HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 234-1944 ORDINANCE NO. 234 nue produced easterly to the center
line of Cypress Avenue produced
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING OR- southerly; thence northerly along
DINANCE NO. 137 ENTITLED: the center line of Cypress Avenue,
"AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISH- as produced southerly, to the center
I N G INDUSTRIAL, BUSINESS line of Baden Avenue, thence easter-
AND RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS ly along the center line of Baden
OR ZONES IN THE CITY OF Avenue to the westerly line of Bay-
SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO AND shore Highway; thence southerly
EXPRESSLY REPEAI.ING ORDI- along the westerly line o~ Bayshore
NANCE NO. 117 OF THE CITY OF Highway to the northerly line of
S 0 U T H S A N FRANCISCO," Railroad Avenue produced easterly;
PASSED AND ADOPTED MAY thence westerly along the northerly
4, 1925. line of Railroad Avenue, as pro-
duced easterly, to the center line of
The City Council of the City of South Linden Avenue and point of begin-
Sen Francisco do ordain as follows: ning.
Section 1. Ordinance No. 137 of Section 2. This ordinance snail be
the City of South San Francisco, en- published once in '~l'he Enterprise,"
titled "An ordinance establishing in- a weekly newspaper of general cir-
dustriai, business and residential dis- culation, printed and published in
tricts, or zones, in the City of South said city, and shall take effect and
San Francisco, and expressly repeal- be in force on the expiration of thirty
ing ordinance No. 117 of the City of (30) days from and after its pass-
South San Francisco," passed and age.
adopted on the 4th day of May, 1925, Introduced this 22 day of May, 1944.
is hereby amended by adding there- Passed and adopted as an ordi-
to a new section which shall be hUm- nance of the City of South San Fran-
bered and read as follows: cisco at a regular meeting of the
Section 3%. Notwithstanding any- City Council of the City of South
thing contained in sections 1, 2 and San Francisco this 5 day of June,
3 of said ordinance No. 137, all the 1944, by the following vote:
territory of said City of South San
Francisco next hereinafter described Ayes, Councilmen Victor Boido,
is hereby declared and determined to George W. Holston, Ivan H. Hays,
be a residential district in said city. Charles K. Elder.
The territory hereinbefore referred Noes, Councilmen None.
to is designated as follows: Corn- Absent, Couincilmen M. Mimcci-
mencing at the intersection of the ani.
northerly line of Railroad Avenue Approved,
with the center line of Linden Ave- G.W. HOLSTON,
hue; thence at right angles norther- Mayor of the City of
ly along the center line of Linden South San Francisco.
Avenue to the center line of Corn- Attest:
merciai Avenue produced easterly; DANIEL McSWEENEY,
thence at right angles easterly along City Clerk.
the center line of Commercial Ave- (SEAL)