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Genentech Master Plan Update, Draft EIR Page 12-1
Hydrology and Water Quality
This chapter of the EIR evaluates the potential impacts of the Project related to hydrology and water quality.
This chapter also describes the existing hydrological and flood hazard conditions in and near the Project Area,
and evaluates the extent to which these conditions may affect development of the Master Plan Update
(Project) as proposed.
Although some of the information in the Environmental Setting draws from the 2007 Master EIR (MEIR), 2012
Supplemental MEIR (SMEIR) and 2002 Britannia East Grand Project (BEG) EIR, setting information for
hydrology and water quality has been updated for this EIR using current data from the following sources:
● Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Flood Map Service Center
● County of San Mateo, Dam Failure Inundation Areas Map
● California Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Francisco Bay Region - Municipal Regional
Stormwater NPDES Permit, Order #R2-2015-0049, NPDES Permit No. CAS612008
● California Water Service, SB 610 Water Supply Assessment (WSA), November 2017 ( see Appendix
18) 1
Environmental Setting
Climate and Topography
The City of South San Francisco has a Mediterranean type of climate, characterized by dry, relatively cool
summers and wet, mild winters. Average annual precipitation in the City is between 18 and 22 inches per
year, increasing to 26 inches in the upper watershed west of the City.2 Approximately 91 percent of the
precipitation is received between November and April. Average daily temperatures range from a high of 73.4
degrees Fahrenheit in September to a low of 42.6 degrees Fahrenheit in January.3
The Project Area, located along the eastern shoreline of the City overlying artificial fill and Bay mud, is largely
paved and occupied primarily by buildings and parking lots. At the center of the Project Area is San Bruno Hill.
San Francisco Bay forms the eastern boundary of the Project Area, while the rest of the area is surrounded by
mixed industry, warehouse, retail, office and hotel uses in the East of 101 Area.
The East of 101 Area generally slopes downward to the east towards San Francisco Bay. The Project Area is
comprised of a hilly region to the southeast, formed by southeast-trending Coyote Point Fault Zone and low-
1 California Water Service, SB 610 Water Supply Assessment for the Genentech Master Plan Update, November 21, 2017 (see
Appendix 12A)
2 City of South San Francisco General Plan, 1999
3 Western Regional Climate Center, Weather Station: San Francisco WSO AP, California (047769) - Website accessed
September 27, 2017, at: https://wrcc.dri.edu/Climate/west_coop_summaries.php
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lying areas to the northeast. Elevations range from 182 feet above mean sea level at the top of San Bruno Hill
to approximately 0 feet mean sea level at the low-lying areas in the northeast portion of the Project Area.4
Regional Hydrology
The largest watershed in the Project vicinity is the Colma Creek watershed. The Colma Creek watershed
includes portions of San Bruno Mountain as well as urbanized areas of Daly City, Colma and South San
Francisco. Most of this urbanized creek is channelized or conveyed underground to allow for urban
development. The impervious surface area within the Colma Creek watershed was previously estimated at 63
percent, the highest in the County.5 Colma Creek is a flood control channel maintained by the San Mateo
County Department of Public Works that discharges into the San Francisco Bay just north of the San Francisco
International Airport.
Runoff throughout the City is collected in the City’s storm drainage system, which discharges to Colma Creek
or San Francisco Bay.
Project Area Hydrology
Colma Creek does not intersect the Project Area nor does the Project Area drain to Colma Creek. Several
drainage ditches are located throughout the Project Area (see Figure 12-1). These ditches are excavated in
uplands for conveying stormwater runoff from the hillslopes and developed areas in the Project Area to the
underground stormwater system, which eventually drains to the Bay. The Project Area’s storm drain system
consists of underground pipes that collect stormwater via inlets that outfall into the San Francisco Bay at
various locations. The storm drainage system is based on gravity flow and does not require pumps to
transport flows to the Bay. Existing runoff from the Project Area is regulated under the provisions of a
Municipal Regional Stormwater NPDES Permit (MRP). Most of the Project Area is already developed and
covered with impervious surfaces (i.e., buildings, parking lots or other structures). Nearly all stormwater
becomes runoff and little infiltration into the ground and groundwater occurs.
The California Water Service Company (Cal Water) serves the potable water needs for the portion of the City
east of I-280, where the Project Area is located, as well as the cities of San Carlos and San Mateo. The Project
Area is in the South San Francisco District (SSFD) of the Cal Water service area. Cal Water prepared and
adopted the 2010 Urban Water Management Plan in June 2011, which includes substantial information
related to groundwater.6 Groundwater has historically supplied 10 to 15 percent of the District’s water
The Project Area lies within the Visitacion Valley Groundwater Basin. The Visitacion Valley Groundwater Basin
has relatively low storage capacity and minimal protection from potential surface contamination. Two sub-
basins within the Visitacion Valley Basin underlie the Colma Creek Basin and the Westside Basin. The
groundwater wells that supply the Project Area are from the Westside Basin. The Westside Basin is the
largest groundwater basin in the upper San Francisco Peninsula. The basin’s boundaries are generally defined
by Golden Gate Park to the north, the San Bruno Mountains to the east, the San Andreas Fault and Pacific
Ocean to the west, and the San Mateo Plain Groundwater Basin to the south. The basin opens to the Pacific
Ocean on the northwest and San Francisco Bay on the southeast.7
4 U.S. Geological Survey, San Francisco South Quadrangle, California, 7.5 Minute Series (Topographic) 1980
5 City of Daly City Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program, 1998
6 California Water Service, 2015 Urban Water Management Plan, South San Francisco District, June 2016
7 California Department of Water Resources, Bulletin 118 – Update 2003, Westside Groundwater Basin
Source: HT Harvey, 2018Figure 12-1On-Site Drainage Channels1234ForbesBlvdDNAWayGrandviewDrAllertonAveCabotRdE.GrandAveFigure 2. Drainage Ditch AssessmentOctober 2017N:\Projects3800\3888-01\Report\EIR\Figure 2 Drainage Ditch Assessment.mxdGenentech EIR Biological Resources Report (3888-01)5000500250FeetLegendBiological Study AreaDrainage Ditch (0.36 ac)
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The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC), Cal Water (South San Francisco and Colma), and the
cities of Daly City and San Bruno participate in a joint Regional Groundwater Storage and Recovery Project.
Groundwater storage and recovery consists of storing water in wet years and recovering that water for use
during dry years. As part of this project, surface water is to be used instead of groundwater in wet years,
allowing groundwater to recharge through rainfall and decreased pumping. In dry years, the saved water is to
be pumped from groundwater well recovery facilities.8
Flood Hazards
The City of South San Francisco is highly urbanized with relatively high runoff generation rates.9 These
conditions increase the potential for flood condition in periods of heavy rainfall. Periodic flooding occurs
along most of Colma Creek, but the principal flooding problems in the City exist near its eastern edge (just
southwest of the Project Area) where flows in Colma Creek are restricted under the Caltrain railroad tracks
and US 101.
Portions of the Project Area are subject to flooding, including inundation from sea level rise. Sea level rise is
already affecting much of California’s coastal region including the San Francisco Bay. According to the Federal
Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Map panels, the shoreline of the Project Area
is within the 100-year flood hazard zone (Figure 12-2). No portion of the Project Area is located in the 500-
year flood hazard zone.10
Dam and Levee Failure
Dam failure often results from neglect, poor design or structural damage caused by a major event such as an
earthquake or flood. When a dam fails, the quantity of water held back by the dam (i.e., the contents of the
reservoir) is suddenly released downstream, causing damage in its inundation zone. Although there are no
dams within the City of South San Francisco, several dams are in the nearby cities of San Francisco,
Burlingame and San Mateo. Inundation zones resulting from failure of these dams would not reach the City of
South San Francisco.11
As with dams, levee failure can occur in the event of a major earthquake or flood. The largest levees in the
Northern California region are in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta, on the American River, and on the
Sacramento River. However, inundation zones resulting from failure of these levees would not reach the City
of South San Francisco. Smaller levees are present throughout the Bay Area along the San Francisco Bay
shoreline and in local ponds and creeks. These levees include those in the San Francisquito Creek flood
control system, the Foster City and Redwood Shores levee trails, and the Cargill salt ponds. Inundation zones
resulting from failure of any of these levees would not reach the City of South San Francisco.
Seiche, Tsunami, and Mudflow
Reservoirs, lakes, ponds, swimming pools and other enclosed bodies of water are subject to potentially
damaging oscillations called seiches. This seismic hazard is dependent upon specific earthquake parameters
(e.g., frequency of the seismic waves, distance and direction from the epicenter), as well as site-specific
design of the enclosed bodies of water, and thus difficult to predict. Genentech’s 1.5-million-gallon storage
reservoir on the top of San Bruno Hill poses the greatest risk of seiche hazard in the Project Area.
8 Ibid
9 City of South San Francisco, General Plan, 1999
10 FEMA Flood Map Service Center - Website accessed September 27, 2017, at: https://msc.fema.gov/portal/
11 County of San Mateo, San Mateo County Hazards, Dam Failure Inundation Areas - Website accessed October 2, 2017 at:
Source: FEMA, April 2019Figure 12-2FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps, Panels 06081C0042F and 06081C0044FSpecial Flood Hazard Areas Subject to Inundation by the 1% Annual Chance Flood (100-year flood) Special Flood Hazard Areas Subject to Inundation by the 0.2% Annual Chance Flood (500-year flood)
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Earthquakes can also cause tsunamis (or tidal waves) in San Francisco Bay. As specified in the City’s General
Plan, two portions of the City are subject to inundation by tsunami—the northwest portion of the Project
Area (Lower Campus) extending north past Oyster Point Marina Park, and the area of land south of the
Campus bordered by Littlefield Avenue and Swift Avenue. Wave run-up is estimated at approximately 4.3
feet above mean sea level for tsunami with a 100-year recurrence and 6.0 feet above mean sea level for a
500-year tsunami.12
Mudflows (i.e., debris flows, mudslides) are rivers of rock, earth and other debris saturated with water. They
develop when water rapidly accumulates in the ground, such as during heavy rainfall, changing the earth into
a flowing river of mud or “slurry.” A slurry can flow rapidly down slopes or travel through channels, and can
strike with little or no warning at avalanche speeds. A slurry can travel several miles from its source, growing
in size as it picks up tree, cars and other material along the way. Mudflow hazards are primarily concentrated
in the Hillside Zones of the City, where slopes are steep and covered with exposed soil. Hillside Zones are at
the southern flank of San Bruno Mountain and near Skyline Boulevard, but not in or near the Project Area.13
Water Quality
Water quality in California is regulated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s National Pollution
Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), which controls the discharge of pollutants to water bodies from point
and non-point sources. In the San Francisco Bay Area, this program is administered by the San Francisco Bay
Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB). The authority of the RWQCB includes permitting of
stormwater discharges from municipal storm sewer systems (which includes the existing on-site drainage
system), industrial processes and construction sites that disturb areas larger than one acre. The City of South
San Francisco is a co-permittee of the San Mateo County Urban Runoff Clean Water Program, which is a
coordinated effort by local governments to improve water quality in San Francisco Bay.
The San Francisco Bay RWQCB has listed the Lower and South San Francisco Bays as an impaired water body.
The pollutants identified as causing impairment include chlordane, DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane),
dieldrin, dioxin compounds, furan compounds, invasive species, mercury, PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls,
trash and selenium.14 Water pollutants enter San Francisco Bay from various sources, including municipal and
industrial effluent, urban runoff, non-urban runoff, surface water tributaries, dredging and disposal of
dredged material, atmospheric deposition, spills, and marine vessel discharge; mixing of these inputs occurs
through semi-diurnal (twice a day) tides. During each complete ebb-flood cycle in the Bay, 10 to 30 percent
or more of Bay water is replaced with new ocean water. During dry weather, each complete tidal cycle
replaces about 24 percent of the volume of the Bay with new water.
Regulatory Framework
Federal Regulations
Clean Water Act
The Clean Water Act of 1972 establishes the basic structure for regulating discharges of pollutants into
“waters of the United States.” The Act specifies a variety of regulatory and non-regulatory tools to sharply
reduce direct pollutant discharges into waterways, finance municipal wastewater treatment facilities and
manage polluted runoff.
12 City of South San Francisco General Plan, 1999
13 Ibid
14 San Francisco Bay Regional Board, Section 303(d) and Section 305(b) Integrated Report, April 12, 2017
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At the federal level, the Clean Water Act is administered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
At the state and regional level, it is administered and enforced by the State Water Resources Control Board
(SWRCB) and the Regional Water Quality Control Boards (RWQCBs). The State of California has developed a
number of water quality laws, rules and regulations, in part to assist in the implementation of the Clean
Water Act and related federally mandated water quality requirements. In many cases, the federal
requirements set minimum standards and policies and the laws, rules, and regulations adopted by the state
and regional boards exceed the federal requirements.
National Flood Insurance Act
The U.S. Congress passed the National Flood Insurance Act in 1968 and the Flood Disaster Protection Act in
1973 to restrict certain types of development on floodplains and to provide for a National Flood Insurance
Program (NFIP). The purpose of these acts is to reduce the need for large, publicly funded flood control
structures and disaster relief. The NFIP is a federal program administered by the Flood Insurance
Administration of FEMA. It enables individuals who have property (a building or its contents) within the 100-
year floodplain to purchase insurance against flood losses. Community participation and eligibility, flood
hazard identification, mapping, and floodplain management aspects are administered by state and local
programs and support directorate within FEMA. FEMA works with the states and local communities to
identify flood hazard areas and publishes a boundary map of flood hazards in those areas. Floodplain
mapping is an ongoing process in the Bay Area and flood maps must be regularly updated for both major
rivers and tributaries as land uses and development patterns change.
Executive Order 11988 - Floodplain Management
Executive Order 11988 directs federal agencies to avoid to the extent practicable and feasible short- and
long-term adverse impacts associated with the occupancy and modification of floodplains and to avoid direct
and indirect support of floodplain development wherever there is a practicable alternative. Further, this
Executive Order requires the prevention of uneconomic, hazardous or incompatible use of floodplains;
protection and preservation of the natural and beneficial floodplain values; and consistency with the
standards and criteria of the National Flood Insurance Program.
State/Regional Regulations
McAteer-Petris Act / San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission
The McAteer-Petris Act is a provision under California law that preserves San Francisco Bay from
indiscriminate filling. The Act established the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission
as the agency charged with preparing a plan for the long-term use of the Bay and regulating development in
and around the Bay, while the plan was being prepared. The San Francisco Bay Plan, completed in January
1969, includes policies on 18 issues critical to the wise use of the bay, ranging from ports and public access to
design considerations and weather. The McAteer-Petris Act authorizes the Bay Conservation and
Development Commission to incorporate the policies of the Bay Plan into state law. The Bay Plan has two
features: policies to guide future uses of the bay and shoreline, and maps that apply these policies to the bay
and shoreline. The Bay Conservation and Development Commission conducts the regulatory process in
accordance with the Bay Plan policies and maps, which guide the protection and development of the bay and
its tributary waterways, marshes, managed wetlands, salt ponds, and shoreline.
Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act
The Porter–Cologne Water Quality Control Act established the SWRCB and divided the state into nine
regions, each overseen by a RWQCB. The nine regional boards have the primary responsibility for the
coordination and control of water quality within their respective jurisdictional boundaries. Under the Porter–
Cologne Water Quality Control Act, water quality objectives are limits or levels of water quality constituents
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or characteristics established to protecting beneficial uses. The Act requires the RWQCBs to establish water
quality objectives while acknowledging that water quality may be changed to some degree without
unreasonably affecting beneficial uses. Designated beneficial uses, together with the corresponding water
quality objectives, also constitute water quality standards under the federal Clean Water Act. Therefore, the
water quality objectives form the regulatory references for meeting state and federal requirements for water
quality control. Each RWQCB is required to prepare and update a Basin Plan for their jurisdictional area.
Pursuant to the Clean Water Act NPDES program, the RWQCB also issues permits for point source discharges
that must meet the water quality objectives and must protect the beneficial uses defined in the Basin Plan.
San Francisco Bay Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan)
The San Francisco Bay RWQCB (SFRWQCB) is responsible for the development, adoption and implementation
of the Water Quality Control Plan for the San Francisco Bay region. The Basin Plan is the master policy
document that contains descriptions of the legal, technical and programmatic bases of water quality
regulation in the San Francisco Bay Region. The Basin Plan identifies beneficial uses of surface waters and
groundwater within its region and specifies water quality objectives to maintain the continued beneficial uses
of these waters. Development pursuant to the Project is required to adhere to all water quality objectives
identified in the Basin Plan.
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System / Municipal Regional Stormwater Permit
The federal Clean Water Act (CWA) addresses urban stormwater runoff pollution of the nation’s waters. In
1990, US EPA promulgated rules establishing Phase 1 of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
(NPDES) stormwater program. The Phase 1 program for Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4s)
required operators that serve populations of 100,000 or greater to implement a stormwater management
program as a means to control polluted discharges from these MS4s.
On November 19, 2015, the SFRWQCB issued countywide municipal stormwater permits as one Municipal
Regional Stormwater NPDES Permit (MRP) to regulate stormwater discharges from municipalities and local
agencies in Alameda, Contra Costa, San Mateo, and Santa Clara counties, and the cities of Fairfield, Suisun
City and Vallejo. The City of South San Francisco, along with the cities of Belmont, Brisbane, Burlingame, Daly
City, East Palo Alto, Foster City, Half Moon Bay, Menlo Park, Millbrae, Pacifica, Redwood City, San Bruno, San
Carlos and San Mateo, and the towns of Atherton, Colma, Hillsborough, Portola Valley, and Woodside, the
San Mateo County Flood Control District, and San Mateo County joined together to form the San Mateo
Countywide Water Pollution Prevention Program (SMCWPPP). They are collectively known as the San Mateo
Permittees. 15
Construction General Permit
Pursuant to the MRP, construction activities that include clearing, grading, and excavation are regulated by
the California Construction Stormwater Permit (Construction General Permit). The Construction General
Permit authorizes the discharge of stormwater to surface waters from construction activities, and prohibits
the discharge of materials other than stormwater and authorized non-stormwater discharges, and all
discharges that contain hazardous substances unless a separate NPDES Permit has been issued to regulate
those discharges.
Provision C.6 of the MRP requires operators and developers of construction sites disturbing one acre or more
of soil to file a Notice of Intent for permit coverage under the Construction General Permit. To obtain
Construction General Permit coverage, construction operators/developers must prepare a Stormwater
15 California Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Francisco Bay Region - Municipal Regional Stormwater NPDES Permit,
Order #R2-2015-0049, NPDES PERMIT No. CAS612008
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Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) to demonstrate compliance with grading ordinances and other local
requirements. The SWPPP must demonstrate implementation of seasonally appropriate and effective best
management practices (BMPs) to prevent construction site discharges of pollutants into the storm drains,
before approval and issuance of local grading permits. All construction greater than 1-acre in size are
required to provide site-specific, and seasonally and phase-appropriate, effective BMPS in the following six
● Erosion Control
● Run-on and Run-off Control
● Sediment Control
● Active Treatment Systems, as necessary
● Good Site Management
● Non-Stormwater Management
Typical BMPs contained in SWPPPs are designed to minimize erosion during construction, stabilize
construction areas, control sediment and control pollutants from construction materials. The SWPPP must
also include a discussion of the program to inspect and maintain all BMPs. The local permitting agency (e.g.,
South San Francisco and/or the SMCWPPP) must review applicant’s erosion control plans and SWPPPs for
consistency with local requirements. This review includes an assessment of the appropriateness and
adequacy of proposed BMPs for each site before issuance of grading permits, and verification that sites
disturbing one acre or more of land have filed a Notice of Intent for permit coverage under the Construction
General Permit.
Stormwater Management Plan / Provision C.3 Requirements
The 2015 MRP also includes requirements to incorporate post-construction stormwater control and low-
impact development (LID) measures into new development and redevelopment projects. These requirements
are known as Provision C.3 requirements. The goal of Provision C.3 is for local permitting agencies to use
their planning authorities to include appropriate source control, site design and stormwater treatment
measures in new development and redevelopment projects to address stormwater runoff pollutant
discharges, and prevent increases in runoff flows from new development and redevelopment projects.
Provision C.3.c establishes thresholds at which new development and redevelopment projects must comply
(i.e., Regulated Projects), and local municipalities must apply standard stormwater conditions of approval for
Regulated Projects that receive development permits. Current thresholds for determining when Provision C.3
applies to a project are generally based on the amount of impervious surface that is created and/or replaced
by a project. Since 2006, a project that creates and/or replaces 10,000 square feet or more or impervious
surface area is defined as a C.3 Regulated Project. As of 2011, the threshold for requiring stormwater
treatment was reduced from 10,000 to 5,000 square feet of impervious surface for uncovered parking areas,
restaurants, auto service facilities and retail gasoline outlets. The 2015 MRP also includes categories of
‘Special Projects’ for certain land development characterized as smart growth, high density or transit-
oriented development that can either reduce existing impervious surfaces or create less accessory
impervious areas and automobile-related pollutant impacts. These Special Projects may receive LID
treatment reduction credits in recognition that density and space limitations may make 100% LID treatment
infeasible. If approved by the Water Board, these Special Projects may be allowed credits against otherwise
applicable treatment requirements by installing tree-box-type high flow-rate bio-filters or vault-based high
flow-rate media filters.
Other than Special Projects, all other Regulated Projects must meet Provision C.3 requirements for post-
construction stormwater control using a combination Low Impact Development (LID) stormwater controls
that are capable of reducing long-term impacts of development on stormwater quality and creek channels.
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These LID control measures for post-construction stormwater control are used reduce water quality impacts
by preserving and re-creating natural landscape features, minimizing impervious surfaces, and then
infiltrating, storing, detaining and evaporating stormwater into the air, and/or bio-treating stormwater runoff
close to its source. These LID measures include:
● Site Design Measures: Site design measures are site-planning techniques for pollution prevention
and reduction in flow rates and durations, by protecting existing natural resources and reducing
impervious surfaces of development projects. Some examples of site design measures include
minimizing land disturbance and preserving high-quality open space, minimizing impervious surfaces
by using narrow streets, driveways and sidewalks, minimizing impervious surfaces that are directly
connected to the storm drain system, clustering structures and paved surfaces and using landscaping
as a drainage feature.
● Source Control Measures: Source control measures consist of either structural project features or
operational “good housekeeping” practices that prevent pollutant discharge and runoff at the
source, such as by keeping pollutants from coming into contact with stormwater. Examples of
structural source controls include roofed trash enclosures, berms that control run-on to or runoff
from a potential pollutant source, and indoor mat/equipment wash racks that are connected to the
sanitary sewer. Examples of operational source controls include street sweeping and regular
inspection and cleaning of storm drain inlets.
● Stormwater Treatment: The MRP requires stormwater treatment requirements to be met by using
evapotranspiration, infiltration, rainwater harvesting and reuse, or bio-treatment. Stormwater
treatment measures must be sized to comply with hydraulic design criteria. The following are
commonly used treatment measures: bioretention areas, flow-through planter boxes, infiltration
trenches, extended detention basins, green roofs, pervious paving and grid pavements, rainwater
harvesting and use, and subsurface infiltration systems.
Local Regulations
San Mateo Countywide Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program
The San Mateo Countywide Water Pollution Prevention Program (SMCWPPP) was established in 1990 to
reduce pollution carried by stormwater into local creeks, the San Francisco Bay and the Pacific Ocean. The
Program is a partnership of the City/County Association of Governments (C/CAG), each incorporated city and
town in the county, and the County of San Mateo. Some of these requirements are implemented directly by
municipalities, while others are addressed by the San Mateo Countywide Water Pollution Prevention
Program on behalf of all the municipalities. The permit also requires a public education program,
implementing targeted pollutant reduction strategies, and a monitoring program to help characterize local
water quality conditions and to begin evaluating the overall effectiveness of the permit’s implementation.
The San Mateo Countywide Water Pollution Prevention Program takes the lead for implementing
requirements of these permits.
City of South San Francisco General Plan
The General Plan contains policies designed to protect and improve water quality. Policies applicable to the
Master Plan Update are as follows:
● 7.2-G-1: Comply with the San Francisco Bay RWQCB regulations and standards to maintain and
improve the quality of both surface water and groundwater resources.
The General Plan contains policies designed to protect people and development from damage associated
with flooding. Policies applicable to the Master Plan Update are as follows:
● 8.2-G-1: Minimize the risk to life and property from flooding in South San Francisco.
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● 8.2-I-2: Use the City’s development review process to ensure that proposed development subject to
the 100-year flood provides adequate protection from flood hazards, in areas identified in Figure 8-3
[in the Health and Safety Element].
City of South San Francisco Municipal Code
Flood Damage Prevention
Chapter 15.56 (Flood Damage Prevention) of the South San Francisco Municipal Code promotes the public
health, safety and general welfare by minimizing public and private losses due to flood condition. To
accomplish this purpose, this chapter includes methods and provisions to:
● restrict or prohibit uses which are dangerous to health, safety, and property due to water or erosion
hazards, or which result in damaging increases in erosion or flood heights or velocities
● require that uses vulnerable to floods, including facilities which serve such uses, be protected against
flood damage at the time of initial construction
● control the alteration of the natural floodplain stream channels, and natural protective barriers,
which help accommodate or channel flood waters
● control filling, grading, dredging, and other development which may increase flood damage, and
● prevent or regulate the construction of flood barrier which will unnaturally divert flood waters or
which may increase flood hazards in other areas
The provisions contained in Chapter 15.56 of the Municipal Code are applicable only to development in flood
hazard areas as defined by FEMA. The shoreline areas of the Project Area are subject to 100-year flood
conditions due to coastal flooding and wave action.
Stormwater Management
Chapter 14.04 (Stormwater Management and Discharge Control) of the South San Francisco Municipal Code
requires stormwater treatment requirements specified in the shared Regional Urban Stormwater NPDES
permit (the MRP) be mandated for certain categories of new and redevelopment projects in the City of South
San Francisco, based upon the amount of impervious area created, added or replaced by a project.
Stormwater treatment requirements apply to new development and redevelopment projects, special land
use categories, road projects and required site design measures for small projects and single-family homes as
determined by the director of public works or designee. Treatment BMPs for regulated projects shall
incorporate sizing design criteria as specified in NPDES Permit for water quality treatment of stormwater
runoff prior to discharge.
City of South San Francisco East of 101 Area Plan
The East of 101 Area Plan provides detailed planning policies that are consistent with policies of the adopted
South San Francisco General Plan. With respect to hydrology and water quality, the East of 101 Area Plan
aims to reduce flooding by evaluating specific development proposals to determine drainage and flood
protection requirements, and to prevent the degradation of water quality by minimizing erosion and
sedimentation, and requiring that projects comply with NPDES permit requirements.16
16 City of South San Francisco, East of 101 Area Plan, 1994
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Impacts and Mitigation Measures
Thresholds of Significance
Based on the CEQA Guidelines, the Project would have a significant environmental impact if it were to:
1. Violate any water quality standards or waste discharge requirements or otherwise substantially degrade
surface or groundwater quality
2. Substantially decrease groundwater supplies or interfere substantially with groundwater recharge such
that the project may impeded sustainable groundwater management of the basin
3. Substantially alter the existing drainage pattern of the site or area, including through the alteration of the
course of a stream or river, or through the addition of impervious surfaces, in a manner that would:
a. result in substantial erosion or siltation on- or off-site;
b. Substantially increase the rate or amount of surface runoff in a manner that would
result in flooding on- or off-site
c. Create or contribute runoff water that would exceed the capacity of existing or planned
stormwater drainage systems or provide substantial additional sources of polluted
4. In flood hazard, tsunami or seiche zones, risk release of pollutants due to project inundation
5. Conflict with or obstruct implementation of a water quality control plan or sustainable groundwater
management plan
Approach to the Analysis
The Project Area includes the same study area as previously analyzed in the 2002 BEG EIR, 2007 MEIR and
2012 SMEIR, including similar potential Opportunity Sites, or locations where new development or
redevelopment within the Genentech Campus is likely to occur. The majority of these potential Opportunity
Sites are in the same or similar locations as were contemplated and analyzed in the previous EIRs, and certain
information from these previous EIRs remain valid and applicable. The analysis of the Project presented
below relies upon known conditions that are present in the Project Area, and as updated for this EIR.
Water Quality
Hydro 1: Future development pursuant to the Project could result in a violation of water quality standards or
waste discharge requirements or otherwise substantially degrade water quality. (Less than
Significant with Regulatory Compliance)
During Construction
Typical construction activities can result in degradation of water quality and violation of water quality and
waste discharge standards. Construction activities may loosen soils, increase erosion and downstream
siltation, potentially intercept contaminated groundwater during dewatering and allow for accidental spill or
release of construction-related chemicals that may contact surface waters. Individual construction projects
pursuant to the Project will involve excavation and soil stockpiling, boring and grading that will dislodge soil
particles and therefore potentially cause soil erosion. If not properly managed, the dislodged soils could be
washed into drainages by rain or by water used during construction. Project construction would also involve
use of motorized heavy equipment including trucks and dozers that require fuel, lubricating grease and other
fluids. Accidental chemical release or spill from a vehicle or equipment could affect surface water. Such spills
Chapter 12: Hydrology and Water Quality
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could become washed into the on-site drainages and eventually the Bay, or could infiltrate into soil affecting
groundwater quality.
Depending on a number of factors including depth to groundwater, extent of excavation for building
foundations or below-grade structures, soil types and site history, non-stormwater may be encountered
during construction activities. Typical sources of non-stormwater include groundwater, water from
cofferdams, water diversions and waters used during construction activities. When non-stormwater must be
removed so that construction may be proceed, the removal of that water is typically accomplished through a
dewatering process. Dewatering operations may occur during a wide range of construction activities
including but not limited to demolition of pavement or structures, grading (including cut and fill slopes),
utility trenching and installation, and installation of underground drainage facilities. Untreated water from
construction site dewatering may contain pollutants that, if discharged to a stormdrain system or natural
watercourse, may exceed water quality standards of the receiving water. Typical pollutants that may be
encountered include sediment (the most common pollutant associated with dewatering operations), high
levels of pH, and contaminant pollutants associated with current or past use of the site or adjacent land.
Contaminant pollutants may include oil, grease, pesticides, solvents, fuels and other toxics that may be laden
with sediments. Release of these pollutants into receiving waters could potentially harm wildlife in the Bay or
interfere with the wastewater treatment plant’s operation. Discharging contaminated or sediment-laden
water from a dewatering site into any water of the state without treatment is prohibited.
After construction, resulting increases in peak stormwater flows can also result in violations of standards
intended to reduce sediments and contaminants in the stormwater system. New development pursuant to
the Project would create or replace impervious surfaces. Increases in impervious surfaces would result in
increased runoff and the potential for that runoff to carry pollutants to receiving waters, including the Bay.
Stormwater runoff from impervious surfaces can generate nonpoint-source pollutants such as organic
materials that increase the biological oxygen demand (the demand for oxygen in the water needed by
aquatic life to survive), suspended solids, pathogens, sediment from erosion, air pollution fallout, nitrogen
and phosphorus from chemical fertilizers, animal wastes, leachates from leaves, and pesticides.
Regulatory Requirements
All new development pursuant to the Project will be required to comply with all applicable regulatory
requirements related to water quality. Compliance with local and regional provisions and regulations that
implement federal Clean Water Act requirements would prevent potential impacts from rising to a level of
Regulatory Requirement Hydro 1A - Construction General Permit/Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan:
All new qualifying construction projects pursuant to the Master Plan Update will be required to
comply with Provision C.6 of the Municipal Regional Permit (MRP), including filing a Notice of Intent
for permit coverage under the Construction General Permit.
1) To obtain Construction General Permit coverage, construction projects must include a
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) that demonstrates compliance with the City’s
Grading Ordinances and other local requirements.
2) The SWPPP must demonstrate implementation of seasonally appropriate and effective best
management practices (BMPs) to prevent construction site discharges of pollutants into the
storm drains, before approval and issuance of local grading permits.
3) Such construction projects are required to implement the stormwater BMPs identified by the
San Mateo Countywide Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program, including plans to address
Chapter 12: Hydrology and Water Quality
Page 12-14 Genentech Master Plan Update, Draft EIR
materials and waste management, equipment management and spill control, grading and
earthmoving to prevent erosion, paving and asphalt work, concrete and mortar applications,
painting and paint removal, landscaping and dewatering.
Regulatory Requirement Hydrology 1B - Permitting Requirements for Dewatering Discharges: Depending
on volume and pollutant loads of non-stormwater discharges associated with an individual
construction dewatering activity, and the dewatering methodology to be applied, different
regulatory requirements apply. For non-stormwater dewatering discharges, each individual
construction project shall obtain coverage either under the Construction General Permit, Statewide
Low-Threat Discharge Waste Discharge Requirements (WDR) or a site-specific NPDES permit. Typical
dewatering methods permitted pursuant to these regulatory requirements include:
1) Discharge to a Stormdrain. Authorized non-stormwater may be discharged to a storm drain
under the Construction General Permit. A permit from the local sewer agency must be obtained
prior to such discharge. This approach is generally appropriate for water that contains some
sediment and/or pollutants, but sediment may require pre-treatment and acceptable pollutants
and pollutant levels are defined by the sewerage agency. Such permits typically include
provisions for fees, requirements for pre-discharge testing and reporting, and establishment of
acceptable discharge limitations/prohibitions typically pertaining to the chemical quality of the
water, discharge flow rates and quantities.
2) Managing Water within the Project Site: Accumulated non-stormwater may be retained and
managed on the construction site, generally pursuant to statewide low-threat discharge Waste
Discharge Requirements (WDRs). Retained water is evaporated, infiltrated into the soil, or is
used onsite for dust control, irrigation or other construction-related purposes. This approach is
generally appropriate for water that is free of pollutants, other than sediment.
3) Off-Site Treatment: This option is typically appropriate for water with toxic pollutants that
cannot be discharged elsewhere. Under this approach, water is hauled off-site for treatment,
typically involving a licensed commercial contractor who can remove, transport and dispose (or
treat and recycle) polluted water. General requirements of this approach include acceptance of a
NOI for coverage under the Construction General Permit, plus chemical testing of water quality
and management of the water as hazardous waste, with applicable regulatory agency (typically
RWQCB) oversight (see also Mitigation Measure Hazards-4: Site Assessment in the Hazards and
Hazardous Waste chapter of this EIR).
4) Site-Specific NPDES Dewatering Permits: For those dewatering activities that cannot obtain
permission to discharge to the local sanitary sewer and where the discharge cannot be regulated
under the Construction General Permit or the statewide low-threat discharge WDRs, site-specific
NPDES Dewatering Permits may be sought. General requirements for site-specific NPDES
dewatering permits include monitoring and reporting as required by the Regional Board, and
discharge and receiving water requirements (including water quality objectives, discharge
prohibitions and TMDLs) as defined in the Basin Plan and specific NPDES permit obligations.
Implementation of the Construction General Permit and/or Statewide Low-Threat Discharge Waste Discharge
Requirements (WDR) or site-specific NPDES permit requirements will reduce potential impacts to water
quality during construction activities to a less than significant level. Best Management Practices (BMPs) will
be required and incorporated into individual SWPPPs and other permits prior to approval of grading permits,
providing an acceptable level of water quality protection.
Chapter 12: Hydrology and Water Quality
Genentech Master Plan Update, Draft EIR Page 12-15
Regulatory Requirement Hydro 1C - Provision C.3 Requirements/Stormwater Management Plan: All new
Regulated Projects pursuant to the Master Plan Update will be required to comply with Provision C.3
of the MRP, including requirements to incorporate post-construction stormwater control and low-
impact development (LID) measures. Each individual development project must meet Provision C.3
requirements capable of reducing long-term impacts of development on stormwater quality. Some
combination of the following post-construction stormwater controls will be required to demonstrate
compliance with the hydraulic design criteria of the MRP:
1) Site design may include minimizing impervious surfaces that are directly connected to the storm
drain system, or using landscaping as a drainage feature.
2) Source control measures may include roofed trash enclosures, berms that control runoff from a
pollutant source, use of indoor mats/equipment wash racks that are connected to the sanitary
sewer (where allowed under separate sewer discharge permits), and regular inspection and
cleaning of storm drain inlets.
3) Stormwater treatments may be met by a combination of measures that may include, but are not
limited to bioretention areas, flow-through planter boxes, infiltration trenches, extended
detention basins, green roofs, pervious paving and grid pavements, rainwater harvesting and
subsurface infiltration systems.
As indicated in SMCWPPP’s C.3 Stormwater Technical Guidance document,17 the entire East of 101 area
(including the Project Area) is not included within the Hydromodification Management Control Area
Boundary, and thus is not subject to hydromodification management (i.e., is not required to minimize the
change in the rate and flow of runoff as compared to the pre-development conditions).
The Project does not include any specific proposal for development within the 100-foot shoreline band of
BCDC jurisdiction, However, if Genentech were to consider any development within BCDC jurisdiction in the
future, such development proposal would be subject to BCDC’s Shoreline Development Permit process,
including its requirements for protection of Bay water quality during construction and operation, and
potentially additional project-specific environmental review.
Mitigation Measures
None needed.
Subsequent development pursuant to the Project will comply with the State, regional, countywide and City
regulations as outlined in the Municipal Regional Stormwater NPDES Permit (MRP) issued by SFRWQCB in
November 2015, as may be subsequently updated or amended. These regulations ensure that potential
water quality impacts related to construction and post-construction activity pursuant to the Project will be
reduced to a less than significant level.
Hydro 2: Future development pursuant to the Project will not substantially decrease groundwater supplies or
interfere substantially with groundwater recharge such that the project may impeded sustainable
groundwater management of the basin. (Less than Significant)
17 accessed at: http://www.flowstobay.org/newdevelopment#hydromod
Chapter 12: Hydrology and Water Quality
Page 12-16 Genentech Master Plan Update, Draft EIR
Direct Effects
The Project would result in increased development of the Genentech Campus, which is already developed
with buildings and impervious surfaces. The total area of impervious surface created by the Project would not
be substantially greater than the existing condition, although the Project will likely add new impervious
surfaces in select areas where no prior development exists. Any increase in impervious surfaces will reduce
the amount of surface water that can filter into the ground and recharge groundwater basins, but such
decrease in filtration would not be substantial. Existing storm drainage systems in the Project Area currently
intercept most rainfall and runoff waters, thus limiting the amount of groundwater recharge that occurs.
Overall, new development pursuant to the Project may result in slight interference with groundwater
recharge, but this impact would be less than significant.
California Water Service Company (Cal Water) supplies water to the Project Area, and new development
pursuant to the Project would not individually draw down or otherwise substantially reduce the underlying
groundwater resource.
Indirect Effects
Groundwater has historically supplied ten to fifteen percent of the Cal Water’s South San Francisco District
water demand. Groundwater is extracted from the Merced Formation of the Colma Creek Basin, a sub-basin
of the Merced Valley Groundwater Basin. Locally this basin is referred to as the Westside Basin. The Westside
Basin is the largest groundwater basin in the San Francisco Bay Hydrologic Region.
If the Project’s water demand were to cause Cal Water to extract groundwater at a rate that would
substantially deplete groundwater supplies or interfere substantially with groundwater recharge, this would
be an indirect impact of the Project on groundwater resources. Additionally, if the Project’s water demands
were to contribute to cumulative water demands of the Cal Water service area such that these cumulative
water demands would cause a net deficit in aquifer volume or a lowering of the local groundwater table level
this would be an indirect impact of the Project on groundwater resources.
The Water Supply Assessment (WSA) prepared by Cal Water for use in this EIR concludes that, “for the next
20+ years the South San Francisco District will be able to provide adequate water supplies to meet existing
and projected customer demands, including full development of the 2017 GMPU (the Project) under normal,
single dry year and multiple dry year conditions.” This conclusion is based on a number of factors, including
“current Westside Basin groundwater supplies and Cal Water’s current and projected groundwater production
rates from its active wells.” 18
As further described in the WSA report, the 2011 Westside Basin Model (version 3.1) indicates that, the
sustainable municipal pumping rate [of the Westside basin] is 6.9 mgd. Cal Water, Daly City and San Bruno
intend to coordinate their respective pumping rates so that 6.9 mgd is not exceeded on an annual basis. Cal
Water has offered to limit its planned production of groundwater from the Westside Basin to 1.37 mgd
(1,535 AFY), which is consistent with their current pumping capacity and historical pumping rates. 19
The WSA report also describes the Regional Groundwater Storage and Recovery Project (a joint effort
between SFPUC, Cal Water, and the cities of Daly City and San Bruno), which coordinates groundwater and
surface water management in the South Westside Basin. This project is intended to increase water supply
reliability during dry years or emergency conditions. Under this project, when the SFPUC determines that
there is surplus water supply available, they will deliver some of this surplus water to the program
participants in-lieu of groundwater pumping, thus leaving groundwater in storage in the Basin. When
imported supplies are short, the participating pumpers could pump their designated quantities, and receive
18 California Water Service, SB 610 Water Supply Assessment for the Genentech Master Plan Update, November 21, 2017
19 Ibid
Chapter 12: Hydrology and Water Quality
Genentech Master Plan Update, Draft EIR Page 12-17
groundwater produced from SFPUC wells and an equally reduced quantity of imported water. The SFPUC
wells will only be operated to extract the previously stored or banked supply. The expected groundwater
storage gained from this reduced pumping is approximately 61,000 acre-feet. With that amount of additional
groundwater available in the Basin, the agencies could pump at a rate of 7.2 mgd for a 7.5-year dry period. In
January 2015, the SFPUC awarded funding for this project, and construction is expected to be complete in
Based on information contained in the WSA report, the Project’s water demands will not cause Cal Water to
extract groundwater at a rate that would substantially deplete groundwater supplies or interfere
substantially with groundwater recharge. Further, the Project’s water demands will not contribute to
cumulative water demands that would cause a net deficit in aquifer volume or a lowering of the local
groundwater table level. Groundwater resource depletion is therefore not a significant direct or indirect
effect of the Project.
Mitigation Measures
None needed.
Additional information regarding water supply and demand, and Genentech’s on-going water conservation
efforts, is provided in the Utilities chapter of this EIR.
Drainage Patterns and Runoff
Hydro 3: Future development pursuant to the Project would not substantially alter the existing drainage
pattern of the site or area, including through the alteration of the course of a stream or river, or
through the addition of impervious surfaces, in a manner that would result in substantial erosion or
siltation on- or off-site, substantially increase the rate or amount of surface runoff in a manner that
would result in flooding on- or off-site, or create or contribute runoff water that would exceed the
capacity of existing or planned stormwater drainage systems or provide substantial additional
sources of polluted runoff. (Less than Significant with Regulatory Compliance)
Off-Site Drainage
Colma Creek is the City’s main natural drainage system. Colma Creek does not intersect the Project Area nor
does the Project Area drain to Colma Creek. Development pursuant to the Project will not alter the course of
Colma Creek, will not result in substantial erosion or siltation to Colma Creek and will not increase the rate or
amount of runoff into Colma Creek in a manner that would result in flooding.
On-Site Drainage and Runoff
The City’s stormdrain system within the Project Area consists of a variety of disconnected drainage systems
including surface street drainage, underground storm drains and surface drainage channels. These
stormdrain facilities collect runoff from the Project Area and outfall directly into the San Francisco Bay at
several locations along the Project Area shoreline. This stormdrain system is based on gravity flow and does
not require pumps to transport flows to the Bay, and is not connected to other off-site or downstream
stormdrain facilities. This existing drainage system was generally designed and constructed to accommodate
large-scale industrial development, with large capacity stormdrain pipes. Stormwater flows from these
outfalls to the Bay are not treated at the outfall, so all water quality treatment occurs prior to discharge into
the stormdrain system. Most of the Project Area is already developed and covered with impervious surfaces
20 Ibid
Chapter 12: Hydrology and Water Quality
Page 12-18 Genentech Master Plan Update, Draft EIR
(i.e., buildings, parking lots or other structures), so nearly all stormwater becomes run-off into this
stormdrain system, and little infiltration into the ground and groundwater occurs.
The total area of impervious surface created by the Project will not be substantially greater than the existing
condition. Most new development will consist of redevelopment of these existing impervious surfaces with
new building sites. Thus, redevelopment of existing impervious area will generally not increase runoff or
demand substantial increases in stormdrain capacity, and no expansion of the onsite stormdrain facilities is
anticipated. Because the Project Area’s stormdrain system drains directly into the Bay, no downstream
drainage facilities are effected or influenced by runoff from the Project Area. New development will require
localized drainage infrastructure to connect to the existing stormdrain system. These localized drainage
system improvements will be required to demonstrate compliance with the water quality treatment
requirements as established in the MRP (see discussion of water quality, above), but the volume of
stormwater runoff generated by the Project is not expected to substantially increase above existing
conditions. Because little or no additional stormwater runoff would be created, no substantial improvements
or expansions to the existing stormdrain system is anticipated.
Alteration of Drainage Channels
Three surface drainage ditches are located within the Project Area (see prior Figure 12-1). These drainage
ditches are excavated in upland areas for purposes of conveying stormwater runoff from the hillslopes and
developed areas in the upper portions of the Project Area to the underground stormwater system, which
drains directly to the Bay.
● Drainage Ditch #1: Drainage ditch #1 is a well-maintained cement lined ditch with source water
feeding from piped inputs conveying stormwater from nearby impervious surfaces such as paved
parking lots, paved roads and walking paths with associated storm drain infrastructure. All observed
hydrologic inputs to this ditch appear to arise from either a series of pipes emanating from storm
drains, or a cement curb cut that focuses flows into the ditch from an adjoining paved parking lot.
The ditch appears to be piped underground, into storm drain infrastructure downstream.
● Drainage Ditch #2; Drainage ditch #2 is located on a hillslope and is entirely cement lined and well
maintained. The water source at the origin of the ditch #2 is an approximately 2 to 4-inch pipe input
with a faucet opening. The source of the pipe is likely from the buildings on the Upper Campus
hilltop. Several other piped inputs were observed over the length of the ditch. The drainage ditch
was excavated in uplands for the purpose of stormwater conveyance.
● Drainage Ditch #3: Drainage ditch #3 is also located on a hillslope and is entirely cement lined. The
water source appears to be PVC piping that is located several feet upslope of the start of the cement
channel. The source piping appears to arise from developed uplands located upslope, including
storm drains from the paved parking lot. A few additional piped inputs were observed along the
length of the ditch. The drainage ditch #3 appears to drain to stormdrain pipes downslope of this
These drainage ditches are part of the Project Area’s overall stormdrain system. New development pursuant
to the Project may result in the need or desire to alter the alignment, culvert or bridge over these drainage
ditches, to develop or gain access to certain Opportunity Sites. As indicated in the Biology chapter of this EIR,
these stormwater drainage ditches are not expected to be jurisdictional waters of the United States or the
State, and have little or no habitat value. However, they are likely to be considered by the RWQCB to be part
of the Project Area’s existing stormwater management plans. Existing regulations (see below) would likely
require that the drainage function of these ditches be retained or replaced if they are affected by new
Chapter 12: Hydrology and Water Quality
Genentech Master Plan Update, Draft EIR Page 12-19
Regulatory Requirements
Regulatory Requirement Hydro 1A - Construction General Permit/Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
(see above)
Regulatory Requirement Hydro 1B - Provision C.3 Requirements/Stormwater Management Plan (see
All new Regulated Projects pursuant to the Master Plan Update will be required to comply with the C.3
provisions of the Municipal Regional Stormwater NPDES Permit (MRP) that regulate the water quality of
stormwater discharges, including post-construction stormwater controls and low-impact development (LID)
measures. Each individual development project must meet Provision C.3 requirements capable of reducing
long-term impacts of development on stormwater quality. The MRP requires Stormwater Management Plans
(SWMP), which in turn require source and treatment control measures. New development projects will be
required to comply with existing federal, state and local stormwater regulations that include implementation
of drainage control BMPs for water quality. Genentech will be required to adhere to applicable requirements
of the MRP and Construction General Permit. These requirements include development and implementation
of SWPPPs and SWMPs to minimize erosion during construction, stabilize construction areas, control
sediment, control pollutants from construction materials and address post construction runoff quality. These
requirements will be incorporated into individual development project designs and construction.
However, as indicated in SMCWPPP’s C.3 Stormwater Technical Guidance document,21 the entire East of 101
Area (including the Project Area) is not within the Hydromodification Management Control Area Boundary,
and thus not subject to hydromodification management (i.e., is not required to minimize the change in the
rate and flow of runoff as compared to the pre-development conditions).
Mitigation Measures
None needed.
All new Regulated Projects pursuant to the Master Plan Update will be required to comply with State,
regional, countywide and City regulations, including those outlined in the Municipal Regional Stormwater
NPDES Permit (MRP) issued by SFRWQCB in November 2015 (as may be subsequently updated or amended).
Compliance with these regulations will ensure that potential alterations to existing drainage patterns do not
result in substantial erosion or siltation or adverse effects to water quality, and maintain the functionality of
existing on-site drainage channels.
Flood Hazards
Hydro 4: Future development pursuant to the Project would risk release of pollutants due to project
inundation as a result of a flood hazard, tsunami or seiche. (Less than Significant with Regulatory
The Genentech Campus is located immediately adjacent to the Bay, with Bay shoreline along its entire
eastern boundary. Portions of the San Francisco Bay Trail, a mostly contiguous trail around the San Francisco
Bay, outline the coast around the Genentech Campus. Although the majority of the Project Area is not within
a 100-year flood hazard zone, the immediate shoreline and the inlet at the southern portion of the Project
Area are within the 100-year flood hazard zone as mapped by FEMA (see prior Figure 12-2). Coastal flooding
and wave action during a 100-year storm would inundate certain portions of the immediate shoreline
21 accessed at: http://www.flowstobay.org/newdevelopment#hydromod
Chapter 12: Hydrology and Water Quality
Page 12-20 Genentech Master Plan Update, Draft EIR
bordering the Project Area.22 Unlike flood flows along a drainage channel, such coastal flooding at the
shoreline would not travel a substantial distance on land due to rising ground elevation. Coastal flood waters
run up onto land and recedes back to San Francisco Bay. New development pursuant to the Project would
not include housing, and no new structures would be placed on the shoreline that would be subject to or
impede flows within the 100-year flood hazard zone. Certain potential Opportunity Sites identified in the
Master Plan Update are near the shoreline, but subsequent and more detailed development plans for these
sites will need to demonstrate compliance with regulatory requirements, including building pads that are
elevated above the 100-year flood elevation.
Tsunami, Dam or Levee Failure; Seiche or Mudflow Inundation
According to the State of California Emergency Management Agency Earthquake and Tsunami Program, the
southwestern portion of the South Campus is subject to potential inundation by a tsunami. The tsunami
inundation line (see Figure 12-3) represents the maximum considered tsunami run-up from a number of
extreme, yet realistic, tsunami sources. According to this map, “Tsunamis are rare events. Due to a lack of
known occurrences in the historical record, this map includes no information about the probability of any
tsunami affecting any area within a specific period of time.” Because the occurrence of a tsunami is identified
as rare and there ae no historical records of a tsunami affecting this area, the risks of tsunami are considered
less than significant.
The Project Area is not prone to flooding in the event of dam or levee failure. Failure of a small-scale levee
near the City would not release a volume of water such that the Project Area would become flooded.
The 1.5-million-gallon storage reservoir on the top of San Bruno Hill poses a potential risk of seiche hazard.
However, the reservoir holds a relatively small volume of water, and water would drain away from the hill
instead of ponding and resulting in high water levels.
The potential for inundation by mudflow is considered low because the Project Area contains few steep
slopes of exposed soil. Hillsides in the Project Area are generally covered by development and/or
landscaping. Rainfall onto these areas would encounter vegetation or impervious surfaces and would not
pose a significant risk saturated soil resulting in mudflows. Impacts related to dam or levee failure, or seiche
or mudflow inundation would be less than significant.
22 FEMA Flood Map Service Center - Website accessed September 27, 2017, at: https://msc.fema.gov/portal/
Source: State of California Emergency Management Agency,
Earthquake and Tsunami Program
Figure 12-3
Tsunami Inundation Zone
0.5 0 0.5 10.25
SCALE 1:24,000
1,000 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000500
0.5 0 0.5 10.25
Tsunami Inundation Line
Tsunami Inundation Area
The California Emergency Management Agency (CalEMA),the University of Southern
California (USC),and the California Geological Survey (CGS)make no representationorwarrantiesregardingtheaccuracyofthisinundationmapnorthedatafromwhichthemapwasderived.Neither the State of California nor USC shall be liable under any
circumstances for any direct,indirect,special,incidental or consequential damages
with respect to any claim by any user or any third party on account of or arising from
the use of this map.
Topographic base maps prepared by U.S.Geological Survey as part of the 7.5-minute
Quadrangle Map Series (originally 1:24,000 scale).Tsunami inundation lineboundariesmayreflectupdateddigitalorthophotographicandtopographicdata thatcandiffersignificantlyfromcontoursshownonthebasemap.
State of CaliforniaCountyofSanMateoCaliforniaEmergencyManagementAgencyCaliforniaGeologicalSurveyUniversityofSouthernCaliforniaTsunamiInundationMapforEmergencyPlanningSanFranciscoSouthQuadrangle(San Francisco Bay)
StateofCalifornia ~County of San Mateo
This tsunami inundation map was prepared to assist cities and counties in identifyingtheirtsunamihazard.It is intended for local jurisdictional,coastal evacuationplanningusesonly.This map,and the information presented herein,is not a legal
document and does not meet disclosure requirements for real estate transactions
nor for any other regulatory purpose.
The inundation map has been compiled with best currently available scientificinformation.The inundation line represents the maximum considered tsunami runup
from a number of extreme,yet realistic,tsunami sources.Tsunamis are rare events;
due to a lack of known occurrences in the historical record,this map includes no
information about the probability of any tsunami affecting any area within a specificperiodoftime.
Please refer to the following websites for additional information on the construction
and/or intended use of the tsunami inundation map:
State of California Emergency Management Agency,Earthquake and Tsunami Program:http://www.oes.ca.gov/WebPage/oeswebsite.nsf/Content/B1EC
University of Southern California –Tsunami Research Center:http://www.usc.edu/dept/tsunamis/2005/index.php
State of California Geological Survey Tsunami Information:
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency Center for Tsunami Research (MOST model):http://nctr.pmel.noaa.gov/time/background/models.html
Table1:Tsunami sources modeled for the San Mateo County coastline.
Areas of Inundation Map
Coverage and Sources UsedSources(M=momentmagnitude used in modeled event)San Francisco
Bay Pescadero
PointReyes Thrust Fault X
RodgersCreek-Hayward Faults XLocal
SourcesSan Gregorio Fault X
CascadiaSubduction Zone-full rupture (M9.0)X
CentralAleutians Subduction Zone #1 (M8.9)X X
CentralAleutians Subduction Zone #2 (M8.9)X
CentralAleutians Subduction Zone #3 (M9.2)X X
ChileNorthSubduction Zone (M9.4)X
1960Chile Earthquake (M9.3)X
1964Alaska Earthquake (M9.2)X X
JapanSubduction Zone #2 (M8.8)X
KurilIslandsSubduction Zone #2 (M8.8)X
KurilIslandsSubduction Zone #3 (M8.8)X
KurilIslandsSubduction Zone #4 (M8.8)X
MarianasSubduction Zone (M8.6)X X
Chapter 12: Hydrology and Water Quality
Page 12-22 Genentech Master Plan Update, Draft EIR
Regulatory Requirements
All new development pursuant to the Project will be required to comply with all applicable regulatory
requirements to address flood hazards, including but not limited to the following:
Regulatory Requirement Hydro 4A: National Flood Insurance Program: Executive Order 11988 is a federal
regulation that requires the prevention of uneconomic, hazardous or incompatible use of
floodplains; protection and preservation of the natural and beneficial floodplain values; and
consistency with the standards and criteria of the National Flood Insurance Program.
Regulatory Requirement Hydro 4B: South San Francisco Municipal Code: Chapter 15.56, Section 15.56.140
of the South San Francisco Municipal Code identifies standards specific to construction in coastal
high hazard areas.23 Developments shall be elevated above the flood level, anchored and
constructed of materials resistant to flood damage.
City of South San Francisco General Plan also includes policies to ensure that proposed development subject
to the 100-year flood provides adequate protection from flood hazards. These policies and regulatory
requirements will be incorporated into individual development project’s construction activities.
Mitigation Measures
No mitigation measures are required.
All new development pursuant to the Project will be required to adhere to applicable codes and regulatory
measures that ensure potential flood hazards are reduced to the maximum extent feasible. With compliance
with these regulatory requirements, development pursuant to the Project would not expose people or
structures to substantial risks involving flooding, nor would the Project risk release of pollutants due to
project inundation as a result of a flood hazard, tsunami or seiche.
Cumulative Hydrology Effects
The Project will not result in a cumulatively considerable contribution to significant cumulative impacts on
hydrology or water quality. The Project’s potential contribution to cumulative impacts to hydrology and
water quality is evaluated in the context of past, present, and reasonably foreseeable probable future
development that may affect similar water resources in the same watershed. As indicated below, with
implementation of applicable regulatory requirements, cumulative impacts to hydrology and water quality
would be less than significant, and the Project would not result in a cumulatively considerable contribution to
a significant cumulative hydrology or water quality impact.
Stormwater Runoff
Cumulative construction-related runoff from the Project and other past, current and reasonably foreseeable
future cumulative development in the East of 101 Area could have adverse cumulative effects on hydrology
and water quality, including increased stormwater runoff and pollutant loading to the Bay. However, all
present and reasonably foreseeable development projects are required to comply with regulatory
requirements that control the discharge of construction-period stormwater pollutants. Those regulatory
requirements that apply to all cumulative construction projects include compliance with the Construction
General Permit, and preparation and implementation of a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
pursuant to Provision C.6 of the Municipal Regional Permit (MRP). All construction-period SWPPPs required
23 Per SSF Municipal Code 15.56.040, “Coastal high hazard area” means an area of special flood hazard extending from
offshore to the inland limit of a primary frontal dune along an open coast and any other area subject to high velocity wave action
from storms or seismic sources. It is an area subject to high velocity waters, including coastal and tidal inundation or tsunamis.
The area is designated on a flood insurance rate map (FIRM) as zone V1-V30, VE, or V (see Figure 12-2)
Chapter 12: Hydrology and Water Quality
Genentech Master Plan Update, Draft EIR Page 12-23
of cumulative development projects must demonstrate implementation of seasonally appropriate and
effective BMPs to prevent construction site discharges of pollutants into the storm drains and the Bay. BMPs
that are consistent with the San Mateo Countywide Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program must include
measures to address materials and waste management, equipment management and spill control, grading
and earthmoving to prevent erosion, paving and asphalt work, concrete and mortar applications, painting
and paint removal, landscaping and dewatering. With implementation of the Construction General Permit
and BMP requirements at each cumulative construction site, potential cumulatively significant impacts to
water quality will be individually addressed prior to issuance of each grading permit. No individual
construction site, including construction projects pursuant to the Project, would substantially contribute to
cumulative construction-period water quality effects.
Post-Construction Runoff
All regulated cumulative development projects are required to design and implement Stormwater
Management Plans that comply with applicable C.3 provisions of the MRP, including requirements to
incorporate post-construction stormwater controls and low-impact development (LID) measures. These
regulations are designed to protect water quality from all new cumulative construction and development,
including the Project. As applicable, cumulative projects will also be required to demonstrate that
stormwater volumes can be managed by downstream conveyance features such that they do not exceed the
capacity of these facilities or induce flooding.
Drainage Patterns
Future development pursuant to the Project would not substantially alter the existing drainage patterns
within the Project Area in a manner that would result in substantial erosion or siltation, or that would
increase the rate or amount of surface runoff in a manner that would result in flooding.
Off-Site Drainage
Colma Creek is the City’s main natural drainage system, and cumulative runoff from areas west of US 101
could potentially alter drainage patterns and water quality within Colma Creek. However, Colma Creek does
not intersect the Project Area nor does the Project Area drain to Colma Creek. Rather, the Project drains
directly to the Bay via on-site stormdrain systems. Development pursuant to the Project will not contribute to
potential cumulative effects that might alter the course of Colma Creek, will not contribute to cumulative
siltation effects in Colma Creek, and will not increase the rate or amount of cumulative runoff that
contributes to Colma Creek.
Non-CEQA Hydrology Topic
The following topic does not directly relate to any environmental thresholds established by the City of South
San Francisco and is not required to be evaluated in this EIR pursuant to CEQA. According to the California
Supreme Court’s decision in California Building Industry Association v Bay Area Air Quality Management
District (S213478, December 17, 2015) and further supported in case law (Ballona Wetlands Land Trust et al.
v. City of Los Angeles [2011] 201 Cal.App.4th 455), CEQA generally does not require that public agencies
analyze impacts that existing (or potential future) environmental conditions might have on a project’s future
users or residents. An agency must analyze how environmental conditions might adversely affect a project’s
residents or users only where the project itself might worsen existing environmental hazards in a way that
will adversely affect them, or if one of the provisions of CEQA that require such an analysis for certain airport,
school and housing projects applies.
However, to aid the public and City decision-makers in evaluating and considering the merits of the Project,
this topic is discussed below for informational purposes.
Chapter 12: Hydrology and Water Quality
Page 12-24 Genentech Master Plan Update, Draft EIR
Sea Level Rise
The effects that potential future sea level rise may have on the Project is not a CEQA matter. Therefore, the
analysis of sea level rise effects is provided for informational purposes only, but may also provide context for
future City consideration of appropriate sea level rise adaptation strategies.
It is expected that a rise in average global temperature due largely to an increase in GHG emissions will be
accompanied by a rise in the global sea level. Sea level rise occurs from rising average ocean temperatures,
thermal expansion and melting of snow and ice. The rate and amount of sea level rise will be influenced by a
rise in average temperatures and the speed of melting glacial ice.
The State of California provides planning guidance for assessing and adapting to the impacts of sea level rise.
The State’s current guidance, the California 4th Climate Change Assessment (updated in 2018), provides
guidance to state agencies for incorporating sea-level rise projections into planning, design, permitting,
construction, investment and other decisions.24 The San Francisco Bay Area Region Summary Report is part of
a series of 12 assessments to support climate action by providing an overview of climate-related risks and
adaptation strategies tailored to specific regions and themes. Produced as part of California’s Fourth Climate
Change Assessment by leading climate experts, this summary report translates the state of climate science
into useful information for decision-makers and practitioners to catalyze action that will benefit the region,
the ocean and coast, frontline communities, and tribal and indigenous communities. 25 This latest guidance
document incorporates recent scientific findings from the California Ocean Protection Council’s Science
Advisory Team Working Group - Rising Seas in California: An Update on Sea-Level Rise Science. 26 This
document was produced by a Working Group of the California Ocean Protection Council Science Advisory
Team (OPC-SAT), supported and convened by the California Ocean Science Trust, and provides the scientific
foundation for the 2018 update to the Climate Change Assessment document.
Sea Level Rise Scenarios
According to this document, California has already experienced sea level rise of approximately 6 inches in the
past century, and sea level rise is virtually certain to increase beyond this level. There are important open
questions about how fast sea levels will rise and how extreme sea-level rise will become, but in spite of
uncertainty, all trends point upward. The Fourth Assessment’s projections underscore the dependence of sea
levels upon greenhouse gas emissions and associated melt and ice-loss from Greenland and Antarctica. The
California Ocean Protection Council’s Rising Seas indicates that before year 2050, the differences in sea-level
rise projections under different emissions scenarios are minor. These projections show a 50% probability that
sea level rise in the San Francisco Bay will meet or exceed nearly 1 foot above 1991-2009 mean sea level, and
a 67% probability that sea level rise in the San Francisco Bay will meet or exceed 7 to 13 inches by year 2050.
Sea-level rise projections diverge significantly past mid-century, depending on uncertainties in future
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, the sensitivity of climate conditions to GHG concentrations, and the overall
capabilities of climate models. If GHG emissions continue at current rates, the California Ocean Protection
Council’s Rising Seas indicates that sea level rise in the San Francisco Bay has a 50% probability of reaching 18
to 30 inches above 1990 mean sea level, and a 67% probability of meeting 29 to 41 inches by year 2100. The
24 California’s Fourth Climate Change Assessment, accessed at: www.ClimateAssessment.ca.gov
25 Ackerly, David, Andrew Jones, Mark Stacey, Bruce Riordan. (University of California, Berkeley), 2018, San Francisco Bay Area
Summary Report, California’s Fourth Climate Change Assessment, Publication number: CCCA4-SUM-2018-005
26 Griggs, G, Árvai, J, Cayan, D, DeConto, R, Fox, J, Fricker, HA, Kopp, RE, Tebaldi, C, Whiteman, EA (California Ocean Protection
Council Science Advisory Team Working Group). Rising Seas in California: An Update on Sea-Level Rise Science. California Ocean
Science Trust, April 2017. Available online at: http://www.opc.ca.gov/webmaster/ftp/pdf/docs/rising-seas-in-california-an-
Chapter 12: Hydrology and Water Quality
Genentech Master Plan Update, Draft EIR Page 12-25
California 4th Climate Change Assessment also includes an additional very-low probability worst-case
estimate that exceeds 9 feet of sea level rise.27
Other climate-change-induced changes to atmospheric-oceanic processes may also increase coastal flood
hazards due to:
● Daily tidal inundation: As sea levels rise, the elevation of MHHW will continually increase. Without
action, this increase in elevation will result in increased permanent inundation of low-lying areas.
● Annual high tide inundation (king tides): King tides result in temporary inundation, and are
associated with nuisance flooding, such as occasional inundation of low-lying roads, boardwalks, and
waterfront promenades. Typical king tides raise coastal waters approximately 14 inches above
MHHW. In the winter (December, January, and February), king tides may be exacerbated by winter
storms, making these events more dramatic. Without protective action, this regular, predictable
flooding will occur more frequently and affect larger areas as sea levels rise.
● Extreme high tide inundation (storm surge): Depending on the type and intensity of cause(s),
extreme tides range from 15 inches above MHHW (1-year extreme tide) to 42 inches above MHHW
(100-year extreme tides) or higher. In one such recent event (December 11, 2014), Bay waters rose
18 inches above predicted tide levels due to coastal storm conditions during a heavy rain event.
● Weather and weather cycles: Climate change may affect the frequency and/or intensity of coastal
storms, El Niño cycles and related processes. During El Niño winters, atmospheric and oceanographic
conditions in the Pacific Ocean produce severe winter storms that affect Bay shorelines. No clear
consensus has emerged about these projected changes, but a commonly identified trend is a
tendency toward increased elevation of snowpack and correspondingly more precipitation falling in
Delta watersheds as rain. This trend may increase the frequency of higher Delta flows into the Bay.
● Waves: Large waves, whether generated within the Bay or by large Pacific storms, can damage
unprotected shorelines and drive floodwaters even higher. Typical impacts include damage to
coastal structures such as levees, docks and piers, wharves, and revetments; backshore inundation
due to wave overtopping of structures; and erosion of natural shorelines.
● Precipitation combined with high tides: When large rainfall events co-occur with particularly high
tides, coastal waters can impede the drainage of rivers, creeks and stormwater systems to the Bay,
resulting in inland flooding during storms. Typical impacts during high or extreme tides include
failure of storm drainage infrastructure, drainage restrictions through outfalls, backup of floodwaters
into low-lying areas during precipitation events, road closures and neighborhood flooding. 28
The Adapting to Rising Tides, Bay Area Sea Level Rise Analysis and Mapping Project has produced inundation
data and mapping products for all nine San Francisco Bay Area counties, representing ten different sea level
rise scenarios and/or extreme tide water levels. Each of the mapped scenarios approximates either
permanent inundation scenarios or temporary flood conditions from combinations of sea level rise and
extreme tides likely to occur before 2100. Permanent inundation occurs when an area is regularly covered by
daily tidal fluctuations. As sea levels rise, additional shoreline areas may be subject to permanent inundation.
