HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 235-1944 · aDLWA C aESUL, CO DUCT
D~NS OF ~~.AE ~~EG O~I~C~ E. ~0
IG T~ ~0~LI~ 0~ P~S ~ ~-
IANS 0F MIEn' ,' PASS AU~ ~, 194S,
The City Council cf the ¢~ty of South San do
ord--: aa £ollows:
Section 1. Far the d~at2on war, ~d s~x (6)
~nths thwarter, It ~all be for ~y minor ~de:
age cf ~ven~een (1~ y~rs to or on ~y public
~rk, aquae, or ~y public p be~we~ the hour of 10 ~'oloe~
p, m. and ~ayl~ght ~mmed follow~, except where the
~nor la ac~mpanied b parent~ or ~i~ le~lly appeared by
a court h~g J~l~ to app$~t ~ardl~a, or where
p~ea~ee mf said In said p~.[e er pla~s is connected with,
or re s~ le$lt~te business, trade, professl~
occupation, by reason cf e~loyment, exclusive of the tl~ neees-
~ry for ~lmg t~ ~d ~t~ming from much place of buslmess
which such ~ncr la engage~
~eticn .2, .Ex~pt as herein othe~$se e~saly p~-
vl~ed, It ~11 be the duty of the paint of every minor ~der
the age of ~vemteen (1~ ~ara, who resides at the home of his
or her par~ er parers, to cause every such ~nor to be at his
9~:~.her pla~e ef residence not later th~ the hour cf i9
p. ~, ef each day ~ ~c remain.at such place of residence
the ho~ of dayll~t cf the day following. It sh~l be the duty
of a legally appointed ~dl~ of the person Of every mlmor
~der the age of sevente~ (17) years, t~ cause such ~o:
at his 9r her place of :eal~ce not later th~ the ~ur of 10
~cloek p. m, cf each day ~d to re.ia at such plac ~ of ~sidence
until the hour of daylight of the day following. The failure or
neglect of such parent, parents or legally appointed guardian to
comply with the requirements of this section shall constitute a
3eetion 3. Any parent or other person assisting, aid-
ing, abetting, permitting or eacouraging any minor under the age
of ~eventeen (17) years to violate the provisions of Section 1
hereof, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
3eetion 4. Each o~aer, agent, manager or keeper of a
hotel, boarding house, lodging house, tenement house, motor
court or apartment house shall immediately report to the office
of the Chief of Polic~ of said city the presence therein of any
and all minors, whom he has reason to believe to be under the
age of seventeen (17) years, unless such minor or minors is or
a~e accompanied by a parent or such legally appointed guardian,
and in making such report shall state to the office of said Chief
of Police the name, age, last-known place of abode of such minor
or minors, and the names and residences of the parents or legally
appointed guardians, as the case may be, so far as such informa-
tion can be aseertalneA from said minor or minors, or otherwise.
~eetlon 5. It shall be unlawful, within the City of
~outh san Francisco, for any proprietor, keeper, clerk or any
other person having charge or control of any cafe, tavern, rea-
taurant, bar, eating place or public dance hall to permit any such
person under the age of seventeen (17) years to remain in said
public place betwee~ the hour of 10 o'clock p. m. and daylight
lm_medlately following, unless such person is aecompanle~ by a
parent or by such legally .appolnte~ guardian.
$eetion $, Any adult person who shall violate any of
the provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor,
and, upon conviction thereof, shall be subject to a fine of not
more than Three Hundre~ Dollars ($300.00), or to imprisonment for
a period of not ~ore than three (S) months, or to both such fine
and imprisonment. Any minor, who shall violate any of the pro-
visions of this ordinance, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and
subject to the provisions of Chapter 2, Division 2, of the Wei-
fare and Institutions Code of the State of California.
Section ?, If any section, subsection, sentence, ~
or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be uncon-
stitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity of the
remaining portions of this ordinance. The city council hereby
declares that it would have passed this ordinance and each sec-
tion, subsection, sentence, clause and phrase thereof, irrespec-
tive of the fact that any one or more sections, sub~ections,
sentences, clauses or phrases be declared, unconstitutional.
Section 8. Ordinance No. 230 of said city entitled.:
'~ ordinance regulating the conduct of minors on streets and
in public places and fixing the responsibility of parents and
guardians", passed August ~2, 194S, is hereby repealed.
. Section 9. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an
emergency measure necessary for the immediate preservation of the
public peace and safety, and the following is a statement of the
facts ~onstltutlng such an emergency: The war, in which the
United States is now engage~, has pro~uce~, such conditions in
the City of South San Francisco that it is necessary to preserve
the public peace, safety, morals and welfare by restraining the
presence of minors in the streets and other public places, in
order to curtail Juvenile delinquency.
Sect. ion 10. The City Clerk shall certify to the adop-
tion of this ordinance a~d cause it to be published once in 'The
Enterprise', a newspaper a general circulation printed and pub-
lished in said city and thenceforth the sa~e shall be in full
fores and ef£eet,
~t~du~e~ th$~ day of ~e, 19 .
Pas~A ~d a~cpted aa ~ o~ln~ce cf the City of
~uth ~ F~cls~ a~ a ~lar ~e~lng of She City Council 9f
'the :City of ~uth ~ Fr..lse. $his~~ day o~,
1~4~, by t~e fcllew~ vote: