HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 2019-02-11MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING
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The Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the City of South San Francisco met at their
regular meeting at the office of the Authority at 350 C Street, South San Francisco, California at
6:03 p.m. on Monday, February 11, 201900
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Murillo, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Present were as follows and a quorum was declared:
PRESENT: D. VongSpillan, S. Pitocchi, M. Murillo, D. Perez, L. Mercado
ABSENT: L. Parenti
PREVIOUS MINUTES: The minutes for the November 13,, 2018 and December 10, 2018
meetings were tabled until the March 11, 2019 meeting for corrections.
APPROVAL OF DISBURSEMENTS: Commissioner Pitocchi asked for clarification on check
#4698 made out to a Housing Authority employee: an employee can carry over 40 hours of
vacation to the next year and take a check for 80 hours of unused vacation time.
A motion was made by ComrUissioner VongSpillan and seconded by Commissioner Pitocchi that
checks 44667 through #4698 be approved. Motion passed unanimously.
Commissioner Pitocchi asked if it was announced that there was No Public present at this
meeting for Public Comment, Commissioner Mercado answered r -r -We did not". Chairman
Murillo declared "for Public Comment there is no public present this evening" -
A motion was made by Commissioner VongSpillan and seconded by Commissioner Mercado
that checks #4699 through #4726 be approved. Motion passed unanimously.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS: V.A. Update on Curb Appeal Landscaping: The Executive
Director reported that a letter was sent to Curb Appeal regarding the decision the Board to Day
50% of the December 2018 bill. There was no response from Curb Appeal by this meeting date.
The Board requested to check with management companies for names of landscapers.
Commissioner Pitocchi would like the Executive Director to inform the Board about the progress
or lack of progress from Curb Appeal and how much they were paid. The Board should not be
spending as much time on different matters but should be brought all the info and
recommendations from the Executive Director to be able to make proper decisions. The
Executive Director will get bids for landscaping and new roofs.
V.B. Job Descriptions/Salaries... Commissioner Pitocchi stated that it was a little overwhelming
with all the documents and information in the agenda, the Board was looking for the Executive
Director to create amended job classifications for each position with a proposed salary range for
future recruiting. The Executive Director will provide this information to the Board
V.C. Abandoned Vehicles Update... The Executive Director reported that all tenants with
vehicles with outdated registrations either brought their vehicles up to compliance with current
registration stickers and the other 3 vehicles were towed away at the owners expense.
Commissioner Pitocchi brought to the Board the fact that there is another vehicle that has a flat
tire and is not up-to-date with their registration sticker for a month now. A letter will be sent to
the tenant giving them a certain time to remove the vehicle or get the proper registration and a
new tire.
V.\D. Update on Live Scan... The Executive Director needs to fill out the appropriate form, get
an ORI number by contacting the SSF Police Department to set up an account for Live Scan.
V.E. Adoption of Records Disposition Schedule... Commissioner 'VongSpillan request a change
from "Federal Records Center" listed under the Disposition column to "locked files" be
corrected and placed in the March 11, 2018 agenda for approval frons the Board.
Commissioner Mercado would also like to add "Incident report files" for problematic evicted
containing an Executive Summary with name, date of birth, last four of the social security
number. Disposition -will be at the discretion of the Executive Director.
V.F. Roofing Bid Updates: Executive Director will start the open bidding process.
NEW BUSINESS: Formation of Executive Review Committee... The committee consist of
Chairman, Murillo, Vice -Chair Pitocchi and the Executive Director appointment of
Commissioner VongSpillan.
Commissioner Pitocchi asked whether the Executive Performance Review Policy forms can be
placed online by the staff, Commissioner Pitocchi "request that these forms go to whomever is
going to do it, have them put this is a format such that they are able to be filled out electronically.
I would like to see that completed before we complete the process." The staff needs to get
training to those tasks thart are left with the Executive Director for staff to complete.
CLOSED SESSION: The Board went into closed session at 7.-43 p.rn. The Board came out of
closed session at 7:44 p.m., a motion was made by Commissioner VongSpillan and seconded by
Commissioner Pitocchi to pay the invoice of McGlashan & Sawail in the amount of $99.00.
Motion passed unanimously.
INFORMATION ONLY: IX.A. 2019 High Performer Certificate... the Board congratulated the
Executive Director on this achievement.
IX Tenant Accounts Receivable... The Executive Director reported on Tenants' Accounts
ADJOURNMENT: With no objection, Chairman Murillo adjourned the meeting at 7:48 p.m.
, CA
The Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the City of South San Francisco met at their
regular meeting at the office of the Authority at 3 5 0 C Street, South San Francisco, California at
6:03 p.m. on Monday, December 10, 20180
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Murillo, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Present were as follows and a quorum was declared:
PRESENT: D. VongSpillan, L. Parenti, S. Pitocchi, M. Murillo, D. Perez, L. Mercado
Also present was Eloise Heden,, former Commissioner, and Coz Giannioull's from C&J Roofing
Co., Inc.
A plaque was presented to Eloise Heden for the eight years of service as a Commissioner on the
Housing Authority Board.
The Chairman jumped to New Business, A. Malarkey Roofing Products-, Coz Giarmoulis gave a
presentation to guide the Housing Authority with specifications for future roofing projects
around the Authority. Mr. Giannoulis inspected some roofs in the Authority and reported that
the roofs were lacking ventilation which was causing premature roof failure. Mr. Giannoulis
also inspected the 4 bedroom flat decks were installed with products not conducive with South
San Francisco weather. The other items requiring attention are gutters and windows. Some
specifications for the bidding process are using "hot dipped" nails and 6 nails per shingle
(condensation will rot out cheaper nails); air vents need to be placed property for the roof type,
the authority has two roof types, 1) with an attic and 2) cathedral, The best time of year to put a
roof on around this area, is May, June, and September and for a warranty the existing roof will
need to be torn off. Question: What's the cost to replace the roof for the six unit building at
4000 sq. feet? With prevailing wage roughly about $10 to $15/per sq ft. The Board thanked Mr.
Giannoulis for his presentation.
The Board discussed the need to have repairs to the four decks in the four 4 -bedroom units.
Currently one unit has water leaking from the deck area that Mr. Giannoulis will check in the
near future.
The Board discussed the difference between traditional shingles vs. metal roofs. The Board
wanted the old roof bid emailed and a draft of the next roof bid.
Commissioner Perez asked if there were any no or low-income loans or grants for Housing
Authorities for replacement of roofs.
PREVIOUS MINUTES: A motion was made by Commissioner VongSpillan and seconded by
Commissioner Parenti that the minutes for the regular meeting, held on November 13,, 2018, be
approved as amended. Motion passed unanimously.
APPROVAL OF DISBURSEMENTS: A motion was made by Commissioner Parenti and
seconded by Commissioner Pitocchi that checks #4638 through #4666 be approved. Motion
passed unanimously.
At this time Commissioner Pitocchi requested to have item V.C. Job Descriptions... carried over
to the February 2019 meeting and the following items added to the Unfinished Business section
for the February 2019 meeting: A. Update on Curb Appeal Landscaping, B. Job
Descriptions/Salaries from SSF, San Mateo Co. and Housing Authorities, C. Abandoned
Vehicles Update, D. Update on Live Scan, E. Document Retention Policy, F. CotTections, for
Personnel Policy, G. Roofing Bid Updates
UNFINISHED BUSINESS: V.A. An oral report was given by the Executive Director regarding
the landscape company not mowing the lawn in the authority for 3 weeks due to failure of their
mower, after discussion about the terms of their contract, Commissioner Pitocchi stated that
"they need to have a mower regardless of circumstances... they must follow the terms of the
contract to be paid for services..." A motion was made by Commissioner Mercado and
seconded by Commissioner Perez to pay 50% of the December 2018 bill. Motion passed
NEW BUSINESS: See first page for details.
CLOSED SESSION: The Board went into closed session at 8.-11 p.m. The Board came out of
closed session at 8:25 p.m., a motion was made by Commissioner Pitocchi and seconded by
Commissioner VongSpillan to pay the invoice of McGlashan & Sarrail in the amount of $505.00.
Motion passed unanimously.
INFORMATION ONLY: The Executive Director reported on Tenants' Accounts Receivable.
VongSpillan sent a link for internship which the Housing Authority will pursue in the near
future. Commissioner Pitocchi requested that the Housing Authority office follow the United
States flag code and he wanted to be sure that from this day forward we follow the flag code,
particularly subsection 6.a.c. "Inclement weather is not referring to it may rain, inclement
weather is hail, torrential rain, high winds and the second part, subsection 6.c. specifically states,
except when an all-weather flag is displayed. If we do not have an all-weather flag could we
please get one, I do not want there to be an excuse for there not to be a flag in front of this
building, and for the next 22 days to be flying at half mast, for respect for President Bush.
Please! Please and I'll leave it at that."
ADJOURNMENT: With no objection, Chairman Murillo adjourned the meeting at 8:33 p.m.
The Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the City of South San Francisco met at their
regular meeting at the office of the Authority at 350 C Street, South San Francisco, California at
6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 9, 201 S.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Murillo, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Present were as follows and a quorum was declared:
PRESENT: D. VongSpillan, L. Parenti, S. Pitocchi, M. Murillo, D. Perez (arrives 6:28pm.),
L. Mercado, E. Heden
Also present is Brian Linville with Tremco Roofing System.