Temporary flooding occurs when an area is exposed to episodic, short-duration, extreme tide events of
greater magnitude than normal tide levels (such as during storm surge or El Niño events). Shoreline and
27 Griggs, et.al., California Ocean Science Trust, Rising Seas in California: An Update on Sea-Level Rise Science, April 2017,
Table 1b, page 26
28 San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC), Adapting to Rising Tides, Bay Area Sea Level Rise
Analysis and Mapping, in collaboration with MTC and AECOM, page 11, accessed at: http://www.adaptingtorisingtides.org)
Chapter 12: Hydrology and Water Quality
Page 12-26 Genentech Master Plan Update, Draft EIR
inland areas may be temporarily flooded during an extreme tide event, but may resume their intended
function once floodwaters recede. 29
Implications for East of 101 Area and Project Site
Two of the Adapting to Rising Tide scenarios are presented below, representing the potential range of sea
level rise effects to the Project area and to the East of 101 Area in general. The first scenario (see Figure 12-4)
represents a 12-inch rise in sea level (corresponding to Rising Seas’ projection of a 50% probability in sea
level rise by year 2050, plus a potential 50-year storm surge in the San Francisco Bay. Under this scenario, the
Genentech Campus would be expected to experience only limited sea level rise inundation along Forbes
Boulevard in the Lower Campus. Shoreline overtopping by 3 to 4 feet could be expected during the combined
50-year storm surge in the same general area along the Lower Campus. The Mid-Campus and South Campus
are not shown as being affected by storm surges under this scenario. No other neighborhood Campus
locations would be affected by sea level rise inundation or storm surge, as they are well removed from the
shoreline and much higher in elevation. The more substantial effects of sea level rise under this scenario
would be felt in the southerly portion of the East of 101 Area, generally south of East Grand Avenue. This
area is expected to experience sea level rise inundation of between 2 and 4 inches, and the Colma Creek
channel is projected to experience overtopping of between 3 to 5 inches along Harbor Way, Utah Avenue and
Mitchel Avenue.
The second scenario (see Figure 12-5) represents a 42-inch rise in sea level (corresponding to Rising Seas’
highest of sea level rise under a 67% probability by year 2100, plus a potential 100-year storm surge in the
San Francisco Bay. Under this longer-term and more severe scenario, the Genentech Campus would only be
expected to experience limited sea level rise inundation of 2 to perhaps 4 feet within the Lower Campus and
in Forbes Boulevard, coupled with Lower Campus shoreline overtopping of 4 to 5 feet during the combined
100-year storm surge. The Mid-Campus and South Campus would remain unaffected by sea level rise
inundation, but the South Campus might experience shoreline overtopping during storm surges of up to 2-
feet under this scenario. No other neighborhood Campus locations would be affected by sea level rise
inundation or storm surge, as they are well removed from the shoreline and much higher in elevation. The
southwesterly portion of the East of 101 Area, including both sides of East Grand Avenue, is expected to
experience sea level rise inundation of 4 to 6 inches. The Colma Creek channel is projected to experience
storm-surge overtopping of as much as 5 inches along Harbor Way, Utah Avenue and Mitchel Avenue, and
even 2 to 4 inches along East Grand Avenue at Forbes Boulevard.
29 Ibid, page 1
Source: BCDC, et.al., Adapting to Rising Tides, Bay Area Sea
Level Rise Analysis and Mapping Project, September 2017
Corresponds to 12” of sea level rise, plus a 50-year storm surge event
Figure 12-4
Sea Level Rise Scenario 1
April, 2017
Daly City San FranciscoBrisbane
South San Francisco
San Francisco CountySan Mateo County
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Universal Transverse Mercator NAD83 Zone 10N
The inundation maps and the associated analyses provide a regional-scale illustration of inundation and coastal flooding due to specific sea level rise and storm surge scenarios, and are intended to improve sea level rise awareness and
preparedness. The maps are not detailed to the parcel-scale and should not be used for navigation, permitting, regulatory, or other legal uses. Flooding due to sea level rise and storm surges is possible in areas outside of those predicted in
these maps, and the maps do not guarantee the safety of an individual or structure. Nor do the maps model flooding from other sources, such as riverine or surface water flooding from rainfall-runoff events. The contributors and sponsors of
this product do not assume liability for any injury, death, property damage, or other effects of flooding. The maps relied on a 1-meter digital elevation model created from LiDAR data collected in 2010 and additional survey data (where
available). Although reasonable care was taken to capture all relevant topographic features and structures that may impact coastal inundation, it is possible that structures may not be fully represented, especially those that are narrower
than the 1-meter horizontal map scale. The maps are based on model outputs and do not account for all of the complex and dynamic San Francisco Bay processes or future conditions such as erosion, subsidence, future construction or
shoreline protection upgrades, or other changes to San Francisco Bay or the region that may occur in response to sea level rise. These inundation maps should not be used for detailed design or construction and users should consult a
licensed engineer for information regarding existing and future flood risk at an individual site. For more context about the maps and analyses, including a description of the data and methods used, please see the Adapting to Rising Tides
Bay Area Sea Level Rise Analysis and Mapping project report. The inundation maps and associated analyses are provided "as is.” Neither BATA, the Metropolitan Transportation Commission, the Bay Conservation and Development
Commission, the California Coastal Conservancy, the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, nor their contractors, make any warranty whatsoever, whether expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, thoroughness, value, quality, validity,
merchantability, suitability, condition, or fitness for a particular purpose of the inundation maps and associated analyses, nor as to whether the inundation maps and associated analyses are error-free, up-to-date, complete or based upon
accurate or meaningful facts.
6" SLR + 100-Year Storm Surge12" SLR + 50-Year Storm Surge18" SLR + 10-Year Storm Surge24" SLR + 5-Year Storm Surge30" SLR + 2-Year Storm Surge36" SLR + 1-Year Storm SurgeSLR + STORM SURGE SCENARIOS LISTEDBELOW COULD BE APPROXIMATED BY THEINUNDATION SHOWN ON THIS MAP.Sea Level Rise Inundation
Disconnected Areas > 1 Acre Depth in Feet0 - 22 - 44 - 6
6 - 8
8 - 10
10 - 12
12 - 14
14 - 16
Bay Area Sea Level RiseAnalysis and Mapping ProjectShoreline Overtopping PotentialNo Overtopping Depth in Feet1 - 22 - 33 - 44 - 50 - 1> 5
Source: BCDC, et.al., Adapting to Rising Tides, Bay Area Sea
Level Rise Analysis and Mapping Project, September 2017
Corresponds to 42” of sea level rise, plus a 100-year storm surge event
Figure 12-5
Sea Level Rise Scenario 2
April, 2017
Daly City San FranciscoBrisbane
South San Francisco
San Francisco CountySan Mateo County
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Universal Transverse Mercator NAD83 Zone 10N
The inundation maps and the associated analyses provide a regional-scale illustration of inundation and coastal flooding due to specific sea level rise and storm surge scenarios, and are intended to improve sea level rise awareness and
preparedness. The maps are not detailed to the parcel-scale and should not be used for navigation, permitting, regulatory, or other legal uses. Flooding due to sea level rise and storm surges is possible in areas outside of those predicted in
these maps, and the maps do not guarantee the safety of an individual or structure. Nor do the maps model flooding from other sources, such as riverine or surface water flooding from rainfall-runoff events. The contributors and sponsors of
this product do not assume liability for any injury, death, property damage, or other effects of flooding. The maps relied on a 1-meter digital elevation model created from LiDAR data collected in 2010 and additional survey data (where
available). Although reasonable care was taken to capture all relevant topographic features and structures that may impact coastal inundation, it is possible that structures may not be fully represented, especially those that are narrower
than the 1-meter horizontal map scale. The maps are based on model outputs and do not account for all of the complex and dynamic San Francisco Bay processes or future conditions such as erosion, subsidence, future construction or
shoreline protection upgrades, or other changes to San Francisco Bay or the region that may occur in response to sea level rise. These inundation maps should not be used for detailed design or construction and users should consult a
licensed engineer for information regarding existing and future flood risk at an individual site. For more context about the maps and analyses, including a description of the data and methods used, please see the Adapting to Rising Tides
Bay Area Sea Level Rise Analysis and Mapping project report. The inundation maps and associated analyses are provided "as is.” Neither BATA, the Metropolitan Transportation Commission, the Bay Conservation and Development
Commission, the California Coastal Conservancy, the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, nor their contractors, make any warranty whatsoever, whether expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, thoroughness, value, quality, validity,
merchantability, suitability, condition, or fitness for a particular purpose of the inundation maps and associated analyses, nor as to whether the inundation maps and associated analyses are error-free, up-to-date, complete or based upon
accurate or meaningful facts.
42" SLR + 100-Year Storm Surge48" SLR + 50-Year Storm Surge52" SLR + 25-Year Storm Surge54" SLR + 10-Year Storm Surge60" SLR + 5-Year Storm Surge66" SLR + 2-Year Storm SurgeSLR + STORM SURGE SCENARIOS LISTEDBELOW COULD BE APPROXIMATED BY THEINUNDATION SHOWN ON THIS MAP.Sea Level Rise Inundation
Disconnected Areas > 1 Acre Depth in Feet0 - 22 - 4
4 - 6
6 - 8
8 - 10
10 - 12
12 - 14
14 - 16
Bay Area Sea Level RiseAnalysis and Mapping ProjectShoreline Overtopping PotentialNo Overtopping Depth in Feet1 - 22 - 33 - 44 - 50 - 1> 5
Chapter 12: Hydrology and Water Quality
Genentech Master Plan Update, Draft EIR Page 12-29
As indicated in these figures, most of adverse effects of mid-century sea level rise at the Genentech Campus
will likely be confined to the 100-foot shoreline setback along the Bay. This setback restricts Campus
development adjacent to sensitive natural areas such as tidal wetlands, which also provide for storm surge
and wave dissipation. However, in the longer term (or under accelerated and/or more severe weather
conditions) adaptation to sea level rise at the Campus may prove to be more critical. As new development
occurs in these more susceptible areas of the Campus, Genentech will consider adaptation strategies that
may include:
● Targeting new infrastructure investments (i.e., CUP/CHP construction) in areas that are at lower risk
for inundation and storm surge potential
● Elevating the grade of certain areas (i.e., in the Lower Campus) above the expected sea level rise
inundation zone, commensurate with new development or redevelopment projects, and
● Potentially building a levee to protect the lower Campus areas from inundation and erosion resulting
from sea level rise
The 100-foot shoreline band along the Bay provides opportunity for construction of a levee, and the levee
could be designed to include a top-of-bank relocation of the Bay Trail.
In the more southerly portion of the East of 101 Area, the shoreline and Colma Creek channel will become
increasingly exposed to more substantial tide levels, and existing flood protection measures may not provide
the same level of protection that they do today. This information may help the City of South San Francisco
begin to plan for and develop operational strategies, assist in identifying and managing climate change-
related risks and help identify trigger points for implementing broader East of 101 Area sea level rise
adaptation strategies.