HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 199-1938 A~ 0RDINA,~CE CZLL~iG ~ SPECIAL ELECTIOI,T TO BE HELD~, ~ IN T~ CITY 0F SOUTH ~i F~'2JCI~O, COUi'~2Y 0F S~ q:... i,/~TE0, STATE 0F C~I_0~,~, 0N THE 2~th DAY 0F S~T~[~, 19~8, FOR ~z~ PUP~0SE 0F SUB~TTING T0 T~ . QU~IF~ED ~ECTORS 0F ~I~ CITY ~0 (2) CERTAII~I PRO- POSITIONS T0 ~R A BOI~fDED ~[DEBTEDi~ESS T0 PAY T~ COST 0F C~TAIi~ I~Zi~ICIP~ ~..~ROV~TS ~D AC~0'ISITIONS Z~[ Ak'D FOR SAiD C I~ ~ FOLL0~S: (1) T~ ACQUISI~!0,~, C01~[STRUCTI0~f ~f~ C0i~TION 0F ~C~TION CEi~TER BUIL~Ii.[CS, I:~oLUDI.,..G ~ ~Ii..~_I[~[C (2) ~ ACQUISITIOI~, C0?.[STRUCTION ~ C01~LETION 0F A CEI~R~ FI~ STATI0I~[ ~[D ~E~m~I~dS ~UD EQU~~ FOR SAI~ FI~ ST~TION ~ ~'~'~ ' ' ~" ~'~ Z~m ACk'IS. ~IOE 0F Ti~ L~ NECESS~Y FOR SUCH FI~ STATION,~[D TI~ ACqUISiTION 0F A C0~I~[~,TION P~.~II~[G ENG~ ~D HOSE ~¥AG0if, ~ TI-~ ACQUISI- TION OF M~ ~RI~ L~DER TRUCK ~ITH A S~Y-FIVE (65) FOOT I.ADDER; ~CizI~G '~i~ SEVE~ OBJECTS ~ PU~0SES FOR '~HICH SAI~ I~[DEBTE~L~ESS IS PROPOSED T0 BE Ii~[CU~D; TI~ ESTer- TED COST T~i~0F Ai~ Ti~ ~0U~.f~ 0F T~ II~EBTE~NESS PRO- POS~ T0 BE ~[CURP~ THEf~FOR; ESTf~BLISHZ~G E~CTION P~CIi~[CTS ~fD ~'POIifTii[G OFFICERS OF E~CTION. Whereas the City of South San Francisco is a m~icipal corporation incorporated un~er the laws of the State of California, and the legislative branch of said City of South S~ Francisco is designated as the city co~cil and consists of five (5) members, ~d the mayor of sai~ city is the chief executive of said municipal- ity; and ;~hereas the legislative branch of sai~ City of South S~ Francisco, Co~ty of S~ MateD, State of California, to-wit, the City Council of sai~ City of South S~ Francisco ~id, on the 22nd day of August, 1938, by an affi~ative vote of more than t~o-thirds (2/3) of its members, to-wit, the five (5) members of said legisla- tive brach, determine in due an~ proper form by resolution t~at public interest ~ necessity demand tke acquisition, construction and completion of certain municipal improvements in and for said City of South San Francisco, to-wit: The acquisition, construction and completion of rec-reation center buildings, including a swi~m~ing tank, appurten~ces an~ equipment; that the cost of sai~ ~icipal improve- ments will be too great to be paid out of the ordinary income ~d revenue of sai~ City of South San Francisco, and wi'll, in addition to other expenditures of said City of South San Francisco, exceed the income an~ revenue [~,rovided for any one year; and Whereas the legislative branch of sai'~a City of South San Francisco, County of San Mateo, State of California, to-wit, the city council of said City of South San Francisco, dia, on the 29th day of August, 1938, by an affirmative vote of more than two-thirds ~ to-wit: the five (5) members of said !e~isla- (2/~) of its memoers, tive branch, determine in due and proper form by resolution that public interest and necessity demand the acquisition, construction and co~koletion of certain municipal improve~,~ents in and for said City of South San Francisco, to-wit: The acquisition, construction and completion of a central fire station an~ furni '~' .... snzn~ and equipment for said fire station and the acquisition of the land necessary for such fire station, and the acquisition of a combination ptu~.ping engine and hose ~vagon, and the acquisition of an aerial ladder truck v~ith a sixty- five (65) foot ladder; that the cost of saia municipal improvements will be too ~re~ to be pai~ out of the ordinary a~u~ual income and revenue of sai~ Cit~ of South ~an Fra~cisco, and u'iil, in addition to the other e:~:~.enditures of said City of South San Francisco, exceed the income a~drevenue for any one year; and Whereas the e×ecutive, the Mayor of said City of South San Francisco, County of San. Mateo, State of California, did, on the 22nd day of August, 19~8, duly and rezularly approve the resolutior.~ first hereinbefore mentioned and on the 29th day of Au~'ust, 1938, did duly and regularly approve the resolution last hereinbefore mentioned; and Whereas the total assessed v~zue of all the real and personal .~,~tn~n said City of South San Francisco is the sum of property '~' ~ ' $V,253,20~.00, and the present indebtedness for imorovementssiready incurred by said City of South San F-~ ~'o to~et~ ~ ~-.m~oco, ne~ v~ith the in- debtedness herein proposed to be incurred for ssi ~ munici'~j~ai improve- mants, shall not iu the ....... ~ a~mre~a~e e::ceed fifteen (15) per cent of the assessed value of all the real and '2ersonai proi.