PREVIOUS MINUTES: Commissioner Pitocchi states that "the minutes are not comprehensive
enough and not as detailed with regards to request that are made from particular commissioners
or the Board itself, with regard to carrying out an act and so what I'm going to ask is that
Barbara see that the recording and the minutes, whether there are actions or request made of
Board members such as this one, they are carried out and in the minutes.... What I'm asking,
from this ineetinp, forward, they be more comprehensive, all request- made by individual
Commissioners, public or Board as a whole, be included in the minutes ... 1 made my comment
and will abstain. from the vote." A motion was made by Commissioner Parenti and seconded by
Commissioner Heden that the minutes for the regular meeting, held on October 9, 2018, be
approved. Motion passed by all Board members except Commissioner Pitocchi who abstained.
APPROVAL OF DISBURSEMENTS: A motion was made by Commissioner Parenti and
seconded by Commissioner VongSpillan that checks #4606 through #4637 be approved. Motion
passed unanimously.
At this time, from New Business item VI.A. Tremco Roofing System was moved ahead to allow
guest..Brian Linville to make a presentation to the Board from Tremeo Roofing System. Mr.
Linville pointed out the differences between the metal and asphalt shingle system. Tremco gets
their supplies from around the country and uses two companies from the area for installation;
Pioneer Roofing and Larson Roofing. The installation and the manufacturing company carrying
separate warranties. Tremco Roofing System has not completed any work in the City of South
San Francisco, but has done work in San Francisco, San Mateo, Palo Alto, Foster City, Menlo
Park, San Carlos and Sunnyvale.
Commissioner Pitocchi,, "There was another question about the materials ... we don't have the
biggest budget in the world..with a substantial tear off it was up to $40/sq ft." Mr. Linville,
"No, the metal would go for about $27/sq ft" Commission Pitocchi, "I'm having some technical
difficulties I can't pull my highlighted documents up, so my question is when you were up on the
roof did, because your roof system was right over this system, I don't think you can have more
than two roofs on"; Mr. Linville, "You can't by code " Commissioner Pitocchi, "So when you
were up there, would you be able to put your product on these roofs as they are?" Mr. Linville:
"Yes", Commissioner Pitocchi, "So we're not going to have a tear off cost", Mr. Linville, "No".
Commissioner Pitocchi, "If these roofs were leaking, you couldn't put it over either" Mr.
Linville, "You wouldn't want to ... you would fix the wood first, take the bad material out."
Commissioner Pitocchi, "As far as you being up there, and I really appreciate you going up there
taking a look and being able to offer that up because we certainly don't have those answers."
The Commissioners requested references from Mr. Linville, to be provided at the next meeting.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS: V.A. Housing Authority Job Classifications: All job
classifications from the Housing Authority were provided to the Conuili ssioners. The Board
requested job classifications from the City of South San Francisco, San Mateo County and some
Housing Authorities.
The Board requested policies of the Housing Authority be emailed for review and to have the
retention policy part of the December agenda.
Commissioner Pitocchi requested an update of abandoned vehicles around the authority for the
next meeting.
V.A. Internship: Commissoner VongSpillan spoke with Evette from the Human Resources
department of the City of South San Frrancisco about using high school and college students as
interns. The City of SSF does background checks thru Livescan. The Housing Authority will
check further into this.
NEW BUSINESS: VI.B. Civil Rights Certification-, A motion was made by Commissioner
VongSpillan and seconded by Commissioner Pitocchi to approve the Civil Rights Certification,
HUD-50077CR, and authorize the Chairman to sign said form. Motion passed unanimously.
VI.C. Housing Authority Salaries and Overtime Policy: The Board went into closed session at
8:05 p.m. and came out of closed session at 8:19 p.m. The Executive Director will follow
directions from the Board regarding the Overtime section of the Personnel Policy with a
statement to be signed by all employees that the employees have a choice of being paid time and
a half for overtime or Will take Compensation time instead. Additionally in the Personnel Policy,,
Section 2. Organization a. Permanent Salaried Positions: Administrative Assistant and
Maintenance Worker 11 will no longer be classified as "inactive".
CLOSED SESSION: The Board went into closed session at 8:22 p.m. The Board came out of
closed session at 8:28 p.m,, a motion was made by Commissioner Pitocchi and seconded by
Commissioner Perez to pay the invoice of McGlashan & Sarrail in the amount of $2,022.00.
Motion passed unanimously.,
INFORMATION ONLY: The Executive Director reported on Tenants' Accounts Receivable
for September 2018.
reported that a representative from CJ Roofing will be present at the December meeting to
discuss the need for venting on the roofs
ADJOURNMENT: With no objection, Chairman Murillo adjourned the meeting at 8:45 p.m.