HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 215-1941 ORDIICAI.~",JCE !¢0 o ~.. / ~'. ~//~/~ Ai'J CRDI~Ai~CE~ ~'-'~ ..... OF ~'~ CITY 0F SOUTH .~ F~N- ~O~OOD CISCO "~"~'~'~ . . - m~IT ilO...,..,~ TO ~ CiTY CF SOU~H ~,; Fm~i~- The o2ty council of the City of South S~ Fz&no&soo ¢o as follovzs: l~[hereas the city council of the City 'of South San Francisco did, on the 20th day of October, 1941, receive a written petition from ~o. ~.~. ~[iiliams and F. F. Burrows, as copartners oomn~ ~ ' business ~der the firm name or ~erican Homes, to annex to said City of South S~ Fr~'~cisco the uninhabited territory hereL~fte= described; and ~hereas the territory hereinafter described is the territory sou~ght, in said petition, to be included in said City of South :San Francisco aha is in fact uninhabited territory and is cont=:juous to said City of South San Francisco; ~d ~[~ereas, on said 20th day of October, 1941, s,aid c~s council did vass its certain resolution ~" . ~zving notice proposed annexation of the uninhabited territory he r described to said City of South San ~rancisoo and d in said resolution, fix Monda[, the 17th day o f[~loverliber, . at the hour of 8:00 o'olook m. =., i= i= Cit Sou h san Francisoo as the t~rae/~d ~ce when an~ ~-here any ~Terson owning real pro~:~erty v~ithin ~he terr: ~ry hereinafter ~esc:~'ibe~, and so / ~:ro~osed to be annexed, ana any objection to the :oro~osed annexation of same t rrit , may appear before sai~ city council and show cause why ~aid ~ritory should not be so annexed; and did, in said reso!u~io finf that sai~ copartners are the of more than one-fou (1/~) of the area of the land hereinafter described and represent more -than one-fourth (1~4) of the assessed value of said proDerty aocordin~ to the last preceding equalized assessment roll of the County of San Mateo; and said city council did, in said resolution, direct that the city clerk of said city cause a copy of said resolution to be published once a week for two (2) successive weeks prior to the lVth day of i'[ovember, 1941, ! in "The ' ' ~n~ezp_~lse", a ~veekly ne¥:~s~a'oer~ _ of f~en~ral circulation published in said City of South San Francisco; '?~'hereas said resolution was published'in said "The Enterprise" on the follO~inf~ dates' October 22, 1941, October 29, 1941, an~ November 5, 1941; ~d Whereas no person has filed or made any written or other pro- test against the annexation of said territory, or any part the~:'eof, to said City of 8outh San Francisco; and MOW, Ti~F0~, said city council do ordain as follows: Section 1. ~aid city comncil hereby determines that said co- partners ~are the o~zners of mor.~ titan one-fourth (1/4) of the area of the lan~ hereinafter described ~d represent more than one-fourth (1/4) of the assessed value of said land according to the last preced- ing equalized assessment roll of sai~ Cowry of San Mateo and that said lan~ is in ~ct uninhabited territory an~ is contiguous to sai~ City of South San Francisco.. ~ction 2. Said city~ com~cil does hereby a'p~[:rove the annexation of said City of South San Francisco of the territory described as follows: Ail that certain l~d s~zua~e in the County of Sam Mateo, State of California, m~d described as follows: BEGI~.~.~I~,= at a point on ~he southwfester!y line of E! Camino Real, said ~:oint being. South 62° 43' West 33 feet '-~ ~ o _ ~nc~ !Yorth 26 32' ~'~est , ..... ~'~ozi that certain n~ap entitled 90.5V feet from Monument 24, as s~o~,n ~.