~erty of said City of South San Francisco. --2-- Now, therefore, the city council of the City of South San Francisco do ordain as follows: Section 1. A special election is hereby called and shall be held in the City of South San Francisco, County of San ~ateo, State of California, on Tuesday, the E7th day of September, 1938, for the purpose of submitting, ann at which, there shall be submitted to the qualified electors of the City of South San Francisco, the proposition to incur a bonded indebtedness for the several purposes respectively hereinafter stated. And the last ~entioned date, to-wit, the 27th day of September, 1938, is hereby fixed as the date for holding said special election and notice of sai~ election is hereby given and the said pro- positions to incur said bonded indebtedness by said City of South San Francisco are hereby submitted to the qualified voters of said City of South San Fraz~cisco for their determination at said election. Section 2. That the objects and purposes for which said indebtedness is proposed to be incurred are respectively the follow- lng, to-wit: FIRST: The acquisition, construction and completion of recreation center buildings, including a s~inm~i,~lg tank, appurtenances and equipment; S~EC0t~: The acquisition, construction and completion of a central fire station and furnfshings and equipment for said fire station and the acquisition of the land necessary for such fire station, and the acquisition of a con~bi~,~?tion pumping engine and hose wagon, and the acquisition of an aerial ladder truck with a sixty-five (65) foot ladder. Section 3. That the estimated cost of the municipal improve- ment first above described,' to-wit, the acquisition, construction and completion of recreation center buildings, including a s~'in~ning tank, appurtenances and equipment, is One Hundred and Eighty-seven Thousand Dollars ($187,000.00), and that the cost thereof is and will be too great to be paid out of the ordinary annual income sud revenue of said City of South San Francisco; that the amount of the principal indebted- ness to be incurred therefor is One H~undred and Thirteen Thousand ~~Dollars ($113,000.00); that the maximum rate of interest to be paid on said lndebteness shall be f~t~ (~) per cent. 1~ r Annum, and that said interest shall be payable semiannually. Section $. That the estimated cost of the proposed municipal i~provement second above described, to-wit, the acquisition, con- struction and completion of a central fire station and furnishings and equipment for said fire station and the acquisition of the lanl necessary for such fire station, and the acquisition of a combination pumping engine and hose wagon, and the acquisition of an aerial ladder truck with a sixty-five (65) foot ladder, i.-~-9~e Hundred and Twelve Thousand Dollars ($112,000500), and that the cost thereof is and will be too great to be paid out of the ordinary annual income and revenue of said city; that the amount of the principal indebtedness to be incurred therefor is Sixty-Seven Thousand Dollars ($6?,000.00); that the .axi~am rate of interest to be paid on said indebtedness shall ~~be f~ (~) per cent. per annum, and that said interest .hall ~e pay- able semi-annually. Section ~. And it is further ordained and ordered as follows: (a) That bonds of said City of South San Francisco to the amount of One Hundred and Thirteen Thousand Dollars ($113,000.00) shall be issued and sold to pay for the acquisition, construction and completion of recreation center buildings, including a sw~-ming tank, appurtenances and equipment' in and for said city; provided said pro- position of incurring said indebtedness for said purpose first above set out, so submitted at said special election, shall receive the re- quisite number of votes, to-wit, the affirmative votes of two-thirds (2/~) of all the qualified voters voting at said special election. (b) That bonds of said City of South San Francisco to the amount of Sixty-Seven Thousand Dollars ($67,000.00) shall be issued and sold to pay for the acquisition, construction and completion of a central fire statio~ and furnishings and equipment for said fire station · and the acquisition of the land ne cessary for such fire station, and the acquisition of a combination pumping engine and hose wagon, and the acquisition of an aerial ladder truck with a sixty-five (g~) foot ladder ink,and for said city of South San Francisco; provided said proposition of incurring said indebtedness for said purpose second above set out, so submitted aR said special election, shall receive the requisite number of votes, to-wit, the affirmative vote of two- thirds (2/~ of all the qualified voters voting at said special elec- tion. Section ,ge It is further ordained that the manr~r of hold- ing said special election and of voting thereat for and against said propositions of incurring said indebtedness, shall be as provided in this ordinance and that in all part~Iculars not recited herein such special election shall be held as provided ~ by law for holding municipal elections in said City of Sout~ San Francisco,and that in all particulars not recited herein and not providedfor by law for holding such municipal elections, the general election laws of the State of California, so far as the same may be applicable,shall apply; That, for the purpose of said special election, said City of South San Francisco has ~een and n~ is divided into five (5) election precincts to be known as the Consolidated Voting Precinct "A", Consoli- dated Voting Precinct "B", Consolidated Voting Precinct "C", Consolida~ ed Voting Precinct "Dx and Consolidated Voting Precinct "E",respectivelyo Consolidated votin~ ~recinct "A" shall include all the terri- tory described in South San'Francisco Precinct No.1, South San Francisco precinct No. 2 and South San Francisco Precinct No.3, as established By that certain resolution entitled "Resolution and order dividing San Mateo County into election lrecincts and establishing boundaries thereof", passed and adopted by the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Mateo, 0alifornia, on the 17th day of November, 193?,and recorded in Voluae ]~ of the minutes of said Board of Supervisors at page ]lg et seq. Consolidated ~oting Precinct "B" shall include all the terri- tory described in South San Francisco Precinct ~o. ~, South San Francisco Precinct No. ~ and South San Francisco Precinct No. 6, as establishe~ by said resolution of the Board of Supervisors of said County of San Mateo. ' Consolidated Voting Precinct #C# shall include all ~he terri- tory described in South San Francisco Precinct No. 7, South San Francis- co Precih~t No. g and South San Francisco Precinct No. ll~as established by said resolution of the Board of Supervisors of said County of San M_~ too. Consolidated Voting Precinct "D'shall include all the territory described in South San Francisco Precinct No. 9 and South San Francisco Precinct No. 12, as established by said resolution of the Board of Supervisors of said County of San Marco. Consolidated Voting Precinct "E" shall include all the terri- tory described in South San Francisco Precinct 1~o.10 and South San Francisco Precinct No. 13, as estabIished by said resolution of the Board of Supervisors of said County of San Marco. That said election shall be conducted by boards of elec~iol consisting of one Inspector, one Judge and two Olerks for each precinct whose duties and powers shall be and are the same as ~h cae of l~a~ds of election and of such eleclion officers, respectively,under the law governing municipal elections of said City of South San Francisco,and in particulars not covered by such law,then under the general election laws of the State of California. If any of the members of said Boards of Elec- tion hereinafter named fail to attend at the opening of the polls on the morning o~ such election, the qualified electors of that precinct pre- sent at that ~mu~,inclu~ing members of the Board,may supply the place of any such absent member by appointment,as provided by said general laws. At said special election,the polls shall be open at six o'clock of the morning of such election and shall be kept open until seven o~elock in the afternnon of the same day when the said polls shall be closed(except as provided in Section 11~ of the Political Code},and the election officers shall thereupon proceed to canvass the ballots east thereat. The polling places in each of said consolidated voting pre- cincts and the election, officers appointed to c~onduct said elee.tion thereat are as follows, to-wit: .~- CONSOLIDATED VOTING PRECINCT "A" Polling Place: Parenti,s Garage situate~ at No. 123, Orange Avenue,in said City of South SanFrancisco. Inspector: Alice M. Young; Judge: Kate Maynard Clerk: Aldo Battistini Clerk: Anita Para. CONSOLIDATED VOTING PI~CINCT Polling Place: Cavassa's Garage, situated at No. ~?g .Baden Avenue, in~said City of South SanFranci soo. Inspector: Ellen Sequiera Judge: Hazel Shipley Cler$: Katherine Ferko Clerk: Rena Ringme. CONSOLIDATED VOTING P~ECINCT "Ca Polling Place: Blondini No. 51] Linden Avenue, in said City of South San Francisco Inspector: Marian Copland Judge: Ant~nette Kozlowski Clerk: Anita Zucco Clerk: Dora McCarn. CONSOLIDATED VOTING PRECINCT "D" Polling Place: ~Bellome's Garage , situated at No. 209 .California Avenue, in mid City of South San Francisco. Inspec to r: Pauline Graterola Judge: Charley J. Roberts Clerk: Vera Barsuglia Cle rk: Mr s .. L. J · Moon. '7- GON~OLIDA .T~D VOTIN~ P~ECINCT "E" Polling Piace: Capitelli's Office, situated at No. 222 Linden Avenue, in said City of South San Francisco Inspector: Wilma D. St..!rema- ~udge: ~osephine Rossetti Clerk: .E.B. Paths Cl, rk: D. Palany Section ?. The ballots to be used at said special municipal election shall be substantially in the following form, . towit: · No.. (This number 1~ be torn . MARE CROSS~ (X) ON BALLOT . off by Inspector) · ONLY WITH I~JBBER STAMP . . wiT '0R · NO. , . · . (Fold ballot %~ this perforated . . line, leaving top margin · . exposed) · · MUNICIPAL TICKET · · SPECIAL MUNICIPAL BOND ELECTION~ · CITY OF S OUTH SAN FRANC ISCO · · Tuesday, September 27, 1938. · · INSTRUCTIONS TO VOT~: To vote on any question, propo' . sition or constitutional amend- · sent, stamp a cross (X} in the voting square after the · word "Y~S# or after the word 'NO". ·All marks except the cross (Xi are forbidden· All · distinguishing marks or erasures are forbidden and make · the ballot void. If you wrongly stamp, tear or deface · this ballot, return it to the Inspector of Election and · obtain another· · · PROPOSITION NO. 1: Shall the City of South San O · · Francisco incur a bonded in- · debtedness in the principal · · · sum of $113,000 for the object and purpose of ac- ° . · quiring, constructing and completing the following. . · munbipal improvement to-wit: recreation center · NO · · buildings, including a swtmming t ank,appurtenances. · · and equipment? . . ° ,P~0POSITION NO. 2: Shall the 0ity of South San . , Francisco incur a bonded in- ,, . debtedness in the principal , · SUm of $67,000 for the object and purpose of ac- · equating, constructing and completing the following · .municipal improvement, to-wit: A central fire · °station and furnishings and equipment for said · .fire station and for acquiring the land necessary . .for such fire station, and for acquiring a eom- · ,bination pUmping engine and hose wagon,and for · .the purpose of acqui, ring an aerial ladder truck . · with a sixty-five (65) foot ladder? · O Section 8o Eae&¥TO~e~a~ay vote on either or both of said proposi~ons. Each voter to vote for any proposition hereby submitted and for incurring said bonded indebtedness shall a cross (X) in the blank space opposite the word "I~Se on the ballot to the right of said proposition, and to' vote against any # proposition and against incurring said indebtedness shall stamp a c~oss {X) in the blank space opposite the word "1~0" on the ballot to the right of said proposition. Section 9. The returns of said election shall be made out and signed by the election officers and shall be by them deposited with the City Clerk, together with the ballots cast at said election; and this City Council shall meet at its usual meeting place and canvass said returns on Monday, the 3rd day of October, 193g (being the first Monday after said election), at the hour of eight o'clock, P. M., and declare the result of said election. The votes east for and against each proposition hereby submitted shall be counted separately and when two-thirds of the qualified electors voting on any one of such propositions vote in favor thereof, such proposition shall be deemed adopted. Section 10. Ail persons qualified to vote at municipal elections in said Oity of South San Francisco upon the date of the election hereih provided for shall be qualified to vote upon the propositions, and each of them, submitted at said special municipal election. '9- Section 11. The Clerk of the City of South San Francisco is hereby directed upon 't-h~e passage and adoption of this ordinance to publish the same once a week for two (2) Weeks in "The Enterprise and The South San Francisco J~urnal," a newspaper' published less than six (6) days a week in said municipality, to-wSt, published once a week on Friday of each week, and one insertion each week for two succeeding weeks shall be a sufficient publication of said ordinance, and such publication shall constitute notice of said election. 1~o other notice of the election hereby called need be given. Section 12. Ail ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 13. This ordinanee shall be forthwith entered upan the minutes of t his Oity Council and in the ordinance book of said City. This ordinance being an ordinance ealling and ordering an election shall take effect from and after its final passage and approval. 19~, by ~he following vote: l~oes: Councilmen Absent: Connc il~en l~ty¢ .of the Olty of South 8an Franc isco, California. Atte st: City Clerk.. The foregoing ordinano · is presented to me for the City of South San Francisco, California -11-