HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 219-1942 CiSC0 ESTABLiSXiNG !2~ A~oi[ILiARx Pli~ FORCE
The city council of the City of South S~; Francisco do ordain
as follows:
Seo~io~ 1: Auxiliary fire force established. ~ auxiliary fi~
force is hereby established, to be a volunteer organization, composed of
not to exceed fi~e hundred (500} mernbers~ separate arid distinct fPoh! the
fire departmen~ of this oity~ but to be headed by the c~,lef engineer of
the fire department.
Section 2: Control of a~:iiiary fire force. The chief engineer
of the fire department of this city shall have ool~plete authority, control
and ool:~nand, subject to the provisions of tills ordinan,ce, over the auxiii-
ary fire force. He nlay aepoint_ as members thereof any s~-~,rsons
~,,eNoe rship
dee~ to be qualified, and he may reject any application for .... * .
He may provide for the training of candidates fop n:embership ~d fop the
further training of mel~oers.
Section 5: },{ethod of appointment, i(o person shall be deemed a
r,;e~oer of the auxiliary fire force until he has been registered as such
in a roster to be kept by the chief ¢~-,¢
~-o .... er of the fire denartment,
anm until he has taken his oath tn~t he will observe and obey the con-
stitution of the United States, the constitution of this state, and the
0h.o city, and
laws of this nation, this state and -'- ~ ~at he will carry
out the duties of a ~uember of the auxiliary fire '? -~
.~o..ce of vhis city to
the best of his ability. It l~ay be administered by the chief engineer
of the fire department, or by any subordinate officer therein designa-
ted by him.
Section 4: Duties. The duties of the auxilis~.~r~ ~ fire force,
subject at all .times to the direction, supervision and control of the
, -r, shall be to assist the ~gular
chief engineer of the fire depart.~ent,
members of the fire department of this city in the prevention, control
and extinguishing of fires dur'~ ~'
z~e the present emergency of war, to aid
in the functions of civilian aefense,
~ and to pe=~oP~ such related au~ies
as ~he chief ~;_a~ by order ]?rescribe.. The chief engineer may vrescribe
other duties than those mentioned herein to be performed by the atuxil-
iary fire force.
Section 5: Identification. An identification card and such
other insignia or evidence of identity as the chief ~lay prescribe shall
be issued -to each member, who must carry the card and other identifica-
tion at all tflx:es while on duty, and he must surrender them upon the
termination of his me~foership.
Section 6: Rei~oval from ~embership - resignation. The ~.~ember-
ship of any 'oerson may be termii~ated by the chief engineer of the
fire department at any time, and any member may resign from the auxil-
iary fire force at any time, but it shall be his duty to notify the
chief of his resignation.
Section 7: Di~inishing the force. The chief engineer of the
fire department may by order diminish or expand the membership of the
au:[iiiary fire force as exige~cies may require, within the limit herein-
before established.
Section 8: Su~:m~ary dismissal and publication. In addition% to
the per, attics provided by law, any violation of law ~u~der color of the
performance of his duties as a member of the auxiliary fire force, and
any breach of the rules and regulatio~s established by the chief shall
subject a~y member to stmm~ary expulsion and the fact thereof ~aay be
published at tl~e order of the chief. This provision shall not be deem-
ed a ~mm~ation upon the chief's authority to dismiss may person from
Section 9: False personation. It shall be a misdemea"~or punish-
able by impriso~mment for not to exceed three (3) months, or by a fine
not to exceed Three H~u~dred Dollars (~500.00), or both, for any person
to wear, carry or display any au:~iliary fire force ide~'~tification card
or insignia or otherwise deceitfully represel~t himself to be connected
with that force, ur~iess he is in fact a n~ember thereof.
Section 10: This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergelicy
measure necessary for tile ir.=.:.ediate preservation of the p'~olic peace,
health and safety, and the following is the statement of facts con-
stituting such emergency: The United States is at war and this city
is in great and continuing dmager of attack by the enemy. The exi-
gencies of war and the i~miinenoe of great public -oerii have thrown
unprecedented burdens upon the regular employees of this city. The
danger is such as to admit of no delay in providing additional
support and aid, voluntarily offered by citizens, in the maintenance
of public safety.
Section ll: The city clerk shall certify to the adoption of
this ordinance and cause it to be published in "The Ente',~prise'', a
newspaper of general circulation printed a~d published in this city
and henceforth and thereafter the same shall be in full force and
e ffe ct o
Passed and adopted as an ordine~ace of the City of South San
Francisco at a reLmlar meeting of the city council of said City of
South San Fra~ucisco, on the ~..~ day of [~,[arch, 19&Z, by the follow-
ing rot
~oe s, Counc i linen
Absent, Counci!men
~Iayor of the City Of ~outh San
Fra~lc isco .