co~cl~en.
Apply d: ~ .