~ ~iap of the Survey of the Lands of P.E. Iler", filed in the office of the Recorder of the County of S~ ldateo, State of California in Book "E" of Maps at i°age 79; the~ce from said 'point of beginning, o South 26 32' East, along the southwesterly line of E1 Camino Real, 90.57 feet and South 28° 02' East 257.08 feet to the southeasterly line of that parcel of land conveyed to the California ~lf Club Underwriters Corporation, by Deed recorded in Book 137 of Official Records of San Mateo County at page 146; the~ce South 55© 42' 10" ~f~est along the last mentioned line, 561.35 feet to a monument set on the westerly line of the 60 foot right of way granted to Spring Valley ~[ater Co~pany, by Deed recorded in Book 346 of Official Records of ~an ~iateo County at page 316; thence i'.~orth 7° 10' 50~ ~;'~est, along the last ~entioned line, 20~o84 feet; thence South 82° o 49' 10~ ~i~est 150 feet; thence South 82 56' 30~ Vfest 63o50 feet; thenoe North 86° 58' V~est 42 feet to a point; thence northwesterly along the arc of a curve to o,~e rzgi~t, said cur~e having a radius o of 1~75 feet, a central angle of 32 59' 30~ a'ad being tangent to the last mentioned course at the last ~ei~t=oned point,, a dista~ce of 87~.08 feet to a point; thence l~orth 52° 58' 30' ~'~est, along a line tangent to the last mentioned curve at the last mentioned poi~2, a distance of 8~o40 feet; thence South 50° 00' 30' lVest o 19.58 feet; the~'~ce l..torth 39 59' 30~ .'Jest 160 feet; thence l~orth 20° 00' 30W East 270 feet; thence l,[orth 34° 28' 30" '~,~'est 811.70 feet; thence l..Iorth 5° $3' ';]~est 101.65 feet; thence l~:[orth 69° 33' 30" ~ast 63~.62 feet to the southwesterly line of the 80 foot strip conveyed to Spring Valley ~'ater Company, by Deed recorded in Book 136 of Deeds at page 169, Records of San ldateo County; o thence ~outh 62 05' 15" ~ast, along the last ~,~entioned line, 260 feet; thence South 31 28' ~[est 250.48 feet; thence Soutt~ 62 05' o 15" East 210.40 feet; thence ~outh 31 28' West 430.57 feet; thence ~outh 34~ 28' 30~ East 52.55 feet to a point; thence southeasterly along the arc of a cu['ve to the left, said curve having a radius of 320 feet, a central a~_gle of 18~ 30' and being tangent to the last me~tioned course at the last mentioned point, a distance of 103.32 feet to a point; the~ce easterly along the arc of a curve to the a~ag~e of left, said curve having a radius of 965 feet, a cel'~tral 32 31' 30~ and being ta~gent to the last me~ationed curve at the o last mentioned point, a distance of 547.S0 feet; thence South 30' ~;~est, along a radial line of the last mentioned curve 100 feet; o thence ~outh 21 17' East 66.22 feet to a point, the~ce South 3o 02' ~est, along a radial line of a curve, the c~ter of which curve bears I~orth 3 02' East 1125 feet ~rom the last mentioned poi~at, a ~istance of i00 feet; the~Ice South 86° 58' East 15 feet; thence .South 88° 07' ~ast ~6.21 feet; thence t~orth 63° East 53.15 feet; thence l~orth 82° 49' 10" East 160 feet to a ])oint on the Easterly line of the afore- 0 mentio~ed 60 foot "~' -' ~ zl~nt of v~ay; tae~.ce l.~orth 63 28' East 337.18 feet to the point of beginning; said ',parcel of land containing 27.485 acres. Section 3. This ordinance shall be published by one insertion in ~The ~luterprise~, a v~eekty newspaper of general circulation print- ed an~ '~ub~Jshed in said City of South San Francisco' ~.m. shall take effect ~ ~ ~ ' ~.nu be in ~orce upon the ex'o~rat'io-~ of thirty (30) days follow- ing its passage. -o-o-o-o-o- Introduced this 17th day of November, 1941. Passed and adopted as an ordinance of the City of South San Francisco at a regular meeting of the city couucil of the City of South San Francisco, this /~ day of ~ , 1941, by the foilov~ing vote: ~oes, Councilmen ~-~ Absent, Councilmen ~ The foregoing ordinance is hereby approved by me, as mayor of the City o,f South Sero Francisco, this ~~day of ~ Mayor of the City of ~ou~a Fran- cisco. Attest. . ~ City Clerk of ~fhe~ City of/~ut~ San Franc i sec. - ~